Elementary Special Education Kindergarten-5 th Grade Karley Highet 6/8/13.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Elementary Special Education Kindergarten-5 th Grade Karley Highet 6/8/13 Slide 3 Safety for Special Education Slide 4 Passenger Safety All children should ride in the back seats of the car with their seatbelt on correctly Infants (below 20 lbs.) should always ride facing the rear of the vehicle. Children with special needs may need to ride facing the rear if they have poor head/truck control or poor muscle tone NEVER place a car seat in the front seat of a car. If the airbag deploys, it could seriously injury or kill the passenger If your child is riding in a vehicle that is not your own, make sure the driver is aware and understands how to use any adapted car seats or harnesses necessary for your child Slide 5 Water Safety NEVER leave a child unattended Use bath chairs with constant supervision Check to make sure the water is not too hot or too cold. Sensitivity can be very high with children with special needs Ask a professional about proper bathing techniques for your child If swimming, make sure your child has a very good knowledge of the dangers of horseplay in the open water Slide 6 Fire Safety Have medicines and special equipment in a spot that is easy to grab in your household. If a fire should happen, these things need to be in an easy access area If your child is not able to speak or communicate without help, keep a bell or a whistle near their bedside If your child cannot walk without assistance, lay down a blanket and lay them down on it and secure them to safety Always practice safety techniques with your child Keep all matches and lighters away from children's reach Practice the stop, drop, and roll technique, how to sense fire, tell them to stay low to the ground if possible, and never go back inside the house Slide 7 Pedestrian Safety Always look both ways before crossing the road Always ensure that there is a safe place for your child to wait for the bus Mark wheelchairs with reflective tape for at night Hold a trusted adults hand while crossing the road Slide 8 Poison Prevention Keep a sheet available of all medication your child takes incase of an accident Keep all potentially dangerous cabinets locked Call poison control if there is an accident Write NO or POISON on specific bottles such as cleaners or oils Slide 9 Other Helpful Hints Never talk to strangers even if the person is an adult and seems friendly Do not get into a car that you do not know Always ask your parents or a well known adult for help if you need it Lets test your knowledge! Slide 10 Question #1 Children can sit wherever they want in the car as long as they are wearing their seatbelt. True or False? Slide 11 FALSE All children should ride in the back seats of the car with their seatbelt on correctly Infants (below 20 lbs.) should always ride facing the rear of the vehicle. Children with special needs may need to ride facing the rear if they have poor head/truck control or poor muscle tone Slide 12 If you said True Your child could be seriously injured if they are not over the proper weight limits to sit in the front seat. If the airbags deployed, they could be seriously injured or killed Slide 13 Question #2 It is okay to leave my child in the bathtub for a moment to run to answer the phone.. True or False? Slide 14 FALSE It is never okay to leave a child alone near water. Slide 15 If you said True Your child could drown in such a small amount of time. ALWAYS monitor your children near water! Slide 16 Question #3 What is the best way to walk across the street? Run as quickly as you can Find an adult and walk fast Hold an adults hand, look both ways, and walk with caution Run with a group of your friends really fast Slide 17 Answer: The correct answer is C! Hold an adults hand, look both ways, and walk with caution Slide 18 If you chose A, B, or D Always look both ways before crossing the road Always ensure that there is a safe place for your child to wait for the bus Mark wheelchairs with reflective tape for at night Hold a trusted adults hand while crossing the road Slide 19 Finished! If you got all 3 of the question right, you are on your way to a safe lifestyle! Always remember to be safe and smart! It is always a good idea to ask a trusted adult for help if you have any questions! Slide 20 Credits http://www.promedica.org/workfiles/patient_resources/e ducation/tch_special_needs.pdf http://www.promedica.org/workfiles/patient_resources/e ducation/tch_special_needs.pdf http://www.kidpower.org http://www.dawsoncreek.ca/cityhall/departments/protect ive-services/fire/fire-safety/ http://www.dawsoncreek.ca/cityhall/departments/protect ive-services/fire/fire-safety/ https://www.cpsc.gov/en/Safety-Education/Safety- Guides/Kids-and-Babies/ https://www.cpsc.gov/en/Safety-Education/Safety- Guides/Kids-and-Babies/ http://kids.usa.gov/health-and-safety/safety/