Electric Transportation: A Utility Industry Roundtable...Electric Transportation: A Utility Industry...

Post on 23-Sep-2020

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Electric Transportation: A Utility Industry Roundtable

Tim Echols, Georgia Public Service Commission (introduction)

Bill Copeland, Electric Power Board of Chattanooga

Drew Frye, Tennessee Valley Authority

Alan Shedd, Oglethorpe Power Corporation

Lincoln Wood, Southern Company

Helping lawmakers understand green issues by any means possible

If you love EE, EVs are your friend

(Cross Marketing—Opportunities)

Overall Adoption

Source: Cogent Reports by Market Strategies International










Adoption Among Those Who Have Adopted…

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EVs are an energy tutor

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2019: IRP and GA Power Rate Case

For Utilities, the EV Market is Similar to Training a Bonsai Tree

Residential Commercial Economics

Customer Education

Rates vs. Programs

Bulk Charging Location


Smart City/ Transit


GridOptimized Charging

How do we come alongside an exciting market space without defining it?

Challenges in the EV space – The circle of death

Electric Transportation at TVADrew Frye

Program Manager Grid Edge Tech & EV Strategy, Technology Innovation

Why – Electric Vehicles Support the TVA Mission Statement


Energy Economic DevelopmentEnvironment

Provide affordable power

Act as a steward of natural resources

Encouragesustainable economic

growth (Jobs & $)

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What is “the plan” EVs at TVA?

• Moving EVs from R&D into Market Development

• Staged approach that evolves as the EV market evolves (in the Tennessee Valley)1. Get Ready – Gather necessary information and develop

partnership strategies to position TVA and LPCs for future

2. Stimulate the Market – Initiatives that grow a nascent EV market

3. Sustainable Investment – Initiatives that reap benefits of a maturing market

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Long Term Vision is for TVA to Engage the EV Market as it Matures and Evolves

Internal Leadership

Value, Customers & How to Optimize

Partnerships & Demos

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• Goals for TVA Fleet Vehicles• Workplace Charging & Employee Programs

• Vehicle Data & Smart Charging Project– “Smart Charge Nashville”

• Consumer Preferences Survey

• Launched “Drive Electric TN” EV Consortium to Create Vision & Roadmap

• Key Demonstrations informed by Consortium Stakeholders

Near Term EV Initiatives“Get Ready” to Move EVs from R&D into Market Development

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Establish Internal Leadership

• Installing infrastructure for Growing Fleet EVs and Supporting 50+ Employees that drive EVs

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Value, Customers & How to Optimize

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Explore Partnerships and Key DemonstrationsCore and Advisor organizations attended workshops, developed and reviewed deliverables to create a Shared Vision for EV adoption in TN

After identifying Opportunity Areas for encouraging adoption, initiatives and projects are now being aligned with potential

partners to create an EV Roadmap for Tennessee

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