Elaborate Personality Traits of a Charismatic Leader

Post on 03-Mar-2016

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Charismatic Leader


Elaborate personality traits of a charismatic leader.

Elaborate personality traits of a charismatic leader.

By:Winnie Beda Hemalatha Devarajoo


Definition of CharismaA special personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm. Personal magnetism or charm

Examples of Charismatic Leaders

Winston Churchill

Bill Clinton

Mother Teresa

Adolph Hitler

Brief Information First proposed by Max Weber in 1947 Person who has special or unusual quality Demonstrate ability to solve problems or face a crisis

Personality Traits Evoke believability Charismatic leaders evoke believability by maintaining a series of success. ConfidentCharismatic leaders are always confident about the situations they handle. They symbolize a sense of certainty.

Has good communication skillsThis helps to motivate people around them through tough times. Good listenerThey dont fidget or look distracted. Exhibits positive body languageThey are warm, open and always smile.

Possess humilityThey place a lot of value on each person and have the ability to truly listen to their concerns. The charismatic leader is able to convince the others of the value that they bring to the organization. CompassionateThey show love and positive attitude towards others.

Creative and innovativeCharismatic leaders are creative especially in giving ideas and solving problems. Self- monitoring They often tend to watch themselves. They are aware of their powerful personality, and the fact that their followers are watching them constantly. For this reason, they consider it important to portray a good image of themselves to their followers.

Self- improvement A charismatic leader understands that he has certain qualities that make him different from others, and that these are the qualities that get him attention and make him charismatic. So he also knows how important it is to continually improve himself.

Disadvantages of charismatic leaders Reliance of LeaderWhile people who are with this type of leadership may find inspiration, they may also rely too heavily on the person in charge.

Enjoys control A charismatic leader often retains the majority of the control because he believes in himself so much.

PerceptionWhile many charismatic leaders are able to win over the employees, those who take on the role for self-serving reasons may fail to get all employees to buy into their intentions. Charisma alone is not enough to make a quality leader for a company. The leader must have the best intentions of the company at heart and have other leadership qualities to back up the charisma. Employees are often able to pick up on the fact that a charismatic leader only cares about his own success or lacks the knowledge to actually run the company.

Lack of ClarityA charismatic leader sometimes gets so caught up in his control that he is unable to clearly see potential dangers with the company. The confidence he has in his abilities makes him feel that the company's success will continue indefinitely. If he doesn't have any other management personnel on the same level with the same information, he may potentially miss a threat to the company's financial welfare.