First Parish BrewsteR UU 2017 Fall...

Post on 28-Jul-2018

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First Parish BrewsteR UU

2017 Fall Angle

Clearing by Martha Postlewaite

Do not try to save the whole world

or do anything grandiose. Instead, create

a clearing in the dense forest

of your life and wait there

patiently, until the song

that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greet it.

Only then will you know how to give yourself

to this world so worth of rescue.


September Worship

For more upcoming service information please go to or

our Weekly Angles.

Sept 3rd- Parables from the Parish-Twinks Hastings will reflect on lessons she's learned over her years at FPB and how we can take what we have here out into our world to effect positive change one person at a time!

Sept 10th- Ingathering Sunday-Please join us for our Welcome Back service and Water Communion. You are invited to bring water from your travels or your sink to participate in the communion. We will explore how water connects us to each other, and to those that we haven't met.

Sept 17th- Welcoming the Stranger- What does it mean to be a welcoming community? How do we keep our hearts open to all we meet? Let's delve into the questions together. In the spirit of welcome we will have our New Member Recognition Ceremony during the service. Our memorial marker dedications follow the service.

Sept 24th- Welcoming in the New Year- This is the week of Rosh Hashanah- when many of our Jewish siblings celebrate welcoming in the new year. Join us as we explore beginning again and letting go of that which no longer serves us.

Storytelling Sessions with Jessica

Please join us for these storytelling sessions this Autumn. We will gather together to hear each others’ stories of First Parish Brewster. All are

welcome, please come and share the rich history of this congregation.

Mon, September 18 9:30-11:00 am Barn Room 3

Wed, October 11 6:30-8:00 pm Winslow House

Sun, November 19 11:30am -1:00 pm Parish Room

For more information on all that is happening at First Parish Brewster UU go to


September Worship 2

Storytelling Sessions w/Jessica 2

From the Board of Trustees 3

From the Minister 4

Covenant Groups 5

Helping Hands 5

In Harmony 6

From the Endowment Board 7

Committee Fair 8

Sea Captains’ Fair 9

From Council 9

Community Ministry 10

Habitat for Humanity 11

Racial Justice Programs 12

First Thursday Social Justice Films 13

UU Service Committee 13

Women’s Circle Alliance 14

Sounds of Unity 14

Open MIC Classical 15

Children and Youth Ministries 16

From the Office 18

Staff Directory 19


From the Board of Trustees

The Canvas

Greetings First Parish Brewster! Well here we are again, ready to embark on a new church year with Jessica, our long awaited settled minister. Change seems to be in our DNA as we move forward after our parting celebration with deer, who has been our beloved CYM Director for 8 years. Yet that change is embedded in a bedrock of tradition and stability. From my vantage point as Board President, I look ahead to the unfolding church year and see the many markers on the canvas of the life we love and celebrate together: our fall Sea Captains’ Fair, holiday celebrations, the Gayla Ball, Spring Auction and all the Sundays and livingness in between. Yes, it is a beautiful and sacred rhythm that holds us - and within, that the possibilities of newness abound.

I am drawn to that canvas as the Board looks to make its mark. A governance workshop for the congregation is planned for the fall as a time when we can look at the structures that help us “Be” together. And a Board retreat is on the horizon, a time to see what actions may come forth to further our mission and vision here at First Parish. Then there is the theme of “home” taken up by Social Justice as it begins its campaign to sponsor a Habitat home. As I reflect on this I am reminded of the soul keynote for the sign of Cancer: “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”

With you, I look to build that lighted house: within ourselves (body, mind and spirit), within our walls (our ministries, our buildings, our congregation) and in the larger community (sister churches, like minded groups and with individuals whom we may come to know and touch).

Yes, fall is here. The canvas stretches before us. Let us create possibilities together.

Judy Harrison Board of Trustees 2