EIS 154 Vol 5 IsIIsJ!Ms] Soils and vegetation along the ...

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EIS 154 Vol 5


Soils and vegetation along the Moomba-Sydney natural gas

pipeline in NSW




Section 5 Wagga Wagga to Young




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ISBN 0-7305-0991-5













The excavation of the natural gas pipeline

trench from Wagga Wagga to Young provided an opportunity

to describe some soils in the Riverina Soil Conservation


The route followed by the gas pipeline is shown

overleaf. The trench for the pipeline was approximately

120 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Excavation of the trench

was by mechanised endless diggers.

Reconnaissance soil surveys at a scale of

1:250 000 have been produced for the area between Wagga

Wagga and Young by Beattie (1972) and Crouch (1981a and

1981b). Data provided by this study will be used to

supplement soil profile descriptions contained in the

above surveys and to provide more information on the

range of soils in certain mapping units. In addition,

the data on soil physical properties presented in this

study, which has not previously been available, will

allow certain mapping units to be more fully characterised.


Soil sampling began near Wagga Wagga in

December, 1980 and concluded near Young in May, 1981.

Asit was not practical to examine soils at regular

intervals, soils were described at selected sites

located within the soil map units of previous surveys,

as shown in Table 1

At each sampling site the location, site description

and soil profile were described using the Soil Data

Card Handbook (Morse et al., 1982). Where topsoil

had been removed above the trench, topsoil was described

and sampled on undisturbed ground nearby.



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Each profile was classified according to

Factual Key for the Recognition of Australian Soils

(Northcote, 1979). In addition, the related Great Soil

Group from A Handbook of Australian Soils (Stace et al.,

1968) was listed.

Samples were collected from each morphological

layer to assess physical properties. Laboratory analysis

consisted of tests for soil dispersibility, Atterberg

limits, grading analysis and linear shrinkage (see

Appendix ) . Results of these tests are presented in

Table 2.

A total of 30 profiles were described and 126

samples were collected for laboratory analysis.

Table 1. Map Units of Previous Soil Surveys Sampled

in this Study.

Profile Number Soil Map Unit Reference

1, 2, 3, 5, 9

Red earth

Seattle (1972)

4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, Red podzolic

12, 13

14, 15, 16, 18,

17, 20



23, 24, 25, 26

19 Red podzolic

Yellow podzolic

Red-brown earth

Euc hrozem

Red and yellow earths

Grouch 1981a)

27, 28, 29, 30 Red and yellow podzolic Crouch (1981b)



flainfaiLl data for each sampling site has been

obtained from isohyets of median annual rainfall (Anon,

1973 and Johnston, 1981a and 1981b).

A general description of the climate between

Wagga Wagga and Young is given by Edwards (1979).

Briefly, median annual rainfall varies from 542 mm at

Wagga Wagga to 649 mm at Young, the higher rainfall

being in more elevated areas. June is the wettest

month of the year with rainfall of about 50 mm. This

decreases to around 30 mm per month in February. Summer,

rainfall is much less reliable than winter rainfall.

Soil moisture content is very high and reliable

throughout winter and early to mid spring, with late

spring and mid to late autumn also having relatively

high moisture levels. During summer the probability

of adequate soil moisture for plant growth is much reduced.



Profile Number: 1


Map Sheet Number: 8327-1-N

Map Name and Scale: Wagga Wagga 1:25 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 40 600 m E

61 21 500 m N

Elevation: 212 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: On a mid-slope (1 per cent) in a

gently undulating plain

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 545 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Parna (Beattie, 1972)


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to rapid

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote classification: Gn 2.15

Handbook of Australian Soils: Red earth

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-15

A2 15-30

Dark brown (7.5 YR 4/4,

moist); loam, fine sandy;

apedal; earthy fabric;

abundant fine roots;

pH 6. Clear, even to -

Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/6 moist); sandy clay

loam; apedal; earthy fabric;

few hard ferruginous

concretions (5-15 mm diam.);

many fine roots; pH 6.

Clear, even to -

Horizon Depth (cm)

Bi 30-40 Yellow red (5 YR 4/8

moist); fine sandy clay

loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; many hard

ferruginous concretions

(5-15 mm diamJ; pH 6.5.

Gradual, even to -

B21 40-55 Yellow red (5 YR 4/8 moist);

sandy clay; moderate,

medium to fine sub-

angular blocky; earthy

fabric; few hard ferruginous

concretions (5-15 mm

diamJ; pH 6.5. Gradual

to -

B22 55-80 Strong brown (7.5 YR

5/6 moist); medium clay;

moderate, medium to fine

sub-angular blocky; less

porous than above; few

hard ferruginous

concretions (5-15 mm diamj;

pH 6.5. Clear to -

B23 80-130 Brownish yellow (10 YR

6/6 moist) with orange

and grey mottles; medium

clay; moderate to strong,

coarse blocky; many hard,

black manganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm diam.),

some ferromanganiferous

nodules; pH 7.

Profile Number: 2


Map Sheet Number: 8327-1-N

Map Name and Scale: Wagga Wagga 1:25 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 42 500 m F

61 22 700 m N

Elevation: 230 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (3 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 545 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Parna (Beattie, 1972)


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - Moderate; subsoil - moderate

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to rapid

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION Extensively cleared. Originally

woodi and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote classification. Gn 2.23

Handbook of Australian Soils: Yellow earth

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-30 Dark brown (7.5 YR

3/4 moist); sandy clay

loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; abundant fine

roots; pH 6. Gradual,

even to -

Bi 30-65 Yellowish red (5 YR

5/8 moist); sandy clay;

some quartz grit; weak,

medium angular blocky;

earthy fabric; many fine

roots; pH 7. Gradual,

even to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 65-105 Brownish yellow (10 YR

6/8 moist); medium clay;

trace quartz grit;

moderate to strong, medium

angular blocky, breaking

to fine angular blocky;

occasional diffuse

Ce rromangan i fe rous

concretion; few roots;

pH 8. Diffuse to -

B22 105-1 45 Brownish yellow (10 YR

6/8 moist) faint red

mottles; medium clay;

morderate, medium angular

blocky, breaking to

fine angular blocky;

occasional diffuse

Ce r roman g an if e r o us

concretion; some soft

carbonate nodules; pH 8.

Gradual to -

B23 145-200 Yellow (10 YR 7/8 moist)

mottled red; sandy clay;

moderate, medium angular

blocky, breaking to fine

angular blocky; some diffuse

fe rromanganife rous

concretions; pH 8. Clear

to -

200-220 Yellow (10 YR 7/8 moist)

ahi1ndnt red mottles;

sandy clay loam; apedal;

abundant quartz grit; some

soft carbonate nrdnles;

pH 8.5.

Profile Number : 3


Map Sheet Number: 8327-1-N

Map Name and Scale: Wagga Wagga 1:25 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 40 600 m E

61 21 lOOmN

Elevation: 210 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: On a mid-slope (1 per cent) in a

gently undulating plain

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 545 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Parna (Beattie, 1972)


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to rapid

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

woo dl and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote classification: Gn 2.22

Handbook of Australian Soils

Yellow earth.

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-30 Dark reddish brown

(5 YR 3/4 moist); sandy

clay loam; weak, medium

platy; earthy fabric;

many fine roots; trace

charcoal; pH 6. Gradual,

even to -

B1 30-60 Yellowish red (5 YR

5/8 moist); fine sandy

clay loam; weak, medium

angular blocky; earthy

fabric; many fine roots;


some hard ferruginous

and ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diam.). Diffuse to -

B21 60-90 Brownish yellow (10 YR

6/6 moist) mottled red;

light clay (fine sandy);

moderate, medium angular

blocky; less porous

than above; some hard

ferruginous and


concretions (5-15 mm

diam.); few fine roots;

pH 6.5. Gradual to -

B22 90-170 Yellowish brown (10 YR

5/6 moist) mottled

red and grey; medium

clay; moderate to strong,

medium prismatic; less

porous than above;

some hard ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diam.); pH 7.


