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Volume 1

FOOD AS MEDICINETop 10 Cancer Fighting Superfoods

by Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D.Founder, Integrative Cancer Answers

© 2014

Why Does It Matter What You Eat?

What you choose to eat everyday has a profound influence on health and


You Can Create An Environment That Promotes Healthy Cells and

Discourages Cancer Cells.Depending upon the composition and health of the soil in your garden,

you can grow weeds or beautiful healthy plants. In the same way, the

environment inside your body surrounding your cells, is just like soil in your

garden, the nutrients or toxins that are there will determine if you grow

cancer cells or healthy cells. That is why it matters what you eat. Let’s not

grow weeds and cancer cells. Let’s build soil that grows beautiful flowers

and an inner physiology that supports healthy cells and discourages

cancer cells!

Your Food is Information Sending Signals That Turn Your Immune

Function On and Off. Your Food is Literally Talking to Your DNA.The elements in your food are sending signals to your cells, turning on

protective cancer fighting genes OR turning on deadly cancer promoting

genes, fueling or cooling the fires of inflammation, transforming your blood

sugar, body fat, immunity and hormones, creating an environment that can

promote health or disease.

We Have Delicious Recipes To Get You Started.If discovering the power of these 10 Cancer Fighting Superfoods to

transform your body whets your appetite (literally) you will want to start

adding these foods to your diet right away.

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On you will find a collection of delicious

recipes to get you started.

You Can Create A Body in Which Cancer Cannot Thrive.

By making conscious healthy choices every day, you can choose foods

that transform your health and contribute to creating a body in which

cancer will not thrive.

Bon Appetit! To Your Long Life and Vibrant Health!

Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D.

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Praise for Dr. Nalini

Dr. Chilkov is an invaluable resource for creating a plan for health in the midst of the challenges and complexities of cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment and recovery and investing in the health side of the equation.Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.Five New York Times Best SellersUltraWellness, UltraMind, UltraMetabolism, The Blood Sugar SolutionFounder, The UltraWellness Center

Dr. Nalini Chilkov is my number one resource for cutting edge cancer info. She is on the leading edge of Integrative Cancer Care. I have sent my closest friends to her.JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFSCelebrity Nutrition and Fitness ExpertBest Selling Author, The Virgin Diet

When it comes to Integrative Cancer Care, Nalini Chilkov is my go to person.   Dr. Frank Lipman MDHolistic Physician Best Selling Author, Total Renewal

Dr. Chilkov's programs are masterful. You will feel empowered by her toolbox of natural medicines, as well as diet and lifestyle guidelines that are at the root of cancer prevention, cancer recovery and a long and healthy life. Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D., New York Times Best Selling Author The Hormone Cure

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Table of Contents

Cruciferous Cabbage Family Vegetables | Broccoli, 6Kale Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts

Walnuts | The New Cancer Fighting Food 9

Tomatoes | High in Lycopene and Quercitin 12

Flax Seeds | A Source of Protective Plant Lignans 14

Mushrooms | Rich in Immune Enhancing Polysaccharides 17

Pomegranates 19

Berries | Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Cranberries 22

Avocado 24

Red and Purple Grapes | Rich in Resveratrol 27

Green Tea 29

OutSmart Cancer QuickStart Guide 31

Meet Dr. Nalini 34

Join Our Facebook Community 35

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Cruciferous Cabbage Family Vegetables Broccoli, Kale Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts

Broccoli is one of Nature’s great cancer fighting foods.

All of the cruciferous vegetables, better known as the cabbage family, contain compounds that fight cancer and modulate hormones.

The cabbage family includes Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprout, and Kale.

One of the most valuable components of these food plants is called sulphoraphanes, such as DIM (Di indole methane) and I3C (Indole 3 carbinol) and another sulphur rich compound called glucosinolate.

Broccoli, Kale and Broccoli sprouts have the highest concentration of these protective compounds. Human studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables may help to reduce the risk of lung, stomach, colorectal, prostate, cervical and bladder cancers.

Sulphoraophanes: How do they work?Promote Normal Liver Detoxification.

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These compounds act in the detoxification pathways of the liver.

When we are exposed to environmental toxins and chemicals, it is the job

of the liver to transform toxic chemicals into forms that can be easily

removed and excreted from the body through the stool and the urine.

Cell Protective Antioxidant Sulphoraphanes have potent antioxidant

effects protecting our tissues from free radical oxidation damage.

