Emotional First Aid on Tap

Post on 08-Nov-2014

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Release of Negative Emotions from A to Zero on Tap


Alan Kirwan

Certified Life Skills Consultant


Created from successful sessions with my clients

Who were my greatest teachers

copyright© Alan Kirwan 2012


Contents Page


1. What is EFT & Basics 5

2. Breathing Exercise 8

3. Mopping Up 11

4. Anxiety Relief 14

5. Anger Elimination 19

6. Create Abundance 23

7. Let Go Feelings of Being Bullied 31

8. Gain Self Confidence 35

9. Driving Test Fear Overcome 39

10. Let go Feelings of Emotional Blackmail 43

11. Fear 48

12. Improve Your Golf 52

13. Healing with the Seven Arch Angels 63

14. IBS Relief 66

15. Let go Jealousy 70

16. Karma 74

17. Loss 78

18. Moody 82

19. Nail Biting 86

20. OCD Relief 90


21. Pain Relief 94

22. Quit Smoking 99

23. Release Feelings of Rejection 106

24. Sex Life 110

25. Stammer Relief 118

26. Tension 126

27. Being Used 130

28. Vermin Fear 134

29. Let Go Feelings of Worry 138

30. Xenophobia/Racism 142

31. Yes To No 146

32. Bring Bad Feelings to Zero 150



Emotional Freedom Technique was created by Gary Craig after studying TFT

(Thought Field therapy) with Roger Callahan, Roger a psychologist who became

interested in acupuncture and how it affected the energy system in the body

discovered that by tuning into emotional issues while tapping on the ends of certain

meridians of the bodies energy system balance could be restored and emotional

upset relieved or eliminated. Callahan had various sequences of energy meridians

that he had devised through muscle testing (a technique that gives yes no answers from

the subconscious by pressing down on a out stretched arm receiving the answers with a

weak or strong resistance) that only needed to be tapped on for relief to be had. Gary

Craig created EFT by using all of the energy meridian points that Callahan was

using a total of thirteen and called this the basic recipe, over the years this has

changed as it was found that some points could be eliminated making it to be a

more elegant and forgiving technique as missing a point sometimes would give the

same result.

Above is a very brief introduction to how EFT was created, this book was not

written to rewrite what so many others have written. It has been written to offer

relief too many day to day emotional problems, based on my own personal

experience of working one to one with clients.

To use this book just simply read the instructions practice using the technique with

the breathing exercise then select what issue you wish to work on KISS (keep it

simple stupid) if you have a problem or emotional issue not listed in the contents

(Bring bad feelings to zero) is a fit all session.

EFT does not replace proper medical or psychological care.


So what is EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique...... EFT is a gentle tapping technique..... Where

you tap on specific points on the body..... While you tune into an issue that has

being causing a disturbance in the bodies energy system ...... this disturbance is

called negative emotions.... Negative meaning something uncomfortable and

emotion meaning energy in motion ....... so by tapping these points that are derived

from the ancient art of Acupuncture and acupressure.....while tuned into a past

emotional issue balance in the energy system can be restored bringing with it relief

from physical and psychological problems .

The Exercises and Sessions may seem simple with errors in Grammar, but you are

communicating with your unconscious / subconscious mind and the language of

this part of your mind is very literal and processes information differently than you

do rationally with your conscious thinking. There are elements of Hypnotic

language, EFT, and NLP intertwined in this work just like a personal therapy

session, so it is not necessary to understand how it works just that it works. Not

many people know how electricity lights a light bulb they just accept and enjoy the

response the bulb gets from the electricity.

You are the most important person in your life and the more positive changes you

gain will reflect like a bright light many times on those you care for I have seen

this so many times , because if you do the same old thing you will get the same

result .

Make a little time to practice this regularly and watch your life change around you,

practice doing these exercises like you would regularly take prescribed medication

by your GP, like the medication when you take the prescribed dosage for the time

prescribed you get a positive change. Do the same with these exercises once a day

for 28 days and let me know all the positive results you have had

@ walkingtallireland@gmail.com



So let us begin with the tapping points ...... the first point is called the Karate chop

point and it is located on the side of either hand where the little finger is.... and just

as it is called it is the fleshy side of the hand used in Karate.

Now what I would like you to do is begin tapping this point with the index and fore

finger of the opposite hand..... you may use either hand there is no wrong way to

do this as it is a very forgiving technique ...tap this point at least seven times and

each of the following other points

The next point is the eyebrow point and this is located on the inside edge of the

eyebrow close to the bridge of the nose again either side will do whatever feel right

or comfortable for you tapping this point with index and fore finger seven times

The next point is the side of the eye this point is located on the bone on the outside

edge of the eye socket ....tapping this point again with the same two fingers seven


Next point is under the eye again this is on the bone on the underside of the eye


Tapping again seven times with the same two fingers.

Next we have under the nose this point is under the nose between the nose and top

lip again tapping here seven times

Now moving on to the chin point this is located in the dip between the lower lip

and the chin tap here seven times also

The next point is the collar bone point to find this point run your finger from your

chin down your neck to about where a man ties a neck tie and you will notice a vee

where both collar bones meet now from the centre of this vee run your finger up

either side until you notice where the bone angles off towards either shoulder and it

is at the tip of the bone where it angles off on either side this is where to tap this is

what we call the collar bone point .... Tap here seven times.

Next I would like you to pat under your arm on either side with the palm of your

hand along the line where a ladies bra strap would be ... pat here seven times this is

called the under arm point.


The last point is located on top of the head around where a girl would have a hair

band cross her head pat here with the palm of your hand seven times.

Now if you need to go back over this section to familiarize yourself with the points

before moving on do that now.

Now before you begin to experience something new........ I would like you to make

yourself comfortable somewhere you will not be disturbed so that you may get an

experience of how EFT can make changes for you in the next Exercise.


Breathing Exercise

Okay now that you are comfortable I would like you to take a deep breath filling

your lungs as much as you can ...... and exhale ...... very good .... now in a moment

I want you to take another deep breath and fill your lungs again only this time I

want you to measure on a scale of zero ---- 10 how full you have filled your lungs

... alright go ahead and take a deep breath filling your lungs.... and exhale ... ok so

what number came to mind as you filled your lungs or what number comes to mind

now of how full your lungs were ...... there is no need to go searching for rational

right answers whatever number just pops to mind is the right answer .

Alright whatever number popped to mind between zero and ten I would like you to

subtract that number from ten and whatever number you are left with we will call

breathing constriction and is called this because your breathing was constricted in

some way from getting to a full ten .

Okay let’s do some tapping begin tapping on the karate chop point and saying out


Even Though I have this breathing constriction I deeply and completely accept


Continuing tapping on the karate chop point while saying

Even Though I have this breathing constriction I deeply and completely accept


And one more time while continuing to tap Even Though I have this breathing

constriction I deeply and completely accept myself.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying..... This breathing constriction

Side of the eye continuing to say at each point ....this breathing constriction

Under the eye.....this breathing constriction

Under the nose ....this breathing constriction

Chin point.....This breathing constriction

Collar bone point.....this breathing constriction


Patting under the arm.....this breathing constriction

And top of the head ......this breathing constriction

Take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you exhale noticing any changes and

also measuring once again on a scale of zero to ten.... what number pops to mind

maybe noticing your breathing is more smooth or your chest filled a little more

sometimes people get subtle changes often they get impressive changes ...... one

point I would like to add is that it is important that you say the statements out loud

as this keeps you focused both consciously and unconsciously and while it may not

seem like we are working with unconscious processes that is where the change is

happening a total mind body connection ... so what number came to mind that time

between zero and ten whatever number you have subtract that once again from ten

and we will continue with that remaining breathing constriction and if you got a

ten you may wish to do the breathing exercise one more time before moving onto

your EFT session and if not That’s ok just move onto your EFT session and for

those of you who have a remaining breathing constriction lets continue .

Alright begin tapping on the Karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this remaining breathing constriction I deeply and completely

accept myself

And again Even though I have this remaining breathing constriction I deeply and

completely accept myself

One more time Even though I have this remaining breathing constriction I deeply

and completely accept myself

Start tapping the eyebrow point now while saying ....remaining breathing


Side of the eye remaining breathing constriction

Under the eye remaining breathing constriction

Under the nose remaining breathing constriction

Chin point remaining breathing constriction

Collar bone remaining breathing constriction


Under the arm remaining breathing constriction

Top of the head remaining breathing constriction

take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you exhale measure that once again

between zero and ten and if you are at ten you can move on to the next section and

if not you may wish to do the breathing exercise again but if not that’s ok to ....

You may move onto your EFT session as this section was only an exercise where

you have learned something new ... noticing subtle changes as you did the

breathing Exercise


Mopping Up

This is the mopping up section for clearing any fragments of emotion attached to

the issue or past event you have been working on.

Okay so here we go.... start tapping on the Karate chop point and saying out loud

Even though I still have some bad feelings remaining to that issue I forgive myself

and anyone else who may have contributed to that in anyway

And again even though I still have some bad feelings remaining to that issue I

forgive myself and anyone else who may have contributed to that in anyway

one more time even though I still have some bad feelings remaining to that issue I

forgive myself and anyone else who may have contributed to that in anyway

Okay begin tapping the eyebrow point and saying out loud...............

I forgive, love and accept myself

Side of the eye...... I forgive, love and accept myself

Under the eye........ I forgive, love and accept myself

Under the nose ...... I forgive, love and accept myself

Chin point...... I forgive, love and accept myself

Collar bone point. ....I forgive, love and accept myself.....

Under the arm.... I forgive, love and accept myself

Top of the head I forgive, love and accept myself

Now take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you ......release that .........

noticing any changes in that remaining bad feeling measure any intensity that

remains from zero to 10 and if you have any number of intensity keep that in mind

as we begin again.

Okay so here we go.... start tapping on the Karate chop point and saying out loud


Even though I still have this remaining feeling I deeply love and accept myself

And again ...... even though I still have this remaining feeling I deeply love and

accept myself

One more time ...even though I still have this remaining feeling I deeply love and

accept myself

Start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud ....still holding on

Side of the eye still holding on

Under the eye still holding on

Under the nose still holding on

Chin point still holding on

Collar bone still holding on

Under the arm still holding on

Top of the head still holding on

Alright now take another deep breath and as you ....release all that.....now noticing

those positive changes your are experiencing.... measuring once again from zero to

ten becoming aware of the remaining number if any and if there is, it is a bit like

when you are cutting down weeds in a garden it is always best to get deep down to

those roots and remove them, so let’s do one more round of tapping.

Start tapping the Karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though some roots still are there I deeply completely love forgive and accept


Again even though some roots still are there I deeply completely love forgive and

accept myself

Once more even though some roots still are there I deeply completely love forgive

and accept myself


Tapping now on the eyebrow point while saying out loud

These roots

Side of the eye these roots

Under the eye these roots

Under the nose these roots

Chin point these roots

Collar bone these roots

Under the arm these roots

Top of the head these roots

Alright take a deep breath in and as you .......release that now... checking once

again to see if all the intensity of emotion is completely ....gone.... and should any

remain go right back to the beginning of the mopping up section again until you

are .....At zero..... And when.... you are at zero now ......you can start at the

beginning of this session to clear up any other connected issues that may have

come to mind as you were releasing those old negative emotions.



Anxiety Relief Session

The news is you are not born with Anxiety you however born with the fight or

flight response an instinctive response to keep you safe from wild animals where

you would stand and fight or run for safety, this is when adrenalin is pumped into

your system causing your heart rate and breathing to increase moving blood to all

your leg and arm muscles readying you to run or fight these responses happening

at an unconscious level , it is this same response that is happening to a irrational

experience unconsciously with nothing to run from or fight leaving you with your

heart beating quickly unable to breath easily legs hands and arms shaking or like

jelly caused by some experience you had in your life creating a reaction of Anxiety

for you in certain situations in your life limiting how you would like to feel .

So let’s begin your letting go of feelings of Anxiety session ...... the first thing I

would like to do is satisfy your curiosity on how you will release feelings attached

to Anxiety.... So as you begin......... just stop and think for a moment of a time,

place or someone that caused you to have those feelings of Anxiety.... just allow

any memory of a time that caused you to have feelings of Anxiety come to mind

maybe even noticing as you imagine that time, place or person coming to mind ...it

has also got a feeling attached somewhere in your body.... just noticing what pops

to mind ….that question receiving an answer ....... that answer ...........associated

maybe to a feeling in your body.... OK..... As that's happening.... and you have

become more aware of the images or sounds associated to that memory.... that

Anxiety.... very good...... I would like you to measure that Anxiety........ On a scale

of 0---- to --- 10 of intensity ......... whatever number pops to mind between 0 and

10 is the right answer there is no need to go searching for rational right answers as

you are working with.... Your unconscious mind... and the answer may be very

subtle so just as your unconscious mind.... gives you that memory maybe that

feeling it will also give you the right number for the intensity associated to that

Anxiety ....OK.... so what number comes to mind connected to that worry 0----- 10

...... alright


... So let’s begin saying out loud while tapping on the karate chop point.

Even though I have that number of intensity.....of Anxiety.... I deeply and

completely accept myself

And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point Even though I have that

number of intensity..... Of Anxiety I deeply and completely accept myself

One more time Even though I have that number of intensity.....of Anxiety.... I

deeply and completely accept myself

Now tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

to keep you focused now.... that Anxiety

Side of the eye that Anxiety

Under the eye that Anxiety

Under the nose that Anxiety

Chin point that Anxiety

Collar bone that Anxiety

Under the arm that Anxiety

And top of the head that Anxiety

All right I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs with air ....and

release that now ....as you exhale and as ... you do that.... bringing that Anxiety into

your imagination noticing the difference in how you feel ... measuring once again

from 0 --- to – 10 .. Of intensity connected to that Anxiety. Now as you were going

through the first round of tapping on this issue if you found your mind wander to

other thoughts or memories even if they were similar I would like you to go back

and start again keeping your attention and focus only on the issue you are working

on now and if other memories came to mind you can make a note of them and

work on each one in turn just by returning to the beginning of this session.


Okay assuming you are focused and have got a remaining intensity Anxiety

number on that issue lets continue to ..... Release that now....

Begin tapping the karate chop point once again while saying out loud

Just because I still have a remaining Anxiety.... number of intensity I accept myself


And again

Just because I still have a remaining Anxiety..... Number of intensity I accept

myself deeply

And one more time just because I still have a remaining Anxiety...... number of

intensity I accept myself deeply

Now tap the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

remaining Anxiety feelings

Side of the eye remaining Anxiety

Under the eye remaining Anxiety

Under the nose remaining Anxiety

Chin point remaining Anxiety

Collar bone point remaining Anxiety

Under the arm remaining Anxiety

And top of the head remaining Anxiety

Very good now ..... take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release

that now ... and as you do that noticing as you imagine what has made you feel

anxious noticing if any feelings that were associated within your body as you

bring that time , place or person that made you feel Anxiety .... ....just imagining

that event bring it to mind and noticing the ....changes in you now ....how you feel

measuring 0--- 10 again and should there be.... a little left now ....


Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

notice where you may have that remaining Anxiety Noticing where you feel

that.... placing your attention on that Anxiety feeling and as you go inside and

place your attention on that feeling and if there is no feeling attached to that

Anxiety....maybe noticing if it has a color

and if it has a color it must have a shape or perhaps you notice a shape first and if

you notice a shape first it must have a color what color is that shape and what

shape is that color of that Anxiety maybe the outline is a different color to the body

of the shape or maybe the shape is all the one color or perhaps it’s a mixture of

colors I don’t know what comes to mind but ... you can notice now ...... whatever

color and shape comes to mind as you.... focus on that Anxiety ... okay that color

coming to mind that shape coming to mind ................................................. all right

Just allow your eyes to open after you have discovered what shape or color and

when you do that begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

...so what if I still have that Anxiety color and shape .... I accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that Anxiety color and shape .... I accept that I am


And one more time so what if I still have that Anxiety color and shape .... I accept

that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying the

reminder phrase that Anxiety color shape

Side of the eye that Anxiety color shape

Under the eye that Anxiety color shape

Under the nose that Anxiety color shape

Chin point that Anxiety shape

Collar bone that Anxiety color shape

Under the arm that Anxiety color shape


Top of the head that Anxiety color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings of Anxiety connected that time, place or person and if you

have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the next section for

mopping up those fragments not cleared and if you are at zero you can return to the

beginning of this session and eliminate as many anxious feelings as you wish



Anger Elimination

Anger is just a reaction not a response that is why many people who react angrily

feel guilty for reacting that way and by the very thought of feeling guilt means if

you had a choice you would respond to the given situation because when you

respond it means you have chosen to take action and not automatically reacted .

Here you are going to begin to release the past experiences that have caused you to

react by tuning into past angry situations and eliminating the charge to that

situation you will get closer to taking control of how you want to feel instead of the

feeling controlling you.

So to begin making these changes I want to think of a time you were angry

recently just think of any time you were angry recently now whatever memory

popped to mind that’s the one to work with there is no need to go searching for the

right one just by thinking to yourself what is the most recent time I got angry your

subconscious mind will give you a answer and that is the best answer to work with

, now that you have that memory just measure on a scale of one to ten how angry

you were then again whatever pops to mind is the right answer and with that

number let’s begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of Anger I deeply and completely accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of Anger I deeply and completely accept myself

Once more.

Even though I have this number of Anger I deeply and completely accept myself


Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out

loud and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

That Anger

Side of the eye that Anger

Under the eye That Anger

Under the nose That Anger

Chin point That Anger

Collar bone That Anger

Under the arm That Anger

And top of the head That Anger

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of Anger and if you found your

mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that Anger or to

other places you may be feeling Anger ... I would like you to return to the

beginning of this session and keep focused only on that with which you started

with ....as you can work through this session as many times as you wish but only

gaining the most by staying focused on one feeling at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that Anger

what color comes to mind when you think about that Anger again there is no need

to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about

that Anger is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a

shape so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that

pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that

answer of what color and what shape of that Anger is the right answer no matter

how subtle the answer may seem that is right.


Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that Anger I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that Anger I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that Anger I am ok .

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out loud.

That color and shape

Side of the eye that color and shape

Under the eye that color and shape

Under the nose that color and shape

Chin point that color and shape

Collar bone that color and shape

Under the arm that color and shape

And top of the head that color and shape

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now I would like you to check in on the remaining Anger and measure

that remaining Anger from zero to 10 again observing only that number that pops

to mind of the remaining Anger and if at this point you discover you are at zero ...

and you have some other area to apply EFT too ... you can go back to the start and

gain even more relief and if you have some remaining intensity of that Anger let us

continue with number that has popped to mind

By tapping on the karate while saying out loud.

Just because a little bit of that Anger still remains I accept myself deeply

And again


Just because a little bit of that Anger still remains I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that Anger still remains I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying after me

Little bit of that Anger remains

Side of the Eye little bit of that Anger remains

Under the eye little bit of that Anger remains

Under the nose little bit of that Anger remains

Chin point little bit of that Anger remains

Collar bone little bit of that Anger remains

Under the arm little bit of that Anger remains

And top of the head little bit of that Anger remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before measuring again on a scale zero

to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for mopping up

those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some or complete relief from that




Create Abundance with EFT

Everybody wants to live in a life of abundance however living a life of abundance

is very different for everybody depending on their needs and wants.

I wonder what you would like or need to live life in abundance …. Ok just imagine

if you could wave a magic wand and have all you want to live life in abundance

….. What that would be like.

Okay what stops you from that life of abundance?

Everyone knows any steps you take bring you in a direction and the direction you

take is always decided by your thinking and thoughts feelings and emotions.

So if you are not creating the life of abundance you want what are you creating or

what is stopping you.

Now when people first learn what may be stopping themselves having the life they

desire, they find it hard to understand or take responsibility for their choices and

actions that have led them on the life they are living.

So how do you do that ……………………..

Most people focus their attention on what they don’t want and thinking that will

keep more of what they don’t want out of their

However it is quite the opposite as it’s less of what they want that they receive

because of where they are placing their focus and attention.

To give you an example of how your focus and attention give you what your

attention is placed on I would like you to try this simple exercise


Alright just make yourself comfortable in a chair just relax and make yourself

comfortable …… ok …. Now I would like you to take a good deep breath in filling

your lungs as much as you can ………… and release that now …… so what just

happened there….. You followed my instructions and focused your attention on

your lungs and filled them with a good deep breath …. More than was needed for

your survival while normally a part of you only inhales the required amount for

your survival without you thinking about it ……

Ok so while you are sitting there relaxed and breathing I don’t want you to notice

how your feet feel , I really don’t want you to notice if your right foot is slightly

warmer than your left foot and whatever you do don’t think about the left foot or

notice is that slightly warmer than the right foot ….. So do not think about how

your feet feel.

Alright so what just happened there … you thought about your feet and what I had

asked you to do was, not think about your feet … so even though you were not to

think about your feet it still happened ….

So what have you just learned here, that if you think about what you want or don’t

want where ever attention and focus is placed you are brought in that direction

So now you have begun to realize that by thinking about what you don’t want

brings you in that direction or closer to that you don’t want

And by gaining this new Knowledge here you may be wondering how this will

benefit you.

By gaining the knowledge of where your attention is focused and maybe

discovering it to be on what you don’t want you can begin to make changes by

applying the easy to apply technique EFT on those thoughts that have been taking

you away from the abundant life you desire.

Ok are you ready to move on and learn how to make those changes that will allow

you to focus more on what you desire and less of what you don’t and in so doing

will offer you a new direction with new steps to reach that abundant life you



All right to start making changes that will get you more focused on the abundant

life you desire …. I would like you to think of one thing that would make your life

feel more abundant …. And as you think of that ….. I would like you to notice as

you think about having that thing that would make you feel you have more

abundance …… NOTICE the yes but ….. Now the yes but are the thoughts and

feelings that pop to mind that sabotage that positive feeling ……. Maybe it’s, that

would never happen for me ….. Or I will never be able to do that ….. Perhaps they

won’t let me ……or I am not good enough ……. Whatever limiting thought that

comes to mind is what we are going to work on here today because the more of

these limiting thoughts or beliefs that you eliminate will allow you have more

positive thinking and beliefs,

So what limiting thought pops to mind when you think about having that one thing

that would make you feel you have more abundance in your life …..

Alright now that limiting thought or limiting belief that has just came to mind I

would like you to measure on a scale of zero to ten of intensity …. Ten being the

worst you feel about having that thought …… whatever number pops to mind is

the right one there is no need to go searching for the right answer the first number

that came to mind is always the right answer .

Now with that number I would like you to begin tapping on the karate chop point

while saying out loud

Even thought I have this number of limiting belief stopping me from having that

abundance I release that now

And again

Even thought I have this number of limiting belief stopping me from having that

abundance I release that now

One more time

Even thought I have this number of limiting belief stopping me from having that

abundance I release that now


I would like you to begin tapping on the eye brow point now while saying out loud

That limiting belief

Side of the eye that limiting belief

Under the eye that limiting belief

Under the nose that limiting belief

Chin point that limiting belief

Collar bone that limiting belief

Under the arm that limiting belief

And top of the head that limiting belief

Take a deep breath in now ……… filling your lungs and release that now that’s

right and as that happens I would like you to measure on a scale of zero to ten of

remaining intensity of that limiting thought or belief …….and if as you were

working on that thought or belief other limiting thoughts or beliefs were popping

to mind I would like you to return to the beginning of this and keep focused only

on one limiting thought or belief at a time that has been sabotaging the abundant

life you deserve …… assuming you have stayed focused let us continue on

releasing that remaining intensity number of limiting beliefs or thoughts .

Now I would like you to begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out


Even though I have this remaining number of that limiting belief I am ok

And again

Even though I have this remaining number of that limiting belief I am ok

One more time


Even though I have this remaining number of that limiting belief I am ok

Begin tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud

Remaining number of that limiting belief

Side of the eye remaining number of that limiting belief

Under the eye remaining number of that limiting belief

Under the nose remaining number of that limiting belief

Chin point remaining number of that limiting belief

Collar bone remaining number of that limiting belief

Under the arm remaining number of that limiting belief

And top of the head remaining number of that limiting belief

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs once again …… and release all that …….

Now as you do that ……measure once more on a scale of zero ten of any

remaining intensity of that limiting belief stopping you having that abundance you

deserve and desire and if not at zero you may move on to the mopping up section

for clearing up any tiny fragments of that limiting belief …… or should you be at

zero you may return to the beginning of this track and release as many limiting

beliefs or thoughts as you wish so that you ….. Will become naturally more

positively focused on the abundance you desire...


Becoming more deserving

People often feel undeserving or unworthy of having good experiences in their

lives and while there may be many thoughts and feelings attached that undeserving

or unworthy feeling but the thought and feeling that cause that the most is guilt ….

Guilt may not be noticed on the surface to be the cause of feeling unworthy but just

take for example an angry person who has just been very angry they may feel

unworthy or undeserving because of their uncontrollable anger but to translate their

feelings of being unworthy because of that anger you would come up with one

word and that is guilt.

Then there is the person who may have done something wrong perhaps said

something bad to someone or about someone or maybe the person who as a child

was insecure and became a bully but now has no need to do that …… or a person

who may have taken something that didn’t belong to them ….. Now when they

find themselves feeling undeserving or unworthy of good experiences in their lives

because they still hold onto the guilt of those past actions ….. so just stop now and

think for a moment the past is over and by having those feelings of guilt means you

would not want to act in that way again ….. Right …. So how do you release those

feelings of guilt ….. Forgiveness …. That’s right forgiveness most people do not

realize that forgiveness of self is the key to releasing guilt of past actions that they

would not do again and if they had their life to live over they would not react in

that way ….. And by forgiving yourself and releasing any guilt you attract and

create more of what you want in your life because you will begin to react think and

feel in the moment not on past thoughts and actions.

Alright so to begin releasing the guilt over those past actions, that if you had a

choice again you would never do that again …. I would like you to bring to mind

anytime you felt undeserving or unworthy to mind now what was it at that time

that made you feel that way ….. What thoughts did you have at that time that made

you feel undeserving maybe as that comes to mind noticing any feelings of past

guilt attached to that feeling or thought …. Noticing that thought that feeling

coming to mind once again relating to that feeling of being unworthy or


undeserving ……………..that’s right ………now I would like you to measure on a

scale of zero to ten of intensity of feeling unworthy at that time …… whatever

number pops to mind is the right one now there is no need to go searching for the

right answer whatever pops to mind is the right one for working on this issue.

Alright with whatever number that popped to mind of those feelings of being

undeserving or unworthy I would like you to begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud

Even though have these undeserving feelings I forgive and accept myself

And again while continuing to tap and saying out loud

Even though have these undeserving feelings I forgive and accept myself

One more time

Even though have these undeserving feelings I forgive and accept myself

Now I would like you to begin tapping the eyebrow point and each other point

while saying out loud

Those unworthy feelings

Side of the eye those unworthy feelings

Under the eye those unworthy feelings

Under the nose those unworthy feelings

Chin point those unworthy feelings

Collar bone those unworthy feelings

And top of the head those unworthy feelings

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs ………. Releasing that now …… and as

you do that measuring once again on a scale of zero to ten any remaining

undeserving feelings and if while you were releasing that guilt by forgiving

yourself …. You found your mind wander to other times you felt that …. I would

like you to return to the beginning of this making sure to stay focused on forgiving


and releasing guilty and unworthy feelings attached to only one issue at a time as

you can do this as many times as you want from the beginning times , realize you

are a worthwhile and deserving person ….. assuming you have a remaining

number of intensity let us continue to……… release all that now ……

By tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have these remaining feelings of being unworthy I deeply and

completely accept myself

And again

Even though I have these remaining feelings of being unworthy I deeply and

completely accept myself

One more time

Even though I have these remaining feelings of being unworthy I deeply and

completely accept myself

Now ….. Begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out loud

Remaining feelings

Side of the eye remaining feelings

Under the eye remaining feelings

Under the nose remaining feelings

Chin point remaining feelings

Collar bone remaining feelings

Under the arm remaining feelings

And top of the head remaining feelings

Take a deep breath in ….. Once again Releasing all that now and as that happens

making sure that you are at zero by measuring again zero to ten and should you not

be at zero, move on to the mopping up section to clear up the tiny fragments that




Letting go feelings of being bullied

So let’s begin your letting go of feelings of being bullied...... the first thing I would

like to do is satisfy your curiosity on how you will release feelings attached to

worry.... Worry is only the greatest misuse of your imagination so by releasing

feelings held in your body as you create negative events in your imagination.....

You will begin ... to use your imagination in a more creative way...........

Everything man made was created in the imagination first..... So as you begin.....

To.... just stop and think for a moment of a time, place or someone that caused you

to have those feelings of being bullied.... just allow any memory of a time that

caused you to feel you were being bullied......... come to mind maybe even noticing

as you imagine that time, place or person coming to mind ...it has also got a feeling

attached somewhere in your body.... just noticing as you listen to the sound of my

voice........... That question receiving an answer ....... that answer ...........associated

maybe to a feeling in your body.... OK..... As that's happening.... and you have

become more aware of the images or sounds associated to that memory.... that

worry.... very good...... I would like you to measure that worry........ On a scale of

0---- to --- 10 of intensity ......... whatever number pops to mind between 0 and 10

is the right answer there is no need to go searching for rational right answers as

you are working with.... your unconscious mind... and the answer may be very

subtle so just as your unconscious mind.... gives you that memory maybe that

feeling it will also give you the right number for the intensity associated to those

feelings of being bullied ....OK.... so what number comes to mind connected to that

worry 0----- 10 ...... alright

... So let’s begin saying out loud while tapping on the karate chop point.

Even though I have that number of intensity.....of being bullied.... I deeply and

completely accept myself


And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point Even though I have that

number of intensity..... Of .being bullied... I deeply and completely accept myself

One more time Even though I have that number of intensity.....of being bullied.... I

deeply and completely accept myself

Now tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point saying out loud the

reminder phrase to keep you focused now.... That being bullied

Side of the eye that being bullied

Under the eye that being bullied

Under the nose that being bullied

Chin point that being bullied

Collar bone that being bullied

Under the arm that being bullied

And top of the head that being bullied

I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs with air ....and release that

now ....as you exhale.... bringing that worry into your imagination noticing the

difference in how you feel ... measuring once again from 0 --- to – 10 .. Of

intensity connected to that being bullied. Now as you were going through the first

round of tapping on this issue if you found your mind wander to other thoughts or

memories even if they were similar I would like you to go back and start again

keeping your attention and focus only on the issue you are working on now and if

other memories came to mind you can make a note of them and work on each one

in turn just by returning to the beginning of this session.

Okay assuming you are focused and have got a remaining intensity being bullied

number on that issue lets continue .....to release that now....

Begin tapping the karate chop point once again while saying out loud

Just because I still have a remaining


Being bullied.... number of intensity I accept myself deeply

And again just because I still have a remaining being bullied

..... Number of intensity I accept myself deeply

And one more time just because I still have a remaining being bullied

...... Number of intensity I accept myself deeply

Now tap the eyebrow point and each other point saying out loud the reminder

phrase remaining

Being bullied feelings

Side of the eye remaining being bullied feelings

Under the eye remaining being bullied feelings

Under the nose remaining being bullied feelings

Chin point remaining being bullied feelings

Collar bone point remaining being bullied feelings

Under the arm remaining being bullied feelings

And top of the head remaining being bullied feelings

Very good now..... take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release that

now ... and as you do that noticing as you imagine what has worried you noticing if

any feelings that were associated within your body as you bring that time , place or

person that made you feel you were being bullied .... ....just imagining that event

bring it to mind and noticing the ....changes in you now ....how you feel measuring

0--- 10 again and should there be.... little left now....

Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

notice where you may that remaining worry..... Noticing where you feel that....

placing your attention on that being bullied feeling and as you go inside and place

your attention on that feeling and if there is no feeling attached to that being

bullied....maybe noticing if it has a color


and if it has a color it must have a shape or perhaps you notice a shape first and if

you notice a shape first it must have a color what color is that shape and what

shape is that color of that being bullied feeling maybe the outline is a different

color to the body of the shape or maybe the shape is all the one color or perhaps

it’s a mixture of colors I don’t know what comes to mind but ... you can notice

now ...... whatever color and shape comes to mind that’s right ... okay that color

coming to mind that shape coming to mind ................................................. all right

Just allow your eyes to open and as you do that begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud...so what if I still have that being bullied color and

shape.... I accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that being bullied color and shape.... I accept that I

am OK

And one more time so what if I still have that being bullied color and shape .... I

accept that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying out

loud the reminder phrase that being bullied color shape

Side of the eye that being bullied color shape

Under the eye that being bullied color shape

Under the nose that being bullied color shape

Chin point that being bullied color shape

Collar bone that being bullied color shape

Under the arm that being bullied color shape

Top of the head that being bullied color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings of being bullied connected that time, place or person and if

you have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the next section for

mopping up those fragments not cleared and if you are at zero you can return to the

beginning of this session and eliminate as many worries about bullying as you wish



Gain Self Confidence with EFT.

The first thing you must realize is that you have confidence already in many areas

of your life but feel you need confidence in other areas and this is where you are

going to make the changes by doing EFT. Confident people do not think about

having confidence they just are confident by feeling relaxed at what they are doing

and the energy in their body is in balance at that time, so for you it is that there are

things you wish you felt relaxed while you are doing them and because you do not

you begin to avoid what you really want to do because it causes you to have a bad

feeling or sensations in your body or your energy system is out of balance. To

begin having more balance and confidence for what you want to do I want you to

think of a time you didn’t feel confident recently and notice what comes to mind is

it an image or like a video , a thought , emotion or body sensation , whatever pops

to mind when you think about a time you didn’t feel confident recently is the right

answer because just by asking yourself to think of a time you didn’t feel confident

recently your subconscious mind will go on a search through past events you have

experienced matching an event with your request because your subconscious mind

is your faithful servant and does exactly what you ask it for, you say well I ask it

all the time that I don’t feel a lack of confidence and it doesn’t work, I have to tell

you it has worked because you asked for not to feel a lack of confidence and for

your subconscious mind to do that for you it must understand what lack of

confidence is first and all that is associated with it and so the cycle of no

confidence is reinforced . You may also say well I just think I want to feel

confident and it still does not work the very thought of wanting to feel confident is

because what is behind that thought is the thought of not feeling confident causing

it be paradoxical because the thought of feeling confident cannot survive without

the hidden thought of not feeling confident. That is why I said people who are

confident just are confident just like you are in many areas of your life because you

have things you do that are well practiced and that may have been a little difficult


first such as using a spoon, you may think that’s silly but there was a time you had

to learn to use that spoon and it was difficult but you would not have felt a lack of

confidence at that time because as a child you have not developed the ability to be

critical or self critical and it is only as you grew older this has happened, and what

you had not learned to do at this early development age such as confidence where

you want to have it now.

Just by thinking back to your early years you will notice how your early

development years did not have what you needed for you to be confident in the

way you want to today. The good news is that is all about to change by letting go

of the negative feelings and sensations when you don’t feel confident you bring

your energy system back to Balance.

