EwA guide for tmp

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EwA guide | Young Talents of Tomorrow | March 2013 | AIESEC Greece 2012-13

How to create a TMP

EwA event


EwA guide | Young Talents of Tomorrow | March 2013 | AIESEC Greece 2012-13

ELD customers

AIESEC promoters

1. Intro

This guide is meant to help you engage even more people with our

essence during the recruitment period and create ELD costumers

(especially TMP) and AIESEC promoters. This means that through the

following you can achieve both promoting AIESEC brand in general, but

also these products.

And through this guide, you will have a clear mage of how is going to

be done.

2. Reasons

EwA activities should support your entity’s performance, health

and impact.

Should be something ongoing taking into account a careful balance

of resources and focus between ELD programs and EwA activities

Aim at introducing AIESEC to more young people

Follow AIESEC’ s brand experience guidelines

Focus on value for individuals and not organizations

The goal of EwA activities is to create ELD customers (people

entering in our programs) and AIESEC promoters (people that will

be ambassadors of AIESEC and they will know its value and they

will promote it to others, friends etc so as to build brand awareness

EwA activities goal


EwA guide | Young Talents of Tomorrow | March 2013 | AIESEC Greece 2012-13

3. General Principles of EwA

Individuals become aware of and experience the following in this phase:


AIESEC’s values

The value propositions of AIESEC’s value based platform

Participate in activities that facilitate learning as well as contribute


Expose the audience to different activities to interact with the

message constantly through different ways and for a long period of


The participants should experience something intense through it

and LEARN something.

Expectations you set through the EwA activities for skills

development and other, make sure you can ensure them through

their experience.

4. Target audiences of EwA

I’m a young person, student of AEI/TEI, 18-24, with interest in the

specific topics and...

I don’t know AIESEC

I don’t know AIESEC but I’m engaged with its essence through

other organizations

I know AIESEC, I applied but I wasn’t selected.

I know AIESEC and I haven’t applied because…

Whoever wants to attend, e.g. professors, parents are welcomed

EwA guide | Young Talents of Tomorrow | March 2013 | AIESEC Greece 2012-13

1. Some basic and important things that you have to keep in mind are:

Agenda (Use the “Young Talents of Tomorrow Agenda”) and adapt it to

your local reality/needs

Set the final date of the event

Create a plan of activities and timeline that need to be done in order to execute

the event

Set responsibles for each activity

Find speakers (send invitation from now on to the Partners that will deliver the

session) and start making the draft content of their speech/workshop

Find venue (Venue could be: a room in the university, conference room in a

hotel, outer spaces, etc.)

2. Then Promotion comes:

Make a simple online registration form for student (And save their contacts for

future presentation or participation to other EwAs)

Start the promotion (word of mouth, poster, flyer, logo, online media (fb, site,

UNI media), students databases, stand, through professors). HAVE A PLAN!

What to promote: Theme of Agenda, Date of Event, Venue and Speakers

3. Having a goal will make you understand if it was successful:

# of registrations

# of participants

# of interested students for TMP

# of new recruits

# of people that provide their contacts to send them our external newsletter

Increases on social media followers

Outputs from Questionnaire, in order to realize if the EwA had successful


4. Have in mind:

Don’t forget some important things that will make the EwA fantastic and successful

in the way you want.



EwA guide | Young Talents of Tomorrow | March 2013 | AIESEC Greece 2012-13

Some more extras for the Agenda

It should last approximately 2 hours.

Finalize which of the 4 themes are you going to prepare and promote

Professors or Alumni can say there opinion and recommend AIESEC, as an

organization that has many opportunities to develop their skills and gain

experiences that will be helpful for them and for the society.

Returnees and members can do story telling

Have printed the “Delegates questionnaire”

In the end you can have something like mini global village.

5. Be prepared & have a plan B

Make sure that everything is ok, with venue, speakers, flow, students. Have also plan

B in any case (one back up session for example.)

Everything will be prepared so now you have to do some very important small things:

1. Your attitude:

Be enthusiastic and be sure that you know what are you talking about

Be talkative with students

Do NOT oversell and under deliver.

Show the AIESEC spirit

2. Showcasing of event

For such an event it should be showcasing during and after the event.


Shoot photos and video

You can do a live streaming or live tweeting and Facebook posts, in order to

be viral.

You can also invite some media Partner to attend and write something about


3. Outcome of event for delegates


EwA guide | Young Talents of Tomorrow | March 2013 | AIESEC Greece 2012-13

An event like this can give you much information.

If viral events like this are likely

If through these, students can understand what AIESEC is

If eventually they become promoters or costumers of AIESEC

This information you can get it with an easy way from the file “Delegates

Questionnaire”. Give them the printed papers.

4. Agenda management

Make a rehearsal with the speakers before the event starts

Check all logistics needed

Have a time keeper

1. Reporting

In the end of EwA, you have to do something in order to have the final and total

report, with information like what happened and which was the result.

You can have “Report file for EwAs” in order to fill it. (Upload it on myaiesec.net)

This will give you the opportunity to

Keep data for future use

Have the overall of the event in one file

2. Showcasing of event


Use these photos and report outcome details

Make this content viral in social media

You can write an article in one media channels