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Developed by the ERP Division Revised: 8/25/2011 Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 1 Draft Version


Part 1: Introduction and Overview

Section 1.1 – Introduction

Section 1.2 – Organizational & Structural Overview

Section 1.3 – Understanding Relationships and Integration between Other Modules

Section 1.4 – Understanding Rate Sets and Accounting Rules

Section 1.5 – Common Mistakes & Additional Information Projects/Grants/Contracts

Section 1.6 – Sponsors for Grants

Section 1.7 – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

(Go to the desired section by clicking the link for that section.)

Developed by the ERP Division Draft Version Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 1 P a g e | 1 Revised: 8/26/2011

Section 1.1 – Introduction

A. AUTHORITY: Tennessee Code Annotated; Department of Finance and Administration Policy and Procedure Manual, Policy 20 and other applicable State and Federal rules, policies, regulations, and statutes.

B. PURPOSE: To provide uniform guidance to Business Units who are serving as State

Agencies, Commissions, Boards and Departments regarding the establishing, maintenance, reporting, and transactional activity of grants.

C. APPLICATIONS: Instructions provided herein are applicable to all State Business Units

who are serving as State Agencies, Commissions, Boards, and Departments who must record and monitor grant activity within their organizations and whose financial records are maintained on the State of Tennessee Accounting and Reporting Integrated System called “Edison.”

Section 1.2 – Organizational & Structural Overview

Section 1.2A - Edison Grant Structure The Grant Structure has five basic levels.

• Business Unit – any entity that needs segregated data (a Tennessee State Agency) • Award/Contract – Agreement in Edison that forms basis of billing • Projects – Grant tasks/areas of interest/areas of reporting needs • Activity – Funding source(s) for the Project • Resource Line – Transactions which are added, tracked, and reported in Project Costing


Grant StructureGrant Structure



Resource Line


Business Unit Any entity that needs segregated data

Agreement that forms basis of billing

Grant tasks

Funding source(s) for the Project

Transactions are added, tracked,& reported, in Project Costing

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Section 1.2B - Grant Naming for Edison The Grant Proposal ID becomes the Customer Contract name and the Grant Award name. The field is a fifteen character field in Edison. All Grant Proposal ID/Contract/Awards are unique in Edison – there can only be one, no duplicates are allowed. The State Agency/Business Unit is responsible for naming the Grant Proposal ID/Contract/Award. If one has a continuing award (that is – one receive the award every year), it is suggested that a uniform naming occur (example = AMERICORPS2008, then AMERICORPS2009). A long description of thirty characters can further describe the Grant Proposal/Customer (Revenue) Contract/Award Profile.

Section 1.2C - Project ID Naming for Edison Grants Project IDs are used by the Edison Grant module to identify areas of interest of a particular grant. These may be necessary for reporting and/or tracking. The Project ID is a fifteen character field and it is highly recommended that all fifteen characters be used. The first two Alpha characters are used to identify the particular Business Unit/State Agency. Those unique choices are found in Part 10 Section 10.1 of the Grant Accounting Manual. An example of one is ED for Education. The next eleven (11) characters are for agency use and can be Alpha or Numeric but can NOT be special characters (ie, %, &, etc). These eleven characters should assist the Agency in identifying the Project to the Grant. The last two (2) characters recommended are Numeric and represent the state fiscal year in which the award was received.

Section 1.2D - Activity (Funding Source) Naming for Edison Grants Edison uses the chart field entitled “Activity” to designate its source of funding for grants. When one is creating a Grant Award/Contract from the Proposal method, the Budget ID becomes the Activity ID once the proposal has been generated into an Award. Following are the different types of “Standard” Activities (Funding Sources) that have been established in Edison:

• DEFAULT – This Activity would be used as a default. Normally, projects which have a Default Activity would be allocated to other Activities.

• DONATIONS – These are donations other than from a Federal Source • FEDERAL – This is the primary source of most all Grant funds that flow into the State of

Tennessee. • FOUNDATION – This Activity is to be used for any funds received from a Foundation or a

501 C-3 Non-Profit organization. • INKIND - In Kind funding source covers a variety of sources. Normally this type of

funding is not received with actual dollars, but is entered into the system as a dollar value. For example, a city needs to provide $2,500 worth of In Kind funding to receive a 50-50 matching grant from the state; In Kind funding for proper accounting is an “8” series account. In Kind values are entered through a General Ledger Subsystem Journal. One would enter the $2,500 as an In Kind Revenue source with the account 89300000 with Project Costing Chart field values and other required GL Chart field values, while the offsetting line would be Contra In Kind with the account 89301000 and would not have any Project Costing Chart field values. The Budget Account number for In Kind is 89300.

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• LOCALGOV – This particular funding source is used for any City, County, and/or Municipality which may have to contribute to the program of the grant.

• LOTTERY – The Lottery draws its funding from the Lottery that is operated by the State of Tennessee.

• NONGOV – Some funding can come into the state from nongovernmental sources. For example, if a state agency applied for a grant from the National Association of Governors – this would be a NONGOV funding source.

• PROGRAMINC – Program Income provide funding from fees earned for services, third party reimbursements such as insurance payments or drug rebates, funds generated by the sale of commodities such as educational materials, income generated by the sale of real property, equipment, or supplies acquired for use under a grant, patent or copyright royalties, honoraria, or rental or usage fees such as those earned from the use of equipment purchased from grant funds. For more information you may want to refer to “Part 9 Section 9.7 Program Income” for proper handling of the receipt of Program Income.

• SETTLEMENT – At various times funding comes into the state from legal settlements. The Grant module along with Project Costing can be used to track the use of these legal settlement funds.

• STATE – The Funding Source for STATE is from State Allotment dollars designated by the State Legislature.

• STATEOTHER – At times there may be the need to have two types of State dollars tracked, STATEOTHER may be used for this purpose. Normally these dollars would also come from the State Allotment dollars designated by the State Legislature.

• SURPLUS – General Services acquired goods in the form of Surplus Property from various Federal Sources.

• ARMY, MARINES, and PTDISASTER are Standard Activities which will be used primarily by Military. PTDISASTER occurs when other states have disasters and Federal Emergency funds are sent to the state with the disaster, but Tennessee has been called into the situation to assist with the disaster; it’s passed through Federal funds specifically for disasters.

INTERDEPTMENTAL – (has been changed and will NOT be used) - Interdepartmental as a funding source is normally funds received by a secondary state agency; however with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 there is a need to further break down these types of funding since it is an Act of Congress that requires the full disclosure to the public of all entities or organizations receiving federal funds beginning in January 2008 and has additional implications for Edison documenting Federal Funding Sources. To be able to document which funds that one state agency passes onto another, the Edison grant’s team has come up with the following: INTERFED, INTERFOUND, INTERLOCAL, INTERLOTRY, and INTERMATCH. • INTERFED – This Activity (funding source) is used when the funds that the secondary

agency (sub-grantee) receives is all FEDERAL dollars. • INTERMATCH – This Activity (funding source) is used when the funds that the secondary

agency (sub-grantee) receives is STATE allotment dollars received by a primary state agency, but passed onto a secondary agency.

• INTERLOTRY – This particular funding source is used primarily by the Department of Education which receives Lottery funds which are allocated to either TSAC or Higher Education Commission and then passed onto the Dept of Education as a secondary state agency.

• INTERFOUND – If a state agency received Foundation funds, but passed them on to a secondary state agency, this type of funding would be INTERFOUND.

• INTERLOCAL – If a state agency received funding from a local source, but passed the funds on to another secondary state agency, this type of funding would be INTERLOCAL.

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There are other instances in which Project Sites, whether they are Capital Project sites or Environment and Conservation Project Sites which may have multiple Federal Funding sources. Edison does not allow one to use FEDERAL to a project, but one time. The proper documentation for each of the FEDERAL grants is to use the GRANT name as the funding source. This type of Activity is not considered a “Standard” activity. Environment and Conservation also have other types of Activities which are specific to their state agency. See Attachment A for more details.

