Excursion tips summer en

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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Milano 240 km

St. Moritz 115 km

Luzern 115 km

Basel 175 km

St. Gallen80 km

For more information visit: www.heidiland.com/heidi For more information visit: www.heidiland.com/wasser For more information visit: www.heidiland.com/kultur For more information visit: www.heidiland.com/natur

For more information visit: www.heidiland.com/familien For more information visit: www.heidiland.com/wasser For more information visit: www.heidiland.com/brauchtum For more information visit: www.heidiland.com/gastro

On the Alp farm up above Maienfeld Heidi was happy. At her grandfather’s, Heidi felt and radiated pure joie de vivre, she became strong and heal-thy, made friends and found her true self.

Water plays a central role in the region. Partly thanks to the 36,5 °C warm thermal waters and also due to the numerous enchanting idyllic moun-tain lakes, waterfalls and of course the majestic Walensee lake.

Castles and ruins, museums, former military forts, mines and power sta-tions, romantic chapels and churches – all ensure that history is accessible and bring it alive for you.

Due to the special position of the region between the Alps and the mid-lands, visitors are presented with ever more spectacular, panoramic views of wildly romantic lakes, ancient forests and imposing mountains.

The lovely surroundings and the colourful panoply of varied activities make the family-friendly holiday region of Heidiland an ideal destination in all seasons for adults and children alike.

Embedded in the landscape, fjord-like, is the Walensee lake. The Chur-firsten mountain chain towers majestically over it. The Walensee is both one of the cleanest and deepest lakes in Switzerland.

Immerse yourself in the times of your grandparents and great grandpa-rents. Various activities enable you to experience old customs and tradi-tions as well as bring history from long ago to life.

Good company, fine wines and good food are important here. Alongside romantic and out of the way places, there are many opportunities to indulge yourselves in the holiday region of Heidiland.

The region round the spa town of Bad Ragaz and the wine-producing area, the Bündner Herrschaft, has many more attractions alongside the thermal waters, excellent wines and the Heidi story, all marked with an .

Swap your hiking boots for a swimsuit. It takes just 15 minutes by cable car to descend from the hiking and biking Mecca of Flumserberg down to the Walensee lake. The highlights here are marked with a .

heidi water culture nature

children walensee traditional wein & dine | shopping

bad ragaz & bündner herrschaft

flumserberg & walensee

Heidis Blumenpfad D4 Heidi loved to be out and about in the flowering alpine meadows and grandfather knew many of the plants and their healing properties. You can also improve your knowledge on the Flower Trail on Flumserberg.

Seerenbachfälle C2Spectacular! The Seerenbach water-fall at Betlis consists of a cascade of three waterfalls with a total height of 585 m. This means it is one of the highest waterfalls in Switzerland. Ea-sily reached on foot.

Underground G3 / H4 / H6Mining and both world wars have left their marks underground all over the holiday region of Heidiland. In four of these installations, guided tours and refreshments are available.

GeoGalerie Flumserberg D4Discover fossils and see and feel the mighty power which caused alpine folding: the 3 km long Geo Trail goes from Prodkamm over the Maschgen-kamm to Ziegerfurgglen.

Mini-golf E3 / J5Accuracy and finesse are required here: The mini-golf at the Grand Re-sort Bad Ragaz is idyllically situated at the edge of the resort’s very own park. Two more mini-golf courses can be found at Flumserberg.

Picture Board Trail B2 – E2 The moving love-story from the time of the spinning factories will take you onto the water and through the countryside around the lake Walen-see. You can even create your own work of art.

Weissküferei D3The Weissküferei Gmür (White Cooper) in Unterterzen is one of the oldest cooperages in Switzerland. Smell the aroma of wood and see how versatile the material wood is.

Gourmet Tours Delicious food, fresh mountain air, exercise and enjoyment. Whether on foot or by e-bike – combine indul-gence with a little light exercise and get to know the Heidiland holliday region on a different vay.

Daughter of a doctor, Jacob Heusser and writer, Meta Heusser-Schweizer, the world’s best-known Swiss author was born in 1827 in Hirzel (Zurich). Spyri first started writing at the age of 44 – in a time characterised by depression and discontent. The best-known out of a total of 48 stories – Heidi – was written when she was 53. Johanna Spyri was inspired to write the Heidi stories during her many stays with friends in Jenins and also Bad Ragaz.

