Email book МОУ «Городищенская средняя общеобразовательная...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Email book

МОУ «Городищенская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2»Городищенского района Волгоградской области

Aims of our project:

• To show an importance of the Russian language in the modern world; to prove that Russian is popular and extended.

• To show complete representation about the formation of the Russian language, to learn its history and borrowed words from other languages.

• To show that Russian culture takes the leading place in world culture, in various spheres of world business.

• To involve foreign students to study the Russian language.


• Now Russian gets an increasing value in the most various spheres of world business. However among foreigners there are myths that learning this language is difficult. They say, Russian is spoken by few people and Russia is closed and dangerous country with a lot of problems. Therefore we will try to prove schoolboys, students, foreigners that it is necessary to study Russian to learn masterpieces of Russian literature, to join Russian culture and to know about the remarkable country Russia.


1.The name of the language…2. It is the official language of (names of the

countries)…3. How many people speak it as a first language?4. People understand it in (names of the countries)

…5. How many people speak it as a second language?6. The origin of Russian language…7. Language that contributed to Russian language…8. English words in Russian language…9. Easy things for an English person to say in

Russian language …10.Difficult things for an English person to say in

Russian language…11. Why should people learn Russian language?

The results of questionnaire We have asked 70 students of 8-11 classes

70% - don't know an origin of term "Russian"

60% - don’t know that Russian is the international language

42% - can't remember about Russian “parent language”

80%- believe that it is necessary to learn Russian to become well – educated person

Email book

• Chapter 1. Russia is our country

• Chapter 2. The world’s languages. and the place of Russian among them

• Chapter 3. The origin of the Russian language

• Chapter 4. The borrowed words in Russian

• Chapter 5. Some problems in studying Russian

• Chapter 6. I must learn Russian to…

Chapter 1. Russia is our country

RusThe Russianland

The Russian language

The name of the country came from Eastern Slavonic language group in the 9th century.

Chapter 1. Russia is our country

The Russian


The Russian State emblem

The Russian Federation (Russia) is the largest country of the world.It was founded in 862.The official language is Russian.The capital is Moscow.The form of government – Presidential Republic.The president is D.A.Medvyedev.The population is 143,2 million people.The currency is rouble.

The President of the Russian Federation

1. Горбачевич К.С. Русский язык. Прошлое. Настоящее. Будущее. – Москва: Просвещение,1984 – 191с.

2. Костомаров В. Г. Жизнь языка – Москва: Педагогика, 1984 – 144с.

3. Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь. (Малый). Москва: Научное издательство «Большая Российская энциклопедия», 2000 – 1038 с.


For your information:

Chapter 2. The world’s languages. and the place of Russian among them




Official language Official language RussianRussian

Used in countriesUsed in countries







The other republics of the USSR

The official languages of The United Nations







1. Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь. (Малый). Москва: Научное издательство «Большая Российская энциклопедия», 2000 – 1038 с.


For your information:

Chapter 3. The origin of the Russian language

1. Гвоздарев Ю. А. Язык есть исповедь народа. Москва: Просвещение, 1993 – 143 с.

2. Горбачевич К.С. Русский язык. Прошлое. Настоящее. Будущее. – Москва: Просвещение,1984 – 191с.

3. Колесов В. В. История русского языка в рассказах. Москва: Просвещение, 1982 – 191 с.


For your information:

Chapter 4. The borrowed words in Russian

























Dutch Greek German Turkish

English French

1. Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь. (Малый). Москва: Научное издательство «Большая Российская энциклопедия», 2000 – 1038 с.

2. Одинцов В. В., Иванов В. В. Школьный словарь иностранных слов. Москва: Просвещение, 1994 – 272 с.

3. Русский язык: Справочные материалы: Учебное пособие для учащихся/ Баранов М. Т., Костяева Т. А.; Под. ред. Шанского Н. М. – 5-е изд., испр. – Москва: Просвещение, 1998 – 288 с.