Section 1.2E - Optional Fields for Project Costing – Source Type, Category and Subcategory There are three other fields which are available to be used for additional reporting needs in Project Costing. They are specific to a Business Unit/State Agency. Each of the fields can have five (5) Alpha or Numeric characters and have a fifteen character description field. Relationships can exist between Source Type and Category and between Category and Subcategory. Values for Source, Category, and Subcategory have to be entered into Edison by the Individual who has the Edison Grant Configuration Role. For example: Source Category Subcategory CHILD NUTRN MEALS HEALT SUPLY EDUCA SUPLY With this, The Source “Child” has three Categories – “NUTRN” – Nutrition, “HEALT” – Health Care, “EDUCA” – Education ( a relationship is established that if one picks CHILD as a Source, only those three categories would be able to be selected); NUTRN has a Subcategory of “MEALS” while both HEALT and EDUCA have the Subcategory of “SUPLY” (a relationship is established that if one picked NUTRN as a Category then one could only pick MEALS as the Subcategory, additional another relationship is established that if one picked HEALT or EDUCA one could only pick “SUPLY” as the Subcategory). If a state agency desires assistance in setting up Source Types, Categories, or Subcategories they need to contact the Edison Grant’s team. You can use Source Type and not use Category or Subcategory; however you cannot use Category and/or Subcategory without using the Source field first.

Section 1.2F - Relationships of Other Chartfields The regular General Ledger chart fields include General Ledger Business Unit, Department (ten digit Edison Department), Fund, Account, Program (specific to a state agency), Location CF (Chart field), and User Code (specific to a state agency). Various combo edits in Edison will remind you if you have not used all the required fields needed in a Journal Entry, SpeedChart, Accounts Payable, and/or Accounts Receivable transaction. The Grant module uses the Project Costing Chart fields in addition to the General Ledger chart fields. Required fields for Project Costing are PC Business Unit, Project, and Activity. Optional fields are Source Type, Category, and Subcategory.

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Section 1.2G - SpeedCharts and Project Costing SpeedCharts can be used to assist a user of the Edison system. SpeedCharts are used in Procurement, Accounts Payable, Task Profiles, Cashiering, Plant Management, and Fleet Management. There is a form to create or update SpeedCharts for Edison and these are added to the system by the Edison General Ledger team. A SpeedChart can be used by one module or many. SpeedCharts are “Effective Dated” which means that they can be entered into Edison before they need to be used and can be modified on a new effective date. . An Account is used normally only with Cashiering. An example of a SpeedChart is as follows: Speed

Chart Effective Date

Description Percentage GL BU

Department Fund Account

ED00000001 1/1/2009 ChildNutrSp 75 33101 3313500000 25000 ---- ED00000001 1/1/2009 ChildNutrSp 25 33101 3313500000 25000 ---- Program Location

CF User Code


Project Activity Source Type

Category Subcategory

ABC123 19110 - - - 33101 EDCNUTRITION09 FEDERAL ----- ------- ------- ABC123 19110 - - - 33101 EDCNUTRITION09 STATE ----- ------- -------

Section 1.2H - Understanding Grant Hierarchy Grants in Edison are different from the Legacy system. In Edison a Grant/Revenue (Customer) Contract has to have at least one Project; however the Grant can have many Projects. A Project has to have at least one Activity (funding source), however it can have multiples, for example, a Project can have Federal as an Activity and State as an Activity. Each Project and Activity monetary value is built from the bottom up by the use of Budget Items. Budget Items are similar to a combination of Major and Minor Object Codes in the Legacy system.

Understanding Grant HierarchyUnderstanding Grant Hierarchy



Activity Activity ActivityActivity


Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

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Understanding Grant HierarchyUnderstanding Grant Hierarchy

TN Volunteer


Federal State StateFederal


















Section 1.2I - Understanding Grant Controls Edison Grants have certain controls built within its structure. The Customer (Revenue) Contract has the Billing Control. The Contract has a Billing Limit and will NOT allow you to bill to the Federal or Other Sponsor more than the Billing Limit is set. One may however, adjust the Billing Limit either up or down through the use of a Contract Amendment. Spending is also controlled by the Project Amount through Commitment Control. This amount is created by the use of Budget Items and their cumulative amounts. A Grant has to have at least one Budget Item (Object Code), however it may have many. One could place almost all of the dollars of the Grant into one Budget Item and only put a single dollar into other Budget Items. Edison is using “Track with Budget” and not controlling on the Object Code level, but the Budget Item must be available to be used (have been created for the Project) or an expenditure would fail if was tried to be processed by either Purchasing or Accounts Payable. The error would be “No Child Budget Exists.” One could get this error if a Project Budget was not finalized or that an expenditure was made against a Budget Item that was not available.

Understanding Grant ControlsUnderstanding Grant Controls

Revenue Contract


Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Budget Item

Can overspend at Object Code (Budget Item) Level, but must

have Budget Item available

Spending Controlledby Project Amount

Billing Controlled at Revenue Contract

Billing Limit

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Since a Grant can have many Projects and spending may not be controlled at the Project Level, Edison allows the use of adding lines to the budgets to move dollars from one Project to another. One would have a negative line, while the other would have a positive amount and then re-finalizing both Project budgets. The Customer (Revenue) Contract Amount would not change since the Billing limit would not be changing.

Section 1.3 - Understanding Relationships and Integration between Other Modules The Grants Module is not a standalone module in Edison; it is integrated with other modules within the Edison/PeopleSoft system. The information that flows into Grants/Projects comes from General Ledger Journals, Payroll transactions, Accounts Payable transactions, Purchasing Requisitions and Commitments, and Human Resource data. Information that flows out of Grants/Projects and Customer(Revenue) Contracts includes billable transactions to Billing, Project Budgets to the Commitment Control Ledger, Unbilled Accounts Receivable and Revenue journals to General Ledger, and F&A (Indirect Cost) journals to General Ledger.



Human Resources

Accounts Payable

Time & Labor



Accounts Receivable

Revenue Contract


General Ledger Inventory

Payroll Expenses Billing Status Update

Project Data

Award Data





Billable Transactions

Inventory JEs


Personnel Data

Invoiced Amounts

Budgets to KK


UAR / Revenue JE


Cash / AR JE, Direct Journals

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Integration Information for Grants The Edison Grant module uses the Project Costing module to manage project control and transactional data. When a Grant/Award is created in Edison, the projects (area of interest or reporting need of a grant) are created within Project Costing. Project Costing stores details of all transactional data related to Grant Projects. When grant related costs are incurred, they are billed out using Project Costing. The Customer Contracts (Revenue Contracts) module is used by the Grant Proposal method to process awards. The Grant Proposal, Grant Award, and Grant Customer (Revenue) Contract will all have the same name in Edison. Grant Proposals are converted to a Customer Contract through the award generation process. This process also creates contract lines with specific billing and revenue plans. It also associates accounting rates that will be used for a particular Grant Award/Customer Contract. Projects and Activities that make up the Grant are also associated to the Customer (Revenue) Contract. Edison uses the Customer Contract module to link Project Costing to the Billing module by creating an interface file of billable transactions. Most Grants/Customer Contracts use the As-Incurred billing method; as costs are incurred they are billed. This is done using Project Costing as the Billing Source. However, if a Fixed Amount Price billing is processed, it would be processed using the Customer (Revenue) Contracts as the Billing Source. The Customer (Revenue) Contract module is essential to be able to bill external customers/sponsors (example - Federal Government) and/or Interdepartmental Customers/Sponsors (example – other State Agencies). The billing plan in a Customer (Revenue) Contract uses criteria to create the interface file; the selection criteria include a bill cycle, LOC (Letter of Credit) number, and the Award ID/Contract. Contracts allow one to bundle billable transactions for awards with multiple projects. The Bill groups transactions that are billed in one group to one sponsor. Each line in a Customer (Revenue) Contract has a Revenue Recognition Plan associated to it. As-Incurred Contracts recognizes revenue as each expenditure occurs whether the expenditure is from Accounts Payable, Payroll, or a General Ledger Journal. The revenue recognition process creates an Unbilled AR/Revenue journal. When Contracts interfaces with the Billing module a billing worksheet is created. This billing worksheet is reviewed and approved. This worksheet can also be deleted; if this occurs the billable transactions would be added to the next nightly batched billing. One could use this if transactions do not total enough according to Policy 20 to be able to bill a Federal Sponsor. Once a bill is invoiced, it can be printed and sent to a sponsor. Most bills for Grant Sponsors will only be used by the State Agency (Business Unit) to be able to make the draws from an “outside” online system. From the Billing Invoice creation, the integration continues to create Accounts Receivable for a related Grant/Award/Project; an AR/Unbilled AR Journal is created. A Billing Invoice ID becomes an Accounts Receivable (AR) Item; one might consider this an “open” item until payment is received. Once a deposit is entered and posted in the AR module, it can be applied to an AR Item. This is called a payment application or the process of matching a deposit to an outstanding (unpaid) AR Item. INOVA is an Independent system which integrates into Edison with the use of SpeedCharts. If a billing has gone “out the door” the bar coding on the Crystal Invoice form has the information for the INOVA equipment to match to the AR Item. INOVA is the way that Edison will use to record money/ACH received.

