edia-Information 2019 Online-advertising on www ... · 87435 Kempten Publisher ONLINE. 16...

Post on 05-Aug-2020

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Media-Information 2019 Online-advertising on www.bausicherheit-online.de

Short characteristicbauSICHERHEIT-ONLINE is the new digital platform of the bauSICHERHEIT – the trade magazine, which shall help to make work on building sites for all involved persons safer. Every two months the magazine bauSICHERHEIT reports about all security relevant aspects especially about building sites.

Innovative and highly professional – our demand for the new Online-portal bauSICHERHEIT-ONLINE.Thus we fulfill proposals and requests of the readers and clients of the bauSICHERHEIT to receive widespread up-to-date information. In addition to the 2- monthly print-edition bauSICHERHEIT-ONLINE offers supplemental as well as different forms of communication. Like this bauSICHERHEIT-ONLINE strengthens and multiplies the online-advertising with the already existing campaigns of the different companies.

The main topics of bauSICHERHEIT-ONLINE regarding content are to introduce new and innovative trends as well as news and develop-ments from the security industry. The main topics are personal protection equipment (PPE), fall protection

systems, building site safety, vehicle safety as well as information about regulations, further education, insurance etc. In addition we report detailed about all important exhibi-

tions of the construction industry. News from companies, organisations and trade associations complete the reporting.






SBM Online GmbH

Hermann-von-Barth-Str. 2

87435 Kempten




Media-Information 2019 Distribution / Data and facts


Detailed reporting, being up-to-date and rapidity in presenting information – main characteristics of bausicherheit-online.de:

• Up-to-date news about all security relevant aspects especially about building sites

• User’s reports and coverages about operators

• Extensive listing of producers

• Picture galleries, reports, interviews from fairs and events

• Newsletter (more than 4.000 subscribers) – edition monthly

• Facebook – direct contact with users and fans

File formats Banner: jpg, gif, png

Target groups

• Professional builders and fabricators

• Building constructions, work on scaffolding

• Roadworks

• Gardening and landscaping

• Safety inspectors

• Specialists for safety at work

• Trade (wholesale, retail and technical trade)

• Organisations

• Trade associations

• Educational institutions

Delivery date

Please send your files the latest five days before the start of the campaign.

Delivery address

Mauro Di Renzo mdr@sbm-verlag.de

Monthly average value January-Aug 2017, source: Google-analytics


1.225 Visits

1.987 Page Impressions



Media-Information 2019


Online-advertising on www.bausicherheit-online.de

All prices in € (Euro) plus valid VAT.

Content Ad• Size: 300 x 200 px

• Positioning: Ad in mobile Version

• Price/year: each 399,00 €

Advertorial bezahlter redaktioneller Beitrag

• Positioning: Top-News (for customers without partner-package)

• Price/week: each 220,00 €

Video-Box Positioning: video, produkt video (within up-to-date messages)

• Price/month: 155,00 €

Skyscraper• Size: 160 x 600 px• Positioning: right sidebar• Price/month: 175,00 €

Half-Skyscraper• Size: 160 x 300 px• Positioning: right sidebar• Price/month: 125,00 €

Superbanner• Size: 964 x 200 px

• Positioning: above topics, underneath up-to-date messages

• Price/month: 225,00 €

Rectangle within up-to-date messages, focus, names/news, fairs/seminars/dates

• Size: 288 x 350 px

• Price/month:: each 135,00 €

Mobile Version



Media-Information 2019 Online-advertising on www.bausicherheit-online.de

Skyscraper• Size: 160 x 600 px• Positioning: right sidebar, after click of messages/news• Price/month: 125,00 €

Skyscraper• Size: 160 x 600 px• Positioning: right sidebar, roating on one of the topics• Price/month: 90,00 €

Half-Skyscraper• Size: 160 x 300 px• Positioning: right sidebar, after click of messages/news• Price/month: 95,00 € Half-Skyscraper

• Size: 160 x 300 px• Positioning: right sidebar, roating on one of the topics• Price/month: 60,00 €

Wide-Content Ad• Size: 600 x 200 px• Positioning: after click of each messages/news within the text, rotates with four companies• Price/month: 200,00 €

Newsline Topics

All prices in € (Euro) plus valid VAT.



Media-Information 2019

HomepageSize in pixel

Positioning Price/monthMonthly online booking option

Booking apiece

Superbanner 964 x 200 above topics, underneath up-to-date messages 225,00 € 3 piece 1 x

Skyscraper 160 x 600 right sidebar 175,00 € 5 piece 1 x

Half-Skyscraper 160 x 300 right sidebar 125,00 € 6 piece 1 x

Video-Box up-to-date messagescorporate video, produkt video (within up-to-date messages) 155,00 € 1 piece 1 x

Rectangle in up-to-date messages 288 x 350 135,00 € 2 piece 2 x

Rectangle in »focus« 288 x 350 135,00 € 1 piece 2 x

Rectangle in names/news 288 x 350 135,00 € 1 piece 2 x

Rectangle in fairs/seminars/dates 288 x 350 135,00 € 1 piece 2 x

Advertorial = paid editorial article Top-News (for customers without partner-package) 220,00 € 7 x / 7 days

Content Ad 300 x 200 Ad in mobile Version 399,00 € / year 3 piece 3 x

NewslineSize in pixel

Positioning Price/monthMonthly online booking option

Booking apiece

Wide Content Ad 600 x 200after click of each messages/news within the text, rotates with four companies 200,00 € 1 piece 5 x

Skyscraper 160 x 600 right sidebar, after click of messages/news 125,00 € 3 piece 1 x

Half-Skyscraper 160 x 300 right sidebar, after click of messages/news 95,00 € 4 piece 1 x

ThemenseiteSize in pixel

Positioning Price/monthMonthly online booking option

Booking apiece

Skyscraper 160 x 600 right sidebar, roating on one of the topics 90,00 € 2 x 1 x

Half-Skyscraper 160 x 300 right sidebar, roating on one of the topics 60,00 € 2 x 1 x

The general terms of the portal bauSICHERHEIT-ONLINE you can find at www.bausicherheit-online.de/agb.