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& Economic Development

April 9, 2019

Building S - Room S218

This event is sponsored by

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development


Tuesday, April 9

08:30 Morning coffee

09.00 Keynote: Paul Gertler, University of California, Berkeley

09.50 Alexia Delfino, London School of Economics, with Nava Ashraf (LSE) and Edward Glaeser (Harvard) Women, Entrepreneurship and Institutions Discussant: Stefano Caria, University of Bristol

10.40 Coffee break

10.55 Dan Fehder, University of Southern California, with Eric Floyd (UC San Diego), Yael Hochberg (Rice University) and Daniel Lee (Rice University) Assessing the Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education: A Randomized Control Trial

Discussant: Guido Buenstorf, University of Kassel

11.45 Bruno Crepon, ENSAE and École Polytechnique with Esther Duflo, (MIT) , Elise Huillery (University of Paris-Dauphine), William Pariente (Université Catholique de Louvain), Juliette Seban (Sciences-Po) and Paul-Armand Veillon (Crest) Cream skimming and the comparison between social interventions: Evidence from Entrepreneurship Programs for at-Risk Youth in France Discussant: Thomas Breda, Paris School of Economics

12.35 Lunch

13.30 Diego Ubfal, Bocconi University with Irani Arraiz (IADB), Diether Beuermann (IADB), Michael Frese (NUS Singapore), Alessandro Maffioli (IADB) and Daniel Verch The Impact of Soft-Skills Training for Entrepreneurs in Jamaica Discussant: Igor Asanov, University of Kassel

14.20 Caio Piza, World Bank, with Miriam Bruhn (World Bank) Promoting Better Business Practices and Growth in Small Firms Discussant: Elise Huillery, University Paris-Dauphine

15.10 Coffee break

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development


15.25 Juanita Gonzales-Uribe, London School of Economics, with Santiago Reyes (IADB) Identifying and Impacting “Gazelles”: Evidence from Business Accelerators Discussant: Jean-Noel Barrot, HEC Paris

16.15 Thomas Åstebro, HEC Paris with Florian Hoos (HEC Paris) The Effects of a Training Program to Encourage Social Entrepreneurship: Field-experimental evidence Discussant: Juanita Gonzales-Uribe, LSE

17.05 Chris Woodruff, University of Warwick Capital drops at a Decade: What do the Long-Run effects Tell Us about Constraints on Capital? Discussant: Bruno Crepon, ENSAE and École Polytechnique

18.00 End of the workshop

19.00 SAVAC red Bus leaving from HEC Campus

19.30 Dinner at Restaurant LaTable des Blot

22.30 SAVAC red Bus returning from the restaurant la Table des Blot to Hotel Novotel Paris Saclay

*Presenting author listed first


For your questions about plane tickets, accommodation and reimbursements, please contact:

Francine Lestrade +33 1 39 67 97 99 lestrade@hec.fr

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development


Participants list

To save trees, we don’t provide copies of paper, except for the 1st page. Please contact the author directly if interested in copies.

Name Surname E-mail address Affiliation


Paul Gertler gertler@haas.berkeley.edu UC Berkeley

Juanita Gonzales-Uribe J.Gonzalez-Uribe@lse.ac.uk LSE

Daniel Fehder fehder@marshall.usc.edu USC

Diego Ubfal diego.ubfal@unibocconi.it Bocconi

Bruno Crepon bruno.crepon@ensae.fr ENSAE and École Polytech.

Alexia Delfino A.Delfino2@lse.ac.uk LSE

Caio Piza caiopiza@worldbank.org World Bank

Thomas Astebro astebro@hec.fr HEC Paris

Chris Woodruff christopher.woodruff@qeh.ox.ac.uk University of Warwick


Bruno Crepon bruno.crepon@ensae.fr ENSAE and École Polytech.