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Human Resources are used with the Grant module as each Grant/Proposal/Award has to have an associated PI (Principal Individual) to be able to create a Grant Proposal. These individuals have to be made PI’s through the Edison Configuration role. PI’s are SHARED so all individuals in all State Agencies are available in the lookup of a PI. Time and Labor expenditures are pulled into Grants through Project Costing by way of Task Profiles which have Project Costing (PC) Business Unit, Project ID, Activity (funding source), and other optional PC fields including Source, Category, and Subcategory. Each of the many details of the Labor cost comes into Project Costing and can be billed as an “As-Incurred” cost to a Federal and/or Interdepartmental Sponsor. The General Ledger module integrates with Grants/Project Costing by the use of General Ledger Subsystem Journals which have the Project Costing Chart fields; PC Business Unit, Project ID, Activity (funding source), and other optional PC fields including Source, Category, and Subcategory. Grants also use the Commitment Control functionality of the General Ledger to control expenditures actively against predefined, authorized Project budgets. These Project budgets originate from the Proposal creation in Edison and are sent to Commitment Control through the Project Budget Finalization process. Grants/Project Costing also receives from Procurement (Purchasing) information through a standard integration. Purchasing Requisitions, Purchasing Supplier Contracts, and Purchasing Purchase Orders integrate with the use of the Project Costing fields - Project Costing (PC) Business Unit, Project ID, Activity (funding source), and other optional PC fields including Source, Category, and Subcategory. Accounts Payable transactions are brought back into Grants/Project Costing with the use of the Project Costing fields - Project Costing (PC) Business Unit, Project ID, Activity (funding source), and other optional PC fields including Source, Category, and Subcategory. These fields can be entered as an Invoice is paid or can be generated from a receipt of goods/services purchased through a Supplier Contract or Purchase Order providing the Project Costing chart fields were incorporated into the Supplier Contract or Purchase Order. Accounts Payable transactions become ACT (Actual) Expenditures and BIL (Billable) rows in the Grant/Project Costing module. The Fleet Module is another Independent system which integrates into Edison with the use of Speedcharts. If a vehicle (asset) is purchased with Grant funds, it would require an integration point through Procurement. The vehicle has to have a “shell” created in Fleet before Procurement can pass the asset to Fleet. Inventory will be used with Grants on a very limited basis. Federal Surplus Property received by General Services will be entered into the Inventory modules as “Express Put Away” Inventory Items. A query will be done quarterly to record the value of the receipt of the Surplus Property so that the monetary value will be recorded into a grant for SEFA reporting purposes. Assets can also be purchased with Grant funds. All assets purchased with Grant funding will be created, generated, and set to Asset Management through Procurement. Assets become a part of the Full Accrual set of Accounting of Edison.

Summary In Edison, the Grants and Customer Contracts will assist the State of Tennessee with the creation of funded Awards, terms and conditions. Edison uses the establishment of Projects and Activities

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(funding sources). Grants assist with Sponsor Reports and with the use of FileNet attachments can have a complete documentation of a Grant Award, Proposal, and any Amendments to the Award. With the use of the Customer Contracts, Billing, and Accounts Receivable modules, Edison assists the State of Tennessee with the correct billing and recording of accounts receivable. Through Edison Accounts Payable, Purchasing, Time & Labor and General Ledger one spends grant money received, has purchasing power, and creates tracking ability and accounting to meet the needs for the State of Tennessee and grant requirements.

Section 1.4 – Understanding Rate Sets and Accounting Rules Rate Sets are the mechanism through which the Grant Customer Contract uses to bill in Edison. Rate Set 68001 (Federal Revenue) is configured as follows: For Analysis Types ‘ACT’, ‘GLE’, ‘PAY’ and/or ‘SPY’ (Summary Payroll), and ‘SFA’, any chartfield combination that contains the Project/Activity will result in Pricing (note the ‘%’ wildcard symbols designating “any value”).

Transactions meeting the Rate Set criteria will trigger the Rate Set Target. In this case, the Target creates a new transaction row with an Analysis Type of ‘BIL’, having the same chart fields as the source transaction, except Source Type = ’68001’ and Category and Subcategory are blank. Rate Sets are effective dated, meaning that they can be updated, as in the following example. SPY or Summarized Payroll transactions began with an effective date of 07/15/2011.

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The Target of any of the 68001 Rate sets or 68090 Rate sets are to produce “BIL” lines over-riding the initial “Source” field to populate the “Rate” as the Source in the “BIL” line.

Some Rate Sets are Statistical Rate sets and multiple based upon the configured account and multiplier.

The first account, 90999914, multiples the STAT amount entered on a Statistical Journal by 50.

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While the second one, 90999916, multiples the STAT amount by 13.

Statistical Rate sets are unique to specific agencies and are normally used when funds received are calculated on something other than direct expenditures to a particular project. Along with the Rate set there are certain Accounting Rules configured within Edison. An example of a Federal Rate Sets associated Accounting Rule for a BIL transaction is as follows:

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This gives the BIL line a Debit to Unbilled Accounts Receivable and a Credit to Federal Revenue. An example of an Interdepartmental Rate Set’s associated accounting rules is as follows:

This accounting rule says that when billing occurs, Debit AR account 12000001 and Credit AR account 12000001 allowing the system to create an invoice but not an invoice open item. Interdepartmental Revenue is not recognized until the IUR (Interunit) journal is done with the use of the billed amount of the invoice. For additional information, you may want to review Part 5 Grant Billing Section 5.1 Grants Transaction Processing or Part 9 Other Topics Section 9.1 Subrecipients. Section 1.5 – Common Mistakes & Additional Information Projects/Grants/Contracts

Section 1.5.1 - Grants and Projects - Grant Project Changes Navigation: FSCM> Grants> Awards> Project or

FSCM> Project Costing> Project Definition> General Information a. Naming Convention – must start with two alpha characters of BU/Agency b. Integration – Projects normally have a one to one relationship to GL – if GL BU is

32501, then the PC BU is 32501 (however, there can be exceptions-Capital Projects)

c. SEFA Reporting – most BU’s need the Grant Project Type to be “Grant”. Exception agencies are 40100, 32701, 33701, 31703, 30799, 35502, 34199

d. Project naming incorrect – can be corrected • Step 1 – Create new project & activity outside of grant – navigation: FSCM>

Project Costing> Project Definitions> General Information • Step 2 – Bluebird the new project into the customer contract • Step 3 – Update the Award Profile with dates and departments • Step 4 – Create the new project budget from scratch & finalize it

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• Step 5 – Review for activity on incorrect project by doing TN_PR101query, if activity exists, do a General Ledger journal (JV) to move transactions to new project ID

• Step 6 – Review again once JV has processed, if transactions have zeroed out (TN_PR101)

• Step 7 – Remove old project from Customer Contract • Step 8 – Reduce old project budget to zero (with one negative line) and

finalize. • Step 9 – Make old project and activity inactive • Step 10 – If old project associated to Speedchart/task profile – change to

new project - Grant Activity Changes a. New Activity needed

• Step 1 – Create new Activity – navigation: FSCM> Grants> Awards> Project or FSCM> Project Costing> Project Definitions> General Information

• Step 2 – On General Information page – make Project Type to be “Grant” – save

• Step 3 – Click the Project Activities blue hyperlink at the bottom of the page • Step 4 – Check the box on the first line, click on paper with black arrow to left

to add a new line • Step 5 – Look up Activity (second box) with looking glass • Step 6 – Change end dates and Save • Step 7 – Don’t forget to add needed lines with new activity to project budget • Step 8 – If Activity needs to be associated to Contract to bill add on Related

Projects page. Navigation: FSCM> Customer Contract> Create and Amend> General Information – search for Contract, click on Lines tab, click on Detail tab, click on Contract Terms hyperlink, scroll down and add the project ID with the additional Activity to the Related Projects and Save.