Profile Number: 4


Map Sheet Number: 8327-1--N

Map Name and Scale: Wagga Wagga 1 :25 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 43 700 m E

61 23 700 m N

Elevation: 280 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Mid-slope (15 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 545 mm



EHODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

wood 1 and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dr 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils

Non-calcic brown soil

Horizon Depth (cm)

Some quartz stones

(to 20 cm diameter) on


All 0-10 Dark reddish brown

(25 YR 3/4 moist); light

sandy clay loam; weak,

medium angular blocky;

few angular quartz stones

(6-20mm diameter); abundant

fine roots; pH 7. Clear

to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al2 10-18 Dark reddish brown

(5 YR 31/4 moist);

light sandy clay

loam; weak, medium

angular blocky; angular,

colluvial, shale

rock fragments (6-20 mm

diameter) common; few

angular quartz stones

(2-20 mm diameter);

few hard ferruginous

concretions; abundant

fine roots; pH 6.8.

Clear to -

B21 18-40 Dark red (2.5 YR 3/6

moist); light clay;

moderate, medium

angular blocky; few

angular shale rock

fragments ( 6-20 mm

diameter); some fine

quartz gravel; many fine

roots; pH 6.9.

B21 40-75 As above. Gradual to -

B3 75-100 Dark red (2.5 YR 3/6

moist); sandy loam; much

weathered shale.


Profile Number: 5


Map Sheet Number: 8427-IV-N

Map Name and Scale: Wantabadgery 1 :25 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 45 800 m E

61 25 500 m N

Elevation: 290 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (2 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 540 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Parna (Beattie, 1972)


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate


LAND USE: Cropping


Completely cleared. Originally

woodi and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Gn 2.12

Hardbook of Australian Soils

Red earth.

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-15 Dark reddish brown (5 YR 3/4

moist); sandy clay loam;

weak, medium platy; abundant

fine roots; pH 6. Clear

to -

Bi 15-45 Yellowish red (5 YR 4/8

moist); fine sandy clay

loam; weak, medium angular

blocky; earthy fabric; trace

fine quartz gravel; many

fine roots; pH 6.5. Gradual

to -

B21 45-85 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/8

moist), faint red mottles;

light medium clay; weak,

medium angular blocky; earthy


Horizon Depth (cm)

fabric; trace fine quartz

gravel; few fine roots;

occasional diffuse


concretion; pH 7. Diffuse

to -

B22 85-140 Strong brown (7.5 YR 5/6

moist), faint red mottles;

heavy clay; strong, coarse

angular blocky breaking

to fine polyhedral; very

hard; smooth ped fabric;

some hard ferromanganiferous

concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); pH 7. Diffuse

to -

B23 140-160 As above, but medium clay

and with more hard


concretions (5-15 mm



Dr 2.22 (12)

Dy 3.42 (13)

Dr .2.12 ( 1 1 )

Dy 2.42 '(10)

Dr. 2.12 (8)

Dy 2.12 (7)

Dy 3.42


Figure 1. Soil toposequences occurring on granite near

Harefield (profile number in brackets).


Profile Number: 6


Map Sheet Number: 8427-IV--N

Map Name and Scale: Wantabadgery 1:25 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 47 200 m E

61 26 500 m N

Elevation: 315 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (3 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 550 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Colluvium derived from granite


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - high


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

woo dl and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dy 3.42

Handbook of Australian Soils

Yellow solonetzic

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-30 Dark yellowish brown

(10 YR 4/4 moist);

light sandy clay loam;

apedal, massive; many

fine roots; pH 6. Sharp

to -

A2CB 30-45 Brown (7.5 YR 5/4 moist,

8/2 dry); sandy loam;

apedal, massive; some

fine roots; few hard


concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); some fine

quartz gravel; pH 6.5.

Clear to -



Depth (cm)

B2 1

45-100 Yellowish brown (10 YR 5/6)

mottled red and orange;

sandy clay; strong, medium

to fine angular blocky;

few bard ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); trace fine

quartz gravel; pH 7.

Diffuse to -

B22 100-120 As above, but moderate

rather than strong pedality.

Profile Number: 7


Map Sheet Number: 8427-IV-N

Map Name and Scale: Wantabadgery 1 :25 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 47 300 m E

61 26 500 m N

Elevation 315 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Mid-slope (5 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 550 mm


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - high



LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Oriin11v - -------------.--

woodi and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dy 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils:

Yellow podzolic

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-12 Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4

moist); light sandy clay

loam; weak, medium angular

blocky; earthy fabric;

many fine roots; pH 6.5.

Clear, even to -

B21 12-63 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/8

moist); fine sandy clay

loam; moderate, medium

to coarse angular blocky;

porous fabric, trace fine

quartz gravel; many fine

roots; pH 7. Gradual to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B22 63-100 Yellowish brown ( 1 0 YR 5/8

moist) with red and orange

mottles; sandy medium clay;

moderate to strong, medium

to coarse angular blocky;

smooth ped fabric; trace

fine quartz gravel; few

fine roots; occasional

diffuse fe rromangani ferous

concretion; pH 7.5.


Profile Number: 8


Map Sheet Number: 8427-TV-N

Map Name and Scale: Wantabadgery 1:25 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 47 500 m E

61 26 700 m N

Elevation 315 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Upper slope (10 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 550 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to rapid

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

woodi and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dr 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Non-

calcic brown soil.

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-12 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/4 moist) ; light sandy

clay loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; trace fine quartz

gravel; abundant fine

roots; pH 6. Sharp, even

to -

82 12-70 Dark red (10 R 3/6 moist);

sandy clay; weak, sub-

angular blocky; smooth

ped fabric; abundant mica

flakes; many fine roots;

pH 7. Gradual, wavy to -

-P21 -

Horizon Depth (cm)

C + 70 Partially weathered granite.


Profile Number: 9


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1: 50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 48 900 m 8

61 28 lOOm N

Elevation: 285 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Flat ( < 1 per cent slope)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 545 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Not identified


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate


LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION; Extensively cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Gn 2.22

Handbook of Australian Soils:

Yellow earth.

Horizon Depth (cm)

All 0-12 Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4

moist) ; light sandy clay

loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; abundant fine

roots; pH 6. Sharp, even

to -

Al2 12-30 Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4

moist) with 30% strong

brown (7.5 YR 5/8 moist,

7.5 YR 7/6 dry); light

sandy clay loam; apedal;

earthy fabric; many fine

roots; pH 6.5. Clear,

wavy to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B11 30-85 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/8

moist); sandy clay loam;

weak, medium angular

blocky; porous fabric;

trace fine quartz gravel;

occasional hard


concretion (5-15 mm

diameter); few fine roots;

pH 7. Clear, even to -

B12 85-100 Reddish yellow (7.5 YR 6/6

moist); sandy clay loam;

weak, fine to medium

polyhedral; stones (2-20 mm

diameter) and fine

quartz gravel common; many

hard ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); pH 7. Gradual,

even to -

B21 100-155 Reddish brown (2.5 YR 5/3

moist) with orange

mottles; sandy light clay;

strong, medium angular

blocky; stones (2-20 mm

diameter) and fine quartz

gravel common; occasional

diffuse ferromanganiferous

concretions; pH 6.5.


Profile Number: 10


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 52 100 m E

61 31 100 m N

Elevation: 340 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (10 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 530 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Colluvium derived from granite


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - high

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to slow

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

woo dl and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dy 2.42

Handbook of Australian Soils:

Yellow solodic.

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al Mostly removed

A2CB 0-45 Brown (7.5 YR 5/4 moist,

7.5 YR 8/3 dry); sandy

loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; some fine quartz

gravel; occasional hard


concretion (up to 5 mm

diameter); many fine

roots; pH 6. Clear,

even to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 45-70 Yellowish brown (10 YR

5/6 moist) ; sandy medium

clay; moderate to strong,

medium angular blocky and

prismatic; smooth ped

fabric; some fine quartz

gravel; very few hard


concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); few fine roots;

pH 7. Gradual, even to -

B22 70-140 Yellowish brown (10 YR

5/6 moist) ; sandy clay;

apedal, massive; porous

fabric; very hard (dry);

few diffuse


concretions and hard

nodules (5-15mm diameter);

pH 7.5.


