Everlating Beauty

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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slide show for women looking for beauty tips.


How to have a perfect and healthy body

6 Basic Necessities to Look Good and Feel Great


the cheapest product

you’ll ever find!!! Plenty

of water not only

cleanses your system, it

will also hydrate your

skin, refining pores. So

drinking 6-8 glasses is a

must!!! Your skin will

thank you for it.

Sunscreen Wear sunscreen

everyday the best

way to stem the ageing


Exercise moderate, regular

exercise soaks up

stress chemicals and

promotes relaxation

and good sleep.

Eat Healthy

remember that saying,

you are what you eat?

Well think about this:

You look like what you

eat!!! Diet plays an

important role in your

appearance, so

discipline yourself by

eating fresh, wholesome

and balance diet.

Vitamins we all know that sleep

is by far powerful


restorative, good

supplement contains

that will help your skin

rebuild itself while you


Skin Care Routine Cleansing – twice daily

Toning – twice daily

Moisturizing with UV,

protective cream –

every morning

Moisturizing with

specialist night cream –

every night, Exfoliate –


Special treatments -

such as facial mask or

pores cleansing strips –

weekly or monthly

Make sure you pamper yourself with all these basic necessities because its

guaranteed to help you have a healthy and perfect body that you always