• Step 9 (if necessary) If project type needed to be changed back to an agency specific uncheck on the Project Costing Definition page the Standard Activities box and on the General Information tab of the Project change the project type back to the agency specific project type.

b. SEFA Reporting • Additional steps which are needed that are not done when creating the grant

through the proposal method – Navigation: Grants> Awards> Project Activity • Activity Type for Federal should be “FED” (makes the transactions pull to the

main SEFA query) • Activity Type for INTERFED – should be “PTFED” (makes transactions pull

to the supplemental SEFA query) c. ARRA Reporting

• Activity Type for ARRA projects should be “ARRA” d. F&A – Indirect Cost changes

• Action 1 - Need to notify Edison to change for BU - this only changes new grants created through the proposal method – do this via email

• Action 2 - Need to change each Federal activity for each Project ID - Grants > Awards > Project Activity

o Step 1 – Click on the F&A Rates Tab o Step 2 – Click on the blue plus sign in the Institution FA Rate and

with an effective date, change the rate percent to the new amount (you may have to click view all in the Institution Rate blue line to see all rates)

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o Step 3 – Click on the blue plus sign in the Funded FA Rate and with an effective date, change the rate percent to the new amount and SAVE

o Step 4 – Analyze F&A costs to date by project via use of Query TN_GL_Analysis by Account 89040000 (Indirect Cost) for the time period needed

o Step 5 – Do a General Ledger Journal to adjust the F&A, it will require two lines 89040000 (IDC Expenditure account) with Project Information and SFA Analysis type and 89035000 (IDC Contra account) with Project Information and OFA Analysis type.

• Additional Notes on IDC o If Increasing F&A – debit 89040000 IDC expense with analysis type

of SFA & credit 89035000 contra-IDC with analysis type of OFA o If decreasing F&A – credit 89040000 IDC expense with analysis type

of SFA & debit 89035000 contra-IDC with analysis type of OFA o Remember at state year-end for the year to close 89040000 and

89035000 must equal one another o If moving transactions from one grant to another – IDC follows – you

don’t have to journal the IDC if you are using the system delivered functionality

o If to close State Fiscal Year, Edison may at a point in time, choose to stop the system delivered process. When this happens, the IDC would have to be manually journaled.

o If F&A Rate is added after transactions have been processed, IDC has not been calculated on those transactions.

o If you do a JVV using Federal activity and CGE analysis type (should not do) the Indirect Cost will calculate on the transactions that are Federal & CGE

o If transactions are in OLT, then F&A is normally also in OLT or they error out (query TN_GR29); however transactions could process and only F&A end up as OLT (over the billing limit).

o When copying a proposal, one should take note to make sure the IDC Institution and IDC “Funded” rates for each Project are correct – because the IDC rate can change if you have a new effective dated rate, however, the “Funded” rate will keep the same as the prior proposal that you are copying.

Section - Grant Project Budgets

a. If you created the Project budget with the long department vs five digit by entering the long department number first in the proposal, it will send the long department number to the project budget, so before you finalize, change the department in the grant budget to the five digit department number.

b. Errors associated to adding to the Grant budget • Enter the budget item first, don’t start keying from the left hand side • You can add a budget item to a grant budget after it has been finalized

without a dollar value, however you can’t create the project budget from the proposal without having a value.

• Don’t subtract and add lines at the same time – the budget will get hung up. Notify the Grant’s team to assist if your PC_WRAPPER process does not go to Success.

• If you added an additional Activity (STATE), but you did not add the budget items needed with the STATE activity.

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c. Errors exist with creation with Blue dot on Commitment Control tab • If you tried to enter a value that is not valid this could occur – you

changed the default values when you pulled in the budget item • If you tried to finalize a project budget with both plus and minus amounts • If the system timed out during the budget finalization process and a

bounce of the system occurred • If you have this, contact the Edison Grant’s team for assistance.

d. Values in Project budget different from Commitment Control values • If you added STATE items to the Grant/Project budget and you did NOT

check the Cost Share box on the Grant’s Detail tab your Cost Share Direct amount (State amount) and your Total (Federal/billable amount) amounts would not be correct in Commitment Control.

• If values were sent to Commitment Control, but not to projects, please notify Edison Grant’s team.

e. Date changes • If you have the error “Date Out of Bounds” on any transactions (AP, GL,

Travel) the error is that the transaction trying to process is either before the “Begin date” of the project or after the “End date” of the project. These dates are at the top of the Budget Detail found in FSCM> Grants> Awards> Project Budgets. These dates can be extended, see Part 9 Section 9.6 Changing Dates on Grants/Projects.

f. Common mistakes on budgets • If your agency has more than one fund – REMEMBER to change the

values before you finalize the project budget (only one fund can be used as a default value).

• REMEMBER: when manually processing F&A (Indirect Cost) you MUST go to the Grant’s Detail tab and check the Facilities and Administration check box.

• Entering from the left side first – need to select Budget Item first – other values default in.

• Forgetting to make an additional Cost Shared (STATE) line on the Grant detail tab – cost shared.

• Trying to add and subtract lines at the same time – suggest entering all subtraction lines first, finalize, then enter all “addition” line, finalize

• Trying to adjust a grant budget while “PC_Wrapper” (finalization) process is “in process.”

• Creating the project budget form the proposal method with the long department number.

• Adding to a project budget and entering the “Program” or “User_code” field (not needed).

• Thinking Department is a control field to the budget – it is NOT. • More than two people trying to adjust a project budget at the same time. • Forgetting the controls –

o Fund has to exist in budget. o Can’t process transactions before start date or after end date. o Can’t spend more than is in the project budget (counting both

Federal and State). o Can’t process transactions without budget item existing in

budget. o Can’t process transactions without budget item & Activity existing

in budget. • Year End Accruals and Budget Note – If you had a grant/project budget

and you had an overall budget of 100,000. You had incurred expenditures of 50,000 and you had 50,000 in pre-encumbrances in

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PO’s (purchase orders). If you try to at state year-end enter the accrual liabilities using the Project information, the LA journal would fail budget checking, because the available budget for the project is zero (0). You would need to increase the project budget temporarily by the amount of the accrual.

Section 1.5.2 - Grants and Proposals – Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Proposal

• Naming of Proposal – AVOID Creating a value that is too long to be seen in the lookup fields – limit the length to fifteen alpha numeric values.

• AVOID saving too early – will cause auto numbered project ID’s & other problems.

• AVOID creating Project ID’s with numbers instead of the alpha characters because you saved too early or thought the Project ID was the Proposal ID.

• AVOID forgetting to enter the Activity description on the Budget Page of the Proposal.

• AVOID entering the Department ID’s incorrectly (follow 5, 10, 10, 10 rule) – Department ID on the Project page is the five Digit Department ID number but it returns the name to the page. – Subdivision is the ten digit Department ID number but it returns the name to the page. – F&A Distribution Department should be a ten digit Department ID but it returns the name to the page. – Department Credit (blue hyperlink) defaults in the Department ID of the PI, but must be changed to the ten digit Department ID of the grant.

• AVOID trying to type in the five digit Department ID – Use the Lookup icon to choose the five digit Department ID.

• AVOID trying to type in the ten digit Department ID – Use the Lookup icon to choose the ten digit Department ID.

• ALWAYS Click on the Department Credit and enter the ten digit Department ID.

• Add multiple activities (funding sources) when needed. • AVOID Cost-Sharing the wrong budget items. • AVOID not realizing you can Un-submit and make changes in the

Proposal. • AVOID not realizing that once you have “generated” the proposal

following the Submitted process, you CAN NOT make changes to it – you have to go make changes where the values were sent.

