Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Assignment · Erik Erikson’s Stages of...

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Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Assignment

Jamie Le Jambre EDST 2450-01 Summer 2014

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Infancy Trust vs. Mistrust 0 - 1½ Hope

Babies face the crisis of trust vs. mistrust during the first year of life. Infants are uncertain of the

world where they live and look to primary caregivers to provide stability, consistency and basic

needs. Success in this stage results from reliable and

predictable support from others and develops the virtue of hope where the infant knows other

people are available as a source of support during times of need. Failure at this stage leads to

mistrust and fear.

The Theory

“Feeding My Baby” by Vicente Romero Redondo

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Infancy Trust vs. Mistrust 0 - 1½ Hope

“Feeding My Baby” by Vicente Romero Redondo

In this oil painting, the artist depicts a woman nursing her child which provides nourishment and bonding time together. This baby knows that its mother will tend to

its needs including to be fed, comforted and kept safe in the

world. The baby has learned the mother can be trusted to

consistently provide these needs and be relied upon when the child

expresses those needs through crying or basic language.


Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Infancy Trust vs. Mistrust 0 - 1½ Hope

“Feeding My Baby” by Vicente Romero Redondo

I’ve been fortunate enough with my own babies that I was able to nurse them as infants. It is a very powerful relationship and image

which is why I chose it to represent this stage. Even if

babies aren’t necessarily hungry, nursing is something they insist

upon if they are hurt, sick, tired or uncomfortable in new situations such as teething. It is a physical representation of the trust they

feel toward reliable parents.

Personal Experiences

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Early Childhood Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt 1½ - 3 Will

Tying My Shoes photo of Avery Le Jambre

At this stage, children begin to become more mobile and assert

some independence from caregivers, wishing to make some decisions on their own like what

to wear. They wish to practice newly found skills and parents who support this development while assuring the avoidance of

too much failure will help develop the virtue of will, causing a child to be more confident and secure

in their abilities. Children not encouraged can develop shame

and self-doubt.

The Theory

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Early Childhood Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt 1½ - 3 Will

Tying My Shoes photo of Avery Le Jambre

I chose this photo to represent this particular stage because

Avery was getting ready to go to dinner with family and her

newborn brother. She picked her own outfit and dressed herself.

She picked the hairstyle she wanted and knew she needed

mom’s help with that. Then, she wanted to tie her own shoes and show everyone what a big girl she was, but ended up being offered

help from daddy after tying without success.


Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Early Childhood Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt 1½ - 3 Will

Tying My Shoes photo of Avery Le Jambre

Watching a toddler begin to explore all the new things they are able to do is a very exciting

age as a parent. Yes, there are the days where everything is “No!”

and walking away from authority. But, most days are filled with “I

want to help you, mommy.” or “I can do it myself, daddy.” The fine

line between allowing that independence and knowing when

to help can be hard, but luckily our toddler tends to say, “A little

help, please,” when needed.

Personal Experiences

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Preschool Initiative vs. Guilt 3 - 5 Purpose

Timmy Time TV Show (2009-2012) | link

During this stage of development, children assert themselves more often and the primary feature is interacting with other children in

school. Key to this stage is play where children learn to plan

activities, make up games and initiate relationships with others. Success at this stage will lead to

the virtue of purpose where children are secure in the ability to lead others and make some

decisions. Failure at this stage can lead to doubt of abilities and guilt.

The Theory

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Preschool Initiative vs. Guilt 3 - 5 Purpose

Timmy Time TV Show (2009-2012) | link

The main character in this show is Timmy the sheep who spends his days at school with teachers and

friends who help him to learn how to play games, share toys and understand the personalities and

expectations of others. He is a very adventurous little guy who

can get into some big trouble making messes or being

impatient, but is encouraged to direct energy and use initiative for

good when it comes to classmates.


Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Preschool Initiative vs. Guilt 3 - 5 Purpose

Timmy Time TV Show (2009-2012) | link

It is important to teach kids at this age that you must learn how to

direct energies when it comes to interacting with others. Learning

about the personalities and approaches of others helps them figure out how to cooperate and negotiate as well as persuade in

order to lead others. “Why” questions I get often clarify social

rules or expectations. Cartoons like this and Curious George are very popular as they answer all

types of questions and teach social skills at the same time.