Stefano Caria stefano.caria@bristol.ac.uk University of Bristol

Igor Asanov igor.asanov@uni-kassel.de University of Kassel

Jean-Noel Barrot barrot@hec.fr HEC Paris


Guido Buenstorf buenstorf@uni-kassel.de Universty of Kassel

Francisco Flores flores@incher.uni-kassel.de University of Kassel

Martin Hetu hetu@hec.fr HEC Paris

Kerem Kilic kerem.kilic@hec.edu HEC Paris

Raphael Levy levy@hec.fr HEC Paris

Chhavi Rastogi chhavi.rastogi@hec.edu HEC Paris

Maxime Bonelli maxime.bonelli@hec.edu HEC Paris

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development


Presentation and discussion guidelines

- Each 50-minute session is divided into a 30-minute presentation by one of the authors, a 10-minute analysis by the discussant and 5-10 minutes for Q&A

- Please bring your presentation on a USB-stick in PowerPoint or PDF format - Please provide critical but constructive feedback during the sessions

Extra-curricular activities

- For more information about la Table de Blot, click here

Venue of the Workshop

The workshop will take place in the MBA building S at HEC Paris campus, in room S218 at Jouy-en-Josas. If you are traveling by taxi, make sure the taxi driver has the following address in GPS: 1 Rue de la Liberation, 78356 Jouy en Josas.

Hotel Novotel Paris Saclay

Address: Rue Charles Thomassin 91400 Saclay, France Phone: + 33 1 69 35 66 00

The Novotel Paris Saclay hotel is located just 11.2 miles (18 km) from Paris, in the heart of the Greater Paris scientific and university centre. The hotel offers light, modern rooms for couples and families. Outdoor pool, mini golf course, tennis and indoor and outdoor games. Our 15 meeting rooms have everything you need for meetings and seminars. After a day of work or a visit to the Château de Versailles, take a moment to relax on the terrace at Novotel.

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development


Bus transfer arrangements - Hotel Novotel => HEC Paris => Restaurant => Hotel Novotel

We will arrange bus transfers as follows:

1. From Hotel Novotel Paris Saclay to HEC Paris at 8.00am on April 9th 2. From HEC Paris at 19.00 to the restaurant La Table des Blot on April 9th 3. The return at 22.30 from the restaurant to the Hotel Novotel Paris Saclay on April 9th

If you choose to stay in a different hotel, and mainly in Paris or in another city, we strongly invite you to book either an Uber or a taxi. Please find hereafter the link to a reliable taxi company: http://www.skippy.fr/).

Dinner at the Restaurant - La Table des Blot

Christophe Blot, a Michelin-starred chef for 30 years, and his wife Sylvie welcome you to their

seventeenth-century auberge overlooking the Château de Dampierre, in Yvelines, less than an hour’s

drive from Paris. Discover a mouth-watering cuisine with a modern twist. Chef Christophe Blot invites

you to step into his culinary universe in his charming restaurant. Before setting up here, he earned his

stripes in a number of famous restaurants: Troisgros, Les Cuisines de l’Elysée, Taillevent, Comme chez

Soi in Brussels, and Marc Meneau’s L’Espérance before joining the family-run Château de Fère in Aisne,

and then earning his first Michelin star at the Royal Champagne in the Champagne wine region.

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development


Public transport

Directions if taken the train

The nearest public transport stop is Jouy-en-Josas via the RER C from Paris. After you have get off Jouy-en-Josas Station

- Please take the bus GHP in from of the train station - It takes the bus ten-minute drive to arrive at the entrance of the HEC Campus - Buses leave in front of the station every 20 minutes - You can buy a ticket from the driver in the bus at 2€ - If you want to confirm with the bus driver you can say that you need to go to HEC (pronounce:

Ash-Uh-Say). It is the 4th stop

Directions from Airport Charles de Gaulle (Estimated time: 120+ minutes)

- Take RER B in the direction of Massy-Palaiseau or St Rémy-lès-Chevreuse (not Robinson), and get off at station Massy-Palaiseau

- Take RER C in the direction of Versailles-Chantiers (not Versailles-Rive Gauche), and get off at station Jouy-en-Josas

- A taxi from CDG airport will cost you about 110€ to 176€ depending on the day and time of your arrival (ie weekend, earlier in the morning). It takes between 45 minutes to 1.5 hour depending on traffic from CDG airport to HEC campus or Hotel. You can either book an Uber or reserve a taxi with the following taxi company: http://www.skippy.fr/ - they speak English and you can pay by credit card.

Directions from Orly Airport (Estimated time: 45 minutes)

- You can take the Orlyval shuttle and to get off at station Antony - At Antony, you can take RER B in the direction of Massy-Palaiseau or St Rémy-lès-Chevreuse (not

any other direction) and get off at station Massy-Palaiseau - Then take RER C in the direction of Versailles-Chantiers (not Versailles-Rive Gauche) and get off at

station Jouy-en-Josas - A taxi from ORLY airport can cost you about between 40€ to 60€. It takes between 20 minutes to

1.5 hours depending on traffic from ORLY airport to HEC Paris campus. . You can also either book an Uber or reserve a taxi with the following taxi company: http://www.skippy.fr/ - they speak English and you can pay by credit card.