• AVOID MISTAKES on Items you CAN NOT change: o The Name of the Proposal, once the proposal is SAVED o The Sponsor of the Proposal, once it is generated.

• AVOID not finishing the processes needed after the Generate Award o Go to the contract, make changes needed on Rate Set, Bill Plan,

and make Contract active o Finalize Project budgets o Make Project a “Grant” project (normally, unless agency specific

needed) o Make Project Activity type FED if Federal or PTFED if Pass

through Federal • REMEMBER: You can choose to “Not Generate” an auto-numbered

project created in error.

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• When auto-numbered Projects are created by mistake, one can choose not to generate those to the Award/Contract.

• When auto-numbered Projects are created by mistake and proposal is already generated: YOU MUST:

o Remove projects from contract o Billing limit of contract may have to be adjusted –

If contract made active, with contract amendment If contract not made active yet, change billing limit amount

directly o Project budgets may need to be zeroed out o Project and Activities need to be made inactive – Failures When Generating an Award

• Failures can occur: o If when trying to generate the award, the individual that was trying to

generate did not have the proper contract status security. o If system was having processing problems o If you had copied a prior proposal and the PI was no longer employed by

the state • How to know when a failure has occurred:

o Warning message appears and generation can NOT be completed from the “Generate” Award Process.

• What to do when a failure occurs: When the Project and Activity (funding source) have been created: o Contact the Edison Grant’s team for proper security and Customer

Contract status configuration on your specific user ID. o To complete the processing : Follow the Bluebird process – create the

award through the Revenue Contract process - which is Part 3: Customer Contract Section 3.1 Creating a Grant from the Revenue Contract

o Once that is done, go back to the Submit Proposal page in the Grants Proposal section and change the Status to Un-submitted and Save; go to the Create and Update Proposal page and change the title to “created through Bluebird process” and change the status to “Withdrawn”.

When the PI was no longer employed o Un-submit Proposal and Save. o Go back to maintain Proposal and change PI and Save. o Submit Proposal and Save. o Generate Award. – When Copying a Proposal • Values can be auto-generated with numbers if you have not tabbed out of the

fields. • Date values can change depending upon whether you clicked the tab key to

move out of the fields or clicked on enter. • Click on ‘view all’ when there are multiple projects or multiple activities. • Verify accuracy of input before you click on “Copy Proposal.” • Make necessary changes in the new proposal – description of Proposal ID,

description of Projects, Department values, budget values, PI changes, and CFDA numbers.

• Make sure values are correct because Indirect Cost values default from the prior year’s values on the funded IDC rate.

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Section 1.5.3 - Grants and Customer Contracts – Rate Sets Notes • When grant activity is interdepartmental (INTERFED & INTERMATCH) and Rate

Set did not get properly changed to 68090, the system will recognize Federal revenue and create an open invoice item. To correct: Create a new Grant and move expenditures from one project/grant to another, canceling out the Federal revenue and doing a maintenance worksheet to net the open debit and credit invoices.

• STAT billings have special Rate Sets and are BU/Agency specific – when Customer Contract needs a special STAT Rate Set CHANGE IT BEFORE making the Contract Active.

• When adding a new line on the Related Projects page of the contract the current date will default in, change it to the begin date of the contract.

• If contract was saved with the wrong date, notify Edison grants team via email. – Bill by ID Notes • If you do not enter, your billing will NOT process. • Query to assist if you have entered Bill by ID only works if contract not active. – Wrong Sponsor Notes

• Sponsor can NOT be changed on the Customer Contract. • If Customer Contract has the wrong sponsor, create a new Grant through the

proposal method with new Project ID and move transactions to new Project ID/Grant.

• Maintenance Worksheet in AR will have to be done if you have processed billing to wrong sponsor contract.

• CN Revenue journals could be in error and need Edison assistance to net. • Part 3: Customer Contract Section 3.4 Correcting a Customer/Grant Contract

with Wrong Sponsor gives specific directions to follow. – Amendments to Contracts

• If you have multiple contract lines with multiple billing limits, the conversion grants, mistakes have been made not changing all the separate billing limits.

• If you have multiple contract lines, a separate amendment is not needed for each contract line.

• Contract amendments not being completed (processed). • Forgetting to make the amendment allocation process complete. • A mistake is to put an amount on the amendment allocation page when you have

an “As Incurred” contract. • Amount based contracts DO need amounts on the amendment allocation page. • Individuals trying to process the amendment without the Fiscal Manger role. • Part 3: Customer Contract, Section 3.2 is directions for Amending a Contract. – OLT (Over the Limit) Mistakes

• If you increase the project budget, but do not do a contract amendment, you will have OLT transactions.

• OLT transactions are the result of trying to bill a transaction when the billing limit of the contract is reached.

• Not understanding that a single voucher payment can be split into two amounts, an amount that bills and an amount that does not bill but goes to OLT.

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• Not asking the Grants team to run Pricing once a contract amendment has been processed.

• Not giving the Grants team the Business Unit, Project ID, and accounting dates to have pricing run on to clear the OLT’s. – Prepaids

• If temp billing for the initial prepaid billing is deleted, it reverses the prepaid created in the Customer Contract.

• The prepaid billing plan can NOT be made ready until the Prepaid initial set up in Customer Contracts is made ready.

• Do not deposit the initial prepaid money received as a direct journal! FIRST Create the initial prepaid on the contract; SECOND create the billing invoice item and THIRD; Create the deposit and use payment predictor.

• DO NOT deposit the initial prepaid money received on the customer’s account. • When multiple prepaid amounts will be paid over a time period, but the Project

budget and the revenue contract were set up for the total amount, the following problem may occur:

o Anticipate receiving $150,000 in three different amounts. o You set up budget and billing limit for $150,000. o You received the first installment of $50,000. o Expenditures of $75,000 have occurred. o You have now utilized the entire 1st prepaid amount and now have an

invoice open item of $25,000. o When the next prepaid amount is received, DO NOT set up the prepaid

for the total amount received of $50,000. o You MUST apply $25,000 of the second prepaid received to close the

open invoice item. o Then set up the balance of $25,000 as a prepaid amount received.

REMEMBER to ask the Edison Grants team to run the billing process to create the initial prepaid billing to offset the money received.

• Part 4: Prepaids, Section 4.2 is the section for Prepaid Creation and Processing.

Section 1.5.4 – Customer Contracts/Grants & Billing/Accounts Receivable – Missing Bill by ID

• If the Customer Contract billing plan is missing the Bill by ID, the billing process will not run successfully; it will error out on the billing interface processing. – Contract made “Active” After Transactions have Processed

• If Customer Contract was not made ‘active’ before transactions processed in Edison, the Pricing process MUST be run for those transactions to come through to billing. This process is run by the Edison Grant’s team. – Billing Back to Contracts Failure

• If the nightly batch process, BIPCC000, fails and you can’t find the invoice number on the Customer Contract billing history, then contact the Edison/AR billing team for assistance. – Billing Back to Projects Failure • If the nightly batch process, BIPCC000, fails, then the BIL lines have not

turned into BLD lines and the invoice number has not been put into the Billing

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line in Projects. DO NOT attempt to run TN_GR05 (queries to obtain all the billing or a particular invoice) as they will not run properly. – Other Notes

• If you thought you deleted the temp bill, but you approved it instead – run query TN_BI10 to see that you really did approve it.

• Rounding – remember when you are doing the TN_GR03 query each day, transactions have more than two decimal places. A pivot table will round to two decimals; make sure you draw the invoice amount, not the pivot table amount.

