Evaluation question 3

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Peter KirkmanEvaluation Question 3

Section 1 - Stages of Production

Development of the FilmThe process of making a film begins with someone coming up with an idea. This idea is then developed into a story which defines the layout and structure of the film. Once the story is fully written, the writer then can adapt it for screenplay, this involves almost completely re writing the script as it has to include actions and what the actors are doing. This isn’t necessary in a book because the mind does most of that. When in a film you are watching something happening so your mind doesn't develop the detail. Once the script is written for screenplay the writer then goes and presents their idea to a board of people who work for film production/ distribution companies. Dependent on who is writing the script or how good their story is affects how it is distributed. For example if Tim Burton was to come along with a film idea he would be taken up by a large scale production company and the film would be shown in the cinema. However if a nobody turned up with an idea it would more likely be taken up by a smaller company where the film may be shown at film festivals or released on line.

Pre Production StageOnce the Film is developed and a production / distribution company has granted funding for it, more steps can be carried out. At this stage the writer/director will have a set budget for their production, this influences almost everything about the film. For example a multi million pound film can cast better more famous actors, shoot at more extravagant locations and have more shot takes as they can employ the staff for longer. By having famous actors more people are likely to come and watch the film.After these things have been worked out a team of people work together to figure out every bit of equipment ( props, clothing, effects, lighting) needed for each scene or location. This is called a script breakdown.At this stage there would be a script read, this is where all the actors/cast sit in a room around a large table and read the script so they get a clear idea of what is happening in each scene.After the script read the cast and production team are then shown the locations, this is where the director describes what he has imagined to happen. This also allows the tech team to work out the difficulties with filming in the locations so they can find out how to overcome the problems.

Production Production begins with the principal photography, this is where they set up the shots without the actors. The actors then come and practice the scene before filming. After every shot is filmed, the director looks through the shot to make sure it is acceptable. Even for the best actors in the market it can take around 10 takes.

Post Production After all of the shots have been filmed multiple times, the footage is collected. The bundle of footage is then edited together. This sometimes can be difficult as the film is not often filmed in chronological order meaning the editors need to arrange it in a way that makes sense.

Whilst being edited the music is also added. This is important as key musical features relate to key parts of scenes, for example an action scene would need a fast paced piece of music. After the sound has been applied it needs to be mixed to show dynamic contrast throughout the film.

The film is then ready in draft form, this is then watched by an audience in test screenings allowing them to get feedback giving them chance to amend the film before releasing it.

DistributionA distributor’s job is to expose the film/finished product to as many people as possible. Dependant on the distribution company's size affects how the product is distributed. A large distributor like Warner Bros./20th Century Fox would take the production to cinemas for screening, then it would be released on DVD and online before eventually the rights being sold to a TV company where it would be aired. If the film company is smaller company, the film may be taken around numerous film festivals, before being released online or on digital copy.

Some films have multiple distribution companies working on there product. This is an expensive way to expose your product however it releases it to many different audiences.

What companies would distribute my product?

Section 2

DisneyDisney is a large major film distributor. As shown on the right --------> it shows that there main focus is on action/adventure or animated childrens films. All the films they produce have a large budget and have large revenues, usually of several hundred million for example star wars the force awakens.

As my film didn't have millions of pounds worth of development and equipment for filming, I doubt that Disney would be interested in distributing my film as it’s a low budget thriller production. By looking at their list of films, you can see that they don't distribute independent films, instead they buy brands so they can develop their own large scale films. They also do not make many thriller films, sticking in action adventure and animated genres.

Over all I don't think Disney is the correct film distribution company to distribute my film.

Paramount Pictures As shown on the right, paramount pictures has a wide range of genres that it distributes, ranging from comedies (ie SpongeBob Movie) to thriller films like Terminator Genisys. The films have large budgets usually ranging up to hundreds of millions of pounds. These films are played all around the world and distributed through all forms, firstly through multiplex cinemas then onto dvd and streaming websites before ending up on the television.

As my film had a small budget and will not make any money i doubt that paramount pictures would distribute my film. This is to do with the small level of production it went through compared to the multi million pound films which they distribute. Paramount Pictures usually fund the films it distributes, meaning that they have a say in the end product. As mine wasn’t sponsored by them it once again lowered the chance of them distributing my film.

Over all I don't think Paramount Pictures are the correct film distribution company to distribute my film.

Entertainment oneEntertainment one is a uk film distribution company. They distribute a wide range of films. However, most of the genres it distributes are action or thriller. The company distribute medium to major film releases which have medium to large budgets.

As entertainment one are a uk distribution company i thought that they would be better to distribute my film than Disney or Paramount Pictures. It also doesn’t fund/sponsor films which means that they distribute films which they don’t make. The reason why they wouldn't distribute my film is because they deal with million pound productions which mine isnt. Because of this i don't think Entertainment One is the right Distribution company for my film.

Film4 - (Section 3) And why they are the right distribution company for my filmFilm4 is another large scale distribution company. However, it mainly distributes just to the UK. Film 4 also takes on lower budget independent films as well as large scale multi million pound productions, making it a better distributor than the others I have looked at. It also distributes a wide range of genres, this means it’s flexible in what it distributes. The flexibility and the fact it takes on independent productions hopefully would mean that it would take on my film. Film 4 also has a similar target audience to my film which varies from 15-25, this would put my production in a good position to be picked up by this company.

If Film4 were to distribute my product it would probably be a one off event meaning they would screen it once. This is because it is a small production which would probably not get a high watch number meaning it wouldn't make much money.

Section 4

How would my film be advertised?

I believe that my film would be distributed in these ways.

Before the release of my film, it could be advertised in many different ways. Classically films were advertised on busses, billboards and magazines. However, now adverts are found everywhere. For example the film could be advertised by youtube where they play a 30 second clip or advertisement before watching the desired video the watcher actually wants to see, or you could have it advertised on facebook, twitter or instagram where they put links to the trailer in your news feed.

Section 5


Web 2.0With web 2.0 now dominating almost every aspect of media, every company has a presence online. Originally if you wanted to watch a film you would have to buy it or rent it from a place like BlockBusters. Nowadays due to the rise of web 2.0 you can stream it off the internet using software like netflix or amazon prime. I believe that my film would be distributed in this way, due to it being a cheaper alternative than putting it on in a cinema. The entire concept of how to view media has changed since web 2.0, this is due to websites like youtube which are much easier to upload and quicker than producing a full television series, making it an affordable and popular type of media. Even when reading the news people now go to the internet instead of going and picking up a newspaper as it’s much more convenient.

Web 2.0 means that it may be easier to distribute my film through the internet instead of trying to get it in cinema. This is because it would be much more accessible and there for anyone to watch it. Another alternative distribute my film round film festivals where it would be watched and analysed by professionals.