Profile Number: 11


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 52 000 m E

61 31 000mN

Elevation: 310 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Upper slope (10 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 530 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

woodl and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification Dr 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Non-

calcic brown soil

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-12 Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4

moist); light sandy clay

loam; weak, medium platy;

earthy fabric; some fine

quartz gravel; abundant

fine roots; pH 6. Clear

to -

82 12-80 Red (2.5 YR 4/6 moist);

sandy clay; weak to

moderate, medium angular

to sub-angular blocky;

some fine quartz gravel;

many fine roots; pH 7.

Gradual, wavy to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B3 80-160 Red (2.5 YR 4/6 moist)

with orange mottles;

gravelly clayey sand;

apedal, massive.

Profile Number: 12


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 11

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 56 800 m E

61 35 100 m N

Elevation 380 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Upper slope (7 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 530 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate to



LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Comoletelv cleared. 0riin11v


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dr 2.22

Handbook of Australian Soils: Non-

calcic brown

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-14 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/4 moist); sandy clay

loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; abundant fine

roots; pH 6. Clear to -

A2 14-25 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/8

moist, 5 YR 6/8 dry);

sandy clay loam; apedal;

earthy fabric; trace fine

quartz gravel; many fine

roots; pH 6.5. Clear to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 25-65 Red (2.5 YR 4/8 moist);

medium clay; weak, medium

sub-angular blocky; porous

fabric; fine quartz gravel

common; very few diffuse


concretions and hard

nodules (5-15 mm diameter);

pH 7. Clear to -

B22 65-100 Dusky red (10 R 3/4 moist)

with yellow mottles; medium

clay; strong, medium to

coarse prismatic breaking

to medium polyhedral;

smooth ped fabric; fine

quartz gravel common; very

few diffuse

ferromanganife rous

concretions and hard

nodules (5-15 mm diameter);

pH 7.


Profile Number: 13


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1:50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 57 000 m E

61 35 100 m N

Elevation: 360 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Mid-slope (3 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 530 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - moderate to high


LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally

woodl and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dy 3.42

Handbook of Australian Soils:

Yellow solonetzic

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-15 Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/3

moist) ; light sandy clay

loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; abundant fine

roots; pH 6. Clear,

even to -

A2CB 15-30 Reddish yellow (7.5 YR

6/6 moist, 7.5 YR 7/3 dry);

sandy loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; many fine roots;

pH 6.5. Clear to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 30-95 Brownish yellow (10 YR 6/8

moist) with red mottles;

medium clay; strong,

medium angular blocky;

smooth ped fabric; few

fine roots; few diffuse


concretions and hard

nodules (5-15 mm diameter);

pH 7. Clear to gradual,

even to -

B22 95-120 Brownish yellow (10 YR

6/8 moist) with red and

grey mottles; medium clay;

weak to moderate, coarse

angular blocky; smooth

ped fabric; fine quartz

gravel common; very few

diffuse ferromanganife rous

concretions and hard nodules

(5-15 mm diameter); pH 7.


Dr 2.42 (1 4 Dr 2.12


Dr 2.13 (16)

Figure 2. Soil toposequence on metasedimentary

material near Illabo (profile number

in brackets).


Profile Number: 14


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 71 100 m F

61 50 200 m N

Elevation 260 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Upper slope (15 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 550 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Metasedimentary


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - moderate to high


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dr 2.42

Handbook of Australian Soils: Red


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-12 Reddish brown (5 YR 4/4

moist); sandy clay loam;

weak, fine platy; earthy

fabric; many angular

metasedimentary rock

fragments (6-20 mm

diameter); few fine roots;

pH 6. Sharp to -

A2CB 12..30 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/6

moist, 5 YR 7/4 dry);

fine sandy clay loam;

weak, medium sub-angular

blocky; earthy fabric;

angular me tasedimentary

rock fragments (6-20 mm

diameter) common; few

fine roots; pH 6.5. Clear

to -





Depth (cm)

30-60 Red (2.5 YR 4/8 moist);

medium to heavy clay;

moderate, fine angular

blocky; smooth ped fabric;

angular me tasedimentary

rock fragments (20-60 mm

diameter) common; pH 7.

Irregular to -

60-80 Brownish yellow (10 YR

6/8 moist) with red and

orange mottles; sandy clay;

apedal; earthy fabric;

abundant, moderately to

strongly weathered rock

fragments (20-60 mm

diameter); pH 7. Gradual

to -

80-130 Partially weathered

metasedimentary parent



Profile Number: 15


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 71 400 m E

61 50 300 m N

Elevation 265 m

LANDFOHM ELEMENT: Mid-slope (20 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 550 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Metasedimentary


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - high


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dr 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Non-

calcic brown soil

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-20 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/6 moist) ; fine sandy

loam; weak, medium platy;

earthy fabric; trace fine

quartz gravel; abundant

fine roots; pH 6. Clear,

wavy to -

B21 20-35 Red (2.5 YR 4/6 moist);

sandy clay loam, weak,

medium to fine angular

blocky; smooth ped fabric;

few angular and sub-angular

quartz stones and

metasedimentary rock

fragments (2-20 mm

diameter) ; occasional


hard ferromanganiferous

concretion (5-15 mm

diameter); many fine roots;

pH 7. Gradual, wavy to -

B22 35-75 Red (2.5 YR 4/6 moist);

medium clay; moderate,

fine angular blocky;

smooth ped fabric; few

angular and sub-angular

quartz stones and

me tasedimentary rock

fragments (6-20 mm

diameter); few hard


concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); many fine roots;

pH 7. Gradual, even to -

B23 75-130 Yellowish brown (10 YR 5/8

moist) with red mottles;

sandy clay; strong, fine

polyhedral; smooth ped

fabric; few sub-angular

metasedimentary rock

fragments (6-20 mm

diameter); few diffuse


concretions and hard

nodules (5-15 mm diameter);

pH 7.


Profile Number: 16


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

* Map Name and Scale: Junee 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

- Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 71 700 m E

61 50 500 m N

Elevation: 260 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (1 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 550 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Colluvium derived from metasediments


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - high


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dr 2.13

Handbook of Australian Soils: Red-

brown earth.

Horizon Depth (cm)

Scattered surface stone

(to 150mm diameter).

Al 0-10 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/4 moist) ; sandy clay

loam; weak, medium platy;

earthy fabric; angular and

sub-angular stones (2-20mm

diameter) common; many

fine roots; pH 6.5. Sharp

to -


Depth (cm)

10-55 Yellowish red (5 YR

4/8 moist); light medium

clay; moderate, medium

angular blocky breaking

to fine polyhedral;

angular and sub-angular

stones (2-20 mm diameter)

common; very few hard

ferruginous concretions

(up to 5 mm diameter) and

diffuse black manganiferous

concretions; very few

soft calcium carbonate

concretions; few fine

roots; pH 8. Gradual to -

55-120 Yellowish red (5 YR 4/8

moist); light medium clay;

moderate, fine polyhedral;

angular and sub-angular

stones (2-20mm diameter)

common; soft calcium

carbonate concretions

common; few diffuse

manganiferous concretions

and hard nodules; pH 9.


B2 1


Profile Number: 17


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 78 300 m E

61 50 000mN

Elevation 320 iii

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Upper slope (7 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 525 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Igneous - fine grained, siliceous


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - high


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

dry sclerophyll forest

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dy 2.41

Handbook of Australian Soils: Soloth

or yellow podzolic.

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-7 Dark brown (7.5 YR 4/3

moist); sandy loam; apedal;

earthy fabric; trace fine

quartz gravel; many fine

roots; pH 5.5. Clear,

even to -

A21CB 7-30 Brown (7.5 YR 5/3 moist,

7.5 YR 8/2 dry); sandy

loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; angular and sub-

angular rock fragments

and quartz stones (6-20 mm

diameter) common;

occasional charcoal

inclusion; few fine roots;

pH 5.5. Sharp, wavy or

irregular to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

A22CB 30-45 Light grey (LO YR 7/2

moist, 7.5 YR 8/2 dry);

light sandy clay loam;

apedal; earthy fabric;

very hard (dry); few

angular and sub-angular

rock fragments and

quartz stones (6-20 mm

diameter); few hard


concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); few fine

roots; pH 6. Clear

to -

B21 45-75 Pale brown (10 YR 6/3

moist); sandy clay;

strong, fine polyhedral;

very few angular rock

fragments (6-20 mm

diameter); few hard


concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); pH 6.

