Fill in the blanks with the phases below.

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Fill in the blanks with the phases below. To prepare students adequately for Listening and Reading, teachers should present and exploit a range of ____ relevant to the four common topic areas. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


1. To prepare students adequately for Listening and Reading, teachers should present and exploit a range of ____ relevant to the four common topic areas.

2. Each of the four themes for Speaking and Writing gives students the scope to engage in activities that coincide with their true ____.

3. Controlled Assessment is like a ____ between coursework and terminal exam.

4. The Open Interaction is essentially an unscripted ____ in response to a stimulus that students prepare on an individual basis in class.

5. The Picture-Based Discussion gives students a ____ and, therefore, enable them to take some ownership of their assessment.

6. The new spec places a greater emphasis than ever on the importance of _____.

Fill in the blanks with the phases below.

a. halfway house b. interactive communication c. role playd. choice of content e. interests and experience f. vocabulary

Task: draw a house on a piece of paper

1 mark for a pointed roof in the middle

1 mark for a window, 4 at most

1 mark for the curtain

1 mark for a door

1 mark for a a letter box

1 mark for a chimney

1 mark for smoke from the chimney

1 mark for a tree

1 mark for a path leading to the door

Who got the highest mark? Who got the lowest mark? Is it fair?

The point is:

Share the assessment criteria with candidates beforehand tomaximize their output

1. Able to handle communication in familiar situations.

2. Able to use language to achieve meaningful communication in an unplanned situation.

3. Able to convey basic meaning in very familiar or highly predictable situations.

Read the descriptors, rearrange them from lower level to higher level

3 1 2

1. Has problems searching for language resources to express ideas and concepts resulting in pauses and hesitation.

2. Requires prompting and assistance by a teacher-examiner to prevent communication from breaking down.

3. Maintains a flow of language, although hesitation may occur whilst searching for language resources.

And again - rearrange them from lower level to higher level

2 1 3

1. Interacts very well, speaks very confidently and with clear spontaneity.

2. Maintains a flow of language, little hesitation and little or no prompting necessary.

3. Uses wide range of appropriate vocab & structures and different time references.

4. Some errors, especially in more complex structures, but generally accurate.

Match level descriptors 1 – 4 to quality categories a - d for Speaking CA

1 – b. Interactive skills 2 – a. Fluency 3 – d. Range of language 4 – c. Accuracy

a. Fluency b. Interactive skills

c. Accuracy d. Range of language

The ability to use language to achieve meaningful communication.

This includes:

• initiating and responding without undue hesitation

• the ability to use interactive strategies to maintain or repair communication

• sensitivity to the norms of turn-taking.

What is interactive communication?

By asking questions where appropriate,

candidate is taking initiative to contribute to developing the conversation,and sustaining the conversation in a natural flow.

This effort should be awarded.

Why should we encourage candidates asking Qs in Open Interaction?

Tests which are monologue and have no interaction• No more than 7 marks for Content and Response• There is no penalty applied for either Range or Accuracy

In Open Interaction tasks, candidates asks only one question• Deduct 1 mark from Content and Response

(where 2 or more Qs are clearly required )

In Open Interaction tasks, candidates asks no questions• Deduct 2 marks from Content and Response

Guidance for moderators

The above would not place undue emphasis on the candidate asking questions, but it is an expectation of the task.

20/04/23 10

Language learners should

• initiate unrehearsed exchanges.

• carry out unscripted conversations and discussions.

• develop confidence and spontaneity in responding to unpredictable elements.

unrehearsed – unscripted – unpredictable

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• Give detailed information

• Express personal opinions

• Justify points of view

• Construct longer sequences of speech, using conjunctions where appropriate

• Use a variety of vocabulary and structures

• Use time reference, and respond to questions about present circumstances, past experiences and future plans.

Targets for students when producing spoken answers

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• Ask open questions to enable candidates to develop elaborate answers

Teacher examiner - questioning skills, and task setting

• Questions arise from candidates’ previous response. to enhance coherence, to get credits for discourse management.

• Don’t ask questions answered in previous exchangesThe dialogue won’t sound like a genuine conversation, and this will affect the quality of interaction.

• Differentiation by outcome: to set open-ended tasks, allowing pupil response at different levels.

• Differentiation by support: to less able candidates - give more detailed, more straight forward bullet points in the task, - rephrase questions to maximize the outcome from the candidate,

- ask more predictable questions so that they can have something to say

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• Assessment criteriaThe assessment criteria for CA must have the same value for everyone everywhere.

• Learner’s own work

It is important to ensure that the work submitted in the learner’s own.

• No comment and redraftingThe work completed in the live CA must be (assessed and) submitted without any opportunity for teacher comments and student redrafting.

Principles about Controlled Assessment

If they don’t learn the way I teach,

then I must teach the way they’ll learn…

We remember:

• 10% of what we read• 20% of what we see• 30% of what we see demonstrated• 50% of what we discover• 75% of what we practise• 90% of what we teach others or use ourselves

Howard Gardner: multiple intelligences

• verbal-linguistic Shakespeare• logical-mathematical Einstein• visual-spatial Picasso• Musical Mozart• Kinaesthetic AA mechanic• Interpersonal Princess Diana• Intrapersonal Mother Theresa• Naturalist Alan Titchmarsh• All intelligences Rolf Harris

• 24% Visual

• 34% Auditory

• 37% Kinaesthetic




Questions about a picture

Questions about a picture

Where is it?When is it?Who can you see?What are they doing/wearing?

1. 你好 !2. 我叫 小月 / 大明 / 小龙,3. 我 八 / 九 / 十 岁。4. 我家在 北京 / 上海 / 西安。5. 我有 一个哥哥 / 两个妹妹 / 三个弟弟。6. 我有 一只小猫 / 一只小狗 / 两条金鱼。7. 我喜欢吃 苹果 / 香蕉 / 巧克力。8. 我喜欢喝 可乐 / 咖啡 / 茶。9. 我喜欢 踢足球 / 打网球 / 打乒乓球。

‘Mastermind’ game

A list of characters are written on an A4 paper in font size 14. and the A4 paper is put on the board.

Pupils sit in the last row of the classroom, working in teams. Each team sends a runner to the board. S/he memorize the first character and returns to the group and check vocab book with rest of the team, one of them copies it down once they have found out which character it is. Then a second runner goes to the board to memorize the second character which s/he then tells the group, and so on. The team which produces the most accurate list of characters wins.

Running dictation

Domino cards

Teacher keeps one, gives out the rest to pupils.


Teacher tells the class the question,

Pupils work out what the answer is on teacher’s domino card.



Fold A4 paper into 8 columns

Day 1: 1st column English, 2nd column Chinese charactersDay 2: Fold Column 1, write English in 3rd column.Day 3: Fold Column 1, 2, write Chinese characters in 4th column.……

What does he have in his schoolbag?

1st student: 2 things

2nd Student: repeat the 2, add one

3rd student: repeat the 3, add one


Cowboy street fighting


Secret signal

Hide and seek

Fold A4 paper into 8 columns