ERASE: A Brief FBA/BIP Process

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ERASE: A Brief FBA/BIP Process. Lorie Spanjers Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency Fort Dodge, Iowa Kim Bodholdt , Counselor Susan Winter, Classroom Teacher Feelhaver Elementary Fort Dodge, Iowa Based on a Presentation Created By: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Functional Assessment and Intervention Team Process: ERASE

ERASE: A Brief FBA/BIP ProcessLorie Prairie Lakes Area Education AgencyFort Dodge, Iowa

Kim Bodholdt, CounselorSusan Winter, Classroom TeacherFeelhaver ElementaryFort Dodge, Iowa

Based on a Presentation Created By:Rose Iovannone, Ph.D., BCBA-DUniversity of South FloridaFlorida PBS Project

11Facilitator Script:In this presentation we will learn how a team-based functional assessment and intervention can benefit students with typical problem behaviors in general education classrooms.As the process unfolds, you will have opportunities to be involved in some of the assessment and decision making steps.

Tips:Consider describing your own background, training, or qualifications.Consider asking the participants about their prior knowledge of the topic, their professional role, and their reasons for attending the training event.ERASE: A Brief FBA/BIP ProcessDeveloped by:Terrance M. Scott, Ph.D.Carl J. Liaupsin, Ed.D.C. Michael Nelson, Ed.D.

Liaupsin, C. J., Scott, T. M., & Nelson, C. M. (2006). Functional Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Planning: A Simplified Team Process: Facilitators Guide CD-ROM. Longmont, CO: Sopris West

22Facilitator Script:The ERASE process was developed by Terry Scott, et. al. ERASE resources are available at Sopris WestGoals of today:Participants will:Describe steps of a brief functional behavior assessment process, ERASELearn about one schools application of the ERASE processDiscuss how they can use ERASE in their setting

Presentation materials will be posted at:, the triangle is a continuum, not a place.ERASE

Just a reminder that ERASE is one element of a continuum of supports provided to students who experience behavioral difficulties.4

5The Issue Two ApproachesThe child IS the problem so fix him/herPunish the child to teach a lesson We hope the problem will go awayDoes it?Who benefits the most from this approach?The child HAS a problem so fix itChange the environmentTeach new skills Problem less likely to occur

6A box to think outside of:Child7ChildThere are many other boxes to explore 8ERASE Problem Behavior (Scott, 2006)Explain - What is the problem?

Reason - What is he/she getting out of it or avoiding?

Appropriate - What do you want him/her to do instead?

Support - How can you help this happen more often?

Evaluate - How will you know if it works?9ERASELess intensive FBAMeeting typically takes one hourSystematic small team process Intended for students with mild behavior problems (e.g., high frequency, low intensity)Not appropriate for students with intensive or multiple behavior problems10ERASE Process Brief Example: Eric and his team11ERIC Referred by teacher for recurrent behavior problems

Ms. Smith - Erics fourth grade classroom teacherThere have been some minor problems with Eric for quite some time. After using the typical classroom management strategies (including moving desk, removing from recess), Ms. Smith has not seen any change in behavior and has decided that she needs help. Thats why she initiated this request for assistance.12Facilitator Script:Eric is a fourth grade student who has demonstrated recurrent behavior problems for which Ms. Smith has requested assistance.She has tried all the typical classroom management strategies including moving his desk and having him miss recess but nothing seems to work with any consistency.She has completed this request for assistance because shes not sure what to do next.

Tips:Discuss the request for assistance from the perspective of the teacher.At what point should this request come?What should have been tried first?What information should be provided at the first meeting?Team-Based Planning Effective Teaming Range of persons with vested interest Knowledge of student Perspectives and experiences shared Collaborative brainstorming and plans Focus on studentRepresentation of Three Levels of KnowledgeStudentBehavioral PrinciplesContext13Facilitator Script:We could just work from Ms. Smiths statement that Eric makes noises in the classroom that are disrupting the learning of other students.But this information alone isnt enough to completely understand what it is that Eric is doing and why.However, we can get a better idea of what were dealing with if we put together a team of persons who have regular interactions with Eric.Effective teaming in these cases requires that we involve a range of persons who know Eric.In this way, we get a range of information from a variety of perspectives.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider who might be on a team for an elementary student such as Eric.Team Members


PE Teacher




Parent14Facilitator Script:The following people have been asked to attend the meeting and be a part of the team for Eric.Of course, as the referring teacher, Ms. Smith is on the team.Joining her are the PE teacher and librarian, who both see Eric in their classes.The counselor who chairs referral meetings for all students.The principal who tries to sit in on as many referral meetings as she can.And the parent who knows Eric better than anyone.These people were selected because they each have their own perspectives and experience with Eric.This is the team that will develop a plan for Eric.