Around 1240 hunters discovered the source of the warm waters in the Tamina Gorge. Soon the first bathing guests were being let down on ropes into the wild ravine in order to spend the day in the healing waters. Then wooden bathhouses were built across the thundering Tamina but following numerous fires and rockfalls, today’s Alte Bad Pfäfers was finally built at the entrance to the gorge. Since 1840 the thermal waters have been piped down to the world- renowned health resort of Bad Ragaz.

Over 50 special places belong to the Places of Power which have been exa-mined and recorded as such by the Swiss Research Centre for Places of Power due to their levels of energy and mythological backgrounds. A Place of Power is generally a place where the energy quality is healthy for people, animals and plants. A walking guide has been produced which brings the 55 special places, their histories, folklore and legends, together in 15 hikes.

The pressure caused by the collision between Africa and Europe compressed layers of rock causing them to buckle, fold and crack. This gave rise to today’s Alps. Evidence and traces of this im-mense power are clearly visible in the area of the Tectonic Arena Sardona. Because of this, in 2008, UNESCO added the Tectonic Arena Sardona to the list of world natural heritage sites. Various multi-day tours guide you through the rocky and unreal world of the Tectonic Arena.

Geocaching consists of hiking or walking in the countryside combined with playful discoveries, riddles and experiencing new places. This new way of discovering the world promises lots of fun for the whole family!

The whole world is strewn with hiding places. Across Switzerland there are about 20 000, in the holiday region of Heidiland there are around 200 – and all the time there will be more! All you need for Geocaching fun is a GPS-enabled device such as, for example, a Smartphone. www.geocaching.com

The Lake Walen may enjoy a rich history. Already at the time of the Romans Lake Walen was an important strategic hub. For many centuries, the main trade route between Chur and Zurich was over the lake. Especially in the 13th and 14 Century the places Walenstadt and Weesen saw a veritable heyday.

Specifically: In the interior of the mountain, behind the Rinquelle, an extensive system of underwater caves hidden. However, these are only experienced and knowledgeable by local cave divers.

Local people protect and maintain their customs and culture and are happy to share them with visitors. Fasnacht (carnival), markets, splendid bonfires high up in the Alps on 1st August, processions of decorated cows, cattle shows, the traditional alpine blessing, the Swiss wood carving done by the coopers, yodel choirs, national costumes and the Alphorn – these are the customs in the region. The most spectacular and unusual traditional event is the cow race on the Flumserberg, which take place every October. www.heidiland.com/events

Winemaking in the Bündner Herrschaft has a long tradition. Schloss Salenegg in Maienfeld is documented as the oldest vineyard in Europe. Wine was al-ready being made here as far back as 1068. At first mostly white wines were produced but today it is the red wines which are internationally known. Red wines only started to be produced in the 17th century, when the Blauburgun-der (Pinot Noir) from France found its way here. Today around 350 hectares of vines are cultivated.

Bad Ragaz is the ideal place for spoiling yourself and chilling out. Rainer-Maria Rilke enjoyed his visit to this traditional spa town immensely and claimed that it «is wonderful here». Even today Bad Ragaz is renowned for its bathing and healthcare facilities, its rich cultural heritage and diverse range of restaurants and leisure activities. There are many attractive tourist destinations in the sur-rounding Tamina, Calfeisen and Weisstannen valleys. The neighbouring summer resort of Pizol is considered one of the most beautiful hiking areas in Switzer-land and on clear days offers panoramic views as far as the lake Bodensee.

Flumserberg is situated on a lovely sunny terrace up above the Walensee. The view of the lake and the Churfirsten is a magnet for active and very sporty visitors alike. The alpine flora and a selection of themed trails also enrich the countryside experience and inviting mountain restaurants are just waiting to serve you as you make the most of the fresh mountain air and spectacular panoramic views. The modern summer toboggan ride, a climbing tower, many different lakes and picnic sites round off the attractions.

The Bündner Herrschaft is not only the home of Heidi, her grandfather and Peter, it is also known as the «small region of great wines». Vineyards co-vering around 350 hectares produce an impressive amount of high-quality wines. The pinot noir grape thrives particularly well. Lovers of fine food will also find a wide variety of restaurants to choose from here. In the adjacent area of the Five Villages, Landquart is an important economic centre and major traffic hub. Visitors will be spoiled by the diverse range of shopping options available.

