Energy Storage is Needed with Renewable GenerationSNI. Highlights: • Undergoing NAVSEAInst 9310...

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Rhode Island Convention Center • Providence, Rhode Island

Why Energy Storage is Needed with Renewable Generation

Session: Integrating Renewable Energy

Dr. Ken K. HoNAVFAC EXWCAugust 10, 2016

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

Energy Storage Applications


– Energy Resiliency (DoD interest)• Battery Backup power• UPS with renewable• Micro-grids with integrated renewable generation

– Firming Renewable Energy Generation (utility interest)• Fast response needed for changes in wind and cloud cover• Long duration storage for periods of no sun or wind• Support aggressive Renewable Energy goals

– Hawaii 100% renewable by 2045– CA, 50% renewable by 2030– Navy: 50% from alternative sources by 2020

• Decreasing reliance on rotational generators (rotational inertia)– Demand Response Cost savings (financial interest)

• Cost savings from reduced demand charges• Credit for load reduction when called upon• New business model for ancillary services being developed

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Application is Customer SpecificCyber securedReal time connection

Source: Rocky Mountain Inst

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade4

Service Value varies and can change

Source: Rocky Mountain Inst

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

Resiliency: Solar size for Islanded Operation


− Simulation and weather data to help size PV

− Typical need is 5x peak load for 24hr operation

− Batteries still needed to buffer

10x Capacity

8x Capacity

6x Capacity

4x Capacity

2x Capacity

Solar Power vs. Electricity Demand

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

Resiliency: Battery Size for 1‐Day Outages

Daily Max

Daily MinDaily Mean

Daily Std Dev

Assumptions:− Location Boston, MA

− 2MW annual peak load

− 20MW solar capacity

− Yearly weather and demand fluctuates

Conclusion:− PV production lower in winter

− Average need 13MWh

− Size battery for max capacity needed 35MWh

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Firming: Problem from high penetration RE

• Duck curve shows steep ramping needs• Over generation risks

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Firming: Variability of Renewables

Wind Generation

PV Generation

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Ancillary Services: Regulation

Source: Sandia

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

• Demand Charge Reduction


Ancillary Services: Demand Reduction

Source: Rocky Mountain Inst

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Cost Benefit Analysis

Source: EPRi

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Implementation Challenges

Source: EPRI

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

• Reliability– Durable, long‐life components– Operable under wide range of conditions– Well‐defined failure characteristics and expected life

• Cost– Low materials and manufacturing costs– Low integration costs– Low recycling and disposal costs

• Efficiency– High coulombic efficiency with low polarization– Low self‐discharge losses– Minimal parasitic loads from cooling and other functions

• Control– Well‐defined use cases– Effective and well‐established control algorithms


Key Performance Metrics for Storage Technologies

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

• EPRI Energy Storage Integration Council– Utility members and vendors collaborating to produce common 

approaches, functional requirements, specifications, and test plans for utility applications

• SCAPES (Safe Common Afordable Power Energy Storage)– Navy syscom collaboration to develope commonality 

• New storage legislation coming about – Japan, Germany, South Korea, California, New Jersey…– California has mandated 1.325 GW of utility energy storage by 2020

• storage costs are falling– Larger companies are entering the market– Large‐scale manufacturing plants built over last 2‐3 years

• research is promising for higher energy density


TRENDS and Ongoing Efforts

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

NAVFAC EXWC Projects:  Firming Wind Generation



• Eliminates need for load dump on SNI.• Increase life of diesel generators and reduces fuel consumption.• Leverages previous development funded by CEC

Benefits: allow for higher renewable penetration, and reduces fuel consumption and stress on diesel generators.


Overview: 750kW /750kWhr of Li‐ion battery was funded by CEC.  Navy Shore Energy Transition Technology Integration program to fund upgrades and construction installation cost for integration into the 750kW wind farm on SNI.    

Highlights:• Undergoing NAVSEAInst 9310 safety certification• Li‐FePO4 prismatic• Active BMS• Uses modular COTS inverters for lower cost 


Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

EXWC Projects: Building level Micro‐grids


DC Micro‐gridCreate a DC Microgrid with LED Lighting •Multi‐port converter enables simple, low cost, turnkey micro‐grid.• 30kW/30kWh Li‐ion, 15kW PV•DC micro‐grid with 380VDC bus•Demonstration Q1FY17

Funding: ONR ESTEP

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade

Valuation and Financing Models

• JBPH needs base wide backup power• REPO exploring 100MW Peaker plant on JBPHH• EXWC studying how to value Energy security • Siting options for Peaker plant and LAES in progress• GOAL:

– Develop Tie LAES with peaker plant on JBPH– Work with REPO to finance Peaker plant + LAES for JBPHH– Modify eROI tool to include clear method for valuing energy security


TEAM:  EXWC, Pearl Harbor, REPO, CNIC

Liquid Air Energy StorageLarge scale mechanical energy storage using cryogenic liquid air, and turbo expanders for power generation. 

• Engineering Design and Cost estimate in progress

• scalable, long life, independent of location, and safe

• 10MW/80MWh design and siting for JBPHH

• ~55% RTE, ~70% RTE with waste heat

TEAM:  EXWC, Highview, GE Oil & Gas, JBPHH


Waste Heat


EXWC Projects: Liquid Air Energy Storage