Gradual to

822 75-1 30 Pale brown (10 YR 6/3

moist) with orange

mottles; sandy clay;

apedal, porous fabric;

very few angular rock

fragments (6-20 mm

diameter); pH 6.


Profile Number: 18


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 75 000 m F

61 51 200 m N

Elevation 300 rn

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Mid-slope (20 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 525 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - high

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to slow

LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

woo dl and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Nothcote Classification: Dy 2.42

Handbook of Australian Soils: Yellow

solodi c

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-5 Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4

moist); sandy loam; weak,

fine platy; earthy fabric;

few angular and sub-angular

siltstone rock fragments

(2-20 mm diameter);

abundant fine roots;

pH 6. Clear, even to -

A2CB 5-35 Brown (7.5 YR 5/4 moist,

7.5 YR 7/3 dry); sandy

clay loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; few angular and

sub-angular silts tone

rock fragments (2-20mm

diameter); many hard


Horizon Depth (cm)


concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); many fine

roots; pH 6.5. Sharp

to -

B2 35-75 Brownish yellow (10 YR

6/6 moist); heavy clay;

strong, medium prismatic

breaking to medium to

fine angular blocky;

smooth ped fabric; very

few angular siltstone

rock fragments (6-20 mm

diameter); very few hard


concretions (5-15 mm

diameter) and charcoal

inclusions; pH 8.

Gradual to -

83 75-120 Brownish yellow (10 YR

6/6 moist) with grey

mottles; sandy clay;

apedal, massive; abundant

partially weathered

siltstone rock; diffuse


concretions common;

occasional hard

ferromanganiferous nodule;

pH 6.5.


Profile Number: 19


Map Sheet Number: 8428-11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Junee 1:50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference 5 75 000 m E

61 51 000mN

Elevation: 300 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (3 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 525 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Not identified


ERODIBILITY: Tbpsoil - moderate; subsoil - high


LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dr 2.13

Handbook of Australian Soils: Bed-

brown earth

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-12 Dark reddish brown (2.5 YR

3/3 moist); sandy clay

loam; weak, medium

angular blocky; earthy

fabric; very few angular

and sub-angular stones

(2-6 mm diameter); very

few hard ferromanganiferous

concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); abundant fine

roots; pH 6.5. Clear,

even to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 12-40 Dark reddish brown (2.5 18

3/4 moist) ; fine sandy

medium clay; moderate,

medium angular blocky;

smooth ped fabric;

very few angular and

sub-angular stones

(2-6 mm diameter);

very few hard

ferromangan iferous

concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); many fine

roots; pH 8. Clear to -

B22 40-85 Red (2.5 YR 5/6 moist);

medium to heavy clay;

strong, medium prismatic

breaking to fine to medium

angular blocky; Smooth

ped fabric; diffuse

calcium carbonate

concretions and hard

nodules (greater than

15 mm diameter) common;

few fine roots; pH 9.

Gradual to -

B23 85-150 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/8

moist); heavy clay;

moderate, medium prismatic

breaking to medium angular

blocky; smooth ped fabric;

few diffuse calcium

carbonate concretions; few

diffuse fe rromangan if erous

concretions and hard

nodules (up to 5 mm

diameter); pH 9.


Profile Number 20


Map Sheet Number: 8528-I & IV

Map Name and Scale: Cootamundra 1:50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 91 900 m S

61 70 000 m N

Elevation: 360 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (1 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 590 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Not identified


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to slow

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dy 2.22

Handbook of Australian Soils: Yellow

podzol ic

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-12 Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4

moist); sandy clay loam;

weak, medium platy; earthy

fabric; abundant fine

roots; pH 5.5. Clear,

even to -

A2 12-35 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/6

moist, 5 YR 6/8 dry);

fine sandy clay loam;

apedal; earthy fabric;

very hard (dry); very

few angular quartz stones

(2-6 mm diamter); hard

ferruginous concretions

(up to 5 mm diameter)

common; many fine roots;

pH 6. Clear, even to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 35-55 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/8

moist); medium clay;

moderate, fine to medium

sub-angular blocky; hard

ferruginous concretions

(5-15 mm diameter) common;

many fine roots; pH 6.

Gradual, even to -

B22 55-75 Reddish yellow (7.5 YR

6/8 moist); medium clay;

strong, fine to medium

sub-angular blocky; hard

ferruginous concretions

(5-15 mm diameter) common;

few fine roots; pH 7.

Gradual to -

B23 75-130 Brownish yellow (10 YR 6/6

moist) with orange and

grey mottles; strong,

fine angular blocky;

hard black manganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter) common; few

hard ferruginous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); pH 7.


Profile Number: 21


Map Sheet Number: 8528-I-IV

Map Name and Scale: Cootamundra 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 5 93 600 m E

61 71 300 m N

Elevation 345 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (1 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 600 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Quaternary terrestrial sediments


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - moderate


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dy 2.42

Handbook of Australian Soils: Yellow


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-10 Dark brown (7.5 YR 4/3

moist); light sanay clay

loam; weak, medium platy;

earthy fabric; very few

charcoal inclusions (up to

5 mm diameter) ; many fine

roots; pH 5.5. Clear to -

A2CB 10-50 Brown (7.5 YR 5/4 moist,

10 YR 7/4 dry); sandy clay

loam; apedal; earthy fabric;

very few diffuse


concretions; many fine

roots; pH 6. Sharp to -

Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 50-80 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/6

moist); heavy clay; strong,

fine angular blocky;

smooth ped fabric; very

few diffuse and soft


concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); many fine roots;

pH 7. Gradual to -

B22 80-130 Yellowish red (5 YR 5/6

moist) with grey mottles;

heavy clay; strong fine

angular blocky; smooth

ped fabric; few hard


concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); few fine roots. 4

Profile Number: 22


Map Sheet Number: 8528-I & IV

Map Name and Scale: Cootamundra 1:50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 00 000 m F

61 77 300 m N

Elevation 520 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Upper slope (20 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 675 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Not identified


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to rapid

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally

woodi and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Gn 3.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Euchrozem

Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-10 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/4 moist); fine sandy

clay loam; apedal to weak,

crumb; earthy fabric;

abundant fine roots;

pH 6. Clear to -

B21 10-30 Dusky red (10 R 3/4 moist);

light medium clay;

moderate to strong, medium

angular blocky; porous

fabric; many cutans; very

few angular quartz stones

(2-20 mm diameter);

abundant fine roots;

pH 6.5. Arbitrary to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B22 30-60 Dusky red (10 H 3/4 moist);

medium clay; strong,

medium angular blocky;

porous fabric; many

cutans; very few angular

quartz stones (2-20 mm

diameter); abundant fine

roots; pH 7. Arbitrary to -

B22 60-90 As above, but fewer fine

roots. Arbitrary to -

B22 90-110 As above, but fewer fine

roots. Diffuse to -

B23 110-130 Dusky red (10 R 3/4 moist);

medium clay; strong, coarse

blocky breaking to fine

angular blocky; cutans

common; very few angular

quartz stones; pH 7.


Gn 2.12 (23)

G.n 2.12 (25)

Gn 2.22 Dy 2.42

(24) (26)

Figure 3. Soil toposequence on unidentified material

near Wallendbeen (profile number in brackets).


Profile Number: 23


Map Sheet Number: 8528-I & IV

Map Name and Scale: Cootamundra 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 02 100 m E

61 79 300 m N

Elevation: 500 m

LANDFOHM ELEMENT: Mid-slope (10 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 675 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Not identified


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Go 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Red


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-15 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/4 moist); sandy clay

loam; apedal to weak,

platy; earthy fabric;

abundant fine roots;

pH 5.5. Clear to -

Bi 15-50 Red (25 YR 4/6 moist);

fine sandy light clay;

weak, fine sub-angular

blocky; earthy fabric;

very few hard

ferromanganiferous nodules

(up to 5 mm diameter);

few fine roots; pH 6.

