Empowering Youth Through Financial Intermediation_Presentation from Equity Bank

Post on 19-Dec-2014

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Addressing the needs of rural youth is gathering attention with international development agencies, donors and private companies supporting new initiatives by governmental and non-governmental organizations in many parts of the world and in Africa in particular. Issues surrounding rural youths such as limited access to educational services, dependency on mainly unpaid labour in family farms and working in the informal sector as well as the considerable impact of migration on their livelihoods - especially affecting young women- have been widely recognized as significant. There is overall agreement that if youth issues are not addressed high rates of youth unemployment and under-employment will persist and overall development in African countries could be negatively affected. In this context and in line with its 2011 – 2015 Strategic Framework, The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in partnership with PROCASUR Africa, organized an eight day learning route on Innovative ideas and approaches to integrate Rural Youth in Agriculture. The progress in Kenya between the 11th to the 18th of August 2014. The aim of this Learning Route was to contribute to lesson-sharing and learning at country and regional level in order to build technical capacities within IFAD´s operations and partners in the ESA region on innovative strategies and approaches to engage rural youth in agriculture, increase employment and reduce poverty.







Our purposeWe exist to transform the lives and livelihoods of our

people socially and economically by availing to them modern, inclusive financial services .

Our VisionTo be the champion of the social-economic prosperity of

the people of Africa

Our mission We offer inclusive, customer focused financial services that

socially and economically empower our clients and other stakeholders


Equity bank network

Branches in Kenya-160 Branches in Uganda- 38 Branches in South Sudan- 9 Branches in Tanzania -6 Branches in Rwanda-8

Resource Mobilization For effective agriculture production the youth

requires the right resources at the right time. The resource that youth require to produce:-

• Land, capital, lab our etc.• Extension and advisory services.• Market and market information for their products• Availability of quality inputs and service providers• Supporting infrastructure – roads, pack houses,

cooling plants.• Enabling policy environment.

Role of EBL in Youth financial intermediation


Savings Lending


Wealth Creation








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Our interventions Youth friendly accounts.

Support of youth and growing with them.

Finance in purchase of implements/equipment /tools and other inputs.

Capital investment – Processing plants, collection points, vehicles, etc.

Operating/working capital as required and other needs.

Day to day transactions of proceeds, using reliable ,convenient and cost effective delivery channels.

Market linkages, among others.

Risk mitigation through insurance for Goods in transit and business.

Financial training through our Equity group foundation.

Who is financed under Agriculture sector ?

A Youthful agriculture client therefore could be;

In production: (Small & large scale) / Agriculture producers

Providing access to inputs-Farm inputs suppliers and distributors i.e. seeds, fertilizers & chemicals.

Agriculture business development services providers e.g. consultancy, trainings etc

Market intermediary-agriculture produce buyersDoing value addition- produce processors.Any other agribusiness partner involved in the value

chains e.g. Registered agricultural organization like Community based organizations, Self help groups, Cooperatives, companies e.t.c.

Farming as a business Develop business plans. Complying to regulation and standards. Have updated records. Analyze cost of production with supported

agronomic practices. Yield Projections. Market contracts. Mitigate on risks.

Products for youthful farmers

Kilimo biashara

Kilimo kisasa

Kilimo supa

Farm inputs

Asset finance

Kilimo Biashara Kilimo Biashara started in partnership with

AGRA/IFAD/GOK/MOA then supported by World bank.

Objective is to improving access to inputs for small holder farmers who are involved in all commercial food crop production and agro dealers for an Enhanced Agricultural Productivity.

The beneficiaries of Kilimo Biashara are Small scale food crop farmers and Agro dealers.

Loan Amount: from Kshs.1,000 Security: a mixture of acceptable securities. Loan Repayment: flexible to meet crop cycle

Eligibility Be account holders with Equity Bank. Loan purpose for purchase of inputs. Demonstrate ability to repay. Already be in commercial Production /agribusiness

with experience of 1(one) successful season.

Kilimo biashara Product features

Farm input loan .

Description This is a short term lending to dairy farmers

to assist them meet various needs including farm machinery, tools and any other farm and social development needs.

Key Features• Loan Amount: from Kshs.1,000 . • Security: combination of acceptable


Other Agriculture loan products

Agriculture commercial loan


This is a medium term lending to farmers to assist them meet various needs including  farm machinery, tool  and any other farm and social development needs

Key Features

• Loan Amount: Above Kshs. 100,000 • Suitable collateral required.

Kilimo kisasa

Is a credit product specially designed to cater for modern agricultural tools and equipments.(it’s a technology product in agriculture)

These will include but not limited to: irrigation equipments, green houses, spraying equipments, milking machines, biogas, water tanks, etc

Key features Contribution of 20% of the cost of project.


Kilimo Supa Is a credit product specially designed to cater for micro

enterprises dealing in all agriculture related production and agri-business activities.

These will include but not limited to: agro-forestry, Livestock

farming such as poultry, piggery, dairy/beef, apiculture, Aquaculture etc

Trading /agribusiness such as agro vets, A.I service providers value addition, livestock traders, hides and skins traders etc

Kilimo Maendeleo

Target customers Small scale farmers operating remittance accounts with EBL, thus

focusing on contracted tea, dairy and horticultural farmers.

Meant to finance farm developments such building of farm houses, farming expansion and purchase of farm fixed assets.

Eligibility; Remittance account holders with Equity Bank for a minimum period of 3 years or 3 seasons whichever is higher.

Easy ways for youth to access their Accounts

Branches. ATMs. Mobile banking -EAZZY 24/7. POS merchants . Equity Agents . Convergence and Integration of

Telco's and banking. Internet banking.

Serving the youth

POS terminals

Mobile phone


Equity Branch ATMs

Equity Branch

Equity Agency

Customer issued with Debit Cards: which has the following features ;

i.PIN Basedii.EMV compliant.

Farmers Hub Database(MIS)





Customers able to access their account through the channels either using their cards or mobile phones for deposits and other services.

Customers able to access their account through the channels use of cards to access a variety of services.

Customers able access their account through the channels either using their cards or mobile phones they can deposit or withdrawal

Customers able access their account over the counter and engage branch staff for a variety of services.


Thank you Email: info@equitybank.co.ke

Web site: www.equitybank.co.ke