Evaluation Q7

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Using the Software

When I made my preliminary magazine I had little knowledge on how to use the software Adobe Photoshop which you can identify by the basic front cover and contents page. In Comparison with my final piece I have gained more experience and have worked out different tools and techniques which I used to make my magazine look more interesting.


In comparison from making my preliminary task to my music magazine I have improved my photography skills. This is shown through the in depth thought of the mise-en-scene in the image and I have planned thoroughly where my location and what my model was going to wear in my music magazine whereas with the preliminary task I did not consider this. Also I had to think about the lighting in order to make sure the image to be clear which is conventional in a magazine.


When producing my preliminary task I did not have any thought in how I was going to display my magazine as I did not have a wide knowledge on the conventions used in a magazine. During the year of studying media and magazine I have now enhanced and improved my understanding of the codes ad conventions used which is shown in the two magazines.


In conclusion, I believe in comparison with my preliminary exercise and my final music magazine there is a huge contrast in the quality which I have portrayed clearly. I have done this through improving my knowledge in the industry of magazines and technology used to produce the magazine (Photoshop), improved photography skills and the layout of the magazine.