The Riviera north of the Alps. Directly below the mighty Churfirsten, lies the fjord-like, Walensee lake. Around the lake are several picturesque villages, perfect for a leisurely stroll. The Mediterranean climate on the southern slopes of the Churfirsten makes it possible to grow exotic fruits which emphasises the southern feeling. There is something for everyone around the Walensee – be it a gentle walk, sunbathing on the beach, a lazy boat ride or more energetic water sports, hiking or biking.

Heidipfad Trail H5 – H6 Search for Peter’s goats on this circular family trail. Stations along the way offer a range of activities such as traditional alpine calls, goat jumps, the hammock woods and the barefoot trail, all gua-ranteed to keep boredom at bay.

Giessenpark J5The Giessen park in Bad Ragaz invi-tes its visitors to take a walk or a stroll or quite simply to relax. Child-ren love the large playground and fishermen love the tranquil, peace-ful lake.

Klosterkirche Pfäfers H5Since 1845 the former abbey, dating back to the 17th century, has housed a psychiatric clinic. In the «Psallier chancel» in the abbey church is one of the oldest playable organs in Switzer-land dated 1693/94.

Seebenalp D3The Churfirsten on one side – the Sächsmor on the other: the lands-cape around the three Seebenseen lakes is unique. The mountain hotel invites fishermen, bikers and hikers to linger a while and enjoy.

Kinderkneippanlage H6Stimulate the senses: The Kneipp in-stallation and the barefoot footpath on the Pizol invite both adults and children to put their hiking boots on the side and let their feet be tickled, bathed and prickled.

Quinten D2The Mediterranean-like and car-free Quinten is most easily reached by boat. From both Walenstadt and Weesen there are also two popular hikes to the picturesque and idyllic little village.

Lüsis F2Alp Lüsis, situated at the foot of the Churfirsten, boasts spectacular views. Specialities in the restaurant include hay soup, hay bread and hay schnapps, all from their own hay pro-duction.

Malanser Älpli K5Just going on the Älpli-Bahn cable car to go up to the Malanser Älpli above the Bündner Herrschaft is a highlight. The friendly mountain restaurant tempts you to pause a while, relax and enjoy the view.

Heidi goat path B2 On the 2.5 km route in Weesen, you can search goats, hear fascinating stories, test the sense in the tracer box, climbing as Heidi and her goats or enjoy the view at a picnic.

Chapfensee F4Appearances can be deceptive. At the Chapfensee lake above Mels, bikers, hikers or fishermen can think that they are in the Canadian Rocky Moun-tains. Easily reached by car, by bike or on foot.

Old Bath Pfäfers J5The oldest remaining Baroque bath-house in Switzerland now houses both a bathhouse and monastic mu-seum as well as a restaurant.

Murgsee C4Canada in Heidiland: Partly lying in a protected Arven pine reserve above Murg lie the three easily accessible Murgseen lakes. Hikers, bikers and fishermen find a warm welcome in the mountain restaurant.

Sagenerlebnisweg D4 – E4 On the Sagenerlebnisweg (trail of legends) from Prodkamm to Prodalp there are information boards and games about the legend of the wild man who was known for playing jo-kes on people, animals and nature.

Watersport B2 – E2 Whether you choose wind or motor sports or rely on your own muscle power, you will discover the tranquil and unspoilt places around the lake Walensee which are inaccessible to pedestrians.

Capricorn trail F6The 2 km long Capricorn trail in Weisstannen is staged with different elements and information panels of the reintroduction of the Capricorns in the Weisstannental.

Wine experience The wines from the Bündner Herrschaft/Five Villages and the Sargans area enjoy an excellent reputation. Wine-growers orga-nize diverse events throughout the year, providing plenty of opportunity to test the produce at first-hand on their premises.

johanna spyri the story of bad ragaz spa places of power sardona – unesco world heritage site

geocaching history of lake walen event highlights winemaking in the bündner herrschaft

bad ragaz and surroundings


bündner herrschaft/five villages

the walensee and surroundings

Heidialp J5 About 1,5 h on foot from the Heidi village is the Heidialp with its char-ming mountain restaurant. It is a po-pular destination with wonderful pa-noramic views and is at the end of the Heidi Experience Trail.

Tamina Schlucht H5 – H6 In the 450 m long Tamina Gorge you can feel the immense power of the waters up close. Get to the entrance to the Gorge either on foot, by bus or by horse-drawn carriage.

Paxmal D2High above Walenstadtberg, the im-pressive peace monument, created by Karl Bickel from 1924 to 1949 in-spires contemplation about the me-aning of life and humanity. Spectacu-lar views.