Starting point

So to begin think of a time you did not feel confidence recently and when you have

that time, place, or person in mind measure on a scale of zero to ten of negative

feelings then

Begin Tapping on the Karate point while saying out loud even though I have this

number of not feeling confident then I deeply and completely love and accept


And again even though I have this number of not feeling confident then I deeply

and completely love and accept myself

One more time even though I have this number of not feeling confident then I

deeply and completely love and accept myself

Now Begin tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud and each other point

while continuing to say out loud

This number of not feeling confident then

Side of the eye this number of not feeling confident then

Under the eye this number of not feeling confident then


Under the nose this number of not feeling confident then

Chin point this number of not feeling confident then

Collar bone this number of not feeling confident then

Under the arm this number of not feeling confident then

Top of the head this number of not feeling confident then

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs and as you exhale release all that now and

as you do that measure again as you bring that event to mind on a scale of zero to

ten of intensity of negative feelings and if you have found your mind wandering to

a different aspect or point in that event or even another event go back to the

Starting point of this session and make sure to stay focused only on one point or

one issue at a time you can do this session exercise as many times as you want but

you will gain the most from staying focused with no distractions while you work.

Ok assuming that you are focused and ready to move on with whatever number

came to mind.

Begin Tapping on the Karate point while saying out loud even though I have this

Remaining number of not feeling confident then I deeply and completely love and

accept myself

And again even though I have this Remaining number of not feeling confident then

I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Once more even though I have this Remaining number of not feeling confident

then I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Now Begin tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud and each other point

while continuing to say out loud

This Remaining number of not feeling confident then

Side of the eye this Remaining number of not feeling confident then

Under the eye this Remaining number of not feeling confident then


Under the nose this Remaining number of not feeling confident then

Chin point this Remaining number of not feeling confident then

Collar bone this Remaining number of not feeling confident then

Under the arm this Remaining number of not feeling confident then

Top of the head this Remaining number of not feeling confident then

Take another deep breath in and as you release that just notice as you think about

that time, place or person that made you feel you had no confidence what number

from zero to ten pops to mind of negative feelings if you are at zero your work is

done on this issue and you can begin to release even more negative emotions that

are stopping you from have the life you deserve or if there are any remaining

fragments of imbalance move on to the mopping up section and release all of that



Driving Test Fear Overcome

Driving Test Fear Overcome

The most difficult part of any driving test is anticipating being judged by another

person while trying to concentrate on your driving and putting all that you have

learned into action, by tuning into those anticipatory thoughts you will begin to

reduce or eliminate the body’s response to those thoughts, those thoughts are very

like what athletes do in a more productive way, what they do is called mental

rehearsal, where they visualize themselves competing and winning by using their

imagination in a positive way. You on the other hand are using your imagination in

a negative way by allowing it to run automatically, when you do this it is easier to

have a thought of failure than success. So here you are about to work on those

thoughts of failure causing you to feel fear about your driving test and by reducing

that fear you begin to mentally rehearse and reinforce a more relaxed attitude

towards your driving test.

So let’s begin by allowing one of those negative thoughts about how you will

perform, fail what the driving tester will look like or say to you just pop to mind

it’s easy to bring one of those thoughts to mind because as your driving test gets

closer they become a constant thought for you.

Ok just pick the first negative thought about your driving test that pops to mind

that causes you to feel fear about your upcoming test there is no need to be

selective about the many thoughts you may be having about your test the first one

is the right one that popped to mind, measure now on a scale of zero to ten of how

much fear that causes you again whatever number pops to mind is right for you.

And with that number of fear about your upcoming driving test I want you to begin

tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud


Even though I have that number of fear about my upcoming driving test I deeply

and completely accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have that number of fear about my upcoming driving test I deeply

and completely accept myself

Once more.

Even though I have that number of fear about my upcoming driving test I deeply

and completely accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out

loud and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

That number of fear

Side of the eye that number of fear

Under the eye that number of fear

Under the nose that number of fear

Chin point that number of fear

Collar bone that number of fear

Under the arm that number of fear

And top of the head that number of fear

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of Fear and if you found your

mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that Fear or to other

places you may be feeling Fear ... I would like you to return to the beginning of

this session and keep focused only on that with which you started with ....as you

can work through this session as many times as you wish but only gaining the most

by staying focused on one feeling at a time.


All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that Fear

what color comes to mind when you think about that Fear again there is no need to

search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about that

Fear is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a shape

so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that pop to

mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that

answer of what color and what shape of that Fear is the right answer no matter how

subtle the answer may seem that is right.

Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that Fear I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that Fear I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that Fear I am ok

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out loud.

That color and shape

Side of the eye that color and shape

Under the eye that color and shape

Under the nose that color and shape

Chin point that color and shape

Collar bone that color and shape

Under the arm that color and shape

And top of the head that color and shape

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now I would like you to check in on the remaining Fear and measure

that remaining Fear from zero to 10 again observing only that number that pops to


mind of the remaining Fear and if at this point you discover you are at zero ... and

you have some other area to apply EFT too ... you can go back to the start and gain

even more relief and if you have some remaining intensity of that Fear let us

continue with number that has popped to mind

By tapping on the karate while saying out loud.

Just because a little bit of that Fear still remains I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that Fear still remains I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that Fear still remains I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying after me

Little bit of that Fear remains

Side of the Eye little bit of that Fear remains

Under the eye little bit of that Fear remains

Under the nose little bit of that Fear remains

Chin point little bit of that Fear remains

Collar bone little bit of that Fear remains

Under the arm little bit of that Fear remains

And top of the head little bit of that Fear remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before measuring again on a scale zero

to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for mopping up

those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some or complete relief from that



E motional Blackmail

Let Go Feelings of Emotional Blackmail

So let’s begin your letting go of feelings of Emotional Blackmail caused by

another person taking away your right of free will and choice to feed their own

insecurities by blackmailing you emotionally making you unhappy and controlling

your life so to begin taking back control of your feelings and free will, the first

thing I would like to do is satisfy your curiosity on how you will release feelings

attached to Emotional Blackmail and worrying thoughts and feelings …. Worry is

only the greatest misuse of your imagination so by releasing feelings held in your

body as you create negative events in your imagination..... You will begin ... to use

your imagination in a more creative way........... Everything man made was created

in the imagination first..... So as you begin..... To.... just stop and think for a

moment of a time, place or someone that caused you to have those feelings of

Emotional Blackmail.... Just allow any memory of a time that caused you to feel

Emotionally Black mailed by someone......... come to mind maybe even noticing as

you imagine that time , place or person coming to mind ...it has also got a feeling

or sensation somewhere in your body .... Just noticing as you think about that

question receiving an answer ....... that answer ...........associated maybe to a

feeling, sensation, thought or image popping to mind ….OK ..... as that's

happening .... And you have become more aware of the images or sounds

associated to that memory.... That worry.... very good...... I would like you to

measure that worry........ On a scale of 0---- to --- 10 of intensity ......... whatever

number pops to mind between 0 and 10 is the right answer there is no need to go

searching for rational right answers as you are working with.... Your unconscious

mind... and the answer may be very subtle so just as your unconscious mind....

gives you that memory maybe that feeling or sensation it will also give you the

right number for the intensity associated to those feelings of Emotional Blackmail

....OK.... so what number comes to mind connected to that worry 0----- 10 ......


... so let’s begin saying out loud while tapping on the karate chop point .


Even though I have that number of intensity.....of Emotional Blackmail.... I deeply

and completely accept myself

And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point Even though I have that

number of intensity..... Of Emotional Blackmail... I deeply and completely accept


One more time Even though I have that number of intensity.....of Emotional

Blackmail.... I deeply and completely accept myself

Now tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

out loud to keep you focused now.... That Emotional Blackmail

Side of the eye that Emotional Blackmail

Under the eye that Emotional Blackmail

Under the nose that Emotional Blackmail

Chin point that Emotional Blackmail

Collar bone that Emotional Blackmail

Under the arm that Emotional Blackmail

And top of the head that Emotional Blackmail

all right I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs with air ....and

release that now ....as you exhale.... bringing that worry into your imagination

noticing the difference in how you feel ... measuring once again from 0 --- to – 10

.. of intensity connected to that Emotional Blackmail . Now as you were going

through the first round of tapping on this issue if you found your mind wander to

other thoughts or memories even if they were similar I would like you to go back

and start again keeping your attention and focus only on the issue you are working

on now and if other memories came to mind you can make a note of them and

work on each one in turn just by returning to the beginning of this session.

Okay assuming you are focused and have got a remaining intensity Emotional

Blackmail number on that issue lets continue.....to release that now....


Begin tapping the karate chop point once again while saying out loud

Just because I still have a remaining Emotional Blackmail.... number of intensity I

accept myself deeply

And again just because I still have a remaining Emotional Blackmail..... Number of

intensity I accept myself deeply

And one more time Just because I still have a remaining Emotional Blackmail......

number of intensity I accept myself deeply

Now tap the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

remaining Emotional Blackmail feelings

Side of the eye remaining Emotional Blackmail

Under the eye remaining Emotional Blackmail

Under the nose remaining Emotional Blackmail

Chin point remaining Emotional Blackmail

Collar bone point remaining Emotional Blackmail

Under the arm remaining Emotional Blackmail

And top of the head remaining Emotional Blackmail

Very good now..... take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again and release

that now ... and as you do that noticing as you imagine what has worried you

noticing if any feelings that were associated within your body as you bring that

time , place or person that made you feel emotionally blackmailed .... ....just

imagining that event bring it to mind and noticing the ....changes in you now

....how you feel measuring 0--- 10 again and should there be.... little left now....

Notice where that maybe in your body .... Just close your eyes and go inside and

notice where you may have that remaining worry..... Noticing where you feel

that.... placing your attention on that Emotional Blackmail feeling and as you go


inside and place your attention on that feeling and if there is no feeling attached to

that Emotional Blackmail....maybe noticing if it has a color

and if it has a color it must have a shape or perhaps you notice a shape first and if

you notice a shape first it must have a color what color is that shape and what

shape is that color of that Emotional Blackmail maybe the outline is a different

color to the body of the shape or maybe the shape is all the one color or perhaps

it’s a mixture of colors I don’t know what comes to mind but ... you can notice

now ...... whatever color and shape comes to mind as you .... Think about that

feeling.... that’s right ... okay that color coming to mind that shape coming to mind

................................................. all right

Just allow your eyes to open and as you do that begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud ...so what if I still have that Emotional Blackmail

color and shape.... I accept that I am OK Now

And again so what if I still have that Emotional Blackmail color and shape.... I

accept that I am OK Now

And one more time so what if I still have that Emotional Blackmail color and

shape.... I accept that I am OK Now

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying the

reminder phrase that Emotional Blackmail color shape

Side of the eye that Emotional Blackmail color shape

Under the eye that Emotional Blackmail color shape

Under the nose that Emotional Blackmail color shape

Chin point that Emotional Blackmail color shape

Collar bone that Emotional Blackmail color shape

Under the arm that Emotional Blackmail color shape

Top of the head that Emotional Blackmail color shape


Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings of Emotional Blackmail connected that time, place or

person and if you have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the

next section for mopping up those fragments not cleared and if you are at zero you

can return to the beginning of this session and eliminate as many worries caused by

emotional blackmail as you wish and take control of your own feelings, emotions

and free will .



Freedom from Fear

Fear can hold you back from so many things in your life even though that is not the

intention behind those feelings, fear in itself is just the minds warning system

alerting you to perceived dangers, I say perceived dangers because the fear is

triggered by information taken in and processed below your conscious awareness

matched to some generalized past experience that made you frightened in the past.

Now you may be aware of the first time you were frightened in this way or maybe

you will become more aware of that event as you work here. However just by

working on the most recent fearful events and eliminating the negative charge they

have you begin to reinforce a more positive reaction in the future and when you

don’t feel fear in the future you have indirectly released the charge from the past

first fearful event. Also when you think of a fearful experience to happen in the

future you are allowing your imagination to do what it does best imagine

something that is not real triggering and feeding energy to that past event. But by

thinking about that event in the future and applying EFT you will diffuse that

energy and be able to feel and react calmly in the future.

Alright let’s begin by you thinking of a time you felt fearful recently or of a fearful

event to happen in the near future whatever pops to mind past, present or future

that’s the right event and notice if a image comes to mind, what emotion, sound,

thought or body sensation measure now on a scale of zero to ten of fear again

whatever pops to mind is the right answer.

Ok you have that now

So let’s begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself


Once more

Even though I have this number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

That fear

Side of the eye that fear

Under the eye that fear

Under the nose that fear

Chin point that fear

Collar bone that fear

Under the arm that fear

And top of the head that fear

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of that fear and if you found

your mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that feeling ... I

would like you to return to the beginning of this session and keep focused only on

that with which you started with ....as you can work through this session as many

times as you wish but only gaining the most by staying focused on one feeling or

sensation at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that feeling

what color comes to mind when you think about that feeling again there is no need

to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about

that feeling is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a

shape so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that

pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that


answer of what color and what shape of that feeling that came to mind is the right

answer no matter how subtle the answer may seem that is right.

Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling I am


Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase.

That color and shape

Side of the eye that color and shape

Under the eye that color and shape

Under the nose that color and shape

Chin point that color and shape

Collar bone that color and shape

Under the arm that color and shape

And top of the head that color and shape

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now, I would like you to check in on the remaining fear just .......... by

closing your eyes and focusing all your attention on that remaining fear or feelings

maybe noticing your breathing the rise and fall of your chest as you breath in

following the breath inside noticing those changes that have taken place and when

you open your eyes bringing that information with you allowing you to check in

and measure that remaining fear from zero to 10 again observing only that number

that pops to mind of the remaining feeling and if at this point you discover you are

at zero ... and you have some other area to apply EFT too ... you can go back to the

start and gain even more relief and if you have some remaining intensity of that

feeling let us continue with number that has popped to mind


By tapping on the karate while saying out loud

Just because a little bit of that fear still I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that fear still I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that fear still I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

Little bit of that fear remains

Side of the eye little bit of that fear remains

Under the eye little bit of that fear remains

Under the nose little bit of that fear remains

Chin point little bit of that fear remains

Collar bone little bit of that fear remains

Under the arm little bit of that fear remains

And top of the head little bit of that fear remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before once more measuring again on a

scale zero to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for

mopping up those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some or complete relief

from that feeling that sensation of fear.



Golf Flow State

Everyone knows Golf like all sports is as much a mental game as it is a game of

skill and when both happen at the same time you are in what is called the flow


The flow state is a waking trance where you are completely absorbed and focused

on the task of taking that shot.

and You may have experienced this state many times before while playing Golf as

it is when everything falls into place with no effort at all both mentally and

skillfully …..That this is the FLOW STATE

So how can you experience more of this…….. State of flow……. and what stops

you ……

The Answer to this question is your thoughts both conscious and unconscious and

how both influence your body.

So to demonstrate to you how mind and body are connected and influenced by

your thinking.

Just make yourself comfortable for a moment ….. Take a deep breath in filling

your lungs and release that now …. Alright so that breath was a conscious decision

to take a deep breath in by filling your lungs with air more air than is required for

your survival ….. Whereas normally a part of you looks after how much air you

need to breathe in without your conscious attention for your survival needs.

Alright as you are relaxed there breathing I don’t want you to think how your feet

feel whatever you do don’t notice now … how your feet feel there make sure not to

think about how those feet feel.


Alright what did you do you did exactly what I said not to do the point being if you

place your attention on what you want or what you don’t want a part of you allows

both the doos and don’ts to happen .

So how does this important information help you with your mental game of Golf?

With this knowledge you have received and applying the easy to apply EFT

technique you will make changes that will improve your mental game of Golf and

allow the skills you have acquired through practice FLOW ….

So By applying EFT you will help eliminate thoughts of doubt …. Such as

I won’t be able to make that shot

Or maybe

I am not good enough

Perhaps thinking

They are better than me

Because as you know many great golfers miss shots that they have done time and

time again successfully because of what is in their thoughts at that time.

Also many people bring their personal and work lives to their game even by

thinking they will go for a game of golf to forget any outside influences by this

very thought the opposite happens time and time again just like don’t think of how

your feet feel so if you would like to begin making changes and improving your

Game move on to the next Section now.


Golf Improvement Session

To begin making changes to your mental game of golf and experience more flow

in your game.

I would like you to think of a time you had a particularly bad game of golf the

reason for thinking of that bad game is as success and confidence is created by

completing a task successfully and each successfully completed task reinforces

your confidence to complete that task.

While on the other hand each failure reinforces feelings of failure and those past

events of past bad games of golf cause limiting beliefs that influence each new

game of golf.

So I would like you to measure on a scale of zero to ten of intensity of bad feelings

about that game that came to mind

There is no need to go searching for right answers whatever memory came to mind

first is the right one ….. Now I would like you to measure on a scale of zero to ten

of intensity of bad feelings attached to that memory of having a bad game of golf.

Got that.

And as you think about that number I would like you to begin tapping on the karate

chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of bad feeling about that game of golf I deeply and

completely accept myself.

And again while taping on the karate chop point

Even though I have this number of bad feeling about that game of golf I deeply and

completely accept myself.

One more time

Even though I have this number of bad feeling about that game of golf I deeply and

completely accept myself.


Start tapping the eyebrow point now while saying out loud

Bad feeling about that game

Side of the eye Bad feeling about that game

Under the eye Bad feeling about that game

Under the nose Bad feeling about that game

Chin point Bad feeling about that game

Collar bone Bad feeling about that game

Under the arm Bad feeling about that game

Top of the head Bad feeling about that game

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs and release that now checking once more

on a scale of zero to ten of remaining intensity of bad feelings and if you found

your mind wander to other bad games while doing the last round of tapping go

back to the beginning and start again making sure to keep focused only on one bad

game at a time other than that assuming you have completed a round of tapping

while focused on one bad game of golf and have that remaining number of

intensity of bad feeling number from zero to ten about that game of golf let us

continue .

By tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this remaining number of bad feeling Golf I deeply and

completely accept myself

And again

Even though I have this remaining number of bad feeling Golf I deeply and

completely accept myself

One more time


Even though I have this remaining number of bad feeling Golf I deeply and

completely accept myself

Start tapping the eyebrow point now while saying out loud

Golf bad feeling

Side of the eye golf bad feeling

Under the eye golf bad feeling

Under the nose golf bad feeling

Chin point golf bad feeling

Collar bone golf bad feeling

Under the arm golf bad feeling

Top of the head golf bad feeling

Alright take a deep breath in ……. And release that now measuring once more

on a scale of zero to ten of intensity of emotion of bad feeling and should you be at

zero you can return to the beginning of this session and clear up as many bad

feelings about past bad games of golf or move on to the next session if you are not

at zero you may move onto the mopping up section to clear up any fragments of

bad feeling that remain attached to that bad game you have been working on.


Expectation session

Ok assuming you have brought to zero the bad feelings attached to past games of

golf ……. You are now moving on to expectations of future golf games ….. so

what I would like you to do is imagine you are taking a shot on whatever golf

course you wish and whatever hole you wish to imagine … Now you are there

….. Seeing the fairway and the flag in the distance marking the hole and as you

imagine that I would like you to measure on a scale of zero to ten your belief in

making that shot alright got that

Ok noticing the higher the number the stronger your belief in making that shot …

alright whatever number came to mind I would like you to subtract that from ten

and whatever number remains I would like you to begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of not making that shot I deeply and completely

accept myself

And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of not making that shot I deeply and completely

accept myself

One more time

Even though I have this number of not making that shot I deeply and completely

accept myself

Now begin tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud

Not making that shot

Side of the eye not making that shot

Under the eye not making that shot

Under the nose not making that shot

Chin point Not making that shot


Collar bone point Not making that shot

Under the arm not making that shot

Top of the head not making that shot

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs and release that now once again measuring

on a scale of zero to ten of making that shot and if at ten your work is done here on

that shot and you can begin again and work on as many shots and the expectations

of making those shots and if you are not at ten just like before subtract the number

you have remaining from ten and the remaining number I would like you to begin

tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this remaining number of not making that shot I deeply and

completely accept myself

And again

Even though I have this remaining number of not making that shot I deeply and

completely accept myself

One more time

Even though I have this remaining number of not making that shot I deeply and

completely accept myself

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

This remaining number of not making that shot

Side of the eye this remaining number of not making that shot

Under the eye this remaining number of not making that shot

Chin point this remaining number of not making that shot

Collar bone point this remaining number of not making that shot

Under the arm this remaining number of not making that shot


Top of the head this remaining number of not making that shot

Taking a deep breath in now and as you release that now measuring once again

zero to ten of making that shot and should any number remain move on to the

mopping up section after you have subtracted that number from ten working on the

fragments left of not making that shot and If at zero you may do this section as

many times as you wish to work on as many expectations of not making shots in

future games of golf.


Negative Beliefs

This session is to help release feelings attached to limiting beliefs about your golf

skills and the people you are competing

Against ….So I would like you to think of any negative thoughts

About or beliefs about your golfing skills or perhaps thoughts of not being good

enough for the next competitor you are to have a match with ….. so I would like

you to measure on a scale of zero to ten of negative beliefs about your golf skills or

opponents skills again whatever number pops to mind is the right number and with

that number I would like you to begin tapping on the karate chop point while

saying out loud

Even though I have this number of negative beliefs about my game I deeply and

completely accept myself

And again

Even though I have this number of negative beliefs about my game I deeply and

completely accept myself

One more time

Even though I have this number of negative beliefs about my game I deeply and

completely accept myself

Now begin tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

This number of negative belief about my game

Side of the eye this number of negative belief about my game

Under the eye this number of negative belief about my game

Under the nose this number of negative belief about my game

Chin point this number of negative belief about my game

Collar bone point this number of negative belief about my game


Under the arm this number of negative belief about my game

And top of the head this number of negative belief about my game

Taking a deep breath in now and as you release that now

measuring once more on a scale of zero to ten of negative belief about your golf

skills noticing whatever number pops to mind and with that remaining number I

would like you to begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this remaining number of negative belief about my golf game

And again

Even though I have this remaining number of negative belief about my golf game

One more time

Even though I have this remaining number of negative belief about my golf game

Now start releasing that now by tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out


Remaining negative belief

Side of the eye Remaining negative belief

Under the eye Remaining negative belief

Under the nose remaining negative belief

Chin point remaining negative belief

Collar bone point Remaining negative belief

Under the arm remaining negative belief

And top of the head remaining negative belief

Taking a deep breath in and releasing all that now noticing as you do that now if

any fragments are remaining you can move onto the mopping up section and if you

check that now by measuring on a scale from zero to ten and if clear and at zero


you may start at the beginning once again clearing any more negative beliefs about

your golf skills.


Healing with the Seven Archangels

EFT Healing with the Seven Archangels

The Angels are all around us every day and they only want us to ask for their help

so they can assist us it is not for them to offer us assistance as they would be

interfering in our free will and the choices we make for our own personal growth

on this journey of life.

So I would like you to pick an issue for working on in this session with EFT and

the seven archangels.

Okay before we begin I would like you to make yourself comfortable somewhere

you will not be disturbed and take a nice deep breath filling your lungs and as you

exhale allow your body to relax

So now that you are sitting comfortably feeling more relaxed I would like you to

begin tapping on the Karate Chop Point while saying these words out loud

I call upon The Angelic Realm and seven Arch Angels to assist me in tapping into

my own inner healing Ability that same part of me that I Am familiar with and has

the wisdom to heal cuts and broken bones that part that helps me overcome many

viruses without me knowing consciously how that happens ... I call upon the

Angels to assist and guide that inner wisdom to help heal me Physically, mentally,

Emotionally and spiritually

Now I would like you to continue tapping on the karate chop point as you saying

out loud two more times

I call upon The Angelic Realm and seven Arch Angels to assist me in tapping into

my own inner healing Ability that same part of me that I Am familiar with and has

the wisdom to heal cuts and broken bones that part that helps me overcome many

viruses without me knowing consciously how that happens ... I call upon the

Angels to assist and guide that inner wisdom to help heal me Physically, mentally,

Emotionally and spiritually

And Finally

I call upon The Angelic Realm and seven Arch Angels to assist me in tapping into

my own inner healing Ability that same part of me that I Am familiar with and has

the wisdom to heal cuts and broken bones that part that helps me overcome many

viruses without me knowing consciously how that happens ... I call upon the


Angels to assist and guide that inner wisdom to help heal me Physically , mentally

,Emotionally and spiritually

Now I would like you to begin tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud

I invoke the mighty Jophiel , beauty of god , fill me with your yellow golden rays

to enable me connect with my higher self , intuition and inner wisdom .

Now I would like you to hold this point and press gently taking a nice deep breath

in filling every fiber every cell of your body and as you release the breath freeing

yourself of dependencies and illuminating your mind.

Now begin tapping the side of the eye saying out loud

I invoke the mighty Zadkiel and righteousness of God to fill me with your violet

ray of forgiveness compassion and mercy

Now I would like you to hold this point and press gently taking a nice deep breath

in filling every fiber every cell of your body and as you release the breath freeing

you from negativity and limitations so that you can pave the way for forgiveness of

others and yourself

Now begin tapping under the eye as you continue saying out loud

I now invoke the Mighty Michael to fill me with your blue ray of protection cutting

the cords of fear and illusion

Now I would like you to hold this point and press gently taking a nice deep breath

in filling every fiber every cell of your body and as you release the breath giving

you courage and strength to live your truth.

Now begin tapping under the nose saying out loud

I now invoke the mighty Raphael angel of healing fill me with your green healing


Now I would like you to hold this point and press gently taking a nice deep breath

in filling every fiber every cell of your body and as you release the breath

activating your own self healing mechanism

Now begin tapping the chin point saying out loud these important words

I now invoke the mighty Uriel fire of God fill me with the gentle peace of your

purple gold and ruby ray.

Now I would like you to hold this point and press gently taking a nice deep breath

in filling every fiber every cell of your body and as you release the breath I ask for

peace for myself and humanity

Tapping the Collar bone point now saying out loud

I invoke the mighty Chamuel angel of love and he who sees God fill me with your

loving pink ray.


Now I would like you to hold this point and press gently taking a nice deep breath

in filling every fiber every cell of your body and as you release the breath allowing

love and acceptance to go where it is needed

Now start tapping under the arm saying out loud

I now invoke the mighty Gabriel angel of harmony and beauty I call upon your

pure bright light for guidance to understand my life’s plan.

Now I would like you to hold this point and press gently taking a nice deep breath

in filling every fiber every cell of your body and as you release the breath helping

me draw the people and situations needed to enable me reach my divine Potential.

Now I would like you to place your hands down by your sides and sit quietly

breathing slowly and gently in and out noticing now the quality of your inner being

thanking the angels for their assistance with the healing you have received here

today and the joy and uplift that has brought you allowing a inner smile to reach

every part of your being radiating outwards so that the healing becomes complete

Physically , mentally, emotionally and spiritually as you take a few moments to

enjoy those changes breathing gently and easily



IBS Relief with EFT

This EFT Session is to help you gain relief from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Okay so let’s begin your relief from IBS session

The first thing I would like you to do is to place your attention on that feeling or

sensation in your tummy...... Now I would like you to measure the intensity of that

sensation you are feeling now from zero to ten.... There is no need to go searching

for right conscious or rational right answers ...whatever number comes to mind

connected to that ........feeling..... sensation so the answer may be subtle that just

pops to mind whatever number just pops to mind between zero and ten for feelings

of intensity of that sensation is the right answer .

Ok you have that now

So let’s begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of sensation I deeply and completely accept


And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of sensation I deeply and completely accept


Once more

Even though I have this number of sensation I deeply and completely accept


Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.


That sensation

Side of the eye that sensation

Under the eye that sensation

Under the nose that sensation

Chin point that sensation

Collar bone that sensation

Under the arm that sensation

And top of the head that sensation

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of that sensation and if you

found your mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that

feeling ... I would like you to return to the beginning of this session and keep

focused only on that with which you started with ....as you can work through this

session as many times as you wish but only gaining the most by staying focused on

one feeling or sensation at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that feeling

what color comes to mind when you think about that feeling again there is no need

to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about

that feeling is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a

shape so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that

pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that

answer of what color and what shape of that feeling that came to mind is the right

answer no matter how subtle the answer may seem that is right.

Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling I am ok


And again Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling I am


Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase.

That color and shape

Side of the eye that color and shape

Under the eye that color and shape

Under the nose that color and shape

Chin point that color and shape

Collar bone that color and shape

Under the arm that color and shape

And top of the head that color and shape

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now, I would like you to check in on the remaining sensation just

.......... by closing your eyes and focusing all your attention on that remaining

sensation or feelings maybe noticing your breathing the rise and fall of your chest

as you breath in following the breath inside noticing those changes that have taken

place and when you open your eyes bringing that information with you allowing

you to check in and measure that remaining sensation from zero to 10 again

observing only that number that pops to mind of the remaining feeling and if at this

point you discover you are at zero ... and you have some other area to apply EFT

too ... you can go back to the start and gain even more relief and if you have some

remaining intensity of that feeling let us continue with number that has popped to


By tapping on the karate while saying out loud

Just because a little bit of that feeling still I accept myself deeply

And again


Just because a little bit of that feeling still I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that feeling still I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

Little bit of that feeling remains

Side of the eye little bit of that feeling remains

Under the eye little bit of that feeling

Under the nose little bit of that feeling remains

Chin point little bit of that feeling remains

Collar bone little bit of that feeling remains

Under the arm little bit of that feeling remains

And top of the head little bit of that feeling remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before once more measuring again on a

scale zero to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for

mopping up those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some or complete relief

from that feeling that sensation of IBS



Let go Jealousy

Jealousy never gets you what you want because it makes you react in a very

unattractive way, after all you are being jealous because you are attracted to or in

love with someone so much that it can physically hurt. Even just by thinking about

them you will really feel a physical sensation in your body that is not always good

so you really feel emotions of love for this person when you think about them.

They will not like your jealous reactions and it may be even causing arguments

between you, I know the last thing you want with someone you love so much.

Okay let’s begin to make that right so that you can respond to situations in a more

calm thoughtful way after all feeling the way you do maybe because you have been

let down in the past and these past let downs are triggered in your present

relationship and this is not fair on you or your partner. So by releasing the

Emotional charge to jealous feelings in this relationship you may begin to uncover

the past issues that you have brought with you into your present relationship.

Alright now let’s begin by you thinking of a time you felt jealous any time

whatever time pops to mind when you think about feeling jealous notice any

sensations in your body, images that come to mind or thoughts tune in to what has

popped to mind and when you have done that measure from zero to ten of intensity

and with that number in mind let’s begin.

By tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of feeling bad then I deeply and completely love

and accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of feeling bad then I deeply and completely love

and accept myself

Once more


Even though I have this number of feeling bad then I deeply and completely love

and accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

Feeling bad then

Side of the eye feeling bad then

Under the eye feeling bad then

Under the nose feeling bad then

Chin point feeling bad then

Collar bone feeling bad then

Under the arm feeling bad then

And top of the head feeling bad then

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of that feeling bad then and if

you found your mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that

feeling ... I would like you to return to the beginning of this session and keep

focused only on that with which you started with ....as you can work through this

session as many times as you wish but only gaining the most by staying focused on

one feeling or sensation at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that feeling

what color comes to mind when you think about that feeling again there is no need

to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about

that feeling is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a

shape so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that

pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that

answer of what color and what shape of that feeling that came to mind is the right

answer no matter how subtle the answer may seem that is right.


Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling bad then I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling bad then I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling bad

then I am ok.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase.

That color and shape feeling bad then

Side of the eye that color and shape feeling bad then

Under the eye that color and shape feeling bad then

Under the nose that color and shape feeling bad then

Chin point that color and shape feeling bad then

Collar bone that color and shape feeling bad then

Under the arm that color and shape feeling bad then

And top of the head that color and shape feeling bad then

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now, I would like you to check in on the remaining feeling bad then

just .......... by closing your eyes and focusing all your attention on that remaining

feeling bad then maybe noticing your breathing the rise and fall of your chest as

you breath in following the breath inside noticing those changes that have taken

place and when you open your eyes bringing that information with you allowing

you to check in and measure that remaining feeling from zero to 10 again

observing only that number that pops to mind of the remaining feeling and if at this

point you discover you are at zero ... and you have some other area to apply EFT

too ... you can go back to the start and gain even more relief and if you have some

remaining intensity of that feeling let us continue with number that has popped to



By tapping on the karate while saying out loud

Just because a little bit of that feeling bad then still I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that feeling bad then still I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that feeling bad then still I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

Little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Side of the eye little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Under the eye little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Under the nose little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Chin point little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Collar bone little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Under the arm little bit of that feeling bad then remains

And top of the head little bit of that feeling bad then remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before once more measuring again on a

scale zero to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for

mopping up those tiny fragments necessary for you to release all the charge of that

jealousy and then if you noticed any other events where you reacted with jealousy

you may start at the beginning and release the charge attached to them so that your

relationship can be as it should responding responsibly to your partner .



Bad Karma

Do you believe that bad Karma from a past life experience is causing your present

life’s negative experiences because there is absolutely no reason that what you are

experiencing in your present life is a product of any of your present life’s

experiences. Because by looking back over your life you have no traumatic

experiences which may have unresolved emotions and charge, however as you

work on your karma that maybe causing these negative feelings, experiences, fears

or Anxieties do not dismiss anything past life or present life that arises, as your

subconscious mind is your faithful servant and works only to help keep you safe

and heal that’s its job and priority your survival.

Begin by thinking about what has been causing you to feel bad and that you

believe is a past life experience influencing your present life as a unresolved

karmic issue and as you bring that present experience to mind maybe some

feelings, sensations or images to mind whatever pops to mind is brought to you by

your faithful servant your subconscious mind. Measure that on a scale of zero to

ten .

... So let’s begin saying out loud while tapping on the karate chop point.

Even though I have that number of intensity of that karmic issue I deeply and

completely accept myself

And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point Even though I have that

number of intensity of that karmic issue I deeply and completely accept myself

One more time Even though I have that number of intensity of that karmic issue I

deeply and completely accept myself

Now tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

to keep you focused now.... that karmic issue


Side of the eye that karmic issue

Under the eye that karmic issue

Under the nose that karmic issue

Chin point that karmic issue

Collar bone that karmic issue

Under the arm that karmic issue

And top of the head that karmic issue

All right I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs with air ....and

release that now ....as you exhale and as ... you do that.... bringing that karmic issue

into your imagination noticing the difference in how you feel ... measuring once

again from 0 --- to – 10 .. Of intensity connected to that karmic issue. Now as you

were going through the first round of tapping on this issue if you found your mind

wander to other thoughts or memories even if they were similar I would like you to

go back and start again keeping your attention and focus only on the issue you are

working on now and if other memories came to mind you can make a note of them

and work on each one in turn just by returning to the beginning of this session.

Okay assuming you are focused and have got a remaining intensity number on that

karmic issue lets continue to..... Release that now....

Begin tapping the karate chop point once again while saying out loud

Just because I still have that remaining karmic issue number of intensity I accept

myself deeply

And again

Just because I still have that remaining karmic issue number of intensity I accept

myself deeply

And one more time just because I still have that remaining karmic issue number of

intensity I accept myself deeply


Now tap the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

remaining karmic issue feelings

Side of the eye remaining karmic issue feelings

Under the eye remaining karmic issue feelings

Under the nose remaining karmic issue feelings

Chin point remaining karmic issue feelings

Collar bone point remaining karmic issue feelings

Under the arm remaining karmic issue feelings

And top of the head remaining karmic issue feelings

Very good now..... take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release that

now ... and as you do that noticing as you imagine what has made you feel bad

noticing if any feelings that were associated within your body as you bring that

time , place or person that made you feel bad .... ....just imagining that event bring

it to mind and noticing the ....changes in you now ....how you feel measuring 0---

10 again and should there be.... a little left now....

Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

notice where you may have that remaining bad feeling Noticing where you feel

that.... placing your attention on that bad karmic feeling and as you go inside and

place your attention on that feeling and if there is no feeling attached to that

Anxiety....maybe noticing if it has a color

and if it has a color it must have a shape or perhaps you notice a shape first and if

you notice a shape first it must have a color what color is that shape and what

shape is that color of that Anxiety maybe the outline is a different color to the body

of the shape or maybe the shape is all the one color or perhaps it’s a mixture of

colors I don’t know what comes to mind but ... you can notice now ...... whatever

color and shape comes to mind as you.... focus on that bad karma feeling ... okay

that color coming to mind that shape coming to mind

................................................. all right


Just allow your eyes to open after you have discovered what shape or color and

when you do that begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

...so what if I still have that bad karma color and shape.... I accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that bad karma color and shape.... I accept that I

am OK

And one more time so what if I still have that bad karma color and shape.... I

accept that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying the

reminder phrase that Anxiety color shape

Side of the eye that bad karma color shape

Under the eye that bad karma color shape

Under the nose that bad karma color shape

Chin point that bad karma shape

Collar bone that bad karma color shape

Under the arm that bad karma color shape

Top of the head that bad karma color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings of bad karma connected that time, place or person and if

you have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the next section for

mopping up those fragments not cleared and if you are at zero you can return to the

beginning of this session and eliminate as many bad karma feelings as you wish



Feelings of Loss

Loss can leave you a feeling of emptiness; loss can be an ending of a relationship,

Death of a Loved One or Pet, whatever the experience that has caused you to feel

loss here you can begin to heal those feelings that can even feel physically painful.

To begin relieving yourself of those feelings of loss just think about what causes

you to feel that way perhaps someone you had a close relationship with, Friend,

Lover, Family Member or Pet whatever causes you to feel that painful feeling of

loss, even thinking about that loss maybe difficult but as those thoughts come to

mind those feelings appear in your body measure zero to ten of intensity and let’s

begin with that number.

Okay you have that..... In mind.... and a number from 0----10

Let’s start tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of loss feeling I deeply and completely accept


And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud.... even

though I have this number of loss feeling I deeply and completely accept myself.

One more time ... even though I have this number of loss feeling I deeply and

completely accept myself.

Alright now start tapping the eye brow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase ...... loss feeling

Side of the eye..... Loss feeling

Under the eye..... Loss feeling


Under the nose..... Loss feeling

Chin point..... Loss feeling

Collar bone point..... Loss feeling

Under the arm..... Loss feeling

Top of the head..... Loss feeling

Now take a deep breath filling your lungs and..... release that now.... and as that

happens just bring that loss feeling to mind and measure from 0---- 10 of loss

feeling remaining ...... now if you found your mind wandering to different thoughts

or memories as you did the first round of EFT I would like you to start this session

again staying focused on only one issue at a time..... Maybe even making a note of

what other issues came to mind so you can work on them later ...... all right

assuming you are focused on that issue ...... what number comes to mind attached

to loss feeling of that past memory those thoughts.....

Okay begin tapping on the karate chop point again while saying out loud..... Even

though I have this remaining loss feeling I deeply and completely accept myself.

And again even though I have this remaining loss feeling I deeply and completely

accept myself.

One more time even though I have this remaining loss feeling I deeply and

completely accept myself.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud this reminder phrase

....... remaining loss feeling

Side of the eye ....... remaining loss feeling

Under the eye ....... remaining loss feeling

Under the nose ....... remaining loss feeling

Chin point ....... remaining loss feeling


Collar bone point ....... remaining loss feeling

Under the arm ....... remaining loss feeling

And top of the head ....... remaining loss feeling

Very good now..... Take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release

that now ... and as you do that noticing as you bring that memory those thoughts to

mind..... Noticing if any feelings are within your body as you bring that.... ....

memory those thoughts to mind again noticing the ....changes in you now ....how

you feel measuring 0--- 10 again and should there be.... a little left now....

Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

follow that feeling..... Noticing where you feel that.... placing your attention on that

feeling and as you go inside and place your attention on that feeling ........and if

there is no feeling attached to those thoughts just imagine....just imagine ....maybe

noticing if it has a color

And if it has a color it must have a shape .......or perhaps you notice a shape first

........and if you notice a shape..... first it must have a color....... what color is that

shape and what shape is the color maybe the outline is a different color to the body

of the shape ........or maybe the shape is all the one color....... or perhaps it’s a

mixture of colors I don’t know............ what comes to mind but ... you can notice

now ...... whatever color and shape comes to mind that’s right ... okay that color

coming to mind that shape coming to mind ................................................. all right

Just allow your eyes to open and as you do that begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud...so what if I still have that color and shape on those

thoughts .... I love myself and accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that color and shape on those thoughts.... I love

myself and accept that I am OK

And one more time so what if I still have that color and shape on those thoughts....

I love myself and accept that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying out

loud the reminder phrase that color shape


Side of the eye that color shape

Under the eye that color shape

Under the nose that color shape

Chin point that color shape

Collar bone that color shape

Under the arm that color shape

Top of the head that color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings connected those thoughts of loss feelings ..................and if

you have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the next section for

mopping up those fragments not cleared................ and if you are at zero you can

return to the beginning of this session and eliminate other remaining loss feeling

thoughts if you need too.


Moody Feelings

Moody Feelings

So let’s begin your letting go of Moody Feelings session ...... the first thing I

would like to do is satisfy your curiosity on how you will release feelings attached

to being moody, there are many different labels for feeling moody , depression ,

feeling low and melancholy, most of the time these are self diagnosed labels

unless diagnosed by your Doctor as Clinical Depression that should be treated with

medication you should not stop any medication unless your doctor says so Having

made you aware of continuing any medication that you may be on for diagnosed

depression you should inform your doctor if you are using EFT and taking

medication for depression .

So let’s begin most bad feelings start in the past from past emotional experiences

that have some emotional charge trapped and what you are about to discover is that

you are peeling layers of experiences back through your life’s experiences each

time you release a charge that has been trapped in a recent emotional experience

that has left you feeling moody. By removing the layers you will begin to respond

to life’s challenges in a lees reactive moody way. So just think about a time you

felt mood y recently it doesn’t matter about what just think about how you felt,

measure the intensity of that feeling zero to ten and with the number that pops to


Let’s begin saying out loud while tapping on the karate chop point.

Even though I have that number of intensity I deeply and completely accept myself

And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point Even though I have that

number of intensity I deeply and completely accept myself

One more time Even though I have that number of intensity I deeply and

completely accept myself


Now tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

to keep you focused now.... that moody feeling then

Side of the eye that moody feeling then

Under the eye that moody feeling then

Under the nose that moody feeling then

Chin point that moody feeling then

Collar bone that moody feeling then

Under the arm that moody feeling then

And top of the head that moody feeling then

All right I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs with air ....and

release that now ....as you exhale and as ... you do that.... bringing that moody

feeling into your imagination noticing the difference in how you feel ... measuring

once again from 0 --- to – 10 .. Of intensity connected to that moody feeling . Now

as you were going through the first round of tapping on this issue if you found your

mind wander to other thoughts or memories even if they were similar I would like

you to go back and start again keeping your attention and focus only on the issue

you are working on now and if other memories came to mind you can make a note

of them and work on each one in turn just by returning to the beginning of this


Okay assuming you are focused and have got a remaining intensity moody feeling

number on that issue lets continue to..... Release that now....

Begin tapping the karate chop point once again while saying out loud

Just because I still have a remaining moody feeling.... number of intensity I accept

myself deeply

And again

Just because I still have a remaining moody feeling..... Number of intensity I

accept myself deeply


And one more time just because I still have a remaining moody feeling ......

number of intensity I accept myself deeply

Now tap the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

remaining moody feeling

Side of the eye remaining moody feeling

Under the eye remaining moody feeling

Under the nose remaining moody feeling

Chin point remaining moody feeling

Collar bone point remaining moody feeling

Under the arm remaining moody feeling

And top of the head remaining moody feeling

Very good now..... take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release that

now ... and as you do that noticing as you imagine what has made you feel moody

then, noticing if any feelings that were associated within your body as you bring

that time , place or person that made you feel moody .... ....just imagining that

event bring it to mind and noticing the ....changes in you now ....how you feel

measuring 0--- 10 again and should there be.... a little left now....

Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

notice where you may have that remaining moody feeling..... Noticing where you

feel that.... placing your attention on that moody feeling and as you go inside and

place your attention on that feeling and if there is no feeling attached to that moody

experience ....maybe noticing if it has a color

and if it has a color it must have a shape or perhaps you notice a shape first and if

you notice a shape first it must have a color what color is that shape and what

shape is that color of that moody feeling maybe the outline is a different color to

the body of the shape or maybe the shape is all the one color or perhaps it’s a

mixture of colors I don’t know what comes to mind but ... you can notice now ......

whatever color and shape comes to mind as you.... focus on that feeling of being

moody then ... okay that color coming to mind that shape coming to mind

................................................. all right


Just allow your eyes to open after you have discovered what shape or color and

when you do that begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

...so what if I still have that feeling of being moody then color and shape.... I accept

that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that feeling of being moody then color and

shape.... I accept that I am OK

And one more time so what if I still have that feeling of being moody then color

and shape.... I accept that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying the

reminder phrase that moody color shape

Side of the eye that moody color shape

Under the eye that moody color shape

Under the nose that moody color shape

Chin point that moody color shape

Collar bone that moody color shape

Under the arm that moody color shape

Top of the head that moody color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings of being moody then connected to that time, place or

person and if you have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the

next section for mopping up those fragments not cleared and if you are at zero you

can return to the beginning of this session and eliminate as many moody feelings

as you wish


Nail Biting

Nail Biting Over Come

Nail biting is a habit that makes your nails look horrible can be unhealthy because

of all the germs that gather there and can also be found irritating to others in your

company, however for you it can be so automatic a response you may not realize

you have started biting your nails, it may also be a habit that comforts you in times

of stress. But what we are going to work on here is the feelings that seem to

automatically trigger that nail biting without even knowing what those feelings are

because they are outside your conscious awareness. So by working on the physical

act of biting your nails and sensory experience you can eliminate the need of this


So to begin I want you to look at the back of your hand and then your nails

noticing which nail you are drawn to put into your mouth, then measure on a scale

of zero to ten how much you really want to bite that nail without you doing that

and with that number.

Begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of wanting to bite that nail I deeply and

completely love and accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of wanting to bite that nail I deeply and

completely love and accept myself

Once more

Even though I have this number of wanting to bite that nail I deeply and

completely love and accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.


Wanting to bite that nail

Side of the eye wanting to bite that nail

Under the eye wanting to bite that nail

Under the nose wanting to bite that nail

Chin point wanting to bite that nail

Collar bone wanting to bite that nail

Under the arm wanting to bite that nail

And top of the head wanting to bite that nail

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of that wanting to bite that nail

and if you found your mind wandering to thoughts events that may be connected to

that feeling ... I would like you to return to the beginning of this session and keep

focused only on that with which you started with ....as you can work through this

session as many times as you wish but only gaining the most by staying focused on

one feeling or sensation at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that feeling

what color comes to mind when you think about that feeling of wanting to bite that

nail there is no need to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind

when you think about that feeling is the right answer .... now that you have a color

that color must have a shape so what shape is that color again don’t question or

sensor the answers that pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to every

question by searching for a reference point of meaning through the archives of

your life’s experiences so that answer of what color and what shape of that feeling

that came to mind is the right answer no matter how subtle the answer may seem

that is right.


Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of wanting to bite that nail I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of wanting to bite that nail I am


And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of wanting to bite that

nail I am ok.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase.

That color and shape wanting to bite that nail

Side of the eye that color and shape wanting to bite that nail

Under the eye that color and shape wanting to bite that nail

Under the nose that color and shape wanting to bite that nail

Chin point that color and shape wanting to bite that nail

Collar bone that color and shape wanting to bite that nail

Under the arm that color and shape wanting to bite that nail

And top of the head that color and shape wanting to bite that nail

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now, I would like you to check in on the remaining feeling of wanting

to bite that nail just .......... by closing your eyes and focusing all your attention on

that remaining feeling of wanting to bite that nail maybe noticing your breathing

the rise and fall of your chest as you breath in following the breath inside noticing

those changes that have taken place and when you open your eyes bringing that

information with you allowing you to check in and measure that remaining

wanting to bite that nail from zero to 10 again observing only that number that

pops to mind of the remaining feeling and if at this point you discover you are at

zero .... You can go back to the start and gain even more relief and if you have

some remaining intensity of that feeling of wanting to bite your nails or let us

continue with number that has popped to mind


By tapping on the karate while saying out loud

Just because a little bit of that wanting to bite that nail still I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that wanting to bite that nail still I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that wanting to bite that nail still I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

Little bit of that wanting to bite that nail remains

Side of the eye little bit of that wanting to bite that nail remains

Under the eye little bit of that wanting to bite that nail remains

Under the nose little bit of that wanting to bite that nail remains

Chin point little bit of that wanting to bite that nail remains

Collar bone little bit of that wanting to bite that nail remains

Under the arm little bit of that wanting to bite that nail remains

And top of the head little bit of that wanting to bite that nail remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before once more measuring again on a

scale zero to ten and if any intensity remains of wanting to bite that nail, just move

onto the next part for mopping up those tiny fragments necessary for you to release

all that feeling and bring the intensity of wanting to bite your nails to Zero.



OCD Relief with EFT

I would like you to think of a time you had irrational thoughts recently maybe at a

time when you felt if you didn’t complete a routine or ritual, thoughts that maybe

something terrible would happen..... so as you bring that memory to mind ... now I

would like you to measure that memory those thoughts on a scale of zero to ten of

emotional intensity ... what number just pops to mind that number popping to mind

because the store house of your emotions is the same place that these thoughts

feelings and memories come from ... your unconscious mind..And that same part

that stores this information will measure that emotional intensity zero to ten when

you think of that memory

Okay you have that memory..... In mind.... and a number from 0----10 of bad

feeling very good

Let’s start tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of bad feeling I deeply and completely accept


And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud....even

though I have this number of bad feeling I deeply and completely accept myself.

One more time ...even though I have this number of bad feeling I deeply and

completely accept myself.

Alright now start tapping the eye brow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase ......Bad feeling

Side of the eye.....Bad feeling

Under the eye.....Bad feeling


Under the nose.....Bad feeling

Chin point.....Bad feeling

Collar bone point.....Bad feeling

Under the arm.....Bad feeling

Top of the head.....Bad feeling

Now take a deep breath filling your lungs and..... release that now.... and as that

happens just bring that memory those irrational thoughts to mind and measure

from 0---- 10 of bad feeling remaining ...... now if you found your mind wandering

to different thoughts or memories as you did the first round of EFT I would like

you to start this session again staying focused on only one issue at a time..... maybe

even making a note of what other issues came to mind so you can work on them

later ...... all right assuming you are focused on that issue ...... what number comes

to mind attached to bad feeling of that past memory those thoughts .....

Okay begin tapping on the karate chop point again while saying out loud..... Even

though I have this remaining bad feeling I deeply and completely accept myself.

And again even though I have this remaining bad feeling I deeply and completely

accept myself.

One more time even though I have this remaining bad feeling I deeply and

completely accept myself.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud this reminder phrase

....... remaining bad feeling

Side of the eye ....... remaining bad feeling

Under the eye ....... remaining bad feeling

Under the nose ....... remaining bad feeling

Chin point ....... remaining bad feeling


Collar bone point ....... remaining bad feeling

Under the arm ....... remaining bad feeling

And top of the head ....... remaining bad feeling

Very good now..... Take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release

that now ... and as you do that noticing as you bring that memory those thoughts to

mind..... Noticing if any feelings are within your body as you bring that.... ....

memory those thoughts to mind again noticing the ....changes in you now ....how

you feel measuring 0--- 10 again and should there be.... a little left now....

Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

follow that feeling..... Noticing where you feel that.... placing your attention on that

feeling and as you go inside and place your attention on that feeling ........and if

there is no feeling attached to those thoughts just imagine....just imagine ....maybe

noticing if it has a color

And if it has a color it must have a shape .......or perhaps you notice a shape first

........and if you notice a shape..... first it must have a color....... what color is that

shape and what shape is the color maybe the outline is a different color to the body

of the shape ........or maybe the shape is all the one color....... or perhaps it’s a

mixture of colors I don’t know............ what comes to mind but ... you can notice

now ...... whatever color and shape comes to mind that’s right ... okay that color

coming to mind that shape coming to mind ................................................. all right

Just allow your eyes to open and as you do that begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud...so what if I still have that color and shape on those

thoughts .... I accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that color and shape on those thoughts.... I accept

that I am OK

And one more time so what if I still have that color and shape on those thoughts....

I accept that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying out

loud the reminder phrase that color shape


Side of the eye that color shape

Under the eye that color shape

Under the nose that color shape

Chin point that color shape

Collar bone that color shape

Under the arm that color shape

Top of the head that color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings connected those thoughts ..................and if you have any

remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the next section for mopping up

those fragments not cleared................ and if you are at zero you can return to the

beginning of this session and eliminate other irrational thoughts if you need too.



This EFT Session is to help you gain relief from pain.