For your information:

Chapter 5. Some problems in studying Russian

Kevin, Italy

Nataya, Thailand

«Russian is the most difficult language to study. It is difficult to me to understand your grammar. I can’t remember the meaning of words because they have the different endings. Russian words change so much»

Margaret, Italy

«It is easier to me to understand and speak Russian, than to write. There are a lot of punctuation marks, especially commas »

«Your language is beautiful, but there are many long words. Your sounds are difficult for pronouncing»

Olesio, Italy

« I like Russia and your beautiful language. There are a lot of tender words. They call me “Sarochka”.

Sarah, Germany

Is it easy to learn Russian for foreigners?


• 1. Difficult letters for pronunciation are hissing letters, letters и-ы, ь, ъ. For example foreigners say words «коска, саска» instead of «кошка, чашка»

• 2.It’s difficult to understand soft consonants. For example they say a word «осэн» instead of «осень».

• 3. It is difficult to understand alternation of consonants.

• 4. A huge number of hissing and whistling sounds.

• Genders are difficult. For example in Russian we have tree (it), birch (she), poplar (he).

• Russian words change so much. For example, it is possible to hear in foreigner’s speech : «Мой жена пришёл из работа».

• Plurals are different. Compare: tables, books, trees. – столы, книги, деревья.

• There are a lot of punctuation marks: commas, semicolon, dash, colon, dots.

• There are some difficulties in direct speech. (If the author’s words are at the beginning you have to put the colon. If the author’s words are at the end you have to put the dash.

• Difference in writing and pronunciation. For example: вода – [вада], праздник – [празник], дуб- [дуп], жил – [жыл].

• The particle «не» is written with words separately or in a one word.

• Difficulties in understanding idioms, proverbs, sayings, riddles.

• For example, « Красна изба пирогами». The foreigners ask: « Зачем красить избу пирогами?»

1. Конюшкевич М. И. Я русскому учусь… Мн.: Университетское, 1990 – 144 с.

2. Орфоэпический словарь русского языка для школьников./ Сост. Михайлова О. А. – Екатеринбург: У – Фактория, 2002 – 416 с.

3. Сиротина О. Б. Русская разговорная речь: Пособие для учителя. - Москва: Просвещение, 1993 – 80 с.

4. Словарь синонимов и антонимов для школьников./Сост. Михайлова О. А. – Переизданное. - Екатеринбург: У – Фактория, 2002 – 512 с.

5. Современный русский язык: Практикум по орфоэпии, орфографии, пунктуации./ Шуба П. П., Шевченко Л. А. – Мн.: Университетское, 1994 – 215 с

6. Фразеологический словарь русского языка для школьников./ Сост. Субботина Л. А. Екатеринбург: У – Фактория, 2002 – 412 с.

For your information:

to enter the university

to get a better job

to be a well – educated person

Studying language, we study culture of the country

Chapter 6. I must learn Russian to…

Why should the Russian learn Russian?

To learn culture and customs of other country

to communicate

with people of Russia while travelling

For the future successful career

to meet new people

to understand Russian songs and films

Chapter 6. I must learn Russian to…

Why should foreigners learn Russian?

1. Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь. (Малый). Москва: Научное издательство «Большая Российская энциклопедия», 2000 – 1038 с.

2. Орфоэпический словарь русского языка для школьников./ Сост. Михайлова О. А. – Екатеринбург: У – Фактория, 2002 – 416 с.

3. Словарь синонимов и антонимов для школьников./Сост. Михайлова О. А. – Переизданное. - Екатеринбург: У – Фактория, 2002 – 512 с.

4. Современный русский язык: Практикум по орфоэпии, орфографии, пунктуации./ Шуба П. П., Шевченко Л. А. – Мн.: Университетское, 1994 – 215 с

5. Фразеологический словарь русского языка для школьников./ Сост. Субботина Л. А. Екатеринбург: У – Фактория, 2002 – 412 с.

For your information: