Executive Programme In Digital & Social Media Marketing ... · Module 2C: Web Design and Content...

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Executive Programme In Digital & Social Media Marketing Strategy

Batch -05

L e a r n t h e a r t o f t e l l i n g y o u r s t o r y t o

t h e r i g h t a u d i e n c e

About I IM Ca lcut ta

About Hughes G loba l Educat ion

2500 + students enrol l ing everyyear 200 + programmes successful lycompleted so far

The f irst and the pioneers in Interact iveOnsite Learning in India for workingexecut ives Alumni base of over 25,000 students .

Get the foundation to specialize in the digital and social media marketing strategies, or those wanting to broaden their understanding in this domain. This six month certificate programme from IIM Calcutta would hone the general management skills followed by deep diving into the basic and advanced modules of marketing in the social and digital media platforms.

The Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC) was established as the first national institute for Post-Graduate studies and Research in Manage-ment by the Government of India in November 1961 in collaboration with Alfred P. Sloan School of Man-agement (MIT), the Government of West Bengal, The Ford Foundation and Indian industry. During its initial years, several prominent faculty formed part of its nucleus, including Paul Samuelson, Jagdish Sheth, J. K. Sengupta, among others.

Hughes Global Education, is a premier institution providing interactive onsite learning through satellite based education and training service. It was initiated by Hughes for corporate and working professionals/ students. It has live, interactive, real-time, two way video, voice and data classes with a spread across 70+classrooms in 40+cities/towns. Hughes Global Education platform has redefined the next generation of education i.e. real-time Interactive Onsite Learning (IOL). Its platform seamlessly integrates the strengths of the traditional method of education --classroom teaching -- with the latest in technology.

Over the years, IIMC has grown into a mature institution with global reputation, imparting high quality management education. It has been playing a pioneering role in professionalising Indian management through its Post Graduate and Doctoral level programs, Executive Training Programs, Research and Consulting Activities. Today, the institute serves as an autonomous body, continuously evolving to meet its goals in an ever-changing business environment.

The vision of the Institute is to emerge as an International Centre of Excellence in all facets of Management Educa-tion, rooted in Indian ethos and societal values. Over the past four decades, IIM Calcutta has blossomed into one of Asia's finest Business Schools. Its strong ties to the business community make it an effective mechanism for the promotion of professional management practices in Indian organizations. Today, IIM Calcutta attracts the best talent in India - a melting pot of academia, industry and research. The best and brightest young men and women pursue its academic programs.

The main thrust of training is to imbibe a sense of strategic outlook to management problems in the students. The emphasis, therefore, is on management as an integrated process and requires the students to develop a global view of economic, technological, cultural and political environment of the business. IIMC has a very strong alumni base, which m a k e s i t u n i q u e a m o n g t h e t o p management institutes of the world. IIMC alumni are occupying leadershippositions as corporate managers, a c a d e m i c i a n s a n d s u c c e s s f u l entrepreneurs, worldwide. The alumni maintain a close relation with the institute, helping each other in their growth.

I n t roduct ion

The programme is focused on providing in-depth knowledge in digital and social media marketing & analytics strategy that would help in planning, implementing and measuring the digital and social media marketing activities to create awareness, and ultimately drive sales.

Get the foundation to specialize in the digital and social media marketing strategies, or those wanting to broaden their understanding in this domain. This six month certificate programme from IIM Calcutta would hone the general management skills followed by deep diving into the basic and advanced modules of marketing in the social and digital media platforms.

The course will focus on sharing the latest trends, best practices and technologies for effective digital and social media marketing. It will provide in-depth knowledge on digital and social media marketing and analytics: how to plan, implement and measure a digital marketing and social media strategy to create awareness, generate leads and ultimately drive sales. The program focuses on marketing strategy and digital strategy and builds on the three pillars of traditional marketing analytics, search marketing and social media listening and analytics. The faculty will focus on the synergy between on-field practice and in-class learning.