Tips:Discuss why each of the selected members makes sense as a participant on the team.What are the Teams Tasks?Team Tasks AssessDefine problem, identify predictable patterns, and determine function InterveneInstruction, environmental arrangements, and consequences EvaluateMonitor, measure, and create criteria for success15Facilitator Script:In simplest terms, the goal of the team is to collaborate to determine why Eric is displaying problems behaviors and then to use that information to develop an effective intervention plan.Their first tasks are to define the problem behavior, identify common or predictable patterns of behavior, and determine the purpose or function of Erics behavior.Then, the team works to develop an intervention plan that involves instruction and creation of effective environments to facilitate Erics success. Finally, the team must develop a plan for monitoring Erics performance and evaluating the success of their plan.

Tips:Discuss these three areas as the big tasks that comprise the entire FBA/BIP process.Explain - What is the problem?Definition of Behavior and Context Observable See it, hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it? Measurable How many, how long, how intense? Recognizable We all agree when it happens

Facilitator Script:As the team looks at the description of behavior written by Ms. Smith, they engage in a discussion to get more details about the students behavior.Formulating definitions that are observable, measurable, and recognizable will help the team understand the nature of the problem and the context in which it occurs.The team should share relevant information and refine their ideas until they come to a consensus regarding a definition of the problem behavior.

Tips:Consider asking participants to give examples of definitions of behavior that do and do not meet the requirements listed on the slide.Define Problems and Context

Segment 1Facilitator Script: Lets watch the team begin the assessment process by talking about the behavior itself.Notice that not all of the team members see the exact same thing from Eric and that this discussion requires each member to understand the others individual perspectives.Also notice how the counselor keeps the team on course by referring back to the Team Meeting Record form as a guide for completing the process.

Tips:Play the video by clicking on it.Ask participants to describe any team dynamics that may stand out.Prompt participants that the principal in this particular case often nearly leads the team off task.Point out that such problems are always dealt with simply by prompting the group back to the form as a guide for completing the process.!This slide contains a Video!Eric (Observation #1)

18Vignette 1Facilitator Script: You heard Ms. Smith say she could think of three times just this morning when she had to get after Eric about noises.If she tells these stories in detail we can begin to get a better picture of what is going on.As she describes these three incidents you will have the luxury of actually seeing Ms. Smiths stories.Watch these three incidents and see if you can detect any predictable patterns.Try to concentrate on the ABC format, identifying similar types of actions or events that seem to always happen just before or just after the behavior.

Tips:Play video by clicking on it.Consider asking participants to record antecedents, behaviors, and consequences as they watch the movies.Consider asking participants at the end of each video to describe the antecedent, behavior, and consequence surrounding the problem behavior.!This slide contains a Video!Eric (Observation #2)

19Vignette 2Facilitator Script:Lets watch the second video.Remember to pay particular attention to the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences.Also consider whether you see a pattern developing.

Tips:Play the second video by clicking on it.Consider reminding the participants to record the behavior chains on paper.Consider asking participants to describe the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences immediately after viewing the video.!This slide contains a Video!Eric (Observation #3)

20Vignette 3Facilitator Script:Lets watch the third and final video.Remember to pay particular attention to the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences.Also consider whether you see a pattern developing.

Tips:Play the video by clicking on it.Consider reminding the participants to record the behavior chains on paper.Consider asking participants to describe the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences immediately after viewing the video.!This slide contains a Video!Describe ContextAssess behavior in relationship to environmental contexts (antecedents and consequences)Tool for intervention planningFacilitator Script: The purpose of a functional assessment is to assess the relationship between a behavior and its surrounding environment.If we look at the things that happen right before and right after behavior we can begin to predict when the behavior will occur and why it is occurring.This information is used to understand the function or purpose behind problem behavior.This information is used to create an effective intervention plan.

Tips:Consider asking participants about their level of understanding of functional assessment or functional analysis.Facilitator Script: The purpose of a functional assessment is to assess the relationship between a behavior and its surrounding environment.If we look at the things that happen right before and right after behavior we can begin to predict when the behavior will occur and why it is occurring.This information is use to understand the function or purpose behind problem behavior.This information is used to create an effective intervention plan.

Tips:DProblem AnalysisTeam Identifies Predictors

Segment 2Facilitator Script: Now lets see how the team continues this discussion by hearing the perspectives of other team members.Notice how they talk about Erics positive behaviors as well as his problems and use this information to help create a clearer picture of what is going on.As the team members speak, the counselor puts their examples into an ABC format on the form.

Tips:Play video by clicking on it.Ask participants why it might be useful to describe situations in which Eric does display appropriate behavior.Ask participants to pay particular attention to how the team members dissect incidents to arrive at an A, a B, and a C.!This slide contains a Video!Predictors

Facilitator Script: Now that the descriptions of Erics behavior are in an ABC format, the team can begin to look for predictable patterns.Notice that both problem and appropriate behaviors are included.Although the antecedents and consequences are not identical for problem or appropriate behavior, they do have some things in common.Consider how you might summarize the general antecedent conditions that tend to predict behavior and the general consequences that tend to follow problem behavior.How are they different or similar to the antecedents and consequences surrounding instances of appropriate behavior.