Diffuse to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B2 50-110 Dark red (2.5 YB 3/6

moist); medium clay;

moderate, fine sub-angular

blocky; friable (moist);

few hard ferromanganiferous

nodules (up to 5 mm

diameter); few fine roots;

p1-i 6.


Profile Number: 24


Map Sheet Number: 85281 & IV

Map Name and Scale: Cootamundra 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 02 800 m E

61 79 900 m N

Elevation: 500 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (3 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 675 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Not identified


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - moderate

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to rapid

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally

wood 1 and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Gn 2.22

Handbook of Australian Soils: Yellow


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-14 Brown (7.5 YR 5/4 moist);

loam, fine sandy; apedal;

earthy fabric; abundant

fine roots; pH 5.5. Clear,

even to -

B1 14-40 Strong brown (7.5 YR 5/6

moist); sandy clay loam;

apedal to weak, medium

sub-angular blocky; earthy

fabric; many fine roots;

pH 6. Gradual to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 40-65 Strong brown (7.5 YR

5/6 moist) ; fine sandy

light clay; moderate,

fine sub-angular blocky;

very few hard


concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); many fine roots;

pH 6. Gradual to -

B22 65-110 Yellowish brown (10 YR

5/6 moist); fine sandy

light clay; moderate,

fine sub-angular blocky;

very few hard


concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); few fine roots;

pH 7. Clear to -

B23 110-120 Pale brown (10 YR 6/3

moist) with orange and

yellow mottles; medium

clay; moderate to strong

fine angular blocky;

many hard black

manganiferous concretions

(5-15 mm diameter); few

hard ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); pH 7.


Profile Number: 25


Map Sheet Number: 8528-I & IV

Map Name and Scale: Cootamundra 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 03 000 m S

61 80 800 m N

Elevation: 500 m

LANDFOHM ELEMENT: Upper slope (20 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 660 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Not identified


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - moderate


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Completely cleared. Originally

woodi and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: On 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Red


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-12 Reddish brown (5 YR 4/6

moist); loam, fine sandy;

weak, crumb; earthy fabric;

very few charcoal

inclusions (5-15 mm

diameter); abundant fine

roots; pH 5.5. Gradual

to -

81 12-30 Red (2.5 YR 4/6 moist);

fine sandy clay loam;

weak, medium sub-angular

blocky; earthy fabric;

very few hard

ferromanganife rous

concretions and charcoal

inclusions (up to 15 mm


Horizon Depth (cm)

diameter); abundant fine

roots; pH 6. Diffuse to -

B21 30-65 Red (2.5 YR 4/6 moist);

sandy clay; weak to

moderate, medium sub-

angular blocky; earthy

fabric; few hard


concretions (up to

5mm diameter); many fine

roots; pH 6. Diffuse to -

B22 65-100 Red (2.5 YR 4/8 moist);

fine sandy light clay;

weak to moderate, medium

sub-angular blocky; few

hard ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); many fine

roots; pH 7. Clear to -

B 100-120 Red (2.5 YR 4/8 moist);

fine sandy light clay;

apedal, earthy fabric;

abundant hard black

manganiferous concretions

and f errom angani f e ro us

concretions (greater than

15 mm diameter); few

fine roots; pH 7.

Profile Number: 26


Map Sheet Number: 8528-I & IV

Map Name and Scale: Cootamundra 1:50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 02 900 m E

61 80 200 m N

Elevation 500 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Flat (2 per cent slope)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 665 mm

PARENT MATERIAL: Not identified


ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - high; subsoil - high


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally


PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Dy 2.42

Handbook of Australian Soils: Yellow


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-15 Greyish brown (10 YR 5/2

moist); light sandy clay

loam; weak, fine crumb;

earthy fabric; very

few charcoal inclusions

(up to 5 mm diameter);

abundant fine roots;

pH 5.5. Clear to -

A2CB 15-65 Light brownish grey

(10 YR 6/2 moist, 10 YR

8/1 dry) with orange

flecks; light sandy clay

loam; apedal; earthy

fabric; hard


concretions (5-15 mm


Horizon Depth (cm) diameter) common; many

fine roots; pH 6. Sharp

to -

B21 65-80 Greyish brown (2.5 Y 5/1

moist) with orange flecks;

medium clay; strong, medium

angular blocky; smooth

ped fabric; very few hard


concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); many fine roots;

pH 7. Clear to -

B22 80-120 Light brownish grey (10 YR

6/2 moist) with yellow

mottles; sandy clay;

moderate, medium angular

blocky; few hard


concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); pH 7. Gradual

to -

B23 120-200 Light olive brown (2.5 Y

5/3 moist) with orange

mottles; heavy clay;

strong, medium angular

blocky; smooth ped fabric;

many cutans; few hard


concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter) but less than

above; pH 8.

Gn 2.12 (27

Gn 2.12 (29) Gn 2.12

Gn 2.22 (28) - (30)

Figure 4. Soil toposequence occurring on granodiorite

near Young (profile number in brackets).


Profile Number: 27


Map Sheet Number: 8529- 11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Young 1:50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 11 500 m 8

61 97 500 m N

Elevation: 520 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Upper slope (4 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 680 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate to high


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

wood 1 and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Gn 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Red


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-10 Dark reddish brown

(2.5 YR 3/3 moist); light

sandy clay loam; apedal;

earthy fabric; trace fine

quartz gravel; abundant

fine roots; pH 5.5. Clear

to -

Bl 10-25 Dark reddish brown (2.5 YR

3/4 moist) ; sandy clay

loam; weak, medium angular

blocky;cutans common;

earthy fabric; trace fine

quartz gravel; abundant

fine roots; pH 6. Gradual

to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 25-80 Dark red (2.5 YR 3/6

moist); medium clay;

weak to moderate,

medium angular blocky;

very porous fabric; cutans

common; trace fine

quartz grit; many fine

roots; pH 7. Gradual

to -

B22 80-140 Dark red (2.5 YR 3/6

moist); medium clay;

moderate, medium angular

to sub-angular blocky;

porous fabric; cutans

common; trace fine quartz

gravel; few diffuse


concretions and hard

nodules (up to 5 mm

diameter); pH 7.


Profile Number: 28


Map Sheet Number: 8529 - 11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Young 1:50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 11 500rn E

61 97 500 m N

Elevation 520 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Mid-slope (5 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 680 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - high


LAND USE: Improved pasture

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

wood 1 and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Gn 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Red


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-13 Reddish brown (5 YR 4/

moist); fine sandy loam;

weak, fine subangular

blocky; earthy fabric;

abundant fine roots; pH 6.

Clear, even to -

Bl 13-30 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/' moist); sandy clay

loam; weak, medium sub-

angular blocky; earthy

fabric; very few hard

ferromanganiferous -

concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); abundant fine

roots; pH 6. Gradual,

even to -


Horizon Depth (cm)

821 30-75 Yellowish red (5 YB 4/8

moist); fine sandy clay

loam; weak to moderate,

medium angular blocky;

porous fabric; few cutans;

trace fine quartz gravel;

few hard manganiferous

and ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); many fine

roots; pH 6.5. Gradual,

even to -

822 75-105 Yellowish red (5 YR 4/8

moist); sandy clay; weak,

medium sub-angular blocky;

porous fabric; few cutans;

trace fine quartz gravel;

few hard manganiferous and

ferromanganife rous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); few fine roots;

pH 7. Gradual, even to -

B23 105-130 Brownish yellow (10 8 6/6

moist); sandy clay; apedal;

porous fabric; trace fine

quartz gravel; hard

manganiferous and

f e r roman g an if e r o us

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter) common; pH 7.


