Evaluation Q4 part 2 of 2

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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I a lso decided to look at the documentaries on Netflix to see the posters that came up for them.

I fi l tered through the different documentaries and looked through just pol it ical documentaries as wel l as social & cultural because my documentary was going to be in one of these categories.


I began my research for my documentary advertisement poster by ‘documentary posters’ and ‘documentary advertisements’ in Google images in order to look at a variety of posters and understand the typical codes and conventions they have as wel l as to look at some design ideas that I could use.

My second search came up with E4 documentary advertisements which I took particular interest in as that would be the sort of channel my documentary would be shown on.


I decided to look at the E4 website to see what kinds of documentaries i t shows, by cl icking on browse al l , and then ‘factual ’.

I found that E4 shows a wide range of documentaries of a l l k inds of genres. Below is just a few examples:


I looked at lots of different documentary posters simply by searching ‘documentary posters’ and noted down the typical codes and conventions that they feature, and then found examples of each one.

I a lso searched ‘codes and conventions of documentary posters’ on Google and found more examples that I hadn’t thought of before, such as a topic indicator.


To get a bit of inspiration for my documentary poster, I carr ied out mult iple searches on Google to find examples of other adverts, such as ‘refugee poster’ and ‘syrian chi ldren refugee poster’


For my first init ia l idea, I found the fol lowing pictures from my Google searches which I then analysed.

I thought the use of the chi ldren as the focal image was real ly powerful , and I thought about doing something similar myself at first.


My second idea was to incorporate barbed wire within my poster. So again I searched ‘barbed wire’ i t on Google and found many results, although they were mostly al l basic barbed wire with nothing else in the image.


So instead, I searched ‘barbed wire with sky’ and found more interesting results’.

I created the very first mock ups of the documentary poster in Microsoft Word, by going on insert > shape > rectangle and adding a text box for the labels of what each part represents.


I went out into the countryside on the edge of a farm to take my photos, as I knew there would be barbed wire around the fences there.

The hardware that I used is my Canon 1200D DSLR camera and a tr ipod. I changed the sett ings to 1/100 for the shutter speed and F3.5 for the

aperture. I then looked through my photos and took note of the possible ones I

could use, which I would then edit in Photoshop to create mock up posters.

I ensured that I took lots of different photos to use for both my documentary advertisement poster and my double page spread.


I used a blank PowerPoint sl ide and tested out possible fonts that I could use on New sl ides.

I looked at the fol lowing fonts and analysed what I l iked best about each one.

Arial BlackBradley HandHobo stdEngravers MT


I made four mock ups using four different photographs.

I opened each one on a different tab in Photoshop to experiment on each.

I began by making adjustments to the picture on the background layer, using the different options below.


As I was only making a mock up of each poster, I only added the t it le to each one.

To do this I selected the text icon on the left hand side of the screen and created a text box on the photo.

I chose the font Engravers MT which is what I decided looked the best previously, and chose an off white colour to match the colour of the text used in my main task.


Below is the first mock up I made, as wel l as the brightness/contrast and saturat ion sett ings that I used on the image in Photoshop.

Below is my second mock up and the brightness/contrast and saturation sett ings I used on Photoshop.


My third mock up, again with the brightness/contrast and saturat ion sett ings used.


And final ly, my fourth mock up and the brightness/contrast and saturat ion sett ings used.


I then began to develop my first mock up further. First ly, I searched channel 4 logo on Google images and opened it onto my

poster in Photoshop. I added the tagl ine in the same font and colour underneath the t i t le. To ensure I

used exact ly the same colour , I used the colour picker tool on Photoshop and cl icked on the t i t le.

Final ly, I added the text at the top to display the date, t ime and website. I chose the font Eurost i le in black which I thought looked quite simi lar to the Channel 4 font.


I designed a quick feedback sheet in Microsoft Word and printed out 7 copies in order to see what my classmates thought of my main task and anci l lary tasks, and to help me evaluate the good and bad parts of my work.



As I d id with my anc i l lary 1 research, I used Google images to find examples of double page spreads f rom a magazine. At first I s imply searched ‘double page spread magazine’ . I t had a lot o f resul ts but they were mainly f rom music magaz ines.


I then changed my search to ‘film magazine double page spread’ which was much more useful and relevant to my work.

After analysing one of the double page spreads from Total Fi lm magazine, I noticed the Predicted Interest Curve i t uses.

As I hadn’t heard about i t before, I researched i t more, and read about i t on the Total Fi lm wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Total_Fi lm


As I did with my anci l lary 1, I created my very first mock ups for my magazine double page spread on Word using the shapes and text boxes to represent what everything means.


I designed two very different mock up double page spreads in Photoshop. Below is the first mock up I created.

I used one of the photographs of barbed wire that I took, and next to it added an image of a mural that was in an office at the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group.

From my research, this first idea was more in the style of the Total Fi lm magazine, as I was going to include mult iple images as well as many different banners, texts, ‘pop ups’ etc.


As I did with my first anci l lary I added the Channel 4 logo as wel l as the date and website in the corners.


These are two different images which show the stages of my magazine being constructed, as I was experimenting with the layout of the t i t le, tagl ine, logo and date.

This general house style is very different to the previous mock up. I decided to use the idea of one image as the background which is what I l iked about two of the art icles I analysed in my research.

This is the first proper draft of my magazine, which I made in Photoshop.


This is my final magazine double page spread. I made some improvements on my prev ious mock which I rece ived f rom my aud ience feedback .

I made a few improvements on my prev ious mock up, such as add ing b lack s tars rather than go ld stars and the Empire logo, wh ich I found by search ing ‘b lack rev iew stars ’ and ‘empire magaz ine logo’ on Google images and I moved them to underneath the t i t le .

I a lso changed the font on the main body of text , f rom Ar ia l to Times New Roman, as I thought i t looked more profess iona l and wrote a b i t more so that the co lumns were the same.


As I typed my art icle straight into the box on Photoshop, I found that I had to adjust the height between each l ine of writ ing to 90pt, because otherwise the gap was too big and I then couldn't ’t fit enough writ ing in.

I chose the colour of text to again be a s l ight off-white colour to go with the rest of my tasks. I a lso found that this colour matched the background wel l , and also because other colours such as black wouldn’t be clear to read.


I a lso made the first letter of my art icle a much bigger size than the rest of the text, which is a technique I noticed when analysing other magazine spreads which I think looks quite professional .

I added a banner in the bottom right hand corner above the page number advert is ing the magazine name, by cl icking on the rectangle tool .