Tips:Through discussion, help participants identify independent work times and no teacher attention as predictors of problems.Through discussion, help participants identify teacher attention as a predictor of both positive and negative behavior.In addition, point out that, when Erics behavior is appropriate, attention is being delivered regularly as part of the activity.Problem AnalysisDisruptive noises

Independent work time & no direct teacher attentionTeacher attention (answering questions, granting requests, etc.)WHAT ARE THE TYPICAL ANTECEDENTS, BEHAVIORS, AND CONSEQUENCES FOR ERIC?Disruptive noises (humming, tapping pencil, pounding on desk, yelling)Facilitator Script: Think about the ABC information you just saw.Consider how you might summarize all the identified antecedents, behaviors, and consequences.Next well consider the possible function of Erics behavior.The ABC assessment should lead to a testable statement of the function of behavior which well talk about next.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider a simple statement for each of the 3 areas to summarize the ABC information they saw on the last slide. First consider antecedents and click once to get the example summary on screen.Repeat for behavior and consequences. When finished, ask what the outcomes say about a possible function for Eric.Take some guesses, and prompt that an exercise on determining function is next.!This slide contains an Animation!Reason - What is he/she getting out of it or avoiding?Based on brief functional behavioral assessmentSeveral observations, perspectivesIdentifies predictable relationships between environmental variables and behavior

Whenstudent will becausetherefore the function of the behavior is to get or get out of (some antecedent condition occurs)(engage in a specific behavior)(a predictable outcome will occur)(something in the environment)Facilitator Script: Hypotheses are if-then statements.They describe the relationships that the team believes exist between observable environmental events and students behavior. Hypotheses should be based on repeated observations of predictable relationships.Keep in mind that a single example is not sufficient for generating hypotheses regarding function.Assessments should lead to a general understanding of what observable events predict a given behavior.Lets use the format on the screen to help us write a hypothesis of Erics behavior.

Tips:Click once to see each prompt on the blank line.Have participants practice writing hypothesis statements for Eric - in the form presented on the slide.!This slide contains an Animation!Analyze Patterns& Identify Function

Segment 3unable to play due to damaged discFacilitator Script: Have you developed some ideas about how the general antecedents and consequences might predict Erics behavior?Lets listen to the team discuss this issue.As you watch, notice how they talk about patterns of positive and negative behavior in developing a functional statement.

Tips:Play the video clip by clicking on it.Prompt participants to focus on how the team members used the ABC information for both positive and negative behaviors to analyze typical interactions with the environment and to develop a valid statement of function.!This slide contains a Video!

Create a Valid Statement of Function During independent work times in the classroom and when the teacher is not attending directly to Eric, he engages in noisemaking to access the teachers attention to meet his requests.Facilitator Script: Look at the completed form here and compare it to your own conclusions.It is true that the information gathered by the team could suggest other explanations and functions.However, for this team, the information presented has lead them to feel fairly certain that they now understand how Erics behavior functions in the classroom.But what if this process did not lead to a clear explanation -- and the behavior seemed just as unpredictable after the analysis?Under these conditions the team should collect more information before continuing the analytical process.

Tips:Click once to display statement of function.Refer participants to the correct section of the form.Discuss how the statement came from ABC.If the function were not clear then the process would continue with more data collection and continued analysis.NOTE: More in-depth description of the process for the most complex cases may be found in the CD Functional assessment of behavior: An interactive training module - available from Sopris West, Inc.!This slide contains a Video!Lets ReviewThe ERASE Process Assessment Develop a collaborative team of persons familiar with the student Identify the problem Analyze the problem and how it is related to environmental events Determine the function of behavior Intervention - (next)28Facilitator Script: Thus far we have talked about the assessment phase of the process.This process begins by developing a team of persons who are familiar with the student and who will collaborate to discuss their individual experiences with the student.The remainder of the assessment component of the process involves identifying the problem behavior, analyzing its relationship with the environment, and developing a valid statement of function. The intervention phase of the process involves the development of an individualized behavior plan based on the function of behavior.

Tips:Consider asking participants if the assessment phase of the process is similar to any procedures they have used in the past.Appropriate - What do you want him/her to do instead?Replacement behaviors are what we want the student to do instead of the problem

Effective replacement behavior must: Be incompatible with the problem. Serve the same function as the problem.

PROBLEMREPLACEMENTFUNCTIONFacilitator Script: The first step in the intervention planning process is to determine what it is that the student should be doing instead of or in place of the problem behavior.To simply attempt to squash a problem behavior without providing a replacement will not be an effective intervention in the long run.A replacement behavior is both incompatible with the identified problem behavior that is, the student cannot do both at the same time and serves the same function as the problem.When both these conditions are met, replacement behaviors are much more likely to work.However, youre probably thinking that many students already have the skills to perform replacement behavior but simply choose not to use them and in other cases they dont have the skills to perform the replacement behavior.These circumstances call for different approaches and well discuss how interventions involve much more than simply telling students what we want them to do.