High l ights

Who Shou ld A t tend?

E l ig ib i l i t y


Specifically designed for working executives with all the flexibility benefits of learning from anywhere.Enables superior performance on the job. Exclusive focus on imparting relevant skills for career development.Books, cases and study materials are included in the course.Increased quality of interactions and peer group learning among participants.Participants are selected, based on elaborate selection process and profiling.

The programme will be of interest to an executive or a manager from marketing, product / brand, and sales functions or a marketing analyst or business owner, who is planning to implement digital and social media marketing strategy to create brand awareness, enhance brand recall, generate leads and enhance customer experience.Managers from other functional areas or a non-marketing background with a supporting role for organization’s marketing activities would also find the programme relevant.

Applicants should be working professionals/self-employed (Need to produce supporting proof)Graduates (10+2+3 or equivalent). 50% marks [aggregate- considering results of all years (e.g. 3 or 4 together)] recognised by UGC/AICTE/DEC/AIUMinimum 2 years of work experience (full-time paid employment) post completion of graduation in media, advertising, start-ups, social or digital media, e-commerce or related domains.

The programme will be highly experiential and interactive, comprising group-based or individual participant presentations and discussions, case studies, classroom lectures, simulations and presentations by experts from academia as well as industry.

The remaining two modules will be conducted as face-to-face classes at IIM Calcutta campus. The duration of the two campus visits would be of 4 days each. The program will begin with a campus visit.

This is a six months programme that is divided into three modules. The online module would be delivered using direct to device mode in about 16 weeks. This would enable participants to attend the programme from the convenience of their homes or offices.

1. Prepare yourself for digital transformation to survive in the new millennium.

the organisation.3. Get paid to be creative, opportunity to tickle your grey cells.4. To equip managers and practitioners with advanced concepts and practices of digital marketing which will help them contribute directly to overall corporate success

4 Reasons Why the Executive Programme is for you

The remaining two modules will be conducted as face-to-face classes at IIM Calcutta campus. The duration of the two campus visits would be of 4 days each. The program will begin with a campus visit.

This is a six months programme that is divided into three modules. The online module would be delivered using direct to device mode in about 16 weeks. This would

Understanding the strategic need fordigital and social media marketing• F irm and i ts resources and capabi l i t ies• Competit ive strategy in the digital era• Customer value, sat isfact ion and relat ionships• Customers ’ buying behavior• Market segmentat ion and target ing• Understanding the digital era through social , mobi le , analyt ics and cloud• Digital disrupt ion in market ing• Digital models for branding, sales , advert is ing and customer management• Agi l i ty and customer centr ic i ty through digital technologies• Web, mobi le and social channels for market ing and their co-ordinat ion

Assessing the impact of digitaland social media marketing• Creat ing a road map for digital market ing in i t iat ives• Integrat ing off l ine and onl ine channels through digital market ing• Best pract ices in digital and social media market ing• Understanding ROI for digital market ing projects• Digital market ing project management• Innovation for digital market ing• Emerging technologies for digital market ing• Leading and managing digital market ing teams• Experience sharing and project presentat ions• Hands-on s imulat ion on social media market ing

Execution plans for digital andsocial media marketing• Product and brand management• Sales and distr ibut ion management• Advert is ing and sales promotion• Integrated market ing communicat ions• Business intel l igence and dashboards for market ing appl icat ions• Machine learning for customer analyt ics using analyt ics tools• C lassif icat ion, c luster ing and market basket analysis• Predict ive analyt ics for market ing and B ig Data• Organic and sponsored search advert is ing• Search engine opt imizat ion• Web behavior understanding using web analyt ics tools• Content management for web and social channels• Web pages and banner advert isements• Emai l , SMS, B log, Mobi le , Inbound market ing• User generated content• Electronic word of mouth and viral market ing• Inf luencer management• Campaign management• Social l istening and social media market ing• Social channel management• Social media analyt ics tools and techniques• Ecommerce setup: Strategy and implementat ion

Note-Col lect ion of Fee:Fees Mentioned above are exclusive of GST*GST (current ly @ 18%) wi l l be charged extra on thesecomponents Any extra payment due to any change inany of the appl icable taxes during the tenure of theprogram wi l l have to be borne by the students

Schedule - Frequency: Twice a week Days : Wednesday & Saturday 6:45 PM to 9:45 PMDuration- 6 monthsCampus visits- 1st campus vis i t - 4 days, 2nd campus vis i t - 4 days

Important Dates:Appl icat ion c loses- 15 October 2019 Class start- November 2019

*Note- Dates are subject to change i f appl icable

Programme FeesProgramme Fee - Registration Fee - Campus Visit - Total Fee -

Application Fee - INR 2500/-*

INR 2,30,000/-*INR 5,750/-*INR 48,000/-*INR 2,83,750/-*



As per offer letter08-December- 2019

Last Dates

INR 139,000/- + 5750/- + GSTINR 139,000/- + GST

Amount INR

C ourse C ontent

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT CALCUTTADiamond Harbour Rd, Joka, Kolkata, West Bengal 700104Tel : (91-033) 2467 8300 -06 Fax : (91-033) 2467 8307Website : www. i imcal .ac . in

For the l ist of Hughes classrooms in your c ity , please log onto www.hugheseducation.com

HUGHES GLOBALEDUCATION INDIA LTDGurgaon - 122015, Haryana( INDIA)Tel : +91 7838884952Website   : www.hugheseducation.com

Module 1 : Understanding the strategic needfor digital and social media marketing

Module 3: Assessing the impact of digital andsocial media marketing

Module 2: Execution plans for digital andsocial media marketingModule 2A: Principles of MarketingManagement

Module 2B: Search Engine Marketing

Module 2C: Web Design and ContentMarketing

Module 2D: Analytics I

Module 2E: Analytics I I

Module 2F: Social Media Marketing

• Market ing and Core Values• Segmenting, Target ing and Posit ioning• Formulat ing a Market ing Strategy• Product and Brand Management• Creat ing Different iat ion through DigitalMarket ing• The Digital Game Changes• Case Studies in Digital Market ing• Customer Acquis i t ion & Centr ic i ty throughDigital• Agi l i ty through Mobi le Channel• Social Media Channels• S imulat ion: Background• Keywords Analysis

• Innovation for Digital Market ing• Emerging Technologies for Digital Market ing• Creat ing a Road Map for Digital Market ingInit iat ives• Best Pract ices in Digital and Social MediaMarket ing• Understanding ROI for Digital Market ingProjects• Leading and Managing Digital Market ing Teams• Experience Sharing and Project Presentat ions• Hands-on Simulat ion on Social Media Market ing

• Sales and Distr ibut ion Management• Pr ic ing• Market Research and A/B Test ing

• Search Engine Optimizat ion• Introduct ion to Adwords• Advanced Adwords• Google Ads 2018• Best Pract ices and Chal lenges in SEM

• Web Design and Emai l Market ing• Content Strategy

• Business Intel l igence• Customer Relat ionship Management &Analyt ics• C lassif icat ion and C luster ing• Forecast ing and Market Basket Analysis• Discussion of Project Proposals

• Business Intel l igence• Customer Relat ionship Management &Analyt ics• C lassif icat ion and C luster ing• Forecast ing and Market Basket Analysis• Discussion of Project Proposals• Predict ive Analyt ics & B ig Data• Social Media Analyt ics and User GeneratedContent• Managing Analyt ics Projects in Organizat ions• Analyt ics for IoT and Bots

• Digital Market ing Simulat ion Presentat ions• Social Media Market ing – Simulat ion• Social Media Listening and Analyt ics• Web Analyt ics• Competitor Intel l igence

• Facebook Ads• L inked In and Instagram Advert ist ing• Inf luencer Market ing• Youtube and Viral Market ing• Remarket ing

Course C ontent