Did you ... Know pain ... has three parts remembered pain ... expected pain ... and

your experience of that pain at this moment..... Remembered pain is stored just like

any memory the only difference it is a physical memory instead of an actual

memory of a past event ... and it stored as a reference point from some of the first

times you have experienced pain....

Pain being a message to you to take care of this ....just like having a cut ... and

feeling the pain.....lets you know to take care of that cut ......so it will heal quicker .

You also have expected pain this happens because you notice some injury or feel

some pain connected to some symptoms ....giving you an expectation of more pain

until you have treated the symptoms or injury connected to that pain.

So by applying EFT while focusing on that pain you are working on three levels

and because EFT is so effective relieving the feelings attached to emotional issues

you may notice emotional contributors may come to mind as you release that


Okay so let’s begin your relief from pain session


Pain Relief with EFT

The first thing I would like you to do is to place your attention on that pain and I

would like you to measure the intensity of pain you are feeling now from zero to

ten.... there is no need to go searching for right conscious or rational right answers

... that message ........feeling ..... sensation of pain that is created at a unconscious

level so the answer may be subtle that just pops to mind whatever number just pops

to mind between zero and ten for feelings of intensity of that pain is the right

answer .

Ok you have that now

So let’s begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of pain I deeply and completely accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point

Even though I have this number of pain I deeply and completely accept myself

Even though I have this number of pain I deeply and completely accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out loud. the reminder

phrase and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

That pain

Side of the eye that pain

Under the eye that pain

Under the nose that pain

Chin point that pain

Collar bone that pain

Under the arm that pain

And top of the head that pain


Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of pain and if you found your

mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that pain or to other

places you may be feeling pain ... I would like you to return to the beginning of

this track and keep focused only on that with which you started with ....as you can

work through this process as many times as you wish but only gaining the most by

staying focused on one feeling at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

On that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that pain

what color comes to mind when you think about that pain again there is no need to

search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about that

pain is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a shape

so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that pop to

mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that

answer of what color and what shape of that pain is the right answer no matter how

subtle the answer may seem that is right.

Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that pain I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that pain I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that pain I am ok.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud. the reminder phrase.

That color and shape

Side of the eye that color and shape

Under the eye that color and shape

Under the nose that color and shape

Chin point that color and shape


Collar bone that color and shape

Under the arm that color and shape

And top of the head that color and shape

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now I would like you to check in on the remaining pain and maybe if

you can move into some position making sure not to injure yourself only changing

or moving slightly so that will allow you to check in and measure that remaining

pain from zero to 10 again observing only that number that pops to mind of the

remaining pain and if at this point you discover you are at zero ... and you have

some other area to apply EFT too ... you can go back to the start and gain even

more relief and if you have some remaining intensity of that Pain let us continue

with number that has popped to mind

By tapping on the karate while saying out loud.

Just because a little bit of that pain still remains I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that pain still remains I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that pain still remains I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

Little bit of that pain remains

Side of the Eye little bit of that pain remains

Under the eye little bit of that pain remains

Under the nose little bit of that pain remains

Chin point little bit of that pain remains


Collar bone little bit of that pain remains

Under the arm little bit of that pain remains

And top of the head little bit of that pain remains

Right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale releasing

that now.... checking in again as before maybe by making a slight movement

taking care not to injure yourself while you check in once more measuring again

on a scale zero to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next track for

mopping up those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some or complete relief

from that pain


Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

The First thing you must do to quit smoking is commit to being a non smoker, it

can help to first list all the benefits you will get from being a non smoker, better

health, live longer, have more money and then list all the things you will do with

that extra money. Then when you have satisfied yourself that you will be a non

smoker and want to be a non smoker all you have to do is use this technique to

remove or reduce your cigarette craving by first taking out a un lit cigarette and

smelling it and rate from zero to ten of craving and if you have physical feeling

which most smokers get when they crave a cigarette notice where in your body that

is and measure that from zero to ten ok once you have that number .

Let’s start tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of craving I deeply and completely accept myself.

And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud....even

though I have this number of craving I deeply and completely accept myself.

One more time ...even though I have this number of craving I deeply and

completely accept myself.

Alright now start tapping the eye brow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase ......that craving

Side of the eye..... That craving

Under the eye..... That craving

Under the nose..... That craving

Chin point..... That craving


Collar bone point..... That craving

Under the arm..... That craving

Top of the head..... That craving

Now take a deep breath filling your lungs and..... release that now.... and as that

happens just bring that craving to mind and smell that cigarette and measure from

0---- 10 of that craving remaining

Okay begin tapping on the karate chop point again while saying out loud..... Even

though I have that craving remaining I deeply and completely accept myself.

And again even though I have that craving remaining I deeply and completely

accept myself.

One more time even though I have that craving remaining I deeply and completely

accept myself.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud this reminder phrase

....... that number of craving remaining

Side of the eye ....... that number of craving remaining

Under the eye ....... that number of craving remaining

Under the nose ....... that number of craving remaining

Chin point ....... that number of craving remaining

Collar bone point ....... that number of craving remaining

Under the arm ....... that number of craving remaining

And top of the head ....... that number of craving remaining

Very good now..... Take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release

that now ... and as you do that noticing as you bring that craving to mind.....

Noticing if any feelings are within your body as you bring that craving to mind

again noticing the ....changes in you now ....how you feel measuring 0--- 10 again

and should there be.... a little left now....


Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

follow that feeling of craving..... Noticing where you feel that.... placing your

attention on that feeling of craving and as you go inside and place your attention on

that feeling of craving ............maybe noticing if it has a color

And if it has a color it must have a shape .......or perhaps you notice a shape first

........and if you notice a shape..... first it must have a color....... what color is that

shape and what shape is the color maybe the outline is a different color to the body

of the shape ........or maybe the shape is all the one color....... or perhaps it’s a

mixture of colors I don’t know............ what comes to mind but ... you can notice

now ...... whatever color and shape comes to mind that’s right ... okay that color

coming to mind that shape coming to mind ................................................. all right

Just allow your eyes to open and as you do that begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud...so what if I still have that color and shape of craving

.... I accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that color and shape of craving I accept that I am


And one more time so what if I still have that color and shape of craving.... I accept

that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying out

loud the reminder phrase that color shape of craving

Side of the eye that color shape of craving

Under the eye that color shape of craving

Under the nose that color shape of craving

Chin point that color shape of craving

Collar bone that color shape of craving

Under the arm that color shape of craving

Top of the head that color shape of craving


Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that craving to mind smell that cigarette and

measure once more 0---to---10 intensity of craving and if you have any remaining

number pop to mind just continue onto the next section for mopping up those

craving feelings not cleared yet .


Craving Mopping Up

This is the mopping up section for clearing any fragments of Craving

Okay so here we go.... start tapping on the Karate chop point and saying out loud

Even though I still have some craving remaining I forgive myself and anyone else

who may have contributed to that in anyway

And again even though I still have some craving remaining I forgive myself and

anyone else who may have contributed to that in anyway

One more time even though I still have some craving remaining I forgive myself

and anyone else who may have contributed to that in anyway

Okay begin tapping the eyebrow point and saying out loud...............

I forgive, love and accept myself

Side of the eye...... I forgive, love and accept myself

Under the eye........ I forgive, love and accept myself

Under the nose ...... I forgive, love and accept myself

Chin point...... I forgive, love and accept myself

Collar bone point. ....I forgive, love and accept myself.....

Under the arm.... I forgive, love and accept myself

Top of the head I forgive, love and accept myself

Now take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you ......release that .........

noticing any changes in that remaining craving measuring any craving that remains

from zero to 10

Okay so here we go.... start tapping on the Karate chop point and saying out loud


Even though I still have this remaining craving I deeply love and accept myself

And again ...... even though I still have this remaining craving I deeply love and

accept myself

One more time ...even though I still have this remaining craving I deeply love and

accept myself

Start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud ....still holding on to that


Side of the eye still holding on to that craving

Under the eye still holding on to that craving

Under the nose still holding on to that craving

Chin point still holding on to that craving

Collar bone still holding on to that craving

Under the arm still holding on to that craving

Top of the head still holding on to that craving

Alright now take another deep breath and as you ....release all that.....now noticing

those positive changes your are experiencing.... measuring once again from zero to

ten becoming aware of the remaining number if any and if there is, it is a bit like

when you are cutting down weeds in a garden it is always best to get deep down to

those roots and remove them..... So let’s do one more round of tapping.

Start tapping the Karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though some roots of craving are there I deeply completely love forgive and

accept myself

Again Even though some roots of craving are there I deeply completely love

forgive and accept myself


Once more Even though some roots of craving are there I deeply completely love

forgive and accept myself

Tapping now on the eyebrow point while saying out loud

These roots

Side of the eye these roots

Under the eye these roots

Under the nose these roots

Chin point these roots

Collar bone these roots

Under the arm these roots

Top of the head these roots

Alright take a deep breath in and as you .......release that now... checking once

again to see if all the craving is completely ....gone.... and should any remain go

right back to the beginning of the mopping up section again until you are .....At



R ejection

Release Feelings of Rejection

Rejection can leave you a feeling of emptiness or not feeling good enough because

of your need for someone else to make you feel complete, Remember how you felt

complete with that person well that feeling came from inside you not from them or

being with them it is inside you and is still there and by working on feelings of

rejection and releasing the negative charge you will begin to feel more complete as

a person, value yourself more and love yourself more, some believe self love is to

be big headed or conceited that is not true it is have a healthy self respect for

yourself how can someone else love you if you cannot love yourself no one will

ever know more about you than you, it’s time for you to let go of feelings of

rejection and expectations of someone else making you complete and begin to love

and appreciate how special you really are. Some believe we are created in Gods

likeness so if we love god we must love ourselves.

Okay it’s time to let go and think about a time you felt rejected whatever thought,

memory, image sensation you become aware of as you think of a time you have

felt rejected whatever pops to mind is the right answer accept that answer and

measure from zero to ten of intensity

Okay you have that..... In mind.... and a number from 0----10

Let’s start tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of rejection I deeply and completely accept


And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud....even

though I have this number of rejection I deeply and completely accept myself.

One more time ...even though I have this number of rejection I deeply and

completely accept myself.


Alright now start tapping the eye brow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase ...... rejection

Side of the eye..... Rejection

Under the eye..... Rejection

Under the nose..... Rejection

Chin point..... Rejection

Collar bone point..... Rejection

Under the arm..... Rejection

Top of the head..... Rejection

Now take a deep breath filling your lungs and..... release that now.... and as that

happens just bring that rejection to mind and measure from 0---- 10 of rejection

remaining ...... now if you found your mind wandering to different thoughts or

memories as you did the first round of EFT I would like you to start this session

again staying focused on only one issue at a time..... maybe even making a note of

what other issues came to mind so you can work on them later ...... all right

assuming you are focused on that issue ...... what number comes to mind attached

to rejection of that past memory those thoughts .....

Okay begin tapping on the karate chop point again while saying out loud..... Even

though I have this remaining rejection I deeply and completely accept myself.

And again even though I have this remaining rejection I deeply and completely

accept myself.

One more time even though I have this remaining rejection I deeply and

completely accept myself.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud this reminder phrase

....... remaining rejection

Side of the eye ....... remaining rejection


Under the eye ....... remaining rejection

Under the nose ....... remaining rejection

Chin point ....... remaining rejection

Collar bone point ....... remaining rejection

Under the arm ....... remaining rejection

And top of the head ....... remaining rejection

Very good now..... Take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release

that now ... and as you do that noticing as you bring that memory those thoughts to

mind..... Noticing if any feelings are within your body as you bring that.... ....

memory those thoughts to mind again noticing the ....changes in you now ....how

you feel measuring 0--- 10 again and should there be.... a little left now....

Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

follow that feeling..... Noticing where you feel that.... placing your attention on that

feeling and as you go inside and place your attention on that feeling ........and if

there is no feeling attached to those thoughts just imagine....just imagine ....maybe

noticing if it has a color

And if it has a color it must have a shape .......or perhaps you notice a shape first

........and if you notice a shape..... first it must have a color....... what color is that

shape and what shape is the color maybe the outline is a different color to the body

of the shape ........or maybe the shape is all the one color....... or perhaps it’s a

mixture of colors I don’t know............ what comes to mind but ... you can notice

now ...... whatever color and shape comes to mind that’s right ... okay that color

coming to mind that shape coming to mind ................................................. all right

Just allow your eyes to open and as you do that begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud...so what if I still have that color and shape on those

thoughts .... I love myself and accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that color and shape on those thoughts.... I love

myself and accept that I am OK


And one more time so what if I still have that color and shape on those thoughts....

I love myself and accept that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying out

loud the reminder phrase that color shape

Side of the eye that color shape

Under the eye that color shape

Under the nose that color shape

Chin point that color shape

Collar bone that color shape

Under the arm that color shape

Top of the head that color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings connected those thoughts of rejection ..................and if

you have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the next section for

mopping up those fragments not cleared................ and if you are at zero you can

return to the beginning of this session and eliminate other irrational thoughts if you

need too.


Sex life

Improve your sex life with EFT

Before you begin to get those changes that will allow you to increase your sexual

pleasure by overcoming performance Anxiety from erection failure or perhaps

premature ejaculation or maybe past unpleasant sexual experiences or even guilt

that maybe connected to your loss of sexual performance and pleasure

There are three steps to positive change

One awareness

Two balancing

Three clearing

The first thing I would like you to do is think of a time a place or person that

comes to mind connected to any past event of loss of sexual performance ........

Now there is no need to go searching for the right answer whatever answer comes

to mind is the right one..... Of a time a place or a person in an event where you

have experienced loss of sexual performance in the past.... now as this memory

comes to mind I would like you to measure that on a scale of zero..... To ... 10 of


Perfect now you have completed the first step:

Awareness.... by bringing to mind a memory connected to your sexual performance


Now that you have that memory in mind I would like you to measure on a scale of

zero to ten of intensity again only selecting the first number that comes to mind

That’s right


Now we can move onto the second and third step balancing and clearing ... so here

is what I would like you to do begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying

out loud

Even though I have this number of intensity about my loss of sexual performance I

deeply and completely accept myself

And again while saying out loud and tapping on the karate chop point

Even though I have this number of intensity about my loss of sexual performance I

deeply and completely accept myself

One more time

Even though I have this number of intensity about my loss of sexual performance I

deeply and completely accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying after me that loss of sexual


Side of the eye that loss of sexual performance

Under the eye that loss of sexual performance

Under the nose that loss of sexual performance

Chin point that loss of sexual performance

Collar bone that loss of sexual performance

Under the arm that loss of sexual performance

And top of the head that loss of sexual performance

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs ......... and release that now

Alright bring that memory to mind of that past loss of sexual performance event

and measure once again on a scale of zero to ten of remaining intensity..... and if

while you were tapping on that event of loss of sexual performance you found your

mind drifting to a similar event go back to the beginning of this session and begin

again keeping your mind focused on the issue you are dealing with and once that


intensity connected to that issue is cleared you may begin this session once again

clearing up any other memories connected to loss of sexual pleasure.

Okay I assume if you are at this point that you are focused still on only one event

and have a remaining number of intensity connected to that issue.

Okay so let’s continue you’re balancing and clearing step ... I would like you to

start tapping the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this remaining number of loss of sexual performance intensity

I deeply and completely accept myself

And again while tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this remaining number of loss of sexual performance intensity

I deeply and completely accept myself

And one more time

Even though I have this remaining number of loss of sexual performance intensity

I deeply and completely accept myself

Okay start tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud

This remaining loss of sexual performance number of intensity

Side of the eye this remaining loss of sexual performance number of intensity

Under the eye this remaining loss of sexual performance number of intensity

Under the nose this remaining loss of sexual performance number of intensity

Chin point this remaining loss of sexual performance number of intensity

Collar bone this remaining loss of sexual performance number of intensity

Under the arm this remaining loss of sexual performance number of intensity

And top of the head this remaining loss of sexual performance number of intensity

Very good...Now take a deep breath in filling your lungs ....... releasing that now....

That’s right


bring that memory to mind once again of your loss of sexual performance and

measure what number of intensity is left and if you are at zero you have cleared

and balanced all negative emotions connected to this issue or if while you were

tapping you became aware of other events connected to your lack of sexual

performance you may start at the beginning of this session making sure to stay

focused on one issue or event of loss of sexual performance and if you have not got

to zero of intensity on this event or issue ....

Let us continue with the number of intensity left attached to that issue or event of

loss of sexual performance ... by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out


Even though I have this number of intensity of negative emotions attached to this

loss of sexual performance I deeply and completely accept myself

And again while tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of intensity of negative emotions attached to this

loss of sexual performance I deeply and completely accept myself

One more time

Even though I have this number of intensity of negative emotions attached to that

loss of sexual performance I deeply and completely accept myself

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying after me

Negative emotions attached to that loss of sexual performance

Side of the eye

Negative emotions attached to that loss of sexual performance

Under the eye

Negative emotions attached to that loss of sexual performance

Under the nose

Negative emotions attached to that loss of sexual performance


Chin point

Negative emotions attached to that loss of sexual performance

Collar bone

Negative emotions attached to that loss of sexual performance

Under the arm

Negative emotions attached to that loss of sexual performance

And top of the head

Negative emotions attached to that loss of sexual performance

Very good... now take a deep breath in filling your lungs ....... releasing that now....

that’s right measuring once more zero to ten of intensity of negative emotions

connected to that issue.... And if you are not at zero

you may move on to the mopping up section ...........and only when you feel ready

and have balanced and cleared all memories connected to that loss of sexual

performance you may move onto the expectation and anticipation session .