Pizalun J 6The easiest way to get to the 1478 m high Pizalun is via Furggels on the St. Margrethenberg. From up here the Bündner Herrschaft, the Churer Rhein- tal (Rhine valley) and the Prättigau lie at your feet.

FLOOMZER E3A high-speed ride from Chrüz to Tan-nenboden: In the modern and safe coasters, over a height difference of 247 m, you experience 3 loops, 2 tunnels, numerous curves, jumps, bridges, twisters and waves.

Beaches B2 – E2 In summer, life revolves around the beach at the Walensee. Various ba-thing beaches tempt you to sunba-the, read a book, eat an ice cream or simply enjoy life.

Alp Siez E6On Alp Siez (alpine dairy farm), in the Weisstannental, about 20 000 kg of cheese and many other products are made every summer. Enjoy a selec-tion of fresh alpine produce in the in-house restaurant.

St. Martin F7Deep in the Calfeisental lies the char-ming, former Walser hamlet of St. Mar- tin. It is as though time has stood still here and you feel as though you are in an open-air museum.

Heididorf J5 Be taken back to an unfamiliar and long forgotten time. The Heidi village along with Heidi’s house and the Johanna Spyri Museum can be found above Maienfeld.

Tamina Therme J5 36,5°C – because it feels good! The spa in Bad Ragaz, open to the public, is a place of rejuvenation for body, mind and soul with a spacious sauna area and a wide selection of massa-ges and beauty treatments.

Schloss Sargans G4The castle dating back to the 13th century housed the resident nobles and local officials. Today you are invi-ted to immerse yourself in history in the castle restaurant and the Sargan-serland Museum.

5-lake hike Pizol 6 The 5-lake hike at Pizol is one of the most beautiful panoramic mountain walks in Switzerland. The trail will take you through a variety of lands-capes and past five distinct lakes.

CLiiMBER E3The first climbing tower in Switzer-land is on the Prodalp on Flumser-berg. Over three levels there are about 100 originally configured climbs in different designs and levels of dif-ficulty.

Boat trips B2 – E2 Ship ahoy! With 10 landing stages around the lake, access to the Walen-see is easy. Alongside the regular ferries there are also culinary boat trips and special themed boat trips, such as the Geo boat.

Traditional Cheesemaker E3Slip into the role of an alpine cheese-maker of 100 years ago and make your own cheese (Groups only). From the show window in the res-taurant you can follow the cheese dairy production.

Fashion Outlet Landquart D2Over 160 national and international designer, sport, outdoor and fashion labels can be found in this wonderful open- air complex, modelled on a typical Swiss village in chalet style.

Excursion TipsWith the 10 Top-Tips

the heidiland adventure passVisitors staying here benefit from special offers at many local businesses. The Adventure Pass together with all the special offers available can be obtained from your accommodation or at the Tourist Offices.

Arrive, switch off, enjoy! This Panoramic Map will give you lots of ideas of how to turn your stay into an unforgettable experience. Whatever you do, don’t miss our 10 Top-Tips.

welcome to the heidiland holiday region

Heidiland Holiday Region on the Internet www.heidiland.com

Social Mediawww.facebook.com/heidiland, www.twitter.com/swissheidilandwww.pinterest.com/swissheidiland, Instagram: @swissheidiland & #Heidiland

information and contact Our tourist office team will be happy to help you with the organisation of your stay, by looking for accommodation, planning an excursion or with any other queries. We are happy to be here for you!

Tourist OfficesBad Ragaz, T 081 300 40 20 spavillage@heidiland.comFlumserberg, T 081 720 18 18 flumserberg@heidiland.comMaienfeld, T 081 300 18 00 maienfeld@heidiland.comWalensee, T 081 720 17 17 unterterzen@heidiland.com

Scout PointsBad Ragaz, train stationMaienfeld, Heidiland Motorway ServicesPfäfers, Restaurant SagästübliQuinten, Gift shopSargans, Pasta Peer LoungeUnterterzen, Walensee Motorway ServicesValens, Klinik ValensWalenstadt, Post OfficeWangs, Parkhotel

For more information visit: www.heidiland.com

Accessible with a children’s pushchair.

This excursion can also be enjoyed from a wheelchair.

This excursion is also possible for anyone in less than perfect condition.

Recommended should the weather be less than perfect.

Booking required.

Numerous shopping






Excursion TipsWith the 10 Top-Tips

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