Fce 5 Answer Key1 Com Task Novo 4

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FCE 5 - Answer Key

Test 1

Paper 1 - Reading

Part 1

1 D2 C3 C4 A5 C6 A7 D8 B

Part 2

9 F10 H11 A12 B13 G14 E15 D

Part 3

16 C17 D18 A19 C20 D21 B22 A23 C

24 B25 A26 C27 B28 A29 C30 D

Paper 2 Writing

Part 1You must answer this question. Write your answer in 120- 150 words in an appropriate style.1 Your English- speaking friend Jo is studying film-making and wants to come and make a film about your area. Read Jo’s email and notes you have made. Then write an email to Jo, using all your notes. EmailFrom: Jo GreenhillSent: 15th MaySubject: My Film

As you known I’m doing a film- making course at the moment and I’ve decided to make a short film about your area.I need to start planning what I’m going to do. What is the most interesting thing I could film in your area? I’d really like some advice!In the film I’d like to interview someone who has lived in the area for a long time and can tell me how things have changed. Can you think of anyone?I’m hoping to film at the beginning of September. Would you be able to come and help me?

Reply soon,


Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.

Part 2Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

2 You have recently had a discussion in your English class about friendship. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay answering the following question:

What qualities do you look for in a best friend?

Write your essay.

3 This is part of a letter from your English- speaking friend Peter:

I’m doing a project on houses in different countries. Could you give me some information about typical houses in your country? You know, what they look like, how many rooms they have, what they’re made, how they’re decorated and so on.ThanksPeter.

Write your letter.

4 you have decided to enter a short story competition in an international magazine. The story must begin with the following words:Sam looked in his bag to check he had everything he needed, and realised that something was missing.Write your story.

5 Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the titles below.(a) Jurassic Park by Michael CrichtonYou have seen an advertisement in an international magazine asking for articles about stories in which technology plays an important part. You decided to write an article about how important computers are in Jurassic Park.Write your article.

(b) The Woman in white by Wilkie CollinsYour English class has had a discussion about the characters Sir Percival and Count Fosco in The Woman In White. Now your English teacher has asked you to write this essay for homework:Who behaves worse in The Woman in White, Sir Percival or Count Fosco?Write your essay.

Paper 3 – Use of English

Part 11 C

2 B3 A4 D5 A6 C7 A 8 D9 C10 A11 D12 D

Part 213 without14 as15 what16 than 17 could/would18 instead19 in 20 of21 is22 was23 for24 by

Part 325 originally 26 popularity27 choice28 colourful/colorful29 tasty30 satisfying31 traditional32 reliable

33 basic34 unforgettable

Part 435 the fact (that) | it is / it’s36 if | there had been OR had | there been37 is said | to be38 to get/grow/become used to | living/being39 refused to | say (he was)40 you ought not / oughtn’t | to go41 idea | whose (umbrella) it might/could42 only one/tree| not to/to not

Paper 4 – Listening

Part 11 C2 C3 B4 A5 C 6 C7 A8 A

Part 29 geography10 swimming11 apple(s)12 market13 keen / ‘keen’ / “keen”14 (their) friends (and) (the/a/some) banks IN EITHER ORDER15 (extra) sugar

16 varieties17 ice(-)cream(s)18 (edible) paper / paper (rather) than plastic / paper (instead of plastic)

Part 319 F20 B21 D22 A23 C

Part 424 C25 B26 B27 A28 B29 B30 A

Test 2

Paper 1 – Reading

Part 11 C2 D3 A4 B5 B

6 B7 C8 B

Part 2 9 E10 H11 G12 A13 F14 D15 B

Part 316 C17D18 B19 C/E20 E/C21 C22 A/D23 D/A24 B25 A26 C27 E28 B29 C30 B

Paper 2 Writing

Part 1You must answer this question. Write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style.

1 you recently agreed to g on sailing holiday with your English-speaking friend Alex. Read Alex’s email and the notes you have made on it. Then write an email to Alex, using all your notes.

EmailFrom: Alex brownSent: 4 th DecemberSubject: sailing trip

I’m so pleased that you can come sailing with me and my family in July! I’m sure we’ll have a great time.The last time I went sailing was two years ago, but you went sailing last summer, didn’t you?During the trip we’ve got the chance to enter a boat race. Would you like to come with us or would you prefer to go to the beach and relax?We can also take one more person on the boat. Can you think of someone who would like to come with us?

Get back to me soon,Alex

Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.

