Everything you always wanted to know about Exercise but were afraid to ask.

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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•Check out our Fall Education schedule on your MUS Incentive Program Site or on www.wellness.mus.edu (Workshop Tab)•Next WebinarWednesday, October 28th, 12:05• Follow Up! EYAWTKAE (Part 2)


•Over 1000 Questions asked!•Quick Help Emailwellness@montana.edu

QUESTION THEMES• Exercise Guidelines• Exercise Type• Fat Loss/Weight Loss• Resistance Training/Weight

Lifting• Cardiovascular Exercise• Injury• Recovery, Treatment, Prevention

• Spine/Vertebrae/Neck/Back•Mobility/Flexibility• Core• Exercise Nutrition• Time Related Questions•Motivation• Funny Questions

GENERAL EXERCISE GUIDELINES• How much exercise is recommended?• AHA definition: Physical activity is anything that makes you

move your body and burn calories.• At least 30 minutes per day 5X a week (150 minutes) moderate

intensity cardio.• Or, 25 minutes 3X a week of moderate to vigorous cardio AND

moderate to high intensity muscle strengthening activity (i.e. resistance training) at least 2X a week.• BP & Cholesterol

• Average of 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity 3-4X per week.

•Something is Always better than nothing.• From 2015 AHA guidelines

GENERAL EXERCISE GUIDELINES• How many times a week should we really exercise to lose

weight?• What minimum # of minutes of exercise per week is needed

to guarantee weight loss of 2 pounds per week (coupled w/dietary changes)? And how strenuous should it be?• What is your perspective of exercise?

• Is it homework? Is it something you have to fit in? Does it hang over your head?

• Exercise should be…• Something you enjoy• Something you can sustain• Something that makes you feel good• Something that is incorporated throughout your day

LIGHTNING ROUND!• Exercise Guidelines• Is running 3x/week for 3-5 miles enough cardio for a 40

y/o woman?• I am getting older and I just can not hike up the M trail as

fast as I used to. Am I still burning the same amount of calories? Do older people get the same benefit at a slower pace?

• Is it OK to exercise 7 days a week, or does your body need a rest day?• “Rest is where the magic happens.” –Coach Dos

EXERCISE TYPE• Pillars of Fitness• Aerobic Fitness/Stamina/Endurance

(Sustained Effort/Resistance to fatigue)• Anaerobic Power (Short, intense effort)• Strength/Power (How much can you move/how fast

can you move it/how much you can resist)

• Mobility (How well you move)

LIGHTNING ROUND!• Exercise Type• I like to exercise at home. Besides walking, I do planks, pushups,

lunges, squats, and mountain climbers. Is there anything I should add to have a well-rounded routine?• Are programs that we see on TV such as P90X really any good?• I’ve heard it’s good to mix up one’s routine, but is there any

harm in doing the same thing regularly (e.g. hiking or running every day) so long as no injury is incurred?• What is a good indoor alternative to walking when the weather is

bad? I hate walking on a treadmill!• What is the best way for a non-active person to get exercise?

WEIGHT LOSS/FAT LOSS• What is the best exercise for getting rid of

____________________?• I want to tone up my __________________.

• There is no “spot reducing” exercise. Sorry.• If fat loss is your goal, it’s about:• #1 Nutrition• #2 Blend of Moderate to Vigorous Cardio and

Resistance Training

LIGHTNING ROUND!• Weight Loss/Fat Loss• I started exercising and [haven’t lost weight…or gained weight]

with the same number of calories.• I recently heard that you burn more calories if you do short

sprints than long distance runs. I always though that the longer you exercise, the more calories you burn. Which is true?• What is the best type of workout for someone wanting to lose

weight but has very little time?• How much weight is safe and most effective for long term

change to lose in one week?• How many calories does ______________ burn?

LIGHTNING ROUND!• Cardio• What are some strength training/cardio tips to do while pushing a

jogging stroller?• Are there any negatives to swimming?• I recently started road biking. What recommendations do you

have for training, routes, or any general tips? Thanks!• What is a good way to get faster at running without risking injury?• What are the best alternatives for running?• Weight training before or after cardio?• Some days, I can run and not feel exhausted then on the next

day, it will feel as if I have not run in months. I eat healthy and regularly. What could be the cause of this?


• Why do joggers run down the middle of the road in traffic?

• What exercises do you recommend for lowering cholesterol?

• In terms of movement during work hours how does “chair dancing” stand up? I have a sit-stand desk […] but if I’m listening to music […] I will actually be more prone to bouncing and dancing around, regardless of whether I’m sitting or standing.

• You are the sum of all your training.


• When it comes to weight bearing exercise, especially as it applies to osteoporosis prevention, I’ve always wondered if carrying a backpack full of groceries counts. I regularly walk the mile home from the grocery store with 10+ pounds in my pack.

• I am 60. I run, ride a bike, lift weights and swim, do triathlons. It seems to me that the only weight-bearing part of this are the weights and running. How many days a week should I do these?