EuroEco 2010 Lone Lamark

Post on 07-May-2015

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EuroEco 2010 Lone Lamark



Developing ecotourism in NorwayLone Lamark

European Ecotourism Conference 2010Pärnu - Estonia

My background

SUSTAINABLE TOURISM HANDBOOKS• Sustainable hotel and restaurant management259 examples on what to do 1998/02

• Hotel «clean up» 1998• How to measure eco efficiency in small tourism businesses 1999• Hotel Environmental Management Manual– ISO 14001 & EMAS 1999• Sustainable Destination Development Manual 2004• Responsible tourist guidelines 2005• Ecotourism certification scheme 2008

PROJECTS..• Global Ecotourism Conference 2007• Developer of Norwegian Ecotourism Certification Scheme 2008• Ecotourism Norway 2005-2008• Sustainable Destination Development Initiative 99-04• 1999

OWN Consultancy Company from 2008

My own ecotourism challenge at SKAGAKAIA in thearctic islands of Vesterålen

Local food – authentic rooms – culture & storytelling – nature tours


Developing ecotourism & certification in NorwayLone Lamark

European Ecotourism Conference 2010Pärnu - Estonia

Eco labels & certification available in Norway

• The Eco Lighthouse

• The Rose of Olaf :Norwegian cultural heritage label

• The Nordic Swan

• The EU-flower

• EMAS/ISO 14001

• Blue Flag

• Certified Norwegian Ecotourism

• + Other national quality labels and standards in tourism

An ecotourism business…

� Is nature based…

� Benefits local people…

� Provides positive experiences for both visitors and hosts…

� Contributes actively to conservation of biodiversity…

� Includes a learning experience for the guests…

� Minimizes the negative impacts on environment, nature and culture…

Why eco-tourism?

• A global brand – a marketing and communication tool!

• A defined concept – global identity – local pride

• Holistic approach: business, community, training,

environment, quality, market..

• Global network

• Golden opportunity:

Power to attract tourism industry, the local

authorities, the market, the people and the media .

Aim of the Norwegian ecotourism initiative

Establish ecotourismas a concept, a network

and marked for nature- and culture based

tourism businessesin Norway.

Cooperation on development of ecotourismin Norway 2005-2008

• GRIP• WWF Norway (innitial phase)• Innovation Norway(National Tourist Board)

• The reference groupNHO Reiseliv/Hospitality Ass. – WWF – Innovation Norway/Tourist board- Farmers Ass. - GRIP

• Funding:Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Food and Agriculture


◦ Svalbard Villmarksenter, Longyearbyen

◦ Birk, Pasvik

◦ Alaskan Husky Tours, Røros

◦ Vester Ocean Sounds, Lofoten

◦ Spydspissen Villmarksopplevelser, Rena

◦ Lofoten Kajakk, Lofoten

◦ Egalia, Saltdalen i Nordland

◦ Bjørnsonvegen

+ 9 businesses along the Bjørnson route

• Aulestad• Kittilbu Utmarksmuseum• Liomseter• Kulturstua I Ro• Ruten Fjellstue• Dalseter Høyfjellshotell• Strand Fjellstue• Skåbu Hytter & camping• Amundsen Hotel

1. Develop guidelines for Norwegianecotourism

2. Establish a national certification schemeto secure quality and credibility

3. Establish a national ecotourismmembership network

4. Guidelines and training to developquality ecotourism products.

5. Develop and implement the marketingplan.

Ecotourism Norway– an holistic approach

First steps was to define:

• Who are the potential ecotourism businesses in Norway?(Who are we working for and what are their challenges and needs?)

• Who is the marked? (Who are we developing ecotourism products for?)

• What is ecotourism in Norway?◦ What is the Norwegian “friluftslivtradisjon”/ outdoor tradition?

• Critical issues for Norwegian ecotoursim

• Development of a Norwegian 1) Ecotourismconcept2) Ecotourism network3) Ecotourism market

Strategic decisions

• Take part in and support the strenghteningof ecotourism as a global quality brand!

• Word to use: ECO-TOURISM

• Business certification, not product!

• Framework:

◦ Agreed international guidelines ◦ Norwegian tourism- and outdoor traditions◦ Own environmental challenges (and global challenges)

An ecotourism business…

� Is nature based…

� Benefits local people…

� Provides positive experiences for both visitors and hosts…

� Contributes actively to conservation of biodiversity…

� Includes a learning experience for the guests…

� Minimizes the negative impacts on environment, nature and culture…

A global framework

A global framework

“Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves theenvironment and improves the well

being of local people ”

In Norway we say it like this:

«Ecotourism is enriching nature and cultural

experiences, organized by responsible tourism


with consideration for their guests, the environment and

the local community thatthey are a part of»

An ecotourism business..

1. nature and culture based

2. aware of its own effect on the


3. ..balances ecological, cultural, social and

economic considerations.

4. ..contributes positively in the local


Seven basic principles

An ecotourism business..

5. ..contributes to preserving listed

buildings and has local adaptation as a

general goal

5. ..places particularly high demands on

hosts and guides,

6. .. give employees and guests insight into

local culture, the community and the


Seven basic principles

A quality label – not just an ecolabel

Criteria document: 4 themes

1.Quality and Management

2.Running an ecotourismbusiness

3.Use of nature and culture

4.Profile and marketing

Business choice:Keep it simple!

Discussions on critical issues

• Catch and release vs traditional fishing?

• Hunting and use of natural resources?

• Wildlife watching as ecotourism?

• Use of motorised vehicles? *

• Marketing as a climate change tool? *

• Long distance vs short distance markets?

Most challenging criteria: Transport

• Snow mobiles?• Power boats?• Motorized adventures/activities?• Transport of goods?• Transport of guests during the stay?• Transport for organized activities?

General rule:

• Use of motorized vehicles for transport in nature is not allowed.

• Organized activities are not motor based.

Discussions on critical issues

• Catch and release vs traditional fishing?

• Hunting and use of natural resources?

• Wildlife watching as ecotourism?

• Use of motorised vehicles?

• Marketing as a climate change tool?

• Long distance vs short distance markets? *

Adressing climate change:


Own marketing activities and the climate challenges

The company’s marketing is directed towards closer markets, limited to Europe, as an active contribution to reducing the climate pressures.

The prosess - our experience

• Holistic approach including quality label, training,

national network and marketing

• Global framework /global guidelines but locally

developed criteria

• Collaboration with small rural businesses in

developing criteria is vital

And we learned that..

The small businesses.. they say they want it to

be simple, but it doesn’t mean few criterias or

few pages…

It means easy to understand what exactly they

are supposed to do!

Step 1: ” Registration & own survey of status and possibilities”

Step 2: Application + documentation

Step 3: Control on site

Step 4: Approval!

The process towards certification

The Norwegian Ecotourism Association


• Market analysis

• Marketing strategy

• Marketing plan: How to reach the right customers

• Ecotourism on Visit Norway

• Ecotourism in official Norway marketing material

• Other marketing activities: 4 prioritised markets

Ecotourism a global brand with national logos

International collaboration