Emeritus College Volume 3, Issue 4 Summer 2008

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For the second year in a row our Graduate Assistant has received the Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award in the College of Health, Educa-tion and Human Development. I’m sure each of you join me in congratu-lating Aaron Temples on this award and thanking him for his hard work on our behalf last year. Aaron has ac-cepted a teaching position in Greenville.

Several of you have encoun-tered some computer glitches lately so let me offer a few reminders. You must have a valid Clemson userID in order to participate in special offers for faculty such as the computer Big Buy. Even though you are an emeritus fac-ulty member, you cannot “log on” with-out a Clemson user ID. You can check email through a different server such

as Bellsouth.net or AOL but you cannot “log on” to the Clemson site. If you do not have a Clemson userID and want one, contact Sandra Shands, 656-8102. SHS@clemson.edu .

Also, remember that pass-words must be changed on a regular basis. You will receive a reminder no-tice from CCIT when your password is about to expire. If you do not regularly check your ac-count, it may ex-pire and be dis-continued without your knowledge. If this happens, con-tact Sandra Shands or the Emeritus College Office.


Message from the Director

Emeritus College Special points of interest:

• Huey to Chair Advisory Board

• Emeritus College on United Way Panel

• Hope for Hopewell House?

• One (for) Clemson Campaign

Summer 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

E-304 Martin Hall, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634

Huey to Chair Advisory Board Dr. Cecil Huey, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineer-ing was elected Chair of the Emeritus College Advisory Board at the spring board meeting. He succeeds Dr. Lucy Rollin, Profes-sor Emerita of English. As Chair of the Advisory Board, Dr. Huey will lead the Board in providing advice and counsel to the Director on programming and matters relating to the Emeritus College. Dr. Huey brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise and leadership to the role. Dr. Paul Zielinski, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engi-neering was elected Vice-Chair/Chair Elect.

In other board business, there was discussion of implementing the new membership categories outlined in the bylaws. There was also continued discussion of space issues and a home for the Emeritus College. (See related article on page 2.)

Message from the Director


Advisory Board Update and New Emeriti



What’s New? & Upcoming Events


Special Feature: Hopewell House


Success Story: Emeriti in Action



One (for) Clemson Campaign


Donor List 3

Calendar of Events 4

Emeritus College Advisory Board


Inside this issue:

Left: Lucy Rollin congratu-lates Paul Zielinski on his election.

Right: Diane Smathers pre-sents a token of apprecia-tion to Lucy.

Distinguished Emeriti Award

The Distinguished Emeriti Award will be presented dur-ing Emeritus Day on October 7, 2008. The award will rec-ognize an outstanding emeri-tus whose contributions to academia, the University, the community and mankind have continued beyond retirement. For more information and/or to nominate an individual for this award, visit the Emeritus College web site.

Emeritus College Represented on United

Way Panel

Emeritus Jack Stevenson will represent the Emeritus College on the 2008 Agency Allocations Panel for the United Way of Pick-ens County. We appreci-ate being asked to partici-pate in this important task and know that Jack will represent us well.

And many thanks to all who contributed to the United Way Campaign. The Emeritus College raised over $5000 for last year’s campaign!

Built in 1785 by Revolutionary War General Andrew Pickens, Sr., Hopewell House stands at Cherrys Cross-ing on the Cherry Farm owned by Clemson University. General Pickens married Rebecca Calhoun, cousin of John C. Calhoun. Their 12 offspring included former Lieutenant Governor Ezekiel Pickens, and former Gov-ernor Andrew Pickens, Jr. The house, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, was one of several homes Pickens built in the southeast. The Emeritus College is currently in discussion with University ad-

ministration concerning the possibility of the College occupying and being responsible for restoration of the House. For more information, contact the Emeritus College office.

What’s New?


Upcoming Events The No Power Point


Mark your calendars for the second season of the popular No Power Point Seminar. On Thursday, September 18, Dr. Dave Woodard, Named Profes-sor in Political Science will give us his analysis of the upcoming Presidential Election. Join us for lunch and this hot topic at the New China Supper Buffet.

Emeritus Day

Our third annual Emeritus Day on Campus will be Tuesday, October 7 at the Madren Center. This year we will take professional portraits of all emeriti to be placed in the University Archives.

The luncheon speaker will be Dr. Gail DeSabatino, Vice President for Student Affairs. During the lunch-eon we will have a slide show of pictures from the Emeritus College photo gallery. We will also pre-sent the first Distinguished Emeriti Award.

Emeritus B.L.O.G.

The next Emeritus B.L.O.G. will be held Thurs-day, August 21, 10:00 - 12:00 at McClure’s Book-shop in Clemson. The theme will be Clemson’s Freshman Summer Read-ing Program. We will dis-cuss the concept of a Summer Reading program as well as works by this year’s author, Ron Rash. For a list of books by Ron Rash as well as all previ-ous Summer Reading books, visit our web site.

