EU HABITAT ACTION PLAN · Promote the implementation of the habitat action plan… Design and...

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6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies

on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia)

(*important orchid sites)

European Workshop - Atlantic calcareous grasslands

Rouen, France. 18-19 September 2019

Concha Olmeda – ATECMA/ The N2K Group

Aim: provide guidance for the

implementation of conservation

measures by relevant

organisations and stakeholders

(to be endorsed by MS – but not


Objectives & actions at different

levels: EU, biogeographical,

country level

Action Plan for Nature people and the

economy (COM(2017) 198 fina)

EU Action Plan for the conservation of

6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and

scrubland facies on calcareous substrates

(*important orchid sites)

European Commission,

in cooperation with

Member States,

national experts &

relevant organisations

Expert group:

scientific experts,



(40 experts)

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Expert Group

set up

First draft

ecology, distribution, CS

main threats/pressures

general conservation strategy


review of conservation strategy,

objectives and measures,

monitoring, etc.

Second draft


Consultation with NADEG

15 November 2018

October 2019

Sept. 2019

15 June 2018

27 Nov 2018

10 April 2019

very diverse habitat, includes many vegetation communities (e.g in France 39 sub-types are recognised)

among the most species-rich plant communities in Europe (more than 80 plant species/m2 in many regions)

priority habitat type if it hosts orchid species (rare or endangered)

most stands are of secondary origin, replacing former thermophilous forests, and are products of former extensive grazing

contain a large number of rare and endangered species,

scrub and woody vegetation are also considered part of the habitat(important refuge for some species)

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on

calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Related species

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)


- 25 MS, 7 Biogeographical regions (EU)

- 16,700 km2 decreasing area

- 57% in Natura 2000

Conservation status

Mostly unfavourable and deteriorating

European Red List of habitats: vulnerable

Reporting under Article 17 of the

Habitats Directive (2007-2012)

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)









Conservation degree in Natura 2000 sites

(% of total suface )




Ecological requirements: Dry well-drained soils, from neutral to alkaline, low nutrient levels

Low to moderate altitudes in central and northern Europe (e.g. 200-400 m),

higher altitudes in southern Europe, (e.g. in Spain up to 2000 m)

Main pressures and threats: Abandonment of extensive grazing / mowing

Overgrazing & intensification of managment

Atmospheric N deposition, eutrophication

Expansive and invasive species

Land use changes & fragmentation

Forest planting

Recreation activities

Plant collecting

Climate change?

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Management & conservation needs Maintenance: Regular management through extensive grazing / mowing.

Restoration: to recover the area, structure and functions (managing scrub,

control of invasive species).

Improve knowledge and monitoring (including the impact of management).

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Overall goal: to maintain or restore the habitat at favourable

conservation status (Habitats Directive)

- its natural range and areas it covers within that range are stable or increasing,

- the specific structure and functions which are necessary for its long-term

maintenance exist and are likely to continue to exist for the foreseeable future,

- the conservation status of its typical species is favourable.

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Specific objectives

1. Stop further decline of 6210 habitat area and prevent its deterioration by

ensuring appropriate management of the remaining habitat areas.

2. Ensure ecological connectivity for 6210 across the habitat range, including

by restoring areas outside Natura 2000.

3. Establish conservation objectives at biogeographical & national level and implement the corresponding conservation and restoration measures for

6210, to reach favourable conservation status.

4. Improve knowledge, conservation status assessment and monitoring

schemes for 6210 habitat.

5. Disseminate and promote the implementation of the habitat action plan, share knowledge and experience in managing the 6210 habitat.

EU ACTION PLAN - 6210 dry calcareous grasslands

Conservation measures (1)

1. Stop further decline of 6210 habitat area and prevent its


Assess risks of habitat loss (abandonment, intensification or

unsuitable management), Identify and designate priority

intervention areas to preserve this habitat

Support extensive farming systems (appropriate grazing or

mowing regimes): ensure that the CAP strategic plan funds

relevant measures (AE, support measures to increase income

from farming practices, etc.

Review the rules set at national or regional level under the

CAP (conditionality, permanent grasslands, eco-schemes,

etc.) to prevent habitat loss.

Encourage Member States to expand the areas of grassland

designated as Environmentally Sensitive Permanent Grassland(to protect from conversion to arable).

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Conservation measures (2)

1. Stop further decline of 6210 habitat area and

prevent its deterioration…

Disseminate information about the importance of the

habitat, its distribution and critical areas, and ensure

that land uses changes effects on the habitat are

properly assessed.

Ensure that no measures that are detrimental to the

habitat, such as conversion of extensive grassland or

promotion of intensive land-use practices, are

financed through the CAP Strategic Plan.

Implement measures to ensure a significant

reduction of nitrogen deposition in the areas of

habitat occurrence.

Creation of buffer-zones between the habitat and more intensively used grassland or arable land.

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Conservation measures (3)

2. Ensure ecological connectivity …

3. Establish conservation objectives at biogeographical &

national level and implement the corresponding measures

Analyse habitat fragmentation, identify critical areas for

connectivity and elaborate a strategy, plan or programme to

improve ecological connectivity.

Define conservation objectives and strategic approaches to

improve conservation status of the habitat at

biogeographical and national level.

Develop national conservation strategies that includetechnical specifications for agri-environment packages and

other schemes that support the habitat conservation.

Identify priority areas for habitat restoration, elaborate and

implement grassland restoration plans (AES, support schemes)

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Knowledge, implementation & monitoring

4. Improve knowledge, CS assessment & monitoring…

5. Promote the implementation of the habitat action plan…

Design and implement harmonised methods to assess

conservation status, considering the variability of the habitat.

Disseminate and promote implementation and coordination of

the Action Plan.

Exchange information among MS on managementexperiences, conservation and restoration projects, best

practices, etc.

Develop and promote management guidelines and good

practice for the habitat.

Develop similar approaches in support schemes (e.g. on goals

and types of subsidies, incentives, etc.).

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

Next steps

Consultation on 2nd draft: ongoing

- comments and further contributions

until end of September

Final draft: October

To be endorsed by the EU MS:

- November 2019

EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)

How to make the plan useful & effective for

implementation of the necessary conservation measures?

Your suggestions are welcome


EU Action Plan - 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland

facies on calcareous substrates (*important orchid sites)