Part 2Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

2 You see the following advertisement in your local English-language newspaper:

Are you keen on sport?We require English- speaking helpers for a five-day international sports event next summer.

Do you have experience of working with people? Which sports do you enjoy playing or watching?

Why would you be good at helping at this event?

Write to John Cooper at International Sports Events explaining why you would be suitable for the job.

Write your letter of application.

3 Your English teacher has asked you to write a story for the college magazine. The story must begin with the following words:I picked up the phone and heard, “ It’s Tom. I must see you at once!”

Write your story.

4 You have seen this notice in your college English-language magazine:

Reviews Wanted- Action FilmsHave you seen an action film which you really enjoyed?Write a review of it for our magazine telling us about the story,the acting, and why it was exciting.

Write your review.5 Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the titles below.(a) Jurassic Park by Michael CrichtonYour English class has had a discussion about Hammond’s ideas for creating Jurassic Park. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay explaining why Hammond built Jurassic Park and saying whether you think it was a good idea.Write your essay.

(b) The Woman in White by Wilkie CollinsYou have had a discussion in your English class about the main character in The Woman in White. Your teacher has asked you to write this essay for homework:Who was The Woman in White and why was she important to the story?

Write your essay.

Paper 3 – Use of English

Part 1 1 B2 B3 A 4 D5 A6 D7 C8 C9 A 10 D11 B12 A

Part 213 for 14 how15 and16 are/get17 to18 of19 if/when/should 20 about/concerning 21 it/gets22 with23 because24 have

Part 3 25 produced

26 relationships27 attention28 individually 29 dislike30 preferences 31 unhealthy 32 energetic 33 proud34 performance (s)

Part 435 she hadn’t/had not | been invited 36 earn/get far | more (money) than OR are far |better paid than37 doesn’t/ does not feel| like38 turned out| to be39 (bad) weather | they succeded in40 ‘s/is | (wide/large) choice of41 doubted (that/if/whether) | more roads would / wil 42 (got) no intention | of moving OR n’t any intention | of moving

Paper 4 – Listening

Part 1 1 A2 B 3 B4 A 5 B6 A7 B8 CPart 2 9 school10 waiter 11 casual (Summer)

12 (huge) Sport(s) centre/Center 13 hotel14 luggage/baggage15 shoes/footwear16 canteen17 contract18 (for) six/6 months / until six/6 months later

Part 319 D20 B21 F22 A23 E

Part 4 24 A25 B26 C27 B28 C29 A30 B

Test 3

Paper 1 – Reading

Part 1

1 C2 B3 D4 B5 A

6 D7 A8 D

Part 2

9 H10 E11 G12 A13 D14 C15 B

Part 3

16 B17 B18 E19 D20 D21 C22 A23 D24 B25 E26 A27 C28 A29 E30 CPaper 2- WritingPart1You must answer this question. Write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style.

1. You have invited Paul Cox, an English cyclist who has won many races, to give a talk to your English class. Read Paul’s letter and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Paul, using all your notes.

I’d be delighted to come and talk to your English class.

It’s always good to know something about the people I’m talking to, so could you tell me some information about the students in your English class?I can give a talk either on ‘ My life as a champion cyclist’ or on ‘ Bicycles- the transport of the future’. Which talk would be better?While I’m in your area I’d like to do some sightseeing. Could you give me some ideas about where I could go?Kind regardsPaul

Write your letter. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.

Part 2Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

2. You see this announcement in an international magazine.

We are publishing a series of articles about markets around the world.

Tell us your favourite market, what you can buy there and what you like about it.We will publish the most interesting articles in next month’s magazine.Write your article.

3. You have had a class discussion about fashion. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay discussing the following statement:

The clothes you wear show a lot about your personality.What do the clothes people wear show about their personalities?Write your essay.4. Recently there have been some complaints from students about your college café. Your College Principal has asked you to write a report about the café and make recommendations on how to improve:

The food and drink available The furniture and decoration The entertainment facilities

Write your report.5. Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the titles below.a) Jurassic Park by Michael CrichtonYou have seen the following advertisement in an international magazine.

Reading TodayWe are looking for articles about brave characters in stories. The best articles will be published.Write an article about two characters in Jurassic Park explaining why you think they are brave.b) The Woman in White by Wilkie CollinsYour English class has had a discussion about the relationship between characters in The Woman in White. Now your teacher has asked you to write this essay:Describe the relationship between Marian and Count Fosco and explain how the relationship ends.Write your essay.

Paper 3 – Use of English

Part 1

1 A2 C3 D

4 D5 C6 A7 B8 A9 A10 C11 B 12 C

Part 2

13 they14 such15 whose16 be/get17 who/that18 so19 have20 not21 buy22 as23 with24 without

Part 3

25 investigation26 evidence27 unfortunately28 discovery29 discussions30 developer(s)31 originally32 settlement(s)

33 inhabitants34 protection

Part 4

35 have made | a mistake 36 litte/no point | (in) going37 so/as long as | I promise(d)38 is much | more popular39 to give up | driving40 any food / anything | was eaten41 (any) attention to | how / the way42 become/grow/got used | to speaking/using.Paper 4 – Listening.

Part 1

1 A2 C3 B4 C5 C6 B7 A8 C

Part 2

9 farm10 fish(es)11 camels12 driver13 (seeing) dolphins14 (long)(working) hours / (long) hours (of work)

15 10 [and] 20/ ten [and] twenty16 (wildlife) project (with local schools)17 (vídeo) câmeras18 playground

Part 3

19 D20 B21 C 22 F23 A24 A25 B26 B27 C28 A 29 B30 C

Test 4

Paper 1 – Reading


1 C2 A3 D4 B5 A 6 D7 A8 C

Part 2

9 E10 G11 H12 D13 F14 B15 A

Part 3

16 C17 E18 D19 E 20 E21 C22 B/C23 C/B24 B/D25 D/B26 C 27 B/E28 E/B29 A30 D

Paper 2 WritingPart 1You must answer this question. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.1 Your English- speaking friend, Alex, has just won a competition and has sent you an email. Read Alex’s email and the notes you have made. Then write an email to Alex, using all your notes.

EmailFrom: AlexSent: 3rd DecemberSubject: Competition prizeYou’ll never guess what… I’ve just won a competition!I’ve won a place on a one- week photography course in Ireland for me and a friend. Would you like to come with me?It’ll be great fun- we’ll learn how to take photographs of both people and places. We can choose to do the course either in an Irish city or in a village in the countryside. Which would you prefer?

They have classes at all levels. I just need to tell them how much photography you’ve done before.We’re going to be busy but we’ll have some free time during the evenings. What would you like to do?Please write back soon.Alex

Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.

Part 2Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

2. This is part of a letter from Karl, your English friend: I Know in some schools students wear a school uniform. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea for everyone to wear the same clothes when they go to school. What do you think? Write and tell me.Best wishes,Karl

Write your letter.3. You have decided to enter a short story competition in an English-language magazine. The story must begin with the following words:

Helen was nearly there when she suddenly realised that she didn’t have the keys!Write your story.

4. Your college newspaper wants you to write a review of a TV drama series which is popular in your country. You should include information on the characters, what happens and say why the drama series is popular.Write your review.

5. Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the titles below.(a) Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton You have been discussing the characters in Jurassic Park in your English class. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay answering this question:Which character did you find most interesting in Jurassic Park and why?Write your essay.(b) The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins You have been discussing the characters in The Woman in White in your English class.Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay answering this question: How does Sir Percival’s treatment of Laura change during the story and why?Write your essay.

Parper 3 – Use of EnglishPart 1

1 B2 A3 A4 D5 C6 A

7 B8 D9 C10 C11 C12 A

Part 2

13 of/after14 What15 than16 them/golfers 17 Every/Each18 between19 spite20 then/there21when/once/after/as22 to23 thet/this24 has

Part 3

25 distance26 suitable27 undisturbed28 weight29 presence30 density31 approximately32 poisonous33 harmful34 conversation

Part 4

35 if/whether/her daughter | could try36 ‘s/is (widely) expected | to win37 have | washed up (the dishes) OR have | washed the dishes38 been three/3 years | since39 no/little point (in) | (you/your) telling40 finds it | difficult/hard to41 as/so long as | you give/bring/bring/hand/get/send42 from Tim/him/her | no-one/nobody (else) hás

Paper 4 – Listening

Part 1

1 A2 B3 C4 B5 B6 A7 C8 B

Part 2

9 rocks 10 gymnastic/gym11 (healthy) diet12 balance13 roof (-) tops/ roofs14 argue/disagree15 landing16 (the) insurance/assurance17 soft drink(s) (commercial) / (company) / (industry)

18 video games Part 3

19 E20 D21 A22 F23 B

Part 4

24 C25 A26 B27 C28 A29 B30 A