Page 2 Emeritus College

In Remembrance

Ronald J. Kopczyk Professor Emeritus

Engineering 1939-2008

Eugene F. McClain Professor Emeritus Agronomy and Soils


Col. Hugh W. Webb Professor Emeritus Building Science


Joseph L. Young Professor Emeritus

Architecture 1925-2008

Success Story: Emeriti in Action

Page 3 Emeritus College

Friends (up to $99)

Carolyn Briscoe Farrell Brown Walt Castro

J. Edwin Clark Peggy Cover Jim Fanning Lewis Fitch

Carolyn Foster Ed Freeman Leo Gaddis

John Gilreath Cecil Godley

Clyde Gorsuch Bill Hare

Eleanor Hare Barbara Holder

Libby Hoyle

J.C. Hubbard John Kenelly Biff Kennedy

Dick Klein Barbara Logan

Don Manley Landon Miller Ron Moran

W. Roy Ogle Rameth Owens

Walt Owens Frank Paul

Valerie Paynter John Passafiume

Gary Powell Larry Reamer William Ruckle Arnie Schwartz

Max Sherrill Fred Sias Ab Snell

John Spragins Don Turk

Ray Turner Myles & Susan Wallace

Marian Withington Clint Whitehurst Emily Wiggins

In Memoriam

David Maxwell by Susan Maxwell

Join the One (for) Clemson Campaign. Give $1.00 for each year you worked at Clemson. Make check payable to Clemson University Foundation and mail to E 304 Martin Hall, Clemson, SC 29634. Donors listed at right have contributed to the One (for) Clemson Campaign.

University Club ($250-499) Lloyd Blanton

Rob Roy McGregor

Century Club ($100 – 249) Joe Allen

Adolph Beyerlein Harold Cheatham

Dave Dumin M.E. (Butch) Ferree

Shelly Fones Alex Hash Cecil Huey

Robert Lambert Jerry Reel

Hilton Rogers Lucy Rollin Dave Senn

Diane Smathers A.J. Turner

Emeritus Bob Edwards contemplates another Emeritus Night activity!

Emeritus Jim Polk takes notes during the No Power Point Seminar held in April.

Friends of the Emeritus College

Ann Beyerlein, Emeriti Adolph Beyerlein and Jim Fanning, Sybil Fanning and Betty Rudisill pose for the camera during Emeri-tus Night.

Emeritus Bill West and wife Sharon are all smiles.

Emeritus Jerry Waddell and wife Pam are ready for the concert.

Emeritus John Spragins and wife Catherine await curtain call.

Participants at the first Emeritus B.L.O.G. included: Emeriti John Butler, Jerry Reel, Dick Klein, Joe Allen along with Edmee Reel and Emeritae Lucy Rollin and Rameth Owens.

Dr. Joe F. Allen, Professor Emeritus, Chemistry Dr. Lloyd H. Blanton, Professor Emeritus, Agricultural Education Dr. Harold E. Cheatham, Dean Emeritus, Health, Education & Human Development Ms. Peggy H. Cover, Librarian Emerita Dr. Michael D. Crino, Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Management Dr. Maurice Ferree, Professor Emeritus, Horticulture, UGA Dr. Shelley W. Fones, Professor Emerita, Elementary & Early Childhood Education Mr. John A. Gilreath, Professor Emeritus, Physics Dr. Harold M. Harris, Jr., Professor Emeritus, Applied Economics & Statistics Dr. Cecil O. Huey, Jr., Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering Dr. John W. Kenelly, Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Mathematical Sciences Dr. Richard H. Klein, Professor Emeritus, Finance Dr. Robert S. Lambert, Professor Emeritus, History Dr. John K. Luedeman, Professor Emeritus, Mathematical Sciences & Teacher Edu Dr. Rameth R. Owens, Professor Emerita, History Dr. Gary L. Powell, Professor Emeritus, Genetics and Biochemistry Dr. Jerome V. Reel, Jr., Senior Vice Provost & Professor Emeritus, History Dr. Lucy W. Rollin, Professor Emerita, English Dr. Arnold E. Schwartz, Vice Provost & Dean Emeritus, Graduate School Dr. David J. Senn, Professor Emeritus, Psychology Dr. William F. Steirer, Jr. Associate Professor Emeritus, History Dr. Raymond C. Turner, Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Physics Dr. Myles S. Wallace, Professor Emeritus, Economics Dr. C. Harold Woodell, Professor Emeritus, English Dr. Paul B. Zielinski, Director & Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering Ex-Officio: Dr. Diane G. Smathers, Director, Emeritus College Dr. Dori P. Helms, Provost and Vice President/Academic Affairs Mr. Philip H. Prince, President Emeritus Dr. Charles H. Gooding, President, Faculty Senate

Phone: 864-656-3990 Fax: 864-656-4187 dsmthrs@clemson.edu

Emeritus College E-304 Martin Hall Clemson University Clemson, S.C. 29634

“One of the top public schools in the country.” - The Princeton Review

Emeritus College Advisory Board 2007—2008

Clemson University

Calendar of Events

July ……...…………..…...……………...Newsletter

August 19…………...…. Victor Hurst Convocation

August 21 ...…….………...…Emeritus B.L.O.G.

September 16………..….Emeritus Advisory Board

September 18 ………...No Power Point Seminar


October 7…………….….Emeritus Day on Campus

For other related events go to: www. Clemson.edu/emerituscollege

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