Profile Number: 29


Map Sheet Number: 8529 - 11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Young 1:50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 11 100 m E

61 96 500 m N

Elevation 540 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Mid-slope (5 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 680 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - moderate to high

PROFILE DRAINAGE: Moderate to rapid

LAND USE: Cropping

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

woodi and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: Gn 2.12

Handbook of Australian Soils: Red


Horizon Depth (cm)

Al 0-10 Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4

moist) ; light sandy clay

loam; weak, medium platy;

earthy fabric; abundant

fine roots; pH 6.5. Clear

to -

Bi 10-30 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/4 moist) ; sandy clay

loam; moderate, medium

angular blocky; earthy

fabric; cutans common;

very few hard ferruginous

concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); abundant fine

roots; pH 6.5. Gradual

to -

Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 30-75 Red (2.5 YR 4/6 moist);

sandy clay; moderate,

medium angular to sub-

angular blocky; porous

fabric; cutans common;

trace fine quartz gravel;

few hard ferruginous

concretions (5-15mm

diameter); abundant fine

roots; pH 6.5. Gradual

to -

B22 75-100 Red (2.5 YR 4/6 moist);

sandy light medium clay;

moderate, medium angular

to sub-angular blocky;

porous fabric; trace

fine quartz gravel; few

cutans; few hard


concretions (5-15 mm

diameter) ; few fine

roots; pH 7. Clear to -

B23 100-150 Strong brown (7.5 YR

5/6 moist) ; sandy light

medium clay; weak,

medium to coarse angular

blocky; porous fabric;

trace fine quartz gravel;

few hard ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15mm

diameter); few fine roots;

pH 7.

-6 7--

Profile Number: 30


Map Sheet Number: 8529 - 11 & 111

Map Name and Scale: Young 1 :50 000

Map Zone: 55

Australian Map Grid Reference: 6 ii

61 96

Elevation 530 m

LANDFORM ELEMENT: Lower slope (3 per cent)

CLIMATE: Median Annual Rainfall 680 mm



ERODIBILITY: Topsoil - moderate; subsoil - high


LAND USE: Cropping

100 m E

500 m N

NATIVE VEGETATION: Extensively cleared. Originally

wood 1 and

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Northcote Classification: On 2.22



Handbook of Australian Soils: Ye].low


Depth (cm)

0-15 Dark reddish brown (5 YR

3/2 moist) ; light sandy

clay loam; weak, medium

platy; earthy fabric;

trace fine quartz gravel;

abundant fine roots;

pH 5.5. Clear, even to -

15-40 Strong brown (7.5 YR 5/6

moist); sandy clay loam;

weak, medium angular

blocky; earthy fabric;

trace fine quartz gravel;

very few hard


concretions (up to 5 mm

diameter); abundant fine

roots; pH 6. Gradual to -

Horizon Depth (cm)

B21 40-110 Yellowish brown (10 YR

5/6 moist) ; sandy clay;

weak, medium angular

blocky; porous fabric;

cutans common; trace

fine quartz gravel;

hard black manganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter) common; few

hard ferromanganiferous

concretions (5-15 mm

diameter); many fine

roots; pH 6.5. Gradual

to -

B22 110-150 Brownish yellow (10 YB

6/6 moist) with red and

grey mottles; strong,

medium to coarse angular

to sub-angular blocky;

smooth ped fabric;

ferromanganiferous cu tans

common; trace fine quartz

gravel; pH 7.


Profile Depth Clay Silt Fine Coarse Stones Stones L.L.* P.I. USCS* D.I.* D.P.* L.S.* E.A.T.* No. (cm) Sand Sand 2-6mm > 6mm

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

1 0- 15 22 16 50 12 0 0 23 12 CL 4.2 33 3 3(2) 15- 30 30 14 44 11 0 0 26 16 CL 8.0 17 7 3(1) 30- 40 31 14 39 14 2 0 27 17 CL 12.0 11 7 3(2) 40- 55 39 12 36 11 1 0 33 18 CL 29.0 5 10 3(2) 80-130 54 8 28 7 1 1 45 21 CL 9.0 13 11 3(2)

2 0- 30 20 16 47 17 0 0 30 10 CL 19.0 8 4 7 30- 65 35 10 37 16 1 0 31 17 CL 27.0 5 7 3(2) 65-1 05 64 8 20 8 0 0 52 30 CH 13.3 9 13 2(1) 105-145 43 14 28 13 2 0 38 21 CL 30.0 4 8 2(1) 145-200 39 17 12 17 14 1 53 25 CH 16.5 8 12 3(2) 200-220 19 14 14 30 22 1 50 21 Sc 11.5 13 10 3(1)

3 0- 30 16 22 48 14 0 0 25 10 CL 6.3 27 4 3(3) ' 30- 60 30 14 40 16 0 0 26 15 CL 24.0 6 6 2(1) 60- 90 42 9 33 11 4 1 36 19 CL 29.0 4 10 2(1)

* L.L. - Liquid Limit; P.I. - Plasticity Index; USCS - Unified Soil Classification System;

D.I. - Dispersal Index; D.P. - Dispersion Percentage; L.S. - Linear Shrinkage;

E.A.T. - Emerson Aggregate Test.

0 2(1) 2(1) 2(1)

TABLE 2. (Continued)

Profile Depth Clay Silt Fine Coarse Stones Stones L.L.* P.I. USCS D.I.* D.P.* L.S.* E.A.T.* No. (cm) Sand Sand 2-6 mm > 6mm

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

4 0- 10 15 17 39 24 2 3 nd nd 8.5 25 4 8 10- 18 10 10 25 27 16 11 26 8 SC 16.0 10 3 8 18- 40 43 11 21 15 10 1 41 27 CL 6.6 20 11 3(1) 40- 75 43 9 22 16 8 3 43 25 CL 16.5 8 9 2(1 75-100 9 17 26 41 3 3 nd nd 7.0 33 4 7

5 0- 15 20 22 44 14 0 0 27 11 CL 18.0 10 4 7 15- 45 34 14 36 16 0 0 31 22 CL 27.1 11 9 3(1) 45- 85 52 8 29 11 0 0 45 24 CL 17.5 8 12 2(1) 85-140 58 6 27 9 0 0 49 30 CL 12.0 11 13 2(1) 140-160 45 12 28 13 3 0 46 26 CL 6.6 20 9 2(1

6 0- 30 16 16 39 29 0 0 30 11 CL 18.0 10 5 30- 45 9 7 33 41 10 0 19 5 SC 4.0 75 1 45-100 38 10 20 32 0 0 40 22 CL 27.0 11 12 100-120 40 10 24 26 1 0 40 21 CL 10.0 14 10

7 0- 12 14 14 45 27 0 0 27 9 CL 8.0 22 3 12- 63 32 10 32 26 0 0 35 21 CL 24.0 6 6 63-100 49 12 24 14 1 0 43 26 CL 34.0 4 10

* L.L. - Liquid Limit; P.I. - Plasticity Index; USCS - Unified Soil Classification System;

D.I. - Dispersal Index; D.P. - Dispersion Percentage; L.S. - Linear Shrinkage;

E.A.T. - Emerson Aggregate Test; nd - Non Determinable.

TABLE 2. (Continued)

Profile Deptb Clay Silt Fine Coarse Stones Stones L.L. P.I. USCS* D.I.* D.P.* L.S.* E.A.T.* No. (cm) Sand Sand 2-6 mm > 6mm

0/ 0/ 9/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ /0 /0 /0 /0 /9 /0 /9

/0 1') 1/0 10 01 1 - -- no no I.0 29 2 7 12- 70 32 5 14 34 0 15 45 23 Sc 14.0 11 9 3(1)

9 0- 12 10 10 43 37 0 0 22 5 SM-SC 13.0 25 2 7 12- 30 14 16 40 30 0 0 28 11 SC 16.0 11 4 8 30- 85 21 8 25 42 4 1 27 15 CL 19.0 8 5 2(1) 85-100 15 9 25 25 23 4 24 13 SC 9.5 17 4 2(1) 100-155 31 3 16 24 12 15 47 24 Sc 3.6 40 9 2(1)

10 0- 45 6 13 35 40 6 0 nd nd 6.0 40 0 3(2) 45- 70 48 6 19 20 7 0 48 25 CL 11.3 11 12 3(2) 70-1 40 32 4 18 35 10 0 42 24 Sc 12.5 11 10 2(1)


0- 12

12- 80 80-160

10 8

43 5

5 3

42 37 14 28 11 65

4 0

10 0

16 0

nd 46 nd

nd 23 nd

CL 7.0 33.0 12.0

29 4 33

2 nd 1

8 8 8

12 0- 14 15 10 41 29 5 0 23 5 SM-SC 16.0 11 2 7 14- 25 15 9 46 23 7 0 21 8 Sc 17.0 10 3 3(2) 25- 65 48 7 18 13 14 0 48 26 CL 38.0 3 10 3(1) 65-100 48 7 16 14 14 0 47 24 CL 18.0 7 11 2(1)

* L.L. - Liquid Limit; P.I. - Plasticity Index; USCS - Unified Soil Classification System; D.I. - Dispersal Index; D.P. - Dispersion Percentage; L.S. - Linear Shrinkage;

E.A.T. - Emerson Aggregate Test; nd - Non Determinable.