• If you created the grant in Edison based upon the prior year’s amount and when you got the Federal notice of Award, the amount was less than prior year, but you have incurred expenditures greater than the Federal amount and have billed them, you can’t draw the dollars and the system has recognized the Federal revenue – you must do a GL journal to either re-allocate to a different grant/project (if possible) or re-allocate to the State activity (make sure you use CGE as the analysis type with State activity) or reallocate using no project information. If the grant’s billing was approved and is waiting as an “Open Item” on TN_AR18_Open_Grant_Items) and the negative billing comes through; you would do a maintenance worksheet to net both the negative and positive billings. – Billing/AR Queries that may assist Individuals with Grants/Projects TN_AR05_CUST_LOOKUP_BY_ID – Looks up the Customers in Edison by ID TN_AR18_OPEN_GRANT_ITEMS – Assists one to know what Open Invoice Items exist (money has not been received). TN_AR18A_CLOSED_GRANT_ITEMS – Assists one to know what Closed Items (Invoices) have been generated for a time period. TN_AR18B_OPEN_OA_ITEMS – Assists one to know what Open On Account Items exists (funds have been received and applied to the customer but have not been matched to any invoices. TN_AR18C_CLOSED_OA_ITEMS – Assists one to know what Invoice Items have been generated for a time period. Values shown are BU, Customer ID, Invoice, Invoice Date, Accounting Date, Fund, Department, Location, Program, and User Code field. TN_BI10_GR_INV_B4_SINGLE_ACT – Assists one to know what billing has had the temporary bill approved, but the single action process has not occurred. Accounts Receivable/Billing Closing Queries – all should be run on a monthly basis before close. TN_GL15A_AR_PAY_NOT_POSTED – Item payments not posted to GL. TN_GL15B_DJ_NOT_COMPLETE – Direct Journals not marked as complete. TN_GL15_AR_NOT_POSTED – Accounts Receivable transactions not posted to GL. TN_GL18A_BI_NOT_POSTED_TO_AR – Invoice Items not posted to Accounts Receivable. TN_GL18_BI_NOT_POSTED – Billing not posted to the Accounting Tables. TN_GL25_BI_NO_JRNL_GEN – Billing not posted to GL. TN_GL26_AR_NO_JRNL_GEN – Receivables not posted to GL. TN_GL27A_AR_NOT_JRNL_GEN – Accounts Receivable transactions not journal generated to GL. TN_GL27B_AR_DEPOSIT_SUSPENSE – Gives you what is in the 39000000 Deposit Suspense account which needs to be cleared by month end.

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TN_GL27_AR_NO_DIRECT_JRNL – Accounts Receivable Direct Journals not posted to GL. TN_GL33_EDIT_ERRORS_HDR – Gives you journals with errors. TN_GL40_AR_DIR_JRNL_NOT_POSTED – Gives you Accounts Receivable Direct Journals not posted to GL.

Section 1.5.5 – Grants and Commitment Control – Parent vs Child

• PRJ_OVR_PR is the overall project budget – it is the parent; failures at this point include:

o Transactions can fail budget checking if the overall project budget has not been finalized.

o Transactions can fail budget checking if the budget creation process was unsuccessful.

o Transactions can fail budget checking if the Activity does not exist on the project.

• PRJ_FDS_CH is the Budget Item/Object Code – it is the child; failures at this point include:

o Transactions can fail budget checking if the budget item/object code does not exist in the child.

o Transactions can fail budget checking if the overall project budget has not been finalized.

• ALOTCAT_PR is not a Commitment Control error for the grant/project, but an Allotment Budget error at the parent (overall) level which is either above the line (1) (payroll or fringe) or below the line (2) (all others) expenditures.

• ALOTACC_CH is not a Commitment Control error for the grant project, but an Allotment Budget error at the child (object code or five digit budget account) level.

• If you get the error message “Refd Doc has been Finalized” with errors on the ALOTCAT_PR, ALOTACC_CH, DETAIL_KK, SPEND_PLAN, PROJ_OVR_PR, & PRJ_FDS_CH – this message would appear on a Travel Expense transaction which means that the Travel Authorization that the Travel Expense is referring to has been finalized, so no more Travel Expenses can be applied to the Travel Authorization. Enter the Expense with referencing the TA.

• If you get the error message “Refd Doc has been Finalized” in Purchasing, it would mean that the PO or Req has been closed previously and then has been re-opened. Do NOT re-open a PO or Req which has been closed. – Dates

• When the grant/project was created there are begin dates and end dates created in commitment control during the project budget finalization process.

o Transactions will fail budget checking with “Date Out of Bounds” error if date of transaction is before the start date of the project.

o Transactions will fail budget checking with “Date Out of Bounds” error if date of transaction is after the end date.

o Transactions will fail budget checking with “Date Out of Bounds” error if project budget was increased, but the PO had a budget date of before the increase of the project budget – one needs to enter the begin date of the project in the Accounting Date field on the Project Detail tab when increasing a grant/project budget.

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• Changing dates on Grant/Projects includes changing the date on the Project, Activity, in the Grant Award section (2 places), in the Customer Contract, and in Commitment Control on both the Parent and Child budgets. This last change in Commitment Control can only be done by Edison GL. – CN Journals with Errors

• ALLOT_REV error message “No Budgets Exist” means that the Revenue budget has not be set up in the Allotment level of Commitment Control.

o This could occur when an improper department was used on a specific expenditure – Projects allows one to pay using any department field, however, the Revenue (CN Journal) would fail budget checking.

o If it is valid, the agency would need to contact F&A budget to request that it be set up so that the Revenue Journal can be valid and posted.

o If it is not valid, the agency may need to create a GL journal to move the transactions to a valid combo chart field string and Edison GL would net the credit and debit CN journal entries. – JV Journals with Processing Trouble

• Sometimes a GL journal will be valid but have an “N” status. This normally occurs when budget checking errors existed and they have been fixed; however, the journals don’t process into the workflow and into someone’s work list. When this occurs, the individual that is processing the journal needs to notify Edison GL to address this status, so the journal can be processed. – Year End Accruals

• Let’s say…At state year-end, you had a project budget which originally had $10,000; $5,000 worth of expenditures occurred and you have encumbrances of $5,000 in Purchase Orders. You tried to enter an accrual for the amount that you have in PO’s, but the Project budget has a zero balance, so the accrual journal is in budget checking error status “exceeds budget tolerance”. You have two options: (1) Do a change order on the PO and reduce the PO. OR: (2) Temporarily increase the project budget in the amount of the accrual.

Section 1.5.6 – Grants/Projects and General Ledger – Accounting String

• GL Business Unit - The GL Business Unit normally has a one to one relationship to the PC Business Unit and is a five digit numeric field. However, a single GL Business Unit can have multiple PC Business Units.

• Account - This is an eight digit numeric field. The beginning number distinguishes the type of account it is associated with. 1&2 are Assets; 3&4 are Liabilities; 5 is Equity; 6 is Revenue; 7 is Expenditure; and 9 is Statistical.

• Department - The Department numbers are unique to each Business Unit. The ten digit numeric field has been identified by the agency as a particular section of the agency. Note: the budget department number consists of the first five digits.

• Program - The Program chart field is a six alpha-numeric field and is unique to each Business Unit/agency.

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• Fund - The Fund chart field is a five numeric chart field. It brings forward from the STARS legacy system the use of the first two numbers for easy identification.

• Location CF - The Location CF is a five numeric chart field. It may be unique to a Business Unit or can be shared.

• Bonds - The Location CF is a five numeric chart field. It may be unique to a Business Unit or can be shared.

• User Code - The User Code chart field is unique to a BU/agency and is a six alpha-numeric field.

• PC Business Unit - The PC Business Unit normally has a one to one relationship to the GL Business Unit and is a five digit numeric field. If you are attempting to enter any Project chart field values - Project, Activity, Source, Category, or Subcategory, you must enter the PC Bus Unit before Edison allows lookup or entering of a Project ID. It is possible to have multiple PC Business units to one GL business unit (Capital Projects/OIR).

• Project ID - The Project ID field is a fifteen alpha-numeric field which is shared by the system; therefore, a naming convention was established in which each BU/agency must start with two alpha characters of BU/Agency set forth by Edison in configuration. The Edison Grant's team highly recommends that the length of the field be the full fifteen characters, but it is not a requirement. TDOT is an exception to this naming.

• Activity - The Activity field normally serves as the "funding source" for the project ID. Standard activities are used in grants and are ten alpha characters in length. However, Project Costing (not grants) can use non-conventional (not standard) creation of the particular activity; No more than ten (10) characters/digits can be for the length for proper processing and reporting in Edison.