Tips:Consider providing examples of how punishing the problem behavior without providing a replacement behavior will not be productive.Effective, Efficient, RelevantReplacement behaviors will only catch on with the student when they work better than the problem behavior in terms of:

Must look like what others in the environment do under similar circumstances - must be appropriate for student.Must serve the same function (obtain the same outcome) as the problem behavior - if it doesnt work, the student wont do it.Must work at least as quickly and easily as the problem behavior - if it works but is harder to perform, the student wont do it.EFFECTIVERELEVANTEFFICIENTFacilitator Script: Determining what the replacement behavior will be is relatively simple - making it actually take hold and be used by the student on a consistent basis is much harder.The replacement must be carefully considered to ensure that the student will see it as a good alternative to problem behavior.First, replacement behaviors need to be relevant. We might ask what successful students in the environment do under similar circumstances.Second, replacement behaviors must be more effective than the problem behavior. If the decision is between a problem behavior that works well and a replacement behavior that does not, the student will always continue with the problem behavior.Third, replacement behaviors must be at least as efficient as the problem behavior. If the replacement works but requires a good deal of effort or works much more slowly than the problem behavior, the student is likely to return to the problem behavior.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider the meaning of each of these concepts.Provide examples of how each is important in making the replacement behavior appear preferable to the problem.Replacement Behaviors Develop replacement behaviors for each of these problems: Think: relevant, effective, efficient

Walking in the hall Answering correctly when asked Sitting down and waiting for teacher to dismiss Asking for help Facilitator Script: Now heres a chance for you to practice developing some replacement behaviors.For each of the problems and identified functions, think of a behavior that would be functional and also be relevant, effective, and efficient.You wont know exactly what is relevant because you dont know the environment -- but you can guess.Remember that replacement behaviors should be functional and incompatible with the problem behavior.They should also be more relevant, effective, and efficient than the problem behavior.

Tips:Discuss each of the four examples with participants.Click once for each example to see the replacement behavior.Remind participants that there may be more than one appropriate replacement for any problem behavior. !This slide contains an Animation!Replacement Behavior

Segment 4Facilitator Script: Now lets watch the team consider the issue of a replacement behavior for Eric.As you watch, notice how the team members discuss relevance in terms of what successful students use to get the teachers attention.

Tips:Prompt participants to look for how the team develops the replacement behavior and the types of issues they discuss.Play the video by clicking on it.!This slide contains a Video!Planning InstructionReplacement behaviors must be taught.Planning for instruction requires thought regarding: What is the behavior? Can the student perform the behavior? What examples will help to teach this? When should the behavior occur? Where should the behavior occur? Why should the behavior occur (what will happen)?Facilitator Script: Now the team must begin talking about instruction.This is a complicated step because the team must determine not only what is to be taught but what type of instruction is necessary; they must also determine when, where, and why that behavior should occur. In addition, we know that good instruction involves providing examples of when the behavior should and should not be used.So we come up with examples that are likely to occur in the natural environment.The team must determine what examples are best for teaching the skill they want the student to use.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider the following questions regarding teaching Eric to raise his hand and wait quietly for the teacher.Do you think he is physically able to do this? Do you think he knows how to do this? What do you think instruction should consist of and what examples would help in teaching when, where, and why?Instruction

Segment 5Facilitator Script: Lets watch the team discuss instruction for Eric.Notice that they discuss the fact that he already does raise his hand under some circumstances but not in others.Be prepared to discuss what the team has decided to do for instruction. Do you think this is enough?

Tips:Play the video by clicking on it.Prompt participants to consider whether the instructional plan is complete or how they might alter it.!This slide contains a Video!Assessment & Intervention RecordDesign Instruction

35Facilitator Script: The team has determined that Eric needs to understand that raising his hand and waiting quietly will be an appropriate behavior for getting attention only when in the classroom -- not on the playground or in PE.This is a distinction that must be taught so that he does not make the error of using the replacement under conditions where it will not work.In addition, the team has selected natural examples from the environment to use in teaching Eric contexts and conditions under which hand raising will be effective.

Tips:Prompt the participants to consider the examples that might be necessary to teach other types of behaviors.Support - How can you help this happen more often?What conditions make it likely that Eric will be unsuccessful in using the replacement behavior?

Hint: Think about consequences for replacement and problem behavior - are they teaching what we want to teach?

What could be done in the environment to make this failure less likely?

Facilitator Script: Every individual student has his or her own unique behavior, predictive conditions, and function.Therefore, predictors and prevention strategies must be unique to the student.Can you think of some situations in which you might predict that Eric will fail to use the replacement behavior - or will stop using it?Well look at a couple of examples of predictable failure.As we do, you should consider what could be done to prevent this failure.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider the types of conditions under which Eric will not be successful.Provide them with the hint that they should focus on the consequences that follow both the replacement and problem behaviors. Preventing Failure

Segment 6Facilitator Script: The team came up with the two scenarios we just discussed - that they felt predicted Erics failure.They also developed solutions to help prevent these failures. As you watch this scenario, note that Ms. Jung uses the pronoun we when talking about procedures for implementing the intervention.This encourages everyone to regard the problem that Ms. Smith is experiencing with Eric as belonging to the team and not just something that is Ms. Smiths responsibility.Using team language also makes it clear that no one is blaming Ms. Smith for the problem, and it encourages team ownership of solutions as well.