TABLE 2. (Continued)

Depth Clay Silt L.S.* E.#.T.* Profile Fine Coarse Stones Stones L..L,* P.I. USCS* D.I.* D.P.* No. (cm) Sand Sand 2-6 mm > 6mm

0/ /0

0/ iC

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

13 0- 15 10 10 55 24 1 0 23 7 SC 14.3 14 1 8 15- 30 6 14 47 33 0 0 nd nd 4.0 100 0 3(3) 30- 95 50 8 25 17 0 0 42 21 CL 33.0 4 11 5 95-120 44 9 24 11 11 0 46 26 CL 17.0 7 11 2(1)

14 0- 12 10 11 18 15 22 25 35 7 SC 9.0 17 4 7 12- 30 33 18 21 10 12 6 29 13 CL 5.0 25 4 3(2) 30- 60 57 11 7 2 18 4 50 27 CL-CH 15.3 8 10 5 60- 80 39 26 17 5 4 8 38 20 CL 5.5 23 6 2(1)

15 0- 20 14 16 49 19 1 1 25 6 CL-ML 15.0 11 2 7 20- 35 21 18 47 12 2 1 23 10 CL 7.0 21 4 3(1) 35- 75 57 14 19 8 1 1 42 22 CL 12.3 10 10 2(1) 75-130 43 22 20 8 4 2 38 17 CL 11.3 11 9 2(1)

16 0- 10 15 16 39 11 11 8 26 10 CL 6.3 25 3 8 30- 55 44 9 19 4 19 6 53 31 CH 1.7 74 10 1 60-1 20 36 20 16 10 12 6 59 40 CH 4.6 29 15 2(1)

17 0- 7 8 14 47 30 1 1 28 8 SC 11.0 20 1 8 7- 30 7 19 36 23 8 7 nd nd 6.5 33 0 7 30- 45 12 21 36 27 0 3 18 6 CL-ML 4.0 44 0 2(2) 45- 75 32 16 40 12 0 0 30 14 CL 5.0 28 6 2(2) 75-130 30 20 40 10 0 0 32 15 CL 2.0 80 6 2(1)

* L.L. - Liquid Limit; P.I. - Plasticity Index; USCS - Unified Soil Classification System; D.I. - Dispersal Index; D.P. - Dispersion Percentage; L.S. - Linear Shrinkage; E.A.T. - Emerson Aggregate Test;


nd - Non Determinable.


TABLE 2. (Continued)

Profile Depth Clay Silt Fine Coarse Stones Stones L.L.* P.I.* USCS D.I,* D.P.* L.S.* E.A.T.* No. (cm) Sand Sand 2-6 mm > 6mm

01 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/

/0 /0 0 /0 /0 /0 /0

18 0- 5

5- 35

35- 75 75-120

6 25 75 29

13 4 6 6

57 10 15 13

20 21 3 8

3 14 1


2 26 0


43 21 66 -

11 3

37 -


90 29.0 3.3 5.8

0 5

35 21

3 0 10 -

7 7 2(2) 8

19 0- 12 18 20 45 16 1 1 32 10 CL 6.0 25 5 8 12- 40 44 12 33 11 0 0 40 21 CL 4.4 29 8 2(1) 40- 85 49 22 18 10 2 0 70 45 OH 3.8 32 12 5 85-150 58 12 21 6 0 3 75 54 CH 9.8 13 10 2(1)

20 0- 12 16 22 51 11 0 0 nd nd 18.0 9 2 8 12- 35 32 14 46 8 0 0 34 26 CL 12.5 11 9 3(1) 35-. 55 50 12 32 6 0 0 40 25 CL 16.0 8 11 3(1) 55- 75 54 12 28 6 0 0 48 26 CL 17.5 7 10 3(1) 75-130 50 12 29 9 0 0 46 25 CL 11.1 11 14 3(1)

21 0- 10 12 24 59 5 0 0 26 6 CL 4.0 44 2 8

10- 50 20 24 54 2 0 0 23 8 CL 4.0 39 4 3(1)

50- 80 48 14 37 1 0 0 43 24 CL 8.5 15 10 -

* L.L. - Liquid Limit; P.I. - Plasticity Index; USCS - Unified Soil Classification System;

D.I. - Dispersal Index; D.P. - Dispersion Percentage; L.S. - Linear Shrinkage;

E.A.T. - Emerson Aggregate Test; nd - Non Determinable.

TABLE 2. (Continued)

Profile Depth Clay Silt Fine Coarse Stones Stones L.L.* P.I.* USCS* D.I.* D.P.* L.S.* E.A.T.* No. (cm) Sand Sand 2-6 mm > 6mm

0/ Ic

01 /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

oI /0

0/ /9

22 0- 10 30 18 47 5 0 0 33 6 CL 24.0 6 5 3(2) 10- 30 40 14 40 6 0 0 42 21 CL 14.5 9 12 3(2) 30- 60 53 8 29 9 0 1 51 31 CH 17.5 7 14 5 60- 95 61 6 29 3 1 0 65 50 CH 19.5 6 14 5 95-110 57 8 30 3 1 1 54 36 CH 37.0 3 14 5 110-130 57 8 29 4 1 1 55 35 CH 18.5 7 16 5

23 0- 15 22 16 57 5 0 0 28 8 CL 9.5 15 4 7 15- 50 36 10 50 4 0 0 34 21 CL 13.0 10 9 3(2) 50-1 10 56 8 32 4 0 0 45 23 CL 18.0 7 10 3(1)

24 0- 14 10 16 70 4 0 0 25 6 CL 14.0 14 1 8 14- 40 18 20 59 3 0 0 21 8 CL 9.0 18 2 3(1) 40- 65 32 12 52 3 0 1 33 18 CL 24.0 6 9 3(1) 65-1 10 32 16 50 2 0 0 35 20 CL 23.0 6 8 3(1) 110-120 45 10 35 8 2 0 47 32 CL 7.5 17 10 3(3)

25 0- 12 16 14 65 5 0 0 30 8 CL 16.0 11 4 8 12- 30 28 10 58 4 0 0 29 14 CL 21.0 7 7 3(2) 30- 65 40 10 47 3 0 0 39 20 CL 27.0 5 13 3(2) 65-1 00 44 8 44 4 0 0 39 21 CL 15.0 8 10 3(1) 100-120 27 14 38 19 2 1 34 17 CL 7.3 21 7 7

* L.L. - Liquid Limit; P.I. - Plasticity Index; USCS - Unified Soil Classification System;

D.I. - Dispersal Index; D.P. - Dispersion Percentage; L.S. - Linear Shrinkage;

E.A.T. - Emerson Aggregate Test.