Normalize Inflammation

Sulphoraphanes have potent effects reduce levels of the pro-inflammatory

COX-2 enzymes, which are elevated in arthritis and many cancers.

Support Normal Hormone Metabolism

Sulphoraphanes also help us to metabolize our own hormones properly

decreasing the cancer promoting effects of estrogens in both men and


Why are sulphoraphanes so effective in treating and preventing


Because all of the above factors are implicated in cancer development and

progression. Even the National Cancer Institute recognizes the potent

value of sulphoraphanes in these food plants and has devoted several

human studies to understanding how they work.

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How to Enjoy Broccoli and Kale and Cabbage Family Vegetables

Serve broccoli and kale and cabbage family vegetables streamed, roasted,

raw, sauteed or stir fried. Add to soups and salads. Eat raw broccoli and

cauliflower florets with healthy dips like humus and guacamole or fresh


You will find lots of FREE RECIPES made with these ingredients on

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Walnuts | The New Cancer Fighting Food

Walnuts may slow cancer growth

due to the presence of powerful

plant nutrients which include omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants,

such as gamma tocopherol, a form

of Vitamin E, melatonin and

phy tos te ro ls a l l o f wh ich

contribute to a body in which

cancer is less likely to grow and

thrive. While all of these plant elements have anti-cancer activity, it is the synergistic presence of all of

these nutrients together that makes walnuts such a potent cancer fighting


Simple Ways To Enjoy Walnuts

Eating to beat cancer might include a healthy snack such as trail mix made

of walnuts, dried cranberries and dried longevity enhancing Goji berries.

Sprinkle walnuts on top of green salads and fruit salads and on top of

cooked vegetables and whole grains.  Enjoy walnuts with fresh yoghurt.

Use walnuts in the fillings of fruit cobblers. Grind walnuts in a food

processor and add to lentil and bean soups. Use in place of pine nuts

when making pesto.

Use to make spreads combined with sun dried tomatoes, roasted garlic

and a little olive oil or flax oil.  Add to granola or oatmeal.  

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Roast lightly and season with cinnamon or with savory spices such as

cayenne, cumin and coriander as a snack. Add to poultry stuffing.  Add to

grain dishes such as rice pilaf, tabouli or couscous.

How many walnuts should you eat?  

Nutritionist suggest 1-3 ounces per day. (10-30 walnut pieces)

What’s So Great About Walnuts?

Researchers agree that adding walnuts to a healthy diet may reduce the

risk of breast cancers well as colorectal cancer, the most prevalent cancers

Walnuts have been shown to actually turn dozens of genes on and off in your cells. Many genes that suppress cancer were turned on, while genes

that promote cancer were turned off.  

Walnuts can be found in in abundance in the Mediterranean Diet, one of

the healthiest anti-cancer and heart protective diets in the world.

Walnuts are one of the few vegetarian and vegan sources of Omega 3

Fatty Acids which promote normal control of inflammation. Walnuts are therefore part of an anti-inflammation diet.

Studies have shown that walnut oil may lower two cancer related

inflammation markers in your blood, CRP (C-Reactive Protein) and TNFalpha. Both of these markers are associated with cancer.  

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Walnuts also contain significant amounts of potassium and magnesium.

Both of these nutrients tend to be depleted by chemotherapy


Walnuts are unusual as they contain greater amounts of gamma

tocopherol Vitamin E, more potent than other forms of Vitamin E for cancer


Good For Your Brain

Walnuts contain significant amounts of melatonin a super antioxidant produced by the brain that also promotes normal sleep so vital to robust


In Ancient China walnuts were recommended for nourishing the brain due

to their resemblance to the brain itself. While not very scientific, the

Chinese traditional doctors turned out to be right with walnuts supplying

essential brain nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, melatonin,

magnesium, potassium and sodium, all crucial to normal nerve and

brain function.

TIP: How to Store Walnuts Properly

Like all nuts, foods containing oils and fats can become rancid and are

highly perishable. Therefore be sure to store nuts in closed containers

away from heat and light to reduce oxidation. In warm climates, it is best

to store nuts, seeds and oils in the refrigerator in glass jars to enhance

shelf life.

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Tomatoes | High in Lycopene and Quercitin

According to the American Institute for

Cancer Research tomatoes, rich in the

deep red pigment lycopene, have their

most potent anti-cancer effects when

eaten lightly cooked, rather than raw.

Lycopene is present in all red fruits

(think watermelon) and vegetables (red

bell peppers) but it most concentrated in tomatoes.