Tips:Play the video by clicking on it.Prompt participants to notice the we language in the team meeting - facilitating collaboration and sharing.Note the simplicity of the solutions.!This slide contains a Video!Predicting and Preventing Failure

38Facilitator Script: Notice that the team has recorded its solutions to the predictable problems.Each of these solutions is simple and agreeable to all - especially the teacher who will be the person responsible for implementing them.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider how the solutions are simple and made agreeable to the teacher.Facilitating SuccessHow can we set Eric up for success?What conditions will make it more likely that Eric will be successful in using his replacement behavior? What could be done in the environment to make success more likely?

Hintthink about the antecedents to replacement behavior. Does the teacher have the strategies in place to remind and prompt Eric?

Facilitator Script: In addition to considering predictable failures, the team needs to consider ways to increase the probability of success.The team should consider prompts, cues, and routines that set up Eric to be more likely to remember to raise his hand.Consider some strategies that you think might help to make Erics success more likely.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider the types of conditions under which Eric will be more likely to be successful.Provide them with the hint that they should focus on the antecedents to behavior. Note that one solution might be to provide visual and verbal reminders immediately prior to times when behavior is expected to increase the likelihood of success.

39Facilitate Success

Segment 7Facilitator Script: The team came up with the two scenarios we just discussed, which they felt predicted Erics failure.They also developed solutions to help prevent these failures.Lets watch a demonstration of one solution selected by the team.

Tips:Play the video by clicking on it.Prompt participants to notice the simplicity of the solutions.Both solutions can be applied by the teacher in any typical classroom and create situations in which Eric is more likely to use the replacement behavior and more likely to be successful.

!This slide contains a Video!Team Meeting Record

41Facilitator Script: The team has recorded several different strategies for facilitating success - some listed here were not discussed in the video you saw. However, all of these strategies are simple teacher-based strategies that can be applied as part of effective management in any classroom.Next, it will be time for the team to consider developing consequences for instances in which Eric does, and does not, properly use the replacement behavior.

Tips:Prompt participants to notice several team strategies that were not presented in the video.Still, all are simple teacher-based strategies for effective management in the classroom.Next slide begins discussion of consequences.Consequences Using Replacement BehaviorReinforcersAfter positive behavior - increase future likelihoodApproximate and/or pair with natural reinforcers Why does behavior occur in the environment? Make part of routine and systems Be consistent Pre-plan and teach consequences Teach the student what to expectFacilitator Script: Reinforcement is defined as any action taken immediately following a behavior that makes that behavior more likely to occur under similar circumstances in the future.There are four rules that are helpful to keep in mind when considering reinforcement.First, we should always use the least amount of a reinforcer that is necessary to get the desired behavior.Second, we should strive to use naturally occurring reinforcers for a behavior.Third, reinforcement needs to be consistent and immediate as part of a normal routine.Fourth, all consequences must be taught so that the student knows what to expect.

Tips:Prompt the participants to discuss whether some of the reinforcers in their school or daily life meet these criteria.Reinforcing Eric What is the natural consequence for Erics replacement behavior? Is that consequence under teacher control? How can we use that as a reinforcer for Eric? Is there need for anything artificial?

Facilitator Script: Lets talk about reinforcement for Eric.To start, what is the natural consequence for hand raising?Hopefully, it is teacher attention.Because teacher attention is controlled by the teacher, there is no need for an artificial reinforcer, such as tokens or points.When Eric raises his hand, the teacher just needs to be sure that she provides the attention.As we saw earlier, if the teacher does not provide attention for hand raising it wont continue.So there is need for extra vigilance by the teacher as the intervention is begun.

Tips:Lead participants through the questions above.Positive Reinforcement

Segment 8Facilitator Script: Listen to the team discuss positive reinforcement for Eric.Note that they rule out the use of artificial reinforcers because the natural reinforcer is under control of the teacher.

Tips:Play the video by clicking on it.Prompt participants to attend to the artificial reinforcement ideas that were rejected -- not necessary because teacher controls natural reinforcers.!This slide contains a Video!Positive Consequences for Replacement Behavior

45Facilitator Script: As you can see in the Team Meeting Record, the team has decided that the prompts they provide will be sufficient to encourage Erics use of hand raising.Because the behavior allows Eric to gain access to the natural reinforcer of teacher attention, they will not use any artificial reinforcers. However, they have decided that the immediate delivery of attention is artificial and must be faded over time.In addition, although they have rejected artificial reinforcers, they have noted that a system for delivery of such is in place, if needed.

Tips:Prompt participants to notice how the form is completed, includinga note about an existing artificial reinforcement system for use if needed.Consequences-Problem Behavior Responses that follow problem behaviorGoal: Decrease problem behavior occurrenceFive RulesUse the least amount necessaryPre-plan, teach, be consistentUse only when supports are in place to reinforce replacement behaviorDefeat function of problem behaviorExamine plan if consequences are not working46Facilitator Script: Negative consequences, or punishment, consists of events that follow behavior that reduce the likelihood that it will occur in the future.There are five important rules to consider when using punishment. First, use the least amount necessary to reduce the problem behavior.Second, teach the student to expect consistent delivery of the consequence if he/she engages in the behavior, then be consistent in following through.Third, use only when a system is in place to reinforce desired replacement behavior.Fourth, be sure that instances of problem behavior do not lead to its old outcomes (the desired function).And fifth, when punishment isnt working, examine other elements of the plan before simply adding more negative consequences.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider situations in which negative consequences in their schools do or do not fit these rules.ConsequencesWhat consequences can be used if Eric forgets to raise his hand?How should the teacher respond or what should she do so that she is no longer reinforcing problem behavior?Hint: Think about the function of Erics behavior and how the teacher usually responds?