Overcome sexual anticipation with EFT

This session is for expectation and anticipation of lack of sexual performance as

the greatest misuse of the imagination is worry created from past loss of sexual

performance..... so here is what I would like you to do is think of a time or place or

person in the future in a similar experience where you would have had a loss of

sexual performance ... so just imagine or pretend you are in that situation ..... ok

now that you are there in this future event I would like you to measure on a scale

of zero to ten of intensity of negative emotion of expecting a loss of sexual

performance and again whatever is the first number that comes to mind is the right

one ...... okay got that ...... perfect ..

So once again begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of intensity of expectation of loss of sexual

performance I deeply and completely accept myself

And again

Even though I have this number of intensity of expectation of loss of sexual

performance I deeply and completely accept myself

One more time

Even though I have this number of intensity of expectation of loss of sexual

performance I deeply and completely accept myself

Ok now tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud

This expected loss of sexual performance

Side of the eye this expected loss of sexual performance

Under the eye this expected loss of sexual performance

Under the nose this expected loss of sexual performance

Chin point this expected loss of sexual performance

Collar bone this expected loss of sexual performance


Under the arm this expected loss of sexual performance

And top of the head this expected loss of sexual performance

Very good... now take a deep breath in filling your lungs ....... releasing that now....

That’s right I would like you to measure on a scale of zero to ten of intensity of

negative emotion of remaining expectation of loss of sexual performance noticing

how much lower that number has become.... now.....

Once again begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this remaining number of intensity of negative emotion

attached to that expected loss of sexual performance in the future I deeply and

completely accept myself

One more time while tapping the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this remaining number of intensity of negative emotion

attached to that expected loss of sexual performance in the future I deeply and

completely accept myself

And again

Even though I have this remaining number of intensity of negative emotion

attached to that expected loss of sexual performance in the future I deeply and

completely accept myself

Now tapping the eyebrow point

That remaining number of expected negative emotion

Side of the eye

That remaining number of expected negative emotion

Under the eye

That remaining number of expected negative emotion

Under the nose

That remaining number of expected negative emotion


Chin point

That remaining number of expected negative emotion

Collar bone

That remaining number of expected negative emotion

Under the arm

That remaining number of expected negative emotion

And finally top of the head

That remaining number of expected negative emotion

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs..... releasing all of that now checking once

more if there is any number from zero to ten of attached negative emotions to that

expected loss of sexual performance and if you are not at zero ... move on to the

mopping up section for balancing and clearing up of any fragments of negative

emotions attached to that expected loss of sexual performance and should you be at

zero enjoy your improved sex life NOW



Stammering Relief with EFT

Welcome to your relief from stammering session …. NOW ….. the first thing I

would like you to do is to think of a recent time you found it difficult to say

certain words … perhaps a sentence … maybe finding it difficult to talk to people

or a certain type of people that cause you to have difficulty with your speech ….

Or maybe finding yourself in situations or experiences that make you feel less at

ease that cause you to have difficulty speaking … whatever memory of an event or

experience of having difficulty to say those words is the right one there is no need

to go searching for the right answer whatever memory just pops to mind is the right

one …… as you unconscious mind is the part of your mind that stores and controls

all of your good habits and bad habits …. All habits being formed through and

from your life’s experiences ….. And through repetition of any behavior a habit is

formed …. Anything practiced becomes a habit …. So each time you have had

difficulty forming those words that behavior may have become more like a well

practiced habit … just like any anxiety you may have felt about say a sentence with

some difficulty reinforces those anxiety feelings … as it is well practiced time and

time again .

Alright now whatever memory comes to mind of you having difficulty speaking is

the right one …. So I would like you now to measure on a scale of zero to ten of

bad feelings about what happened then ….. Again just like that memory whatever

number pops to mind is the right one

I would like you to begin tapping on the karate chop point as you hold that

memory in your thoughts say or hum these words out loud

Even Though I have that number of feeling bad then……. I deeply and completely

accept myself …. NOW


Keep tapping the karate chop point while you say or hum these words out loud two

more times.

Even Though I have that number of feeling bad then ………I deeply and

completely accept myself

Even Though I have that number of feeling bad then…….. I deeply and completely

accept myself

Very good I would like you to begin tapping on the eyebrow point holding that

memory of having difficulty speaking then while you say or hum these words out

loud say these words

That bad feeling then

Start tapping the side of the eye and each other point as you say

That bad feeling then

Tapping under the eye that bad feeling then

Under the Nose that bad feeling then

Chin point that bad feeling then

Collar bone that bad feeling then

Under the arm that bad feeling then

And top of the head that bad feeling then

Good taking a deep breath in filling those lungs ……. And as you exhale …..

Releasing that now …… bringing that memory of finding it difficult to speak

then measuring once again on a scale of zero to ten of feeling bad then remaining

Start tapping the karate chops point holding that memory of having difficulty

speaking in mind as you say or hum these words out loud

Even though I have that remaining number of bad feelings then I deeply and

completely accept myself


And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point while you say or hum these

words out loud

Even though I have that remaining number of bad feelings then I deeply and

completely accept myself

One more time

Even though I have that remaining number of bad feelings then I deeply and

completely accept myself

That’s very good

Now I would like you to start tapping the eyebrow point as you say or hum these

words out loud and continue tapping each other point

That remaining bad feeling

Tap the side of the eye that remaining bad feeling

Under the eye that remaining bad feeling

Under the nose that remaining bad feeling

Chin point that remaining bad feeling

Collar bone that remaining bad feeling

Under the arm that remaining bad feeling

And now tapping top of the head that remaining bad feeling

Take a deep breath in filling those lungs…………….and as you release that now

measuring zero to ten any bad feelings still there as you think about that difficulty

speaking then ……… and if they are not cleared an at zero you can move onto the

mopping up section .


Difficulty saying certain words

This section is relief from difficulty of saying certain words ……NOW the first

thing I would like you to do is think of a word you have more difficulty saying …..

Just think of whatever word you maybe try to avoid saying … because it is so

difficult …. And whatever that word is I would like you to measure on a scale of

zero to ten of how difficult it has been to say that word … there is no need to say

that word now …. Just notice what number pops to mind of how difficult it was to

say that word …. You may begin to notice memories of when you found it difficult

to say that word pop to mind …. Just measure from zero to ten of how difficult you

found it to say that word then …..

Very good

I would like you now to start tapping the karate chop point …. Holding that word

in mind noticing each letter of that word and as you hold that word in mind NOW

say or hum these words out loud ….

Even though I had that difficulty saying that word then I deeply and completely

accept myself

Continuing to tap on the karate chop point as you say or hum these words out loud

two more times

Even though I had that difficulty saying that word then I deeply and completely

accept myself

Even though I had that difficulty saying that word then I deeply and completely

accept myself

Right Now I would like you to begin tapping the eyebrow point as you say or hum

these words out loud …

Difficulty saying that word

Tap the side of the eye Difficulty saying that word

Under the eye Difficulty saying that word


Under the nose Difficulty saying that word

Chin point Difficulty saying that word

Collar bone Difficulty saying that word

Under the arm Difficulty saying that word

And top of the head Difficulty saying that word

Very good

Now take a deep breath in filling your lungs and as you release that now bring that

same word to mind thinking about how difficult it was for you to say and measure

once more on a scale of zero to ten remaining of how difficult it was again

whatever number pops to mind is the right number.

So start tapping on the karate chops point again while you say or hum these words

out loud

Even though I have that remaining number of difficulty of saying that word I

deeply and completely accept myself

Continuing to tap on the karate chop point like before as you say or hum these

words out loud two more times

Even though I have that remaining number of difficulty of saying that word I

deeply and completely accept myself

Even though I have that remaining number of difficulty of saying that word I

deeply and completely accept myself

Now I would like you to tap the eyebrow point while you say or hum these words

out loud and continue to tap each other point as you say or hum these words out


That remaining difficulty of saying that word then

Side of the eye that remaining difficulty of saying that word then


Under the eye that remaining difficulty of saying that word then

Under the nose that remaining difficulty of saying that word then

Chin point that remaining difficulty of saying that word then

Collar bone that remaining difficulty of saying that word then

Under the arm that remaining difficulty of saying that word then

And top of the head that remaining difficulty of saying that word then

I would like you to take a deep breath in now filling those lungs …… and as you

release all that ……… NOW I would like you to say that word just say that word

out loud and notice how it feels to say that word and should you need to do more

work on the difficult feelings attached to saying that word … you may go back to

the beginning of this section and run through it again to become more relaxed

about saying that word


Stammering Mopping Up Section

Welcome to the mopping up section for release of those fragments of feelings still

remaining of that problem ….. NOW

The first thing I would like you to do is bring those remaining feelings to mind and

notice zero to ten what number of feelings you have still there …. Very good

Now start tapping the karate chop point while you say or hum these words out loud

Even though I have feelings still there remaining I deeply and completely accept


Continuing to tap the karate chop point as you say or hum these words out loud

Even though I have feelings still there remaining I deeply and completely accept


Even though I have feelings still there remaining I deeply and completely accept


OK You

Can start tapping the eyebrow point as you say or hum these words out loud

Still have some remaining feelings

Now tapping the side of the eye and each other point as you say or hum these

words out loud

Still have some remaining feelings

Under the eye still have some remaining feelings

Under the nose still have some remaining feelings

Chin point still have some remaining feelings

Collar bone still have some remaining feelings

Under the arm still have some remaining feelings


And top of the head still have some remaining feelings

Taking deep breath in filling your lungs and as you release that ……. Those

feelings ……… bring them to mind and measure from zero to ten what small bit

you have still there …… now

Tapping the karate chop point again as you say or hum these words out loud

Even though I have a small bit of those feeling still I deeply and completely accept


Continuing to tap as you say or hum these words out loud

Even though I have a small bit of those feeling still I deeply and completely accept


Even though I have a small bit of those feeling still I deeply and completely accept


I would like you to start tapping the eyebrow point as you say or hum these words

out loud

Small bit of those feelings still

The side of the eye tap small bit of those feelings still

Under the eye tap small bit of those feelings still

Under the nose tap small bit of those feelings still

Chin point tap small bit of those feelings still

Collar bone tap small bit of those feelings still

Under the arm tap small bit of those feelings still

And top of the head tap small bit of those feelings still

Take a deep breath in …. Releasing all that now ……. Noticing if any of those

feelings are remaining … and if any are you may go back to the beginning of this

section to clear that last bit of those feelings ….. Otherwise you are finished and

may start to enjoy the life you deserve.



Tension Relief with EFT

This EFT Session is to help you gain relief from Tension

Okay so let’s begin your relief from Tension session

The first thing I would like you to do is to place your attention on that Tension and

I would like you to measure the intensity of Tension you are feeling now from zero

to ten.... there is no need to go searching for right conscious or rational right

answers ... that message ........feeling ..... sensation of Tension that is created at a

unconscious level so the answer may be subtle that just pops to mind whatever

number just pops to mind between zero and ten for feelings of intensity of that

Tension is the right answer .

Ok you have that now

So let’s begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of Tension I deeply and completely accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of Tension I deeply and completely accept myself

Once more.

Even though I have this number of Tension I deeply and completely accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out

loud and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

That Tension


Side of the eye that Tension

Under the eye That Tension

Under the nose That Tension

Chin point That Tension

Collar bone That Tension

Under the arm That Tension

And top of the head That Tension

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of Tension and if you found

your mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that Tension or

to other places you may be feeling Tension ... I would like you to return to the

beginning of this session and keep focused only on that with which you started

with ....as you can work through this session as many times as you wish but only

gaining the most by staying focused on one feeling at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that Tension

what color comes to mind when you think about that Tension again there is no

need to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think

about that Tension is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must

have a shape so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers

that pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching

for a reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so

that answer of what color and what shape of that Tension is the right answer no

matter how subtle the answer may seem that is right.

Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that Tension I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that Tension I am ok


And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that Tension I am


Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out loud.

That color and shape

Side of the eye that color and shape

Under the eye that color and shape

Under the nose that color and shape

Chin point that color and shape

Collar bone that color and shape

Under the arm that color and shape

And top of the head that color and shape

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now I would like you to check in on the remaining Tension and maybe

if you can move into some position making sure not to injure yourself only

changing or moving slightly so that will allow you to check in and measure that

remaining Tension from zero to 10 again observing only that number that pops to

mind of the remaining Tension and if at this point you discover you are at zero ...

and you have some other area to apply EFT too ... you can go back to the start and

gain even more relief and if you have some remaining intensity of that Tension let

us continue with the number that has popped to mind

By tapping on the karate while saying out loud.

Just because a little bit of that Tension still remains I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that Tension still remains I accept myself deeply

One more time


Just because a little bit of that Tension still remains I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying after me

Little bit of that Tension remains

Side of the Eye little bit of that Tension remains

Under the eye little bit of that Tension remains

Under the nose little bit of that Tension remains

Chin point little bit of that Tension remains

Collar bone little bit of that Tension remains

Under the arm little bit of that Tension remains

And top of the head little bit of that Tension remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before maybe by making a slight

movement taking care not to injure yourself while you check in once more

measuring again on a scale zero to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto

the next part for mopping up those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some

or complete relief from that Tension



Being Used

Even though you are here to release feelings of being used by others realize that

you are being used because you are a useful person a useful person who does not

value their own talents and skills so by working on those old feelings of being used

you may begin to feel more love and appreciation for who you really are and will

begin to say no more often to those who do not appreciate how much you have

done or do for them. By working on those feelings you may find old memories of

where all this started from and by releasing the charge from those memories your

self esteem and confidence should grow.

So Begin by letting any memory pop to mind of when you have been used notice

where you feel that and if there is no feeling attached just measure from zero to ten

of intensity attached to that memory, again whatever pops to mind is right for you

to start with and with that number

Let’s begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of feeling used then I deeply and completely

accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have this number of feeling used then I deeply and completely

accept myself

Once more.

Even though I have this number of feeling used then I deeply and completely

accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out

loud and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.


That feeling used then

Side of the eye that feeling used then

Under the eye that feeling used then

Under the nose that feeling used then

Chin point that feeling used then

Collar bone that feeling used then

Under the arm that feeling used then

And top of the head that feeling used then

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of that feeling used then and if

you found your mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that

feeling used then or to other places you may be feeling that feeling used ... I would

like you to return to the beginning of this session and keep focused only on that

with which you started with ....as you can work through this session as many times

as you wish but only gaining the most by staying focused on one feeling at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that feeling

used then what color comes to mind when you think about that feeling used then

again there is no need to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind

when you think about that feeling used then is the right answer .... now that you

have a color that color must have a shape so what shape is that color again don’t

question or sensor the answers that pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to

every question by searching for a reference point of meaning through the archives

of your life’s experiences so that answer of what color and what shape of that

feeling used then is the right answer no matter how subtle the answer may seem

that is right.

Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.


Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling used then I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling used then I am


And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling used

then I am ok.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out loud.

That color and shape

Side of the eye that color and shape

Under the eye that color and shape

Under the nose that color and shape

Chin point that color and shape

Collar bone that color and shape

Under the arm that color and shape

And top of the head that color and shape

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now I would like you to check in on the remaining feeling used then

measure that remaining feeling used then from zero to 10 again observing only that

number that pops to mind of the remaining feeling used then and if at this point

you discover you are at zero ... and you have some other area to apply EFT too ...

you can go back to the start and gain even more relief and if you have some

remaining intensity of that feeling used then let us continue with the number that

has popped to mind

By tapping on the karate while saying out loud.

Just because a little bit of that feeling used then still remains I accept myself deeply

And again


Just because a little bit of that feeling used then still remains I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that feeling used then still remains I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying after me

Little bit of that feeling used then remains

Side of the Eye little bit of that feeling used then remains

Under the eye little bit of that feeling used then remains

Under the nose little bit of that feeling used then remains

Chin point little bit of that feeling used then remains

Collar bone little bit of that feeling used then remains

Under the arm little bit of that feeling used then remains

And top of the head little bit of that feeling used then remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before measuring again on a scale zero

to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for mopping up

those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some or complete relief from those

feelings of being used.



Vermin Fear

Fear can hold you back from so many things in your life even though that is not the

intention behind those feelings, fear in itself is just the minds warning system

alerting you to perceived dangers, I say perceived dangers because the fear is

triggered by information taken in and processed below your conscious awareness

matched to some generalized past experience that made you frightened in the past.

Now you may be aware of the first time you were frightened in this way or maybe

you will become more aware of that event as you work here. However just by

working on the most recent fearful events and eliminating the negative charge they

have you begin to reinforce a more positive reaction in the future and when you

don’t feel fear in the future you have indirectly released the charge from the past

first fearful event. Also when you think of a fearful experience to happen in the

future you are allowing your imagination to do what it does best imagine

something that is not real triggering and feeding energy to that past event. But by

thinking about that event in the future and applying EFT you will diffuse that

energy and be able to feel and react calmly in the future.

Alright let’s begin by you thinking of a time you felt fearful when you saw a

mouse, rat or whatever vermin made you feel frightened recently or perhaps think

of a fearful event to happen in the near future where you think a mouse or rat

maybe, whatever pops to mind past, present or future that’s the right event and

notice if a image comes to mind of that rat or mouse, then notice what emotion,

sound, thought or body sensation measure now on a scale of zero to ten of fear

again whatever pops to mind is the right answer.

Ok you have that now

So let’s begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself


And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself

Once more

Even though I have this number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

That fear

Side of the eye that fear

Under the eye that fear

Under the nose that fear

Chin point that fear

Collar bone that fear

Under the arm that fear

And top of the head that fear

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of that fear when you think

about that mouse or rat and if you found your mind wandering to emotional events

that may be connected to that fearful feeling ... I would like you to return to the

beginning of this session and keep focused only on that with which you started

with ....as you can work through this session as many times as you wish but only

gaining the most by staying focused on one feeling or sensation at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that feeling

what color comes to mind when you think about that feeling again there is no need

to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about

that feeling is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a


shape so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that

pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that

answer of what color and what shape of that feeling that came to mind is the right

answer no matter how subtle the answer may seem that is right.

Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that fear feeling I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that fear feeling I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that fear feeling I

am ok.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase.

That color and shape fear feeling

Side of the eye that color and shape fear feeling

Under the eye that color and shape fear feeling

Under the nose that color and shape fear feeling

Chin point that color and shape fear feeling

Collar bone that color and shape fear feeling

Under the arm that color and shape fear feeling

And top of the head that color and shape fear feeling

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now, I would like you to check in on the remaining fear of Vermin,

Rodents, Mice or Rats just .......... by closing your eyes and focusing all your

attention on that remaining fear or feelings maybe noticing your breathing the rise

and fall of your chest as you breath in following the breath inside noticing those

changes that have taken place and when you open your eyes bringing that

information with you allowing you to check in and measure that remaining fear

from zero to 10 again observing only that number that pops to mind of the


remaining feeling and if at this point you discover you are at zero ... and you have

some other area to apply EFT too ... you can go back to the start and gain even

more relief and if you have some remaining intensity of that feeling let us continue

with number that has popped to mind

By tapping on the karate while saying out loud

Just because a little bit of that Vermin fear still I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that Vermin fear still I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that Vermin fear still I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

Little bit of that Vermin fear remains

Side of the eye little bit of that Vermin fear remains

Under the eye little bit of that Vermin fear remains

Under the nose little bit of that Vermin fear remains

Chin point little bit of that Vermin fear remains

Collar bone little bit of that Vermin fear remains

Under the arm little bit of that Vermin fear remains

And top of the head little bit of that Vermin fear remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before once more measuring again on a

scale zero to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for

mopping up those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some or complete relief

from that feeling that sensation of fear.



Let Go Worry Session

So let’s begin your letting go of feelings of worry session ...... the first thing I

would like to do is satisfy your curiosity on how you will release feelings attached

to worry.... Worry is only the greatest misuse of your imagination so by releasing

feelings held in your body as you create negative events in your imagination.....

You will begin ... to use your imagination in a more creative way...........

Everything man made was created in the imagination first..... So as you begin.....

To.... just stop and think for a moment of a time, place or someone that caused you

to have those feelings of worry.... just allow any memory of a time that caused you

to worry......... come to mind maybe even noticing as you imagine that time, place

or person coming to mind ...it has also got a feeling attached somewhere in your

body.... just noticing what pops to mind ….that question receiving an answer .......

that answer ...........associated maybe to a feeling in your body.... OK..... As that's

happening.... and you have become more aware of the images or sounds associated

to that memory.... that worry.... very good...... I would like you to measure that

worry........ On a scale of 0---- to --- 10 of intensity ......... whatever number pops to

mind between 0 and 10 is the right answer there is no need to go searching for

rational right answers as you are working with.... Your unconscious mind... and the

answer may be very subtle so just as your unconscious mind.... gives you that

memory maybe that feeling it will also give you the right number for the intensity

associated to that worry ....OK.... so what number comes to mind connected to that

worry 0----- 10 ...... alright

... So let’s begin saying out loud while tapping on the karate chop point.

Even though I have that number of intensity.....of worry.... I deeply and completely

accept myself

And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point Even though I have that

number of intensity..... Of worry.... I deeply and completely accept myself


One more time Even though I have that number of intensity.....of worry.... I deeply

and completely accept myself

Now tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

to keep you focused now.... that worry

Side of the eye that worry

Under the eye that worry

Under the nose that worry

Chin point that worry

Collar bone that worry

Under the arm that worry

And top of the head that worry

All right I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs with air ....and

release that now ....as you exhale and as ... you do that.... bringing that worry into

your imagination noticing the difference in how you feel ... measuring once again

from 0 --- to – 10 .. Of intensity connected to that worry. Now as you were going

through the first round of tapping on this issue if you found your mind wander to

other thoughts or memories even if they were similar I would like you to go back

and start again keeping your attention and focus only on the issue you are working

on now and if other memories came to mind you can make a note of them and

work on each one in turn just by returning to the beginning of this session.

Okay assuming you are focused and have got a remaining intensity worry number

on that issue lets continue to..... Release that now....

Begin tapping the karate chop point once again while saying out loud

Just because I still have a remaining worry.... number of intensity I accept myself


And again


Just because I still have a remaining worry..... Number of intensity I accept myself


And one more time just because I still have a remaining worry...... number of

intensity I accept myself deeply

Now tap the eyebrow point and each other point saying the reminder phrase

remaining worry feelings

Side of the eye remaining worry

Under the eye remaining worry

Under the nose remaining worry

Chin point remaining worry

Collar bone point remaining worry

Under the arm remaining worry

And top of the head remaining worry

Very good now..... take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release that

now ... and as you do that noticing as you imagine what has worried you noticing if

any feelings that were associated within your body as you bring that time , place or

person that made you feel worry .... ....just imagining that event bring it to mind

and noticing the ....changes in you now ....how you feel measuring 0--- 10 again

and should there be.... a little left now....

Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

notice where you may have that remaining worry..... Noticing where you feel

that.... placing your attention on that worry feeling and as you go inside and place

your attention on that feeling and if there is no feeling attached to that worry

....maybe noticing if it has a color

and if it has a color it must have a shape or perhaps you notice a shape first and if

you notice a shape first it must have a color what color is that shape and what

shape is that color of that worry maybe the outline is a different color to the body

of the shape or maybe the shape is all the one color or perhaps it’s a mixture of

colors I don’t know what comes to mind but ... you can notice now ...... whatever


color and shape comes to mind as you.... focus on that worry ... okay that color

coming to mind that shape coming to mind ................................................. all right

Just allow your eyes to open after you have discovered what shape or color and

when you do that begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

...so what if I still have that worry color and shape .... I accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that worry color and shape .... I accept that I am


And one more time so what if I still have that worry color and shape .... I accept

that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying the

reminder phrase that worries color shape

Side of the eye that worry color shape

Under the eye that worry color shape

Under the nose that worry color shape

Chin point that worry color shape

Collar bone that worry color shape

Under the arm that worry color shape

Top of the head that worry color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings of worry connected to that time, place or person and if you

have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the next section for

mopping up those fragments not cleared and if you are at zero you can return to the

beginning of this session and eliminate as many worries as you wish




To let go feelings of being a victim of Xenophobia or Racism as it is more

commonly known, the first thing is to realize that the person or people involved are

driven by their own insecurities and fears just like a bully is and by letting go of

the emotional charge you have because of being a victim of racism, you will grow

emotionally stronger and perhaps not feel such strong reactions to their bad

behavior and when this happens they may feel less need to target you as a

vulnerable victim to make themselves feel less insecure.

Begin by thinking of anytime you have been a victim of a racist comment or

physical attack whatever pops to mind that’s the best place to start measure the

emotional intensity of the memory zero to 10

And with that number of fear about of being a victim of racism I want you to begin

tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have that number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud

Even though I have that number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself

Once more.

Even though I have that number of fear I deeply and completely accept myself

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out

loud and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

That number of fear

Side of the eye that number of fear


Under the eye that number of fear

Under the nose that number of fear

Chin point that number of fear

Collar bone that number of fear

Under the arm that number of fear

And top of the head that number of fear

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of Fear and if you found your

mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that Fear or to other

places you may be feeling Fear ... I would like you to return to the beginning of

this session and keep focused only on that with which you started with ....as you

can work through this session as many times as you wish but only gaining the most

by staying focused on one feeling at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that Fear

what color comes to mind when you think about that Fear again there is no need to

search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about that

Fear is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a shape

so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that pop to

mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that

answer of what color and what shape of that Fear is the right answer no matter how

subtle the answer may seem that is right.

Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that Fear I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that Fear I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that Fear I am ok .


Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase out loud.

That color and shape

Side of the eye that color and shape

Under the eye that color and shape

Under the nose that color and shape

Chin point that color and shape

Collar bone that color and shape

Under the arm that color and shape

And top of the head that color and shape

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now I would like you to check in on the remaining Fear and measure

that remaining Fear from zero to 10 again observing only that number that pops to

mind of the remaining Fear and if at this point you discover you are at zero ... and

you have some other area to apply EFT too ... you can go back to the start and gain

even more relief and if you have some remaining intensity of that Fear of racist

attack let us continue with number that has popped to mind

By tapping on the karate while saying out loud.

Just because a little bit of that Fear still remains I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that Fear still remains I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that Fear still remains I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying after me


Little bit of that Fear remains

Side of the Eye little bit of that Fear remains

Under the eye little bit of that Fear remains

Under the nose little bit of that Fear remains

Chin point little bit of that Fear remains

Collar bone little bit of that Fear remains

Under the arm little bit of that Fear remains

And top of the head little bit of that Fear remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before measuring again on a scale zero

to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for mopping up

those tiny fragments necessary for you to gain some or complete relief from that




Yes To No

Turning a yes to No allowing you to overcome what people have you tolerate with

their demands and bad behavior, by working on the issues you find yourself saying

yes to instead of what you really want to say is No to. As you work on the times

you have said yes in the past or having to say yes in the future, you may begin to

uncover why you agree instead of making the choice to disagree, here you begin to

get more choice and eliminate the feelings that make you feel you have to agree to

others bad behavior, irrational and uncaring needs.

Begin by thinking of a time you agreed to something or someone you would have

preferred to disagree with whatever pops to mind go with that because you can

complete this as many times as you want each time uncovering more and more of

why you feel the need to say yes and by doing that and releasing trapped emotions

connected to those times you will strengthen your own ability to choose what you

agree to in the future. Ok what memory has popped to mind of you saying yes

when you would have chosen to say no given the right conditions measure how

you feel about not being true to your own need to say no zero to ten.

... So let’s begin saying out loud while tapping on the karate chop point.

Even though I have that number of intensity.....not saying no.... I deeply and

completely accept myself

And again continuing to tap on the karate chop point Even though I have that

number of intensity.....not saying no.... I deeply and completely accept myself

One more time Even though I have that number of intensity.....not saying no.... I

deeply and completely accept myself

Now tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point saying out loud the

reminder phrase to keep you focused now .... not saying no then

Side of the eye not saying no then


Under the eye not saying no then

Under the nose not saying no then

Chin point not saying no then

Collar bone not saying no then

Under the arm not saying no then

And top of the head not saying no then

All right I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs with air ....and

release that now ....as you exhale.... bringing that not saying no then into your

imagination noticing the difference in how you feel ... measuring once again from

0 --- to – 10 .. Of intensity connected to that not saying no then. Now as you were

going through the first round of tapping on this issue if you found your mind

wander to other thoughts or memories even if they were similar I would like you to

go back and start again keeping your attention and focus only on the issue you are

working on now and if other memories came to mind you can make a note of them

and work on each one in turn just by returning to the beginning of this session.

Okay assuming you are focused and have got a remaining intensity not saying no

then number on that issue lets continue.....to release that now....

Begin tapping the karate chop point once again while saying out loud

Just because I still have a remaining

Not saying no then.... number of intensity I accept myself deeply

And again just because I still have a remaining not saying no then

..... Number of intensity I accept myself deeply

And one more time just because I still have a remaining not saying no then......

Number of intensity I accept myself deeply


Now tap the eyebrow point and each other point saying out loud the reminder

phrase remaining

Not saying no then feelings

Side of the eye remaining not saying no then feelings

Under the eye remaining not saying no then feelings

Under the nose remaining not saying no then feelings

Chin point remaining not saying no then feelings

Collar bone point remaining not saying no then feelings

Under the arm remaining not saying no then feelings

And top of the head remaining not saying no then feelings

Very good now..... take a deep breath filling your lungs and once again release that

now ... and as you do that noticing as you imagine what has perhaps caused you to

not say no in the past ,noticing if any feelings that were associated within your

body as you bring that time , place or person that made you feel you couldn’t say

no .... ....just imagining that event bring it to mind and noticing the ....changes in

you now ....how you feel measuring 0--- 10 again and should there be.... little left


Notice where that maybe in your body.... just close your eyes and go inside and

notice where you may that remaining feeling is ..... Noticing where you feel that....

placing your attention on that not having a choice and as you go inside and place

your attention on that feeling and if there is no feeling attached to that having to

say yes ....maybe noticing if it has a color

and if it has a color it must have a shape or perhaps you notice a shape first and if

you notice a shape first it must have a color what color is that shape and what

shape is that color of that having to say yes feeling maybe the outline is a different

color to the body of the shape or maybe the shape is all the one color or perhaps

it’s a mixture of colors I don’t know what comes to mind but ... you can notice

now ...... whatever color and shape comes to mind that’s right ... okay that color

coming to mind that shape coming to mind ................................................. all right


Just allow your eyes to open and as you do that begin tapping on the karate chop

point while saying out loud...so what if I still have that having to say yes then

color and shape .... I accept that I am OK

And again so what if I still have that having to say yes color and shape .... I accept

that I am OK

And one more time so what if I still have that having to say yes color and shape ....

I accept that I am OK

Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point and each other point while saying out

loud the reminder phrase that having to say yes color shape

Side of the eye that having to say yes color shape

Under the eye that having to say yes color shape

Under the nose that having to say yes color shape

Chin point that having to say yes color shape

Collar bone that having to say yes color shape

Under the arm that having to say yes color shape

Top of the head that having to say yes color shape

Take another deep breath filling your lungs then.....letting all that go..... now

checking once more by bringing that issue to mind and measure once more 0---to--

-10 intensity of feelings of having to say yes connected that time, place or person

and if you have any remaining number pop to mind just continue onto the next

section for mopping up those fragments not cleared and if you are at zero you can

return to the beginning of this session and eliminate as having to say yes past

emotional experiences as you wish.



Bad Feelings to Zero

Everyone has had a time a place a person that has made them feel bad and

sometimes these past events pop to mind and with them come those same bad

feelings because that event, place, person has emotional charge remaining and that

charge gets triggered and brought to mind sometimes going round and round in

your mind. But now you are armed with your own special weapon to eliminate that

charge and bring it to zero on those bad feelings on as many bad experiences you

have had and all you have to do is.

Begin by you thinking of a time, place or person that made you feel bad recently

whatever pops to mind that’s the right event and notice if a image comes to mind,

what emotion, sound, thought or body sensation measure now on a scale of zero to

ten of feeling bad again whatever pops to mind is the right answer.

Ok you have that now

So let’s begin by tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of feeling bad then I deeply and completely love

and accept myself

And again while continuing to tap on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this number of feeling bad then I deeply and completely love

and accept myself

Once more

Even though I have this number of feeling bad then I deeply and completely love

and accept myself


Now begin tapping on the eyebrow point while saying out loud the reminder

phrase and each other point while continuing to say the reminder phrase.

Feeling bad then

Side of the eye feeling bad then

Under the eye feeling bad then

Under the nose feeling bad then

Chin point feeling bad then

Collar bone feeling bad then

Under the arm feeling bad then

And top of the head feeling bad then

Take a deep breath in filling your lungs.... and as you release that NOW...... I

would like you to measure the remaining intensity of that feeling bad then and if

you found your mind wandering to emotional events that may be connected to that

feeling ... I would like you to return to the beginning of this session and keep

focused only on that with which you started with ....as you can work through this

session as many times as you wish but only gaining the most by staying focused on

one feeling or sensation at a time.

All right as you have got this far I am presuming you have stayed focused

on that feeling so what I would like you to do now is place a color on that feeling

what color comes to mind when you think about that feeling again there is no need

to search for right answers whatever color comes to mind when you think about

that feeling is the right answer .... now that you have a color that color must have a

shape so what shape is that color again don’t question or sensor the answers that

pop to mind ... that deep part of you responds to every question by searching for a

reference point of meaning through the archives of your life’s experiences so that

answer of what color and what shape of that feeling that came to mind is the right

answer no matter how subtle the answer may seem that is right.


Okay so begin tapping on the karate chop point while saying out loud.

Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling bad then I am ok

And again Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling bad then I am ok

And one more time Even though I have this color and shape of that feeling bad

then I am ok.

Now start tapping the eyebrow point while saying the reminder phrase.

That color and shape feeling bad then

Side of the eye that color and shape feeling bad then

Under the eye that color and shape feeling bad then

Under the nose that color and shape feeling bad then

Chin point that color and shape feeling bad then

Collar bone that color and shape feeling bad then

Under the arm that color and shape feeling bad then

And top of the head that color and shape feeling bad then

Very good now I would like you to take a deep breath filling your lungs and as you

release that now, I would like you to check in on the remaining feeling bad then

just .......... by closing your eyes and focusing all your attention on that remaining

feeling bad then maybe noticing your breathing the rise and fall of your chest as

you breath in following the breath inside noticing those changes that have taken

place and when you open your eyes bringing that information with you allowing

you to check in and measure that remaining bad feeling from zero to 10 again

observing only that number that pops to mind of the remaining feeling and if at this

point you discover you are at zero ... and you have some other area to apply EFT

too ... you can go back to the start and gain even more relief and if you have some

remaining intensity of that feeling let us continue with number that has popped to



By tapping on the karate while saying out loud

Just because a little bit of that feeling bad then still I accept myself deeply

And again

Just because a little bit of that feeling bad then still I accept myself deeply

One more time

Just because a little bit of that feeling bad then still I accept myself deeply

Now tapping the eyebrow point while saying out loud.

Little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Side of the eye little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Under the eye little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Under the nose little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Chin point little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Collar bone little bit of that feeling bad then remains

Under the arm little bit of that feeling bad then remains

And top of the head little bit of that feeling bad then remains

That’s right take a good deep breath..... Filling your lungs and as you exhale

releasing that now.... checking in again as before once more measuring again on a

scale zero to ten and if any intensity remains just move onto the next part for

mopping up those tiny fragments necessary for you to release all that charge and

bring the emotional intensity of feeling bad to Zero.