Lycopene is a potent plant anti-oxidant offering protection to your

cells and to your genes. Tomatoes are also rich in Vitamins C and E and

in beta carotene. All are potent antioxidants and cell protectants.

Lycopene has been studied for its effects on halting the growth of

tumors by inhibiting growth factors. While it is known for its value in

prostate cancer, studies have shown that lycopene can block the

proliferation of breast, lung and endometrial (uterine) cancers as well.

Quercitin is a phytophenol, plant antioxidant which acts through multiple

pathways in the cell to prevent and control cancer development and

growth. Quercitin as an antioxidant protects DNA from damage the

initiating step in cancer development. Quercitin thus has the capacity to

make cancer cells act like healthy cells, go through a normal lifecycle

which includes normal cell death. Quercitin not only protects cells due

to its antioxidant properties but also restores normal physiology. The

is how you can create a body which is inhospitable to cancer.

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This is real prevention.

There is evidence that quercitin can also activate cancer supressor

genes in cells. These are the genes that are the OFF SWITCH for


Quercitin is found not only in tomatoes but also in significant amounts in

red apples and red onions.

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Flax Seeds | A Source of Protective Plant Lignans

Adding lignan rich foods to the

diet on a regular basis offers

protection from primary diseases

that threaten women’s health,

including cancers, heart disease

and bone loss.

Lignans are a type of plant

estrogen and a fat soluble

antioxidant that is found in   high concentrations in flax seeds, sesame

seeds and in smaller amounts of fruits, vegetables such as kale and

broccoli, whole grains and legumes such as soybeans. Flaxseed is by far

the richest dietary source of plant lignans. Crushing or grinding flaxseed makes these nutrients more available.

Add lignan rich whole flax seeds, ground flax seed meal, sesame

seeds and whole sesame seed butter to your diet on a regular basis.

Not only will you reap the benefits of ligans and essential fatty acids which

promote normal inflammation control, but you will also be getting Vitamin

E and added fiber. When we include a variety of plant based superfoods

we get more than one gift from each plant. That is the beauty in the design

of nature.

Lignans Have Many Powerful Protective Effects

A high lignan diet affects rates of estrogen related cancers in women. Postmenopausal women who consume diets rich lignans have a lower risk of breast cancer.

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Postmenopausal women with high lignan intakes in their diets are less

likely to develop breast cancer when compared to women who consume

diets low in lignans.  

Diets high in lignans may also reduce risk of ovarian cancer and

cancer endometrial cancer. (The endometrium is the lining of the uterus.)  

Researchers at the University of Alabama School of Medicine found that

lignan rich soy helps postmenopausal women lose weight.

Are Plant Estrogens or Phytoestrogens a Problem?


Although lignans are “plant estrogens” they actually block the effects of a

woman’s own more powerful estrogen, thus reducing overall estrogenic

effects. And lignans have an anti-estrogenic effect, a protective effect on

the breast, ovarian and uterine tissues while have a positive effect on bone

density in women at risk for bone loss, osteoporosis and hip fracture.

Lignans are also antioxidants that prevent free radical formation and

oxidative stress which leads to cell damage. Lignans scavenge free

radicals. Black sesame seeds contain higher levels of antioxidants than  

the more common brown sesame seeds and can be found in Asian

grocery stores.

Lignans may also reduce risk of cardiovascular disease which kills

more women overall than does cancer. One study showed that adding just

40 grams (two heaping tablespoons) of flax seed meal daily lowered high

risk LDL cholesterol by 10%.

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Flax seeds are also high in healthy Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids which have positive effects on both cardiovascular risk and cancer risk.  

Alpha Linoleic Acid from Flax Oil turns off a cancer promoter gene

called HER2. This gene codes for a very aggressive form of breast cancer. Flax oil supplementation may be of value both during treatment as well as

to reduce incidence and recurrence of HER2 breast cancers.

Add flax seed meal to smoothies, cereals, yoghurt, puddings and

sauces. Like all oil rich foods, store flax and sesame products in the refrigerator to prevent rancidity.

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Mushrooms | Rich in Immune Enhancing Polysaccharides

All mushrooms are rich in

i m m u n e m o d u l a t i n g

polysaccharides. While the

m e d i c i n a l m u s h r o o m s o f

Chinese Medicinal Mushrooms

are renowned for their impact

on longevity and enhanced

immunity. Mushrooms may also

have an impact on normal modulation of viral infections,

inflammation, tumor growth and progression as well as blood pressure by

enhancing normal production of Natural Killer Cells. Enhancing the

function of Natural Killer cells is a key to fighting cancer.

