Environmental Protection AgencyLIMERICK LEADER Saturday 12September 2009 S!Aj!l!~I1J;)qj...

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LIMERICK LEADER Saturday 12September 2009

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APPLICATION TOPLANNING AUTHORITYLimerick County Council:REVISED PLANSPlanning Ref: 09-175. Appli-cant: Mr. Cyril Kelly. Loca-tion: Ballybrien, Ballylanders,Co. Limerick. The nature ofthese revised plans is reloca-tion of the proposed site & allancillary works, increase inarea of said site and change ofelevational treatment of theproposed dwelling house.Revised plans in relation to theapplication have been fur- tnished to the Planning Author-ity and are available forinspection or purchase at a feenot exceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy, at theoffices of the Authority during Jits public opening hours. Asubmission or observation inrelation to the further informa-tion or revised plans may bemade in writing to the Plan-ning Authority on payment ofthe prescribed fee, not laterthan 2 weeks after the receiptof the newspaper notice andsite notice by the PlanningAuthority, or in the case of aplanning application accompa-n;••,1 hv ~n FIS. within 5


APPLICATION TOPLANNING AUTHORITYLimerick County Council: LI, John Keane, intend to apply Tfor permission for retention of tan existing open faced quarry,of total extracted area 4.87 ha, Tincluding the retention of the 0existing vehicular access, haul 0road, .quarry plant and infra- 0structure· weighbridge, wheel ~' .wash, portocabin site office, 11storage shed, garage/work- pshpp, fuel' storage tanks, gen- 0erator enclosure, vehicle park- f;ing area and all associated eancillary infrastructure; and ~full planning permission forthe continued use of and Pextraction from the existing ~open faced quarry, processingof the extracted material using ~mobile crushing and screening I

plant within the quarry area, afuel storage bund, remediation ~works and all other associatedsite works and ancillary activ- (1

ities on a total site area of ~9.243 ha in the townland of I

Grouselodge, Ardagh, Co. ~Limerick. An Environmental IIImpact Report accompanies sthis application. CThe planning applicalion may be Cinspecled or purchased al a fee nol texceeding the reasonable COSI ofmaking a copy, at Ihe offices of theplanning authority during its publicopening hours and a submission orobservation in relation to the appli- ~cation may be made to the author-ity in writing on payment of the Iprescribed fee within the period of rfive weeks beginning on the date of ~receipt by the authority of the rapplication.

~~COUNTY BOUTIQUE Seeksan Enthusiastic, Self-motivat-_ed, Highly Organised, Experi-enced, Sales Person for part-time position. The successfulcandidate must have excellentpeople skills, good English, beflexible and work on their owninitiative. Please forward yourC.V. tosalesjobsno I @gmail.combefore 12.00pm Friday 18thSeptember 2009CARERS REQUIRED toprovide home care in LimerickCity and surrounding areas,experience essential, flexibilityrequired to work days,evenings and weekend hours.Full driving licence/own trans-port essential. Send CV toRCCN Ltd., KnockaineyRoad, Hospital, Co. Limerick.by Friday, 18th September.MOTOR ENGINEER &assessor required for estab-lished consulting auto engi-neers. must be qualifiedmechanic and be a member(or qualify for membership) ofthe IRTE and 1M!. Please for-ward CV and qualification to·'Box No: 188 Limerick LeaderLtd, 54 O'Connell Street,Limerick.-IMMEDIATE START! Weare currently recruiting 2 addi-tional Sales Reps within thisarea. Training provided. Carowners. Call RecruitmentManager @ 061 633394 stat-ing where you live and yourphone number.CATERING ASSISTANTwith food preparation experi-ence/ Commis chef requiredon a part time basis. Chef Full-time.Self service RestaurantSupervisor. All Day timehours /Mon-Fri. Call Tracy on061-202236KIND RELIABLE non-smoking lady with car andclean licence to collect andmind 3 school age children intheir own home. Afternoonsand evenings Monday to Fri-day. Contact (087)6291938.

EXPERIENCED SHOPAssistants required, must haveprior experience and a strongcustomer service focus. Imme-diate start. Patrickswell area.CV's toshopassistantjob@gmail.com

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKSfor Catalogue Sellers andDemonstrators with Orit1ameCosmetics. Full training givenfree, locally. Contact Patricia:061 453313.WORK FORM HOME Earn€600 plus per month. Nofinancial investment,no seil-ing, no catalogues to hand out._For free intormation and inter-•• ~ .••."" "'<Jo11 (\2"':ta"ht1..1~





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EPA Export 26-07-2013:16:02:55