English Gazette Issue 1

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Special #1 Collector’s Edition!

What is the hardest part of being principal?

Year Three

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“Hooray, I can’t believe it’s already the holidays,”said Anoushka. “I know right. Though I’m a little bit nervous how we’re going to manage because I’ve never been on holiday on my own,” said Alex, Anoushka’s best friend. “I’m sure we’ll manage because we’ve arranged with the hotel that they will take care of us and besides what could go wrong?”asked Anoushka.“I don’t know, anyway. Did you do any research on Singapore?” asked Alex. “Yeah. There’s this very powerful flower in an old forest that glows and does something very special but nobody knows what it is. Some people say its just a legend, other people say it’s real. They say you have to be very brave to get it,” said Anoushka.“Wow!” said Alex, “I wonder if we can get it?” “Maybe,” said Anoushka, “all sorts of adventures could happen!” ..... To know what happens, ask Anoushka to let you read the rest of her amazing adventure story!