Even the common edible mushrooms contain immune modulating

polysaccharides. There are many edible mushrooms in the Asian diet,

that, when added to meals, make your food medicine. Some of these

Asian mushrooms that are tasty enough to be added to soups and vegetables dishes include succulent Shitake Mushrooms (Lentinus

Endoles) and tender Maitake Mushrooms (Grifola Frondosa).

Maitake is classified as a “host defense modifier”, meaning it supports

immune robustness.

Mushrooms are not only a rich source of Selenium, which has been shown

to support normal heart and circulatory health. Selenium also affects

how cells grow and may alter the ability of cancer cells to grow and


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Mushrooms are also “probiotics”, meaning that they provide a substrate or

medium for the growth of healthy friendly bacteria in the intestines, a vital

contributor to normal immunity and normal hormone metabolism and detoxification.

Add mushrooms to soups, salads and sauces. Saute with vegetables, tofu,

chicken and fish.

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Pomegranates | Fruit of the Gods

G r e e k m y t h s t e l l u s t h a t

pomegrana tes , the f ru i t o f

Persephone, can guarantee a return to spring each year. Modern

science tells us that pomegranates

may indeed be a fruit of the

Goddess in its capacity to alter

c a n c e r c e l l g r o w t h i n a

multiplicity of ways.

There are hundreds of studies on pomegranate and cancer. Cancer

physiology is complex. Remarkably, constituents of this ruby red fruit

blocks a number of significant pathways in the development and

growth of cancer cells. Some researchers say that pomegranates and

pomegranate juice have the potential to prevent cancer growth. Most of

the research has been done on breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung


Five Reasons to Include Pomegranates in an Anti-Cancer Diet:

Super Antioxidant: Pomegranates are high in polyphenols, which support

normal cell protection by combating oxidative stress, which protects DNA

from damage, one of the first steps in the development of cancer cells.

Supports Inflammation Control: Leading to lower levels of key

inflammatory molecules, many of which are present in cancer cells and surrounding tissues.

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May act to modify the production of aromatase, an enzyme that increases

hormone production in breast tissue. Hormone dependent cancers such

as breast cancer are commonly treated with aromatase inhibitors, which block this enzyme. It seems nature has provided us with similar, but milder

activity from foods, thus decreasing the potentially cancer causing

effect of estrogens in the tissue. Many breast cancers are stimulated by


May influence the proliferation and growth of cancer cells.

May support factors that inhibit the spread of cancer cells throughout the body (metastasis).

How to Enjoy Pomegranates

Pomegranates are a fruit of the fall/winter season. Enjoy the fresh seeds

and juice. Pomegranate sauces are enjoyed in many Middle Eastern

cuisines. Bottled pomegranate juice and syrup can be found year round in

many grocery and natural foods stores. Add pomegranate seed to fruit and vegetable salads.

You will find lots of FREE RECIPES made with all of these ingredients on

© 2014! 20

Dr. Nalini’s OutSmart Cancer Plans are recognized as

the most comprehensive, science based, safe, natural programs for

supporting the health and well being of cancer patients, cancer survivors and

those who do not want to get cancer in the first place to

create health and longevity and

a body in which cancer cannot thrive.

© 2014! 21

Berries | Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Cranberries & More

Berries are among some of the most potent

cancer fighting foods. Berries are rich in

numerous phytochemicals that are in

evidence by their deep colors. These plant

pigments are potent anti-oxidant cell

protectants. Plant pigments in berries and

a l s o c o n t r i b u t e t o n o r m a l a n t i -

inflammation functions inside cells as well

as promoting cancer suppressor genes. This is an

example of your food talking to your DNA and turning genes on and off!

This is the power of food.

Berries contain the vitamins Beta Carotene/Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E

and folic acid, an important B Vitamin, the minerals selenium and calcium. The most potent plant chemicals found in berries include polyphenols and

anthocyanins, the source of their deep vibrant colors.

Berries are rich in ellagic acid, one of the first anti-tumor components

discovered in berries. Ellagic acid is found in the highest concentrations

in black raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, walnuts and pecans.

Blueberries contain a potent gene protector, pterostilbene, a relative of

resveratrol. Pterostilbene has a powerful impact upon our DNA and cancer suppression and also promotes normal blood sugar levels.

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Berries can be eaten fresh or frozen

and should always be organic.

Concentrated berry powders which can

easily be added to water, tea, shakes, or

yoghurt. These food concentrates contain high amounts of the potent anticancer

antioxidant anthocyanins and polyphenol

compounds and are a tasty and convenient way to include these powerful

plant elements in the diet on a daily basis. Look for organic and gluten free


Researchers at Ohio State University where several important studies on

black raspberries and cancer has been conducted like to call berries


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Avocado Health Benefits of Avocados

Heart Health

People faced with cancer and cancer risk

must not forget about taking care of their

Heart Health. Cancers commonly strike at a time in life when cardiovascular disease is also

a growing concern. Avocados not only

protect a healthy heart but may also

mitigate the damaging side effects of

chemotherapy agents and radiation

treatments to the heart and the blood

vessels. After recovering from cancer, you greater health risk may be your heart health

and not cancer!

Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that may help to

lower cholesterol. Diets that avocados may show decreases in dangerous LDL cholesterol, and increases in health promoting HDL


Avocados are a good source of potassium, a mineral that promotes

normal regulation of blood pressure as well as heart rate.

Diets containing foods that are good sources of potassium and low in

sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

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Potassium (and magnesium) are depleted during chemotherapy and

radiation treatment and should therefore be replenished through foods and


High in the Natural Form Folic Acid, An Essential B Vitamin also known

as folate, a nutrient important for heart health and normal gene protection

which powerfully lowers the incidence of cancer development. .

Promote Optimal Health

Not only are avocados a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids including

oleic acid, which may to offer significant protection against breast


Antioxidant Rich Cell Protective

Avocados are a very concentrated dietary source of lutein, a powerful cell

protective antioxidant. Avocados contain a wide array powerful

antioxidant carotenoids (zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene)

plus high amounts of vitamin E tocopherols.

Rich Source of Glutathione

Avocados are particularly rich in the super antioxidant glutathione. This is

one of the most potent cell protective antioxidants in nature.

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How to Enjoy Avocados

Add a few slices of avocado to your tossed salad or mix some chopped avocado into your favorite salsa. This will not only add a rich, creamy flavor, but will greatly increase your body’s ability to absorb the health - promoting fat soluble antioxidants in fruits and vegetables. Make guacamole avocado dip, add it to your smoothies to make them rich and creamy. Use avocado as a base for rich sauces and dressings.

You will find lots of FREE RECIPES made with these ingredients on

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Red and Purple Grapes | Rich in Resveratrol

Resveratrol | Major Impact on Cancer and Inflammation

Resveratrol is a potent anti-oxidant found

in red and purple grapes and berries.  It is

used extensively in China as a longevity

tonic and to support cancer patients and

cardiovascular health.

How to enjoy red and purple grapes: Just

as they are! Add organic sulphur free grapes

to fruit and vegetable salads, cooked with

hormone free chicken or wild caught fish or

organic meats. Grapes can be used to

sweeten the sauces instead of sugar. Red

and Concord Wine are rich in resveratrol.

Resveratrol can turn on your cancer fighting genes. and is a modulator

of hormones and may lower cancer stimulating levels of hormones in

the breast, a key to breast cancer prevention by promoting normal

regulation of an enzyme called aromatase.

Resveratrol activates the SIRT1 gene which extends cell life and is

associated with longevity.

The dark rich color of ripe grapes signifies not only the presence of resveratrol

but also the potent polyphenols, ellagic acid as well as protective catechins.

These plant chemicals have cell protective and anti-cancer properties.

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These protective phytochemicals support normal anti-oxidant function

and may contribute to the normal signals for cancer cell death.

You can easily eat a diet rich in healing and protective plant chemicals

simply by eating a rainbow of colors. Resveratrol, ellagic acid and

pterostilbene, a relative of resveratrol are found in purple red fruits such as

grapes, raspberries, pomegranate, cranberries and blueberries.

Blueberries are particularly high in pterostilbene, even more potent

than resveratrol.

Inflammation and Cell Growth

According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center resveratrol, a naturally

occurring compound in the skin of red grapes and other botanicals has been

shown to reduce inflammation. Animal studies have also shown that

resveratrol has the ability to prevent certain cancer cells from dividing,

growing and spreading.


If You are taking antiplatelet drugs that reduce blood clotting, resveratrol may

increase the risk of bleeding.

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Green Tea Green tea is one of the most

potent, simple things that you

can add to your daily diet.

Drink a one to four cups of

green tea daily. The most active

const i tuent , ECGC is a lso ava i l ab le as concent ra ted


Green Tea contains plant catechins, the most important being EGCG

(epigallocatechin gallate) which has been shown to protect DNA due to

its anti-oxidant properties. Green tea is among a unique group of super

herbs and is a rich source of plant chemicals that protect the DNA and

help it to repair itself when damaged. Damage to DNA is how cancer

begins. Green Tea puts the brakes on that process.

Carry green tea bags in your purse. At a restaurant you can ask for a pot

of hot water and make your tea. Ask for iced tea made of green tea. Green

tea is also as a concentrated botanical extract. Add the extract to your

drinking water or to soups and sauces to get more Green Tea catechins

on a daily basis.

The phytochemicals in Green Tea also enhance the detoxification

functions in the liver helping to reduce the body burden of toxic

environmental cancer causing chemicals and have also been linked to

increased fat metabolism promoting normal weight loss.

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There have been numerous studies linking the benefits of Green Tea

to hormonal cancers including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine

cancer, and even prostate cancer. Green Tea has also been studied for

its impact lung cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, and colon cancer.


Drug-Herb Interactions: Green Tea and Green Tea Extracts and

Concentrates should NOT be ingested when being treated with the drug

Velcade due to drug-herb interactions, reducing the benefit of Velcade

therapy. Green Tea may also interfere with the activity of a newer drug sunitinib.

Green Tea contains small amounts of caffeine.

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Doctor Nalini’sOutsmart Cancer

Master Plan

Quick Start GuideWe’ve made it Simple and Easy for You

Get Started Right Away.

© 2014! 31

Enjoy Peace of Mind | Feel Confident | Reduce Your StressTake Control of your Health and Your Destiny

Create a Body in which Cancer Cannot Thrive


Get Answers toThe Two Most Common and Most Pressing Questions



Included in Your Quick Start Guide

Cancer Fighting FoodsRecipes, Meal Plans, Which Foods to Eat

Which Foods To AvoidThe Most Important Immune Enhancing Protective

Nutritional and Herbal SupplementsHow to Make Nutritious Delicious Fortifying Protein Super Shakes

Turn on your cancer fighting genesChoose nourishing protective anti-cancer super foods

Lose Fat Build Muscle Control inflammation

Promote Healing and Repair

Optimize Nutrition Immunity and EnergyProtect your cells from damagePromote longevity and vitality

© 2014! 32

You are Invited to Join theIntegrative Cancer Answers Community

Now that you’ve read the Top 10 Cancer Fighting Superfoods, it’s time to take the next step!

Get your


Get Answers toThe Two Most Common and Most Pressing Questions

Go deeper into the material you’ve just learned.

© 2014! 33

Meet Dr. Nalini

Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D. is a leading edge authority and

pioneer in the field of Wellness Medicine, Integrative Cancer Care,

Cancer Prevention and Immune Enhancement. She is the Founder

of, an online resource for people

whose lives have been touched by cancer.

Dr. Nalini’s OutSmart Cancer Plans are recognized as the most comprehensive,

science based, safe, natural programs for supporting the health and well being of

cancer patients, cancer survivors and those who do not want to get cancer in the

first place to create a health and longevity and a body in which cancer cannot


For over thirty years, Dr. Nalini Chilkov, has helped thousands of people, many with serious

and chronic illnesses achieve and maintain extraordinary health and longevity. Dr. Chilkov

brings over 30 years of clinical experience combining the best of Modern Functional

Medicine with the ancient wisdom of Traditional Oriental and Natural Healing.  

She is a highly respected expert in her field, a frequent speaker at conferences,

educational institutions and a trusted resource to the media.

Dr. Chilkov is the go to doctor to many Hollywood Celebrities, VIPs and government

leaders. She is listed as a go to clinician in Susanne Somer’s book “Doctors Who Are

Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place” and has appeared as a

health expert on NBC TV Access Hollywood. She has been recognized by WebMD and Dr.

Mehmet Oz’s as one of the Top Ten Online Influencers in Breast Cancer

and is a widely read health and wellness expert for the prestigious Huffington Post.

© 2014! 34

Visit the Community - Join the Conversation!

Join us today!

For more resources and tips for Outsmarting Cancer,visit

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Information herein and on our websites is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information herein or on our websites for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment.

Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly.

Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read herein or on our web site. Information provided herein and on our websites and the use of any products or services purchased from our websites by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web sites. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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