• Source Type - The Source field is an alpha-numeric field that is five characters in length. Some source fields are auto populated from the system, ie. Labor comes from payroll in a transaction line, while the rate set, ie. 68001, populates to the project costing billing line. The Source Type in Project Costing can be used to build relationships between Category, and Subcategory if the relationship is set up in the project costing configuration. Some Source Types are business unit specific for reporting needs, while others are not.

• Category - The Category chart field is an alpha-numeric field that is five characters in length. Normally one does not use Category unless there is a Source Type. Category chart fields are business unit/agency specific and are used for reporting purposes in grants/projects.

• Subcategory - The Subcategory chart field is an alpha-numeric field that is five characters in length. Normally one does not use the Subcategory field unless there is a Category field.

• An (Analysis) Type - Analysis Types are three alpha characters in which are used to produce desired effects in relationship to grants and project ID's. See the separate tab for a more detailed explanation. REMEMBER: normally every ACT, PAY (now SPY-summarized payroll), GLE, and SFA will BIL (bill).

• Amount - The Amount chart field can be a debit or a credit amount. • STAT - The Stat chart field, along with the Stat amount, is used by the

Statistical Ledger to produce values needed for a specific reason. For example, one needs to produce a billing for the number of individuals that are buried in a Veterans cemetery because the Federal government gives you $400 per person. The state does not incur the cost of the burial; however the funds received help to maintain the cemetery. A Stat is created that is used

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by the customer contract to multiply the Stat amount entered with a Stat ledger to produce the desired results.

• STAT Amount - The Stat amount is used by the Stat in a statistical ledger to produce a desired amount. – Speedcharts

• Speedcharts can be used to assist an individual in the Edison system. Speedcharts are used in Procurement, Accounts Payable, Task Profiles, Cashiering, Plant Management, and Fleet Management.

• A speedchart can be used by one module or many and are effective dated which means they can be used and then modified with a new effective date. Speedcharts are useful to save time in error chart field accounting data and can be used to split transaction amounts between different project ID's and/or activities (for example- Federal & State).

• Normally a speedchart with an account is only used with Cashiering (INOVA). – Journals and Analysis Types

• Most common misuses of the analysis types include: o Using GLE with the STATE activity - this causes the State line to

produce a BIL (billing) in the billing module. o Using something other than GLE (General Ledger Expenditure),

CGE (Cost Shared General Ledger Expenditure), SJE (Statistical Journal Entry), SFA (General Ledger and GM Indirect Cost expenditure), and OFA (General Ledger and Indirect Cost contra transaction) in a general ledger journal.

o Payroll transactions use PAY (now SPY), CPY (now CSP) and are used from the HCM system - these analysis types should NOT be used in a general ledger journal.

o Actual expenditure transactions from Accounts payable and Travel use ACT (Actual expenditure) or CAC (Cost Shared Actual expenditure) - these analysis types should NOT be used in a general ledger journal.

o Year end analysis types used are YAE (Year end Accrued Expenditure) and YAR (Year end Accounts Receivable). If you are entering and using one of these analysis types, normally your journal is an auto-reversing journal which carried the same journal number from one state year to the next; one of the journals is a debit while the other is a credit. – Transactions not referencing a Project ID to be charged to a grant • If you realize that an expenditure did not have the project costing information

on it when it processed from either payroll, accounts payable, travel, fleet, plant, or general ledger module and you need to allocate it to the project to be able to get the billing and make the federal draw on the expenditure, transactions need to be re-allocated. You would normally see this with a department or program or user code field being used in a transaction that should have project information as well when you ran a Trial Balance with all chart fields query.

Developed by the ERP Division Draft Version Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 1 P a g e | 26 Revised: 8/26/2011 – Extra Notes on Journals • If Project costing information (PC BU, Project ID, Activity, and An Type) is put

on the Cash line of an Interunit Journal, you have created a null effect to the project. The only chartfields needed for the cash line are the account, fund, and GL Business Unit. Never put a project ID on a cash line of an Interunit JV.

• Some BU/agencies have entered data twice due to keying reallocations or correcting errors made on previous journal entries while waiting for journals to go through the processing and approval paths. AVOID this by running TN_GR20A_JRNLS_NOT_POST query. It will give the BU/agency those journals that have not been posted to assist in identifying journals that are in process. TN_PR101 gives all the activity to a particular project.

• REMEMBER to document for an audit trail on re-allocation journal entries. • On all Multi-unit and regular GL journals provide an individual's name and

phone number to contact for corrections and processing in the long description field of the Journal header.

• When correcting a prior entry, REMEMBER to include a copy of the previous Journal as a FileNet attachment for a proper audit trail and for processing approvals.

• If the Journal does not balance, it is in error. • Before the month closes, be sure to run TN_GR20A_JRNLS_NOT_POST to

identify what journals need to process or may need to be copied to a new period. – GL queries that may assist individuals with GR/Projects TN_GL03A_CF_ACCOUNTS – Lists all the accounts. TN_GL03C_CF_DEPT – Lists departments. TN_GL03D_CF_PROGRAMS – Lists programs. TN_GL03G_CF_USERCODES – Lists User Codes. TN_GL048_TRIAL_BALANCE – Trial Balance giving all chart fields. TN_GL60_SPEEDCHARTS – Lists all active Speedcharts by BU. TN_GL83F_EXPENSE – Expenses by multiple chart fields. TN_GL84_REVENUE – Revenue by multiple chart fields.

Section 1.5.7 – Grants/Projects and AP & Travel – AP Correction verses GL Correction

• Has the voucher been paid? If the answer is no; open up the voucher and correct the accounting in AP.

• Has the voucher been paid? If the answer is yes; navigate to FSCM>Accounts Payable> Vouchers> Add/Update> Click Regular Entry, enter BU (voucher ID will be Next until save), click the voucher style and select Journal Voucher. An AP Journal Voucher is used to correct accounting entries that have already been posted and paid – REMEMBER to reference the original voucher in the ‘Related Voucher’ field of the new AP Journal Voucher.

• If the month and/or budget period is open that the voucher was paid in, you can do an AP Journal Voucher; HOWEVER,

• If the month and/or budget period is closed that the voucher was paid in, you must do a GL Journal entry to change any chart field accounting data.

Developed by the ERP Division Draft Version Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 1 P a g e | 27 Revised: 8/26/2011 – Looking at AP Accounting • Navigation: FSCM>Accounts Payable>Review Accounts Payable Info>

Vouchers> Accounting Entries – enter voucher number and search – click on the Chart field tab for accounting data. – Travel report queries verses GL Corrections

• A correction made in GL will not be reflected on a Travel query which pulls from the Travel tables in Edison. – Travel Authorizations • Travel Authorizations which have project information in the accounting,

create a pre-encumbrance in Commitment Control and to the Grant/Project budget. If you create a TA and do not use it when you do the Travel Expense, the pre-encumbrance will not be released.

• A Travel Authorization can be modified as long as it is in a Pending Status. • The Accounting on a Travel Authorization can be changed on each line of the

TA Entry section by clicking on the Detail link and after making changes, click OK. Or, change all of the TA’s accounting by clicking on the Accounting Default link, click OK when done; REMEMBER: DO NOT go back into Accounting defaults after changes have been made or it will DEFAULT back in your default values. – Travel Expense Reports • Travel Expenditures which have project information in the accounting create

an encumbrance in Commitment Control and to the Grant/Project budget. • A Travel Expense Report can be modified as long as it is in a Pending

Status. • If you need to change the accounting details (project information or any chart

field information), click on the Accounting Details hyperlink at the end of each line (looks like a little piece of paper with a magnifying glass). If an expense needs to be split, add a line and enter the split amounts. OR

• Change the accounting for all of the same Travel Expense ID, just like the TA, click on the Accounting Default link, make the change, click OK when done. REMEMBER: DO NOT go back into the Accounting defaults after changes have been made or it will DEFAULT back in your default values. – AP/TV queries that may assist individuals with GR/Projects TN_AP73F_PYMTS_W_CHARTFIELDS – gives all AP vouchers paid for chart field by date. TN_TV57_EXPENSE_JRNL_DETAIL – gives expense accounting details. TN_TV57B_EXPENSE_JRNL_DETAIL – sums expense accounting details

Section 1.5.8 – Grants/Projects and Purchasing – Accounting Information for Purchasing Requisition • Requisition – Navigation: FSCM> Purchasing> Requisitions> Review

Requisition Information> Accounting Entries – enter BU and Requisition number, click OK & you can see the full chart field accounting details.

