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Fairy Face Tips By Apryl Jensen

www.M akingFairies.com

Fairy Face Tips ©Apryl Jensen Making Fairies.com Page 2

Fairy Face Tips I hope you enjoy this tutorial on Sculpting Faces. Feel free to pass it along to your friends.

Let’s get sculpting!

Here we have a basic face shape, but she has some issues. Aside from the obvious need for eyes, her nose is too small for her age (a lady rather than a young girl) and her brow is too short. I’ll give you some tips on how to fix this and create some pretty eyes as well.

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Here you can see better what I mean about her nose. Notice I’ve roughed in where her ears will be as well as the basic jaw shape.

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Another profile shot. I don’t know why she has a dot of clay on her forehead, so disregard that. Here I’m also getting an idea of where to put her ears.

Tip: It’s smart to draw in or sculpt a basic, simple ear shape first so you can focus on the placement. You’ll want to make sure it’s placed right before you spend all that time sculpting it with detail work.

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Here I’ve drawn in the first eye with my rubber-tipped dental tool. A tiny stylus works as well.

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Here I’m checking the depth of the eyes. I want it right back next to the temple bone.

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A front view. When working on eyes, first concentrate on symmetry. Focus on the outer shape of the eye and try to get the two eyes to match as closely as possible. No two eyes really match, so don’t make yourself crazy. That wouldn’t be realistic anyway. But you do want to avoid the wall-eyed look of the pupils going off in different directions at all costs. =)

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Once I get the elements placed correctly, I sort of jump around a bit when I sculpt. But I’ve decided it’s a good thing. If I take a break from the face and work on an ear for a bit, when I come back to the face, my eyes are fresh and can more easily see what needs to be fixed.

Tip: If you are starting to struggle with your sculpting, take a break. Go grab a snack and stretch. Take a little walk. You’ll be amazed how much easier it will be when you come back. Like I’ve said before, our eyes will start to see what they want to see, not what is accurately there. You’ll know this is happening when something just looks off, but you can’t tell what exactly. After you give your eyes a break, when you come back what needs to be fixed often becomes quite obvious.

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Here I show more refining of the eye. Notice how the lid follows the brow bone—almost parallel.

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Alright, time to fix that nose. It was so cute, but it was too small for the woman I am making. It would have been a perfect child’s face, with less full lips and a softer face. But I’m after an adult woman this time. I simply add a tiny bit of clay and blend.

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Everything is very rough at this point. Here you can see that the left eye lid is not as heavy as the right. It’s making the eye look set back too far. I’ll need to fix this.

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Tip: It’s a great idea to think of your camera as one of your tools. It will reveal to you mistakes that your eyes alone might not pick up on. It’s true the camera flattens the doll a bit, turning her into a 2D image. But this is also the kind of image you’ll be using to sell your doll (if you choose to). Getting her features to look good on camera as well is critical. It’s best to identify problem areas now while you can still fix them…not once she’s baked. =)

Notice in this profile shot how straight the forehead is. They actually have a bit of curve to them. We’ll fix that soon.

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To fix that eye lid, I just add a tiny snake of clay. The next couple of pictures show the refining of this. I just use my tiny tools and a brush to smooth it all in together.

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Now, to fix that forehead. I simply make an oval pancake of clay and press it into place, starting in the middle and working outward to avoid trapping any air inside. The next couple of pictures show the process. Notice her forehead is rather bulbous, so I’ve over-corrected, but it’s easy to press in on it and create a nice brow bone and calm down that bulbous look. What’s harder is to fix a forehead you’ve flattened TOO much. =)

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The dip at the top of her nose/brow area was too pronounced so I’m adding a bit more clay to the brow area. Here you can see the eyes are still just a little off, so I’ll outline them again as well.

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There, that’s better. She is about done. Her skin looks pretty rough but that is a matter for brushwork. I make sure all the structure is in place right before moving to such fine detail as brushwork. The corners of her mouth will really benefit from the brush.

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Here I’m just double checking that her cheeks are the same size, as well as the corners of her mouth and chin symmetry. Remember to look at your doll from all angles. If she looks like something is off, it probably is, and looking at her from above, from below, etc. will help you see and fix the problems. If one side had been lower, I’d just add a patch of clay, feather it in with my tools and then brush it smooth.

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And here she is with her head baked. It really helps to at least bake the face (carefully with a heat gun). This way you know the head is a keeper (will look good as a finished doll) and you won’t end up bumping the face and squishing her nose…that wouldn’t be good. And the best reason for me…SO I WILL QUIT FIDDLING WITH IT! Otherwise I will and the doll will take forever.

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The next pictures show how she turned out with a torso and arms, as well as her delicate hands. I created these hands using the same technique found in the Sculpting Fairy Hands video & booklet set.

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Well, there you go. I hope you’ve enjoyed this booklet on Fairy Face Tips.

You are welcome to share this booklet with your friends.

You can learn more about sculpting fairies at www.MakingFairies.com. Be sure to check the new Specials page to find out which book or video set is in the spotlight this week (and at a great discount!). See www.MakingFairies.com/specials.html

Happy Sculpting,

Apryl Jensen