TABLE 2. (Continued)

Profile Depth Clay Silt Fine Coarse Stones Stones L.L.* P.I. USCS* D.I.* D.P.* L.S.* E.A,T.*

No. (cm) Sand Sand 2-6 mm > 6mm 0/

0 0/ /0

01 /0

0/ /0

0/ /0

0/ /0


26 0- 15 14 28 55 3 0 0 nd nd 8.5 18 2 8

15- 65 11 25 50 5 7 2 nd nd 2.4 64 1 2(1)

65- 80 48 14 30 8 0 0 41 22 CL 5.3 23 9 3(2)

80-120 32 18 41 9 1 0 30 13 CL 8.3 16 7 3(3)

120-200 52 10 25 10 3 0 56 34 CH 5.8 21 10 3(2)

27 0- 10 16 18 44 22 0 0 30 9 CL 9.0 18 4 8

10- 25 28 14 39 19 1 0 31 16 CL 11.5 13 6 3(1)

25- 80 40 10 27 23 0 0 38 24 CL 27.0 5 9 2(1)

80-140 47 10 25 17 1 0 46 25 CL 17.0 8 10 6

28 0- 13 12 18 47 23 0 0 30 11 CL 8.0 29 3 8

13- 30 20 18 44 18 0 0 28 11 CL 8.3 19 4 3(1)

30- 75 28 12 44 16 0 0 31 19 CL 23.0 6 6 2(1)

75-105 36 13 32 13 5 1 37 22 CL 13.5 10 9 2(1)

105-130 27 12 32 18 10 0 33 14 CL 11.5 13 8 2(1)

29 0- 10 16 16 43 25 0 0 29 10 CL 16.0 9 4 7

10- 30 30 8 43 19 1 0 30 17 CL 23.0 6 8 5

30- 75 36 10 33 21 1 0 36 21 CL 27.0 6 10 5

75-1 00 46 12 27 15 1 0 40 22 CL 31.0 4 9 2(1)

100-150 43 12 26 17 1 2 43 22 CL 16.0 9 12 2(1)

30 0- 15 14 14 47 25 1 0 26 8 CL 16.0 10 3 7

15- 40 26 12 40 21 1 0 30 16 CL 22.0 6 8 3(1)

40-1 10 30 12 25 21 11 0 38 23 CL 11.5 17 9 2(1)

1 10-1 50 59 10 26 11 2 0 46 28 CL 17.0 7 12 2(1)

* L.L. - Liquid Limit; P.I. - Plasticity Index; USCS - Unified Soil Classification System;

D.I. - Dispersal Index; D.P. - Dispersion Percentage; L.S. - Linear Shrinkage;

E.A.T. - Emerson Aggregate Test; nd - Non Determinable.



ANON (1973) Climate of the Wagga Wagga District. In'Wagga Wagga District Technical Manual! Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W.

AUSTRALIAN STANDARD 1289 (1977) Methods of Testing Soils for Engineering Purposes. Standards Ass, of Aust. North Sydney.

BEATTIE, J.A. (1972) Groundsurfaces of the Wagga Wagga Region, New South Wales. C.S.I.R.O. Aust. Soil Publ. No. 28,

CASAGRANDE, A. (1947) Classification and Identification of Soils. Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Engrs. 73, 783-810.

CHARMAN, P.E.V. (Ed.) (1975) Soils of New South Wales. Their Characterisation, Classification and Conservation. Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W. Technical Handbook No, 1

CROUCH, N.J. (1 A1 ) Soils of the Cootamundra Di sfri rt. In 'Cootamundra District Technical Manual', Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W.

CROUCH, R.J. (1981b) Soils of the Young District. In 'Young District Technical Manual' Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W.

DAY, P.R. (1965) Particle Fractionation and Particle- Size Analysis. In 'Methods of Soil Analysis, Part I'. (Ed. C.A. Black). pp 545-567. (Am. Soc. Agron.: Madison, Wisc.)

EDWARDS, K. (1979) Rainfall in New South Wales. Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W. Technical Handbook No. 3.

EMERSON, W.W. (1967) A Classification of Soil Aggregates based on their Coherence in Water. Aust. J. Soil Res. j, -tl - JI

JOHNSTON, W.H. (1981a) Climate of the Cootamundra District In ' Cootamundra District Technical Manual' . Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W.


JOHNSTON, W. H. (1981b) Climate of the Young District. In 'Young District Technical Manual'. Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W.

MORSE, R.J., ATKINSON, G. and CRAZE, B. (1982) Soil Data Card Handbook. Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W. Technical Handbook No. 4.

- NORTHCOTE, K.H., HUBBLE, G.D., ISBELL, R.F., THOMPSON, G.H and BETTENAY, B. (1975) A Description of Australian

Soils. C.S.I.R.O.

NORTHCOTE, K.H. (1979) A Factual Key for the Recognition of Australian Soils. Rellim Technical Publications, Glenside, South Australia.

SOWERS, G.F. (1965) Consistency. In 'Methods of Soil Analysis, Part I'. (Ed. C.A. Black). pp 391-399. (Am. Soc. Agron.: Madison, Wisc.


A Handbook of Australian Soils. Rellim Technical Publications, Glenside, South Australia.




Atterberg Limits

The Atterberg limits are based on the concept that a fine grained soil can exist in any of three states depending on its water content. Thus, on the addition of water, a soil may proceed from the solid state through to the plastic and finally liquid states. The water contents at the boundaries between adjacent states are termed the plastic limit and the liquid limit. Water content is expressed as a percentage of the oven dry weight of soil (see Sowers, G.E., 1965).

Plastic Limit (P.L.

The plastic limit of a soil is the moisture content at which the soil passes from the solid to the plastic state.

Liquid Limit (L.L.)

The liquid limit is the moisture content at which the soil passes from the plastic to the liquid state.

Plasticity Index (P.1.)

The plasticity index of a soil is the numerical difference between the plastic and the liquid limits.

Dispersal Index (D.I.)

The Dispersal Index of a soil is the ratio between the total amount of very fine particles of approximately clay size, determined by chemical and mechanical dispersion and the amount of very fine particles obtained by mechanical dispersion only. Highly dispersible soils have low dispersal indices because their very fine particles are already in a dispersed state, and the ratio approaches one. Slightly dispersible soils have high dispersal indices.

The test has been shown to reflect field behaviour of soils in that dispersible soils are often highly erodibie arid subject to tunnelling, both in situ and when used in earthworks.

A full description of the Dispersal Index test and the background to it is given in 'Soils of New South Wales' (Ed. P.E.V. Charman, 1978).


Dispersion Percentage (D.P.)

The dispersion percentage represents the proportion of approximately clay size particles in a soil which are dispersible. it is determined in the laboratory in a similar manner to the Dispersal Index, but the results are expressed as a percentage instead of a ratio.

Highly dispersible soils have a high dispersion percentage

Emerson Aggregate Test (E.A.)

The Emerson Aggregate Test classifies soil aggregates based on their coherence in water. Small dry aggregates are placed in dishes of distilled water and their behaviour observed. The conditions under which they slake, swell and disperse allows the different aggregates to be separated into eight classes. The test is particularly valuable in a soil conservation context as it grades soil aggregates according to their stability in water.

A description of the test is given by Emerson (1967). In this report a modification of the test described in 'Soils of New South Wales' (Ed. P.E.V. Charman, 1978) is used to subdivide classes 2 and 3.

Linear Shrinkage

Linear shrinkage is the decrease in one dimension of a soil sample when over dried (at 105 C for 2 hours) from the moisture content at its liquid limit, expressed as a percentage of the original dimension.

The linear shrinkage test is fully described in Australian Standard 1289, Testing Soils for Engineering Purposes (1 977 )

Categories used are:

Low 0 - 12%

Medium 12 - 17%

High 17 - 22%

Very High 22%

Linear shrinkage is used as a measure of the shrink/swell potential of a soil.


Northcote Code

The Northcote Code represents the characterisation of a soil profile according to a system for the recognition of soils in the field described by Northcote (1979).

Particle Size Analysis

Particle size analysis is the laboratory determination of the amounts of the different separates in a soil sample such as clay, silt, fine sand, coarse sand and gravel. The amounts are expressed as percentages by weight of dry soil. The hydrometer method (Day, 1965) was used for this report.

Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

The USCS is a classification system based on the identification of soil materials according to their particle size, grading, plasticity index and liquid limit.

A full description of the system is given by Casagrande (1947).

The system is used to determine the suitability of soil materials for use in earthworks, optimal conditions for their construction, special precautions which may be needed and final batter grades to be used to ensure stability.

Descriptions used in Table 2 are:

CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays.

CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays.

MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine, sandy or silty soils, plastic silts.

ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands with slight plasticity.

SC Clayey sands, poorly graded sand- clay mixtures.