Directions from Gare du Nord Station (Estimated time: 60 minutes)

- Take RER B in the direction of Massy-Palaiseau or St Rémy-lès-Chevreuse (not Robinson) and get off at station Massy-Palaiseau

- Then take RER C in the direction of Versailles-Chantiers (not Versailles-Rive Gauche) and get off at station Jouy-en-Josas

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development


Directions from Gare de l'Est Station (Estimated time: 75 minutes)

- Take the Metro line 4 to travel either to station Gare du Nord (M4 destination Porte de Clignancourt) or station Denfert-Rochereau (M4 destination Porte d'Orléans)

- Then take RER B in the direction of Massy-Palaiseau or St Rémy-lès-Chevreuse (not Robinson) and get off at station Massy-Palaiseau

- Take RER C in the direction of Versailles-Chantiers (not Versailles-Rive Gauche) and get off at station Jouy-en-Josas

Directions from Montparnasse Station (Estimated time: 60 minutes)

- Take the SNCF regional train serving Versailles-Chantiers (not Versailles-Rive Gauche or Droite) and get off at station Versailles-Chantiers

- Take RER C in the direction of Versailles-Rive Gauche and get off at station Jouy-en-Josas

Directions from any other place in Paris (Estimated time: 60-90 minutes)

- Take a metro to the nearest station served by RER B (blue line) - Take RER B in the direction of Massy-Palaiseau or St Rémy-lès-Chevreuse (not Robinson) and get

off at station Massy-Palaiseau - Take RER C in the direction of Versailles-Chantiers (not Versailles-Rive Gauche) and get off at

station Jouy-en-Josas

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development


HEC Paris Reimbursement Policy

Funding for the 2nd HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development is generously provided by ECODEC and the IDEAS Centre of HEC Paris. This allows us to organize the conference free of charge for participants.

Speakers and discussants are provided free participation, food and hotel. Please take note of the following strict procedures for reimbursement:

- Only the presenting author of each accepted paper is compensated (unless otherwise agreed); - For travelling expenses, only economy flights, economy train tickets and Paris area transport can be

reimbursed; - After the workshop, we invite you to email to Francine Lestrade: lestrade@hec.fr the scanned copies

of your receipts and the bank details form along with your name, address, affiliation, bank name, bank address, and bank account details (both BIC and IBAN) to


No need to send original receipts via post or registered mail. For invited guest speakers, HEC accepts to reimburse the travel expenses against the scanned copies of the receipts.

About the HEC Foundation:

The HEC Foundation is the alumni association of HEC Paris. With a current membership of over 40,000 former HEC students and chapters in France as well as abroad, it aims to keep alumni informed and involved. The HEC Foundations makes annual contributions towards pedagogical improvement, increasing student diversity, and academic research. For more information, please visit the HEC Foundation website (in French).

About the Sponsors:

ECODEC: http://labex-ecodec.ensae.fr/

HEC IDEA Center: https://www.hec.edu/en/faculty-research/centers/idea-center

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development



In order to proceed to the reimbursement, please complete this document:

Afin de procéder au remboursement, veuillez compléter ce document:

*Compulsory for North America (US & Canada) citizens/residents, unless otherwise stated

If you have a bank account in a French Bank, please join the RIB

Si vous disposez d'un compte dans une banque française, merci de joindre un RIB

Name (First name & Last Name)


Date of birth

Country of birth

Personnal address

Name of your Main Bank

Main Bank address

Account number


IBAN (International Bank Access Number)

Routing Number / Code ABA

HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development



In order to proceed to the reimbursement, please complete this document:

Afin de procéder au remboursement, veuillez compléter ce document:

*Compulsory for North America (US & Canada) citizens/residents, unless otherwise stated

If you have a bank account in a French Bank, please join the RIB

Si vous disposez d'un compte dans une banque française, merci de joindre un RIB

Name (First name & Last Name)


Date of birth

Country of birth

Personnal address

Name of Intermediary Bank

Intermediary Bank address

Account number


IBAN (International Bank Access Number)

Routing Number / Code ABA