
Post on 13-Jan-2015

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The things that I like about this design are how I used different areas of the Scottish Country/community and tried to adapt them into a new can for Irn Bru. I took the Scottish flag and edited the colours of it to coincide with the colours of the Irn Bru can. I took the lion character from the Scottish coat of arms and left a small joke above it. The main text for the can I used a tartan design and created a clipping mask which was something that I had learnt to do from my previous experiences with Photoshop at college.

Some things I don’t like about this are definitely how cluttered it looks, It all looks sporadic with no real set theme across it and that bothers me. There is a lot of space, especially when transferred to the can you can see that there are lots of little gaps with nothing in and whilst some cans do look like that I don’t feel it’s the right idea for my can. I am also unsure on how much I like the tagline for this particular idea.

Things I could improve on are vast in this design. There was a lot that I didn’t like as I progressed with the idea. The tartan makes things quite difficult to read on the tagline. The colours on the back of the can font are uneven and it looks strange, maybe I should have used a set outline colour for all of the pieces of text.

Irn Bru 1ST Draft Analysis


I think that most things that I have tried with my can have gone well thus far, definitely better than expected, I actually strayed away from my original idea which was to have the can with a zip showing that the can was trying on a new design. Instead I went for something based around simplicity. I have the words irn bru large one under the other so that the words are the same length. I then have the 3 and the 2 for 32 in a similar fashion so that they are the same size and length. This makes the can look very neat and organised and coincides with the simplistic theme.

The colour scheme I have gone for is the traditional blue and orange of IRN BRU however I split the can over to the right of the can and made around 20% of the can blue leaving the other 80% orange. This allowed me to use the opposite colour in each section to allow it to stand out, where the can is orange the writing is blue and where the can is blue the writing is orange. This really makes the brand stand out which is my overall aim.

Negatives / Improvements

Things that could have gone better is my use of the collar, I’m struggling to find something to put there that isnt already used or sounds ridiculous. I'm also struggling to find a colour for that font as black doesn’t really stand out but I don’t want the entire can to look the exact same, I want some small differences.

I haven't made much progress on the back of the can and am struggling to think what I can put there. I could spread the nutritional information so that it would take up the back of the can and also include things like the ingredients that are in it and any health warnings that may have to be included due to the use of certain ingredients.

I may try my second draft with a slightly different font and maybe try and be a little more adventurous with my colour scheme introducing colours to the can that may not be totally associated with IRN BRU already without straying to far from the well known brand colours. I may try experimenting with a wider range of fonts, in this example draft I have only used 2 fonts throughout the entire thing, the next time I may try using more and may also try one only using one font to see which will give me the best and most professional looking result.

This was my second draft idea. My aim was to create a zip from scratch with a zipper and have it look as if the can were zipping up a new design idea. It took me a while to create the zip and by the time I had I was already going off how the idea would look. When I transferred the zip onto the actual design I instantly disliked it and regretted putting so much time and effort into the idea. The zip wasn’t the right size and had to be stretched and stretching it caused a loss of quality. I then erased some of the colour from either side of the can to allow space for where you would see the liquid, I again didn’t like how untidy this looked. I could have done this more carefully using other Photoshop tools. As a final attempt to salvage the idea I tried to put the words for the can on their and play with the colour scheme a little. I still didn’t like it and have decided to keep it as a failed attempt. I feel that there probably were things that I could have done better for instance spending more time ensuring that the zip is the right size and was created better. Coming up with a better idea for the font would probably have been a good idea as well. This has taught me however that I should definitely allow contingency time incase I need to produce another idea. It also made me want to experiment with other colour schemes and fonts but I really like the font that I have chosen as it gets the job done and looks suitable but in order to get the best grade I feel like I need to adapt and expand what I am trying to give a wider variety of my working capablities.