47Facilitator Script: Negative consequences, or punishment, consists of events that follow behavior that reduce the likelihood that it will occur in the future.There are five important rules to consider when using punishment. First, use the least amount necessary to reduce the problem behavior.Second, teach the student to expect consistent delivery of the consequence if he/she engages in the behavior, then be consistent in following through.Third, use only when a system is in place to reinforce desired replacement behavior.Fourth, be sure that instances of problem behavior do not lead to its old outcomes (the desired function).And fifth, when punishment isnt working, examine other elements of the plan before simply adding more negative consequences.

Tips:Prompt participants to consider situations in which negative consequences in their schools do or do not fit these rules.Consequences

Segment 9Facilitator Script: Listen to the team discuss negative consequences for Eric. Note that they decide to go with ignoring but also realize that it may prove unrealistic and insufficient.

Tips:Play the video by clicking on it.Prompt participants to attend to the fact that team members discuss the possibility of ignoring as a natural negative consequence may be insufficient and may require more intrusive procedures.!This slide contains a Video!Negative Consequences for Problem Behavior

49Facilitator Script: Notice on the Meeting Record that the counselor has listed more than one response to noise making.The team has come up with a series of possible responses to noise making.Each is slightly more intrusive and is used only when the simpler strategy proves ineffective.But each of the strategies was developed with the idea of making certain that Eric does not get teacher attention for noise making behavior.

Tips:Note that the team developed a second level of consequence should ignoring prove too difficult or unsuccessful.Evaluate - How will you know if it works?What do we want and how will we know if it works? Measure behavior changeTarget criteria for successful performance

50Facilitator Script: The final two steps of the initial intervention plan involve monitoring the behavior and evaluating the plan.Although a thorough description of measurement and goal setting are beyond the scope of this module, an example of the teams discussion and outcomes is provided.The first step is to determine what it is that is being measured and how that measurement will take place.Then, the team must write an objective that sets forth a criteria for success that can be measured by the planned measurement system.

Measurement can be accomplished by considering five simple steps.First, consider what it is about the behavior in question that is important to know.Second, determine the simplest form of data that will provide that information.Third, consider the simplest way to gather that data.Fourth, determine how data collection will occur.Fifth, decide how data will be summarized.

Tips:Evaluation involves measurement and setting a criteria for success. The criteria for success is written in the form of a behavioral objective that is used to evaluate the plan.Monitoring and Objectives

Segment 10Facilitator Script: Watch the team discuss the issue of measurement.Note that they decide that measurement neednt be done constantly.Rather, they select the times during which behavior is of concern and then sample measures from those times.Often, decisions about measurement strategies may take place outside of the team meeting and may occur between those who will mainly be involved in the measurement.Ms. Andrews is correct that monitoring of behavior need only take place during the conditions in which that behavior has been a problem.Of course, if a problem behavior occurs anywhere in the school, then monitoring will need to throughout the day in all settings the student to which the student goes.

Tips:Play the video by clicking it.Prompt participants to suggest monitoring systems for Eric.!This slide contains a Video!Identify Target/Objective of Intervention

During 80% of opportunities by the end of the quarterEric will raise his hand and wait quietly for teacher attentionDuring independent work times in the classroom or libraryFacilitator Script: After further discussion, Mr. Jung and Ms. Smith agree that they would like to see Eric raise his hand during 80% of opportunities by the end of the quarter.This level of performance is still not as strong as they eventually would like to see.However, they decide that this level of performance would be a huge improvement for Eric and his success would help him to feel better about himself.They used the Objective section of the Team Meeting Record to record their agreements and wrote a complete instructional objective for Eric.

Tips:Call attention to the fact that the objective is written by pulling in information from earlier parts of the form.Discuss and ask participants to guess at conditions and behavior information.Then click once for each objective to appear.!This slide contains an Animation!Evaluation

53Facilitator Script: The plan for measuring Erics behavior is recorded on the form and the team will go forth and measure Erics behavior as agreed.The purpose of monitoring Erics behavior is to track his progress and evaluate the success of the plan.In order to make this evaluation simple, Ms. Smith determines the percent of opportunities in which Eric currently is raising his hand so that a clear objective for future performance can be developed.Using the new measurement strategy for a few days, Ms. Smith determines that Eric typically raises his hand during 20% of opportunities.

Tips:Prompt the participants to describe the associated forms, materials, and ongoing support the teacher might require to successfully collect the data.For participants with additional experience in this area, consider providing information about treatment integrity and inter-observer reliability.

54Follow-UpKeep it!Identify additional needsRaise the barFade promptsCelebrate!

Stop and Problem-solveReview function statementRe-teach behaviorAdd prompts or cuesIdentify prerequisitesMake changes to planConsider more intensive process55Facilitator Script: Lastly, the team decides that they will again meet to discuss Erics progress at the end of the quarter.Mr. Jung will follow up weekly with Ms. Smith to see how well the plan is working.When they meet they will evaluate the plan and make decisions about how to proceed.If the plan is working they can decide to move to the next prioritized need, focus on a new phase of learning, fade prompts, or move training to a less restrictive setting or condition.If the plan is determined to be ineffective, then the team can decide to go back and teach some prerequisite skills, re-teach a critical skill component, increase prompts and cues, decrease the criterion for success, or teach a new replacement behavior.

Tips:Stress that decisions are made based on collected data and feedback from the teacher, others, and also Eric.Review We have covered the following topics: Completing a functional assessment Determining the function of behavior Determining a functional replacement behavior Making instructional decisions Creating effective instructional environments Responding to desired and undesired behaviors Measuring progress

Facilitator Script: We have covered a great deal of material today.Keep in mind that completing a functional assessment and determining the function of the behavior are the essential starting points for intervention planning.Also remember that a functional replacement behavior should be incompatible with the problem behavior, serve the same function as the problem behavior, and be more relevant, effective, and efficient than the problem behavior.Next the team should develop a plan for teaching the replacement behavior to the student.Consider alterations in the environment that will reduce the likelihood of failure and increase the chances of success.It should be made clear how staff should respond to both desired and undesired behaviors.Finally, the team should develop the simplest possible method for measuring student progress.

Tips:Ask if there are any questions at this point.ERASE A Case ExampleFeelhaver Elementary, Fort DodgeKim Bodholdt, CounselorSusan Winter, Classroom TeacherCase ExampleStudent: LizTeam Members:Classroom teacherSpecial education teacherSchool counselorAssistant principalInitial Behavior of Concern: Inappropriate noise makingExcessive movement at inappropriate timesInvasion of personal spaceDoing the opposite of what the teacher asks or classroom rules 58Case Example - ABCAntecedents most likelyWhen Liz is being ignored or not receiving attentionWhen other students are given positive acknowledgementAntecedents least likelyOne-on-one adult attentionWhen being redirectedConsequences: Access to attention from peers and adultsFunction of Behavior: Gain teacher and/or peer attention59Case Example Predictable Explanation of BehaviorGeneral AntecedentsProblem BehaviorsGeneral ConsequencesLiz not receiving direct attention or peers being highlighted for positivesLiz does the opposite of what is expectedReceives negative adult attention60Case ExampleHypothesis Statement:When Liz is not the center of attention, she engages in disruptive behavior to gain teacher and/or peer attention61Case ExampleReplacement Behavior:Liz will raise her hand when she wishes to speak.Liz will follow directions the first time given.Instruction:Teacher will teach replacement behavior to entire class.All teachers will use the strategy.62Case ExampleSupport:Liz will have a clip board with a bucket filler bucket coloring sheet with 15 hearts. Each time she exhibits the replacement behavior, she can fill in a heart. Liz will watch a video clip of expected behaviors (sitting, raising her hand)Liz will have built in positive attention as follows: 10 minutes in the morning with the foster grandma5 minutes in the middle of the day with Julie H. (reading para)30 minute rest time in the library with Ms. Moser (library para)10 minutes at the end of the day with Merita(reading para). During that time, Liz will share her bucket filler sheet and what she did to fill in the hearts.63Case ExamplePositive Consequences:Natural: positive attention from adultsArtificial: fill bucket, positive attention from 4 different adults built into daily scheduleNegative Consequences:Neutral voice toneState replacement behavior to whole class64Case ExampleMeasurement:Use of replacement behavior measured by number of hearts colored on bucket filler sheetProblem behavior tracked by a clicker

Behavioral Objective:Within the school setting, Liz will raise her hand and follow classroom rules and expectations, as measured by 15 circles filled in each day.65Case Example Follow UpData ReviewLiz is averaging 7.8 negative marks per day.Behavior of Concern: AggressionLizs behaviors have increased in intensity, most specifically physical and verbal aggression (eating erasers, blocking classmates in the closet). This trend in data indicates that Liz is not filling her need for attention (peer attention) through previous behaviors.

66Case ExampleParent ConcernsMom is uncomfortable sharing negative information with Liz about her school day.Team felt it was necessary to communicate the physical aggression with mom. An in-home counselor is working with Lizs mom on parenting skills.

67Case ExampleIntervention DecisionUtilize Lizs in-home counselor to communicate about behaviorMrs. B. will contact the counselor and share the most recent behavioral data and any changes we are making to Lizs intervention.Referrals will be written for the physical aggression and verbal aggression incidents. Information about these referrals will be communicated home through the office, rather than the classroom teacher.

68Case ExampleOther Intervention ChangesMrs. B. and Mrs. W. will adapt Lizs current bucket filler sheet so that her new goal is 8 hearts a day.Structure a time each day that Liz can take a friend and work with Mrs. M. to help fill her peer bucket.The intervention with Julie H. is going well and will be continued.