Personal Experiences

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

School Age Industry vs. Inferiority 5 - 12 Competency

Bart & Lisa Simpson The Simpsons Characters

As children face the crisis of industry vs. inferiority, they are

learning specific sets of knowledge like reading and math.

They are also looking more to their peer group now for approval and self-esteem. They will begin

to find and display their own unique competencies of value to

society and develop pride in accomplishments. The virtue of

competence results in success at this stage. Otherwise, they may feel inferior if they aren’t able to

succeed where others do.

The Theory

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

School Age Industry vs. Inferiority 5 - 12 Competency

Bart and Lisa Simpson are siblings and a good example of this stage

because they each excel at different kinds of societal skills

and fail at others. Bart is popular and athletic, but is insecure about

how proud others are of him as he is a troublemaker. Lisa is very good at academics and playing

the saxophone, but is very insecure about the fact that she is

a “nerd” and doesn’t have the same level of popularity or ease with her peers as her brother.


Bart & Lisa Simpson The Simpsons Characters

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

School Age Industry vs. Inferiority 5 - 12 Competency

I remember this being the age range where I first really worried

about how I was perceived by others and what I could

contribute that was unique. I was tiny and not good at sports, but did well in school, was a strong singer and took extra care to be

nice to everyone since I experienced being picked on and didn’t want others to feel left out. The things that I enjoyed or was good at doing began to receive

extra attention and practice.

Personal Experiences

Bart & Lisa Simpson The Simpsons Characters

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Adolescence Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion 12 - 18 Fidelity

Malcolm in the Middle TV show (2000-2006)

This stage consists of the transition from childhood to

adulthood and a focus on the future. The child begins to realize the roles they will likely occupy as an adult including career, family and housing and will experiment

with different hobbies, jobs, relationships and interests to

finalize an identity. Success will lead to fidelity where they are willing to accept others even if

there are some ideological differences. Failure can lead to role confusion moving forward.

The Theory

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Adolescence Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion 12 - 18 Fidelity

Malcolm in the Middle TV show (2000-2006)

I chose this television show to represent this phase because

Malcolm, his friends and brothers struggle with their identities at

home, at school and in the world. Malcolm is a genius which brings with it very specific expectations

from parents and teachers, but he still wants to behave like a regular kid too. He has a hard time with

being labeled a nerd and the audience watches many of the

main characters go through this phase, dating, experimenting,

learning and forming identities.


Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Adolescence Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion 12 - 18 Fidelity

Malcolm in the Middle TV show (2000-2006)

I honestly must say that I will always remember this phase in my life as often very confusing and painful, but also full of so

much promise and possibility. It is fun to see well written

perceptions of this phase such as this television show. There is

really a lot of being torn between what you have been and what you

want to be or could be and how your family, peers and self react

to these changes and your future plans.

Personal Experiences

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Young Adulthood Intimacy vs. Isolation 18 - 40 Love

The Family Man Movie (2000) | link

During this stage, people begin to share themselves with others outside of family on a more

intimate level, often leading to longer term commitments like

marriage as well as other personal and professional relationships.

Success at this stage results in the virtue of love with a sense of security and safety in those

relationships. Failure in this phase is seen as avoidance or fear of these relationships, leading to

isolation and loneliness.

The Theory

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Young Adulthood Intimacy vs. Isolation 18 - 40 Love

The Family Man Movie (2000) | link

This movie is about a man in his thirties who is single, very wealthy and successful in business who is allowed to experience what might

have been if he married his college sweetheart. He

experiences less financial wealth, but happiness in other forms with

a wife, family, friends and community. Each lifestyle costs

some elements of the other and he is given the opportunity to

resolve the intimacy vs. isolation crisis knowing both outcomes.


Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Young Adulthood Intimacy vs. Isolation 18 - 40 Love

The Family Man Movie (2000) | link

I got married and had my children later in life than the norm and so I am fortunate enough to live in a time and with the options that

allowed me to experience my life in both ways and know I prefer

intimacy and love. Even if I wish I took advantage of more travel

opportunities or maybe this internship over that one, I think

this stage is more about what we value most as individuals. For me,

it is other people and so that is where I focus on investing my

energy and time.

Personal Experiences

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Middle Adulthood Generativity vs. Stagnation 40 - 65 Care

My Next 30 Years song by Tim McGraw | link

During this stage, people settle careers, establish homes or

families and develop a sense of how they want to fit into the

bigger picture of society. Giving back can include raising children,

being productive at work or volunteering in our communities.

If people feel happy with what they are doing and are able to use

strengths to give back, they will develop the virtue of care. Failure

occurs if we don’t reach these objectives, feel less productive

and become stagnant.

The Theory

Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here,

Lord have mercy on my next 30 years

My next 30 years, I’m gonna settle all the

scores, cry a little less, and laugh a little more

Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear,

figure out just what I’m doing here, in my next 30


My next 30 years will be the best years of my life,

raise a little family and hang out with my wife

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Middle Adulthood Generativity vs. Stagnation 40 - 65 Care

My Next 30 Years song by Tim McGraw | link

Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here,

Lord have mercy on my next 30 years

My next 30 years, I’m gonna settle all the

scores, cry a little less, and laugh a little more

Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear,

figure out just what I’m doing here, in my next 30


My next 30 years will be the best years of my life,

raise a little family and hang out with my wife

This song is about examining what has been learned in the first 30 years and what the narrator will

do with the chance of the next 30, starting with being a bit more

productive and less selfish. It is thankful for those first 30, but

that experience will better inform the next years, raising a family,

figuring out what they are doing here and doing more for others.

Even though the exact years are a little bit off, is speaks of focusing

on what will be next and likely the key focus and output of life.


Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Middle Adulthood Generativity vs. Stagnation 40 - 65 Care

My Next 30 Years song by Tim McGraw | link

Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here,

Lord have mercy on my next 30 years

My next 30 years, I’m gonna settle all the

scores, cry a little less, and laugh a little more

Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear,

figure out just what I’m doing here, in my next 30


My next 30 years will be the best years of my life,

raise a little family and hang out with my wife

I just absolutely love this song and think it is perfect for this phase. As I am just now beginning this

phase of my life, I must say that it really is the time you have to

examine what you really want to do for yourself and others in order to leave a legacy of your passion and joy behind. I don’t think the

first 30 years are wasted on youth, but necessary to prepare you to deal with choices at this phase – what are you going to spend your professional and personal life accomplishing?

Personal Experiences

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Maturity Ego Integrity vs. Despair 65 - death Wisdom

Cocoon Movie 1985 | link

As people grow older and retire, they are able to slow down

productivity if they choose and explore life in a different manner.

It allows time to reflect on an entire life and contemplate

whether or not you feel a sense of satisfaction. Success in this phase leads to wisdom with knowledge gained from leading a successful life. Failure at this stage means feeling a lot of regret at missed

opportunities leading to depression and despair.

The Theory

Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Maturity Ego Integrity vs. Despair 65 - death Wisdom

Cocoon Movie 1985 | link

This science fiction story represents this phase because the

audience observes the lives of many older people at a

retirement home. Some of them are struggling with despair or

loneliness, but most developed integrity about their lives, though

are accepting of the slow progression of becoming less

independent and more frail. The characters find alien pods in their pool that give them back the gift

of physical and mental youth, along with keeping their wisdom.


Stage Basic Conflict Age Basic Virtue

Maturity Ego Integrity vs. Despair 65 - death Wisdom

Cocoon Movie 1985 | link

I have found in working with the elderly at the end of their lives

that they have a sense of integrity and the virtue of wisdom as long as their accomplishments align

with the things they valued. There are always “what if” questions, but for the most part, if work,

family, service or faith was most important and they accomplished those things, they feel successful.

Those who did several of those things tended to be even more

happy and have more interesting stories and skills to share.

Personal Experiences