• Requisition – (in the requisition itself) – Navigation: FSCM> Purchasing> Requisitions> Add/Update Requisitions – enter BU and Req - search on Finding an Existing Value – Click on the Requisition number (blue hyperlink) –

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Scroll over and click on the Schedule (red) icon; drill down into the Schedule by clicking on the Distribution icon (looks like a sheet with three arrows) giving you the chart field information. Purchase Order • Purchase Order – Navigation: FSCM> Purchasing> Purchase Orders> Review

PO Information> PO Accounting Entries – enter BU and PO number, click OK and you can see the full chart field accounting details.

• Purchase Oder – (in the PO, itself) – Navigation: FSCM> Purchasing> Purchase Orders> Add/Update Pos – enter BU and PO – search on Finding an Existing Value – On the Lines (at the bottom) scroll over and click on the Schedule (red) icon; drill down into the Schedule by scrolling over and clicking on the Distribution icon (looks like a sheet with three arrows) giving you the chart field information.

• Purchase Order – Run TN_PU_CHARTFIELDS_BY_PO query by BU and PO lookup. – Requisitions, Pre-encumbrances & Project Notes

• If you have a requisition that has been budget checked, approved, and cost collected into projects and you try to delete a distribution line, it returns a message, “The distribution line has been processed through projects and cannot be deleted”.

• This means it has already pre-encumbered the funds in Commitment Control and has sent the information to Project Costing pre-encumbering the grant/project budget.

• In order to relieve the amounts on the line that you want to be relieved, enter a new line with different chart field string and delete the line with the project information from the distribution line and re-budget check.

• When it cost collects back into projects, it removes the amount from the Project Resource//Project; additionally when the Requisition is budget checked, it relieves the pre-encumbrance.

• Requisitions are estimates. If you estimated needing 90,000 in the requisition, but the PO was only half that amount – 45,000, and you want to close the requisition, you must wait until all processing has been done against the PO (for the 45,000) and the voucher is posted, before you can go back and close the PO and close the Requisition and release the pre-encumbrance that still remains on the project ID and in Commitment Control. – Purchase Orders, Pre-encumbrances & Project Notes

• A purchase order is an Encumbrance to Commitment Control and the Project ID.

• You can change project information on a PO at various points: o If the PO is dispatched and received – you MUST cancel the receipt

and do a “change order” to the PO. o If the PO is matched (sent to voucher) – you MUST un-match the

voucher, cancel the receipt and do a change order. • If you make the Project Status – “Closed to Procurement”: with an effective

date and you still have an outstanding PO with Project information – it will fail budget checking when you try to make a receipt against the PO.

• The agency would need to call the help desk and file a “Remedy” ticket to have the Project Status changed to before the date of the PO to be able to release the encumbrance and process expenditure against on the PO.

• See Grant Manual Part 8 – Section 8.1 for a flowchart: Where Can I Change Project Information

Developed by the ERP Division Draft Version Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 1 P a g e | 29 Revised: 8/26/2011 – Dates and Budget Checking

• If a project budget has run out of money, and you have PO failing budget checking, “Exceeds budget tolerance” and the PO is dated (for example 01/01/2011). If you add to the project budget later than the PO date and you have run the PC_WRAPPER process, the budget finalization sends the increased amount with a current budget date which is after the PO date. At this point, you can change the PO date.

• Or when you do the budget increase, you put the begin date of the project as the Accounting Date on each line in the project Detail tab section of the budget, it will show the increased amount to the begin date of the project instead of the current date.

• Otherwise, one has to ask the Edison GL team to change the budget date of the Project in Commitment Control. – PO Rollover Concerns

• In the PO Rollover process, occasionally an encumbrance will not be relieved that is associated to a project budget and you may have to increase the project budget for the balance/amount of the PO which has been rolled and finalize the project budget with the increased amount. REMEMBER: There are two controls, (1) you can NOT process more than the project budget and (2) you can NOT bill more than the billing limit of the contract. If you had increased the project budget for the PO to be able to be received and processed an AP voucher against it, only the amount of the billing limit of the contract would bill.

Section 1.6 – Sponsors for Grants

• Sponsors and Customers in Edison are located in the same section/table. • To find existing Customers/Sponsors navigate to FSCM> Customers>

General Information and search.

• In order for a Customer (Revenue) Contract to exist it must have a sponsor in Edison.

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• Most Grant Customers begin with the two alpha characters of “GR”, but not all do.

• A Customer can have many addresses to be billed against. o The number one address is the default address on the Grant

Invoice/Item which is created when a temporary bill is processed into an Invoice.

o Direct the billing to other addresses by selecting the address in the Billing Plan on the Customer Contract.

• TN_AR05_CUST_LOOKUP_BY_ID is a query that can be used to look up the Customer by Edison ID number.

• The Division of Accounts maintains the Customers/sponsors in Edison. • If a new Customer is needed the following information is needed:

(Example of new Customer request)

Grant Customer/Sponsor Information Needed for Edison Entry

Request Date 08/10/2011 Submitted to Div of Accounts 08/10/2011 Date Entered into Edison 08/10/2011

Effective Date of Customer 01/01/1901 Grant Customer Number GR0000000000212 Grant Customer Name New Schools for New Orleans Grant Customer Short Name New Sch for NewO Customer Address - Street 200 Broadway Suite 108 Customer Address - Street

Customer Address - City New Orleans Customer Address - State LA Customer Address - Zip 70118 Customer Phone 504-274-3612 Customer Fax

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Type of Customer Grants

Section 1.7 – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance is a government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities that provide assistance or benefits to the American public. It contains financial and nonfinancial assistance programs administered by departments and establishments of the Federal government. As the basic reference source of Federal programs, the primary purpose of the Catalog is to assist users in identifying programs that meet specific objectives of the potential applicant, and to obtain general information on Federal assistance programs. In addition, the intent of the Catalog is to improve coordination and communication between the Federal government and State and local governments. Programs selected for inclusion in the Federal assistance data base are defined as any function of a Federal agency that provides assistance or benefits for a State or States, territorial possession, county, city, other political subdivision, grouping, or instrumentality thereof; any domestic profit or nonprofit corporation, institution, or individual, other than an agency of the Federal government. A "Federal domestic assistance program" may in practice be called a program, an activity, a service, a project, a process, or some other name, regardless of whether it is identified as a separate program by statute or regulation. It will be identified in terms of its legal authority, administering office, funding, purpose, benefits, and beneficiaries. "Assistance" or "benefits" refers to the transfer of money, property, services, or anything of value, the principal purpose of which is to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by Federal statute. Assistance includes, but is not limited to grants, loans, loan guarantees, scholarships, mortgage loans, insurance, and other types of financial assistance, including cooperative agreements; property, technical assistance, counseling, statistical, and other expert information; and service activities of regulatory agencies. It does not include the provision of conventional public information services. The Internet and GSA’s free CFDA website at http://www.cfda.gov is the primary means of disseminating the Catalog. CFDA numbers are a necessary part of the SEFA (Schedule of Expenditures from Federal Agencies) reporting. The CFDA number can be entered when a Grant is created through the Proposal method. Navigation: FSCM> Grants> Proposals> Maintain Proposal.

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However, if the CFDA number was not known when the Proposal was created, submitted, and generated into an Award, the CFDA number can be entered in the Award Profile. Navigation: FSCM> Grants> Awards> Award Profile. Enter the CFDA number by using the look up icon or simply type it in and Save.

CFDA numbers are maintained in Edison by the Grants team. If a new CFDA number is needed, please provide the CFDA number, Federal Agency, and Federal Program name. CFDA numbers are needed both on Grants which are directly funded by the Federal Government as well as Interdepartmental Grants where Federal Funds are passed through to a secondary state agency. CFDA complete Federal Program Titles/Names are not currently given with “Complete” name in Edison due to the limited number of spaces allotted by the system. Remember in doing SEFA reporting at year-end to list the complete Federal Program Title.