69Case ExampleDuring remainder of Kindergarten year:Artificial reinforcement was faded by increasing number of hearts needed to earn rewardSlowly reduced amount of adult attention providedBy end of year, no supports neededLiz currently in 1st gradeNo additional supports being provided


71ResourcesLiaupsin, C. J., Scott, T. M., & Nelson, C. M. (2006). Functional Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Planning: A Simplified Team Process: Facilitators Guide CD-ROM. Longmont, CO: Sopris West

72Place information from reports and observations in the columns below

What happens immediately before and after the problem behavior?

Problem AntecedentsProblem BehaviorProblem Consequences

Teacher working with student

Teacher moving about classroom

Teacher working at board

Independent reading time in the libraryHumming

Yawning, hitting pencil against paper

Pounding on desk

Yells across the libraryTeacher attends to Eric and then answers question

Teacher attends to Eric and helps him with task

Teacher attends to Eric and then grants request

Library teacher attends to Eric and answers question

What happens immediately before and after instances of positive behavior?

Positive AntecedentsPositive BehaviorsPositive Consequences

Class discussion with directions to raise hand

Cooperative group work in library

Raises hand before speaking

Uses appropriate tone of voice and refrains from noise makingTeacher and student attention and response

Student attention and work completion

When are you likely to see the problem behavior and what are the likely consequences?

General AntecedentsProblem BehaviorsGeneral Consequences


Function of Behavior

Does the problem behavior allow the student to access and/or avoid attention, tasks, items, or sensory stimulation? (Ex: When in math class, Bart engages in disruptive behavior to gain teacher attention)

ProblemFunctionReplacement Behavior

Running in the hallAccess to new location

Refusing to answer in front of peersAvoid embarrassment

Running out of the room when the bell rings running homeAccess to freedom

Screaming in class and going to the hallway when work is hardEscape being exposed to work that student cant do

Design Instruction

Can the student perform this behavior? Under what conditions will this behavior be successful and unsuccessful? What teaching examples will help make this clear to the student?(Ex: behavior will work when getting attention from teachers but not peers; examples of different ways to get teacher attention.)

Eric can physically raise his hand hes done it before

This will only work in the classroom not on playground or in PE

Examples: when he wants help, has questions, needs something in the classroom Teach Eric (with no students present) by having him role play when to raise his hand, how to raise his hand, and how he should wait for teacher acknowledgement Provide examples and nonexamples of hand-raising behavior and make sure he can discriminate between the two.

Predicting and Preventing Failure

What are some circumstances or conditions that might tend to predict failure and what can be done to prevent or remove those conditions?

Predictable FailureTemporary Solution

What would make this intervention fail?How can we prevent this failure?

If he raises his hand and but doesnt get attention

If he makes noises and gets attentionBe vigilant continually scan the room and try to respond to Eric as soon as possible after he raises his hand

Do not allow him to get his needs met by making noises. Provide attention only when he raises his hand.

Facilitating Success

What are some strategies that will make the replacement behavior more likely? (Ex: manipulate instructional or organizational routines and schedules, change physical location of objects or persons, use prompts/cues/pre-corrects, prompts, changing routines, etc.)

Move independent work time after lunch when Eric is less active

Give reminder of raising hand behavior before quiet work times

Give verbal prompts to entire class: Im helping people who are raising their hands or Im going to help people who raise their hand first. Give physical prompt to Eric show him a raised hand

Positive Consequences for Replacement Behavior

How can natural positive consequences be made available to the student when desired behavior occurs?What enhancements can be made to increase the power of natural positive consequences?

Natural Positive ConsequenceArtificial Positive Consequence

Provide teacher attention

Provide attention more quickly than would normally be the case in the classroom (classroom ticket system is in place and may be used if natural reinforcer is insufficient)

Negative Consequences for Problem Behavior

What can be done when the student displays the problem behavior so that the desired function cannot be realized?

Initially attempt ignoring noises

If noises continue, provide Eric a prompt (either visual or verbal) to remind him to raise his hand Consider response cost after Eric is earning tickets and raising his hand relatively consistently. Preplan and provide menu to Eric that shows forgetting to raise his hand while engaging in noises will cost him 1 ticket.

When using response cost, provide incentive that will motivate Eric to begin to raise his hand again, e.g., if he is able to raise his hand after response cost, he has the opportunity of getting a bonus ticket.

Behavioral Objective

What are the conditions under which behavior will be measured and the criteria for success? (Ex: when in the classroom, Bart will raise his hand and wait quietly for teacher attention during 80% of opportunities.)


When is the behavior likely to occur?What do you want the student to do? How much is enough? (Use the measure from above)



How will behavior change be measured? (Ex: when the student is asked to complete a task a tally will be made as a measure of task completion.)

Monitor Eric during independent work time and class discussion.

Develop a rating scale that allows the teacher to rate Erics hand raising behavior each day. Frequencies can be used for perceptions from 1-5 At the end of the day, the teacher should circle the rating that best describes Erics hand-raising behavior.

Rate the behavior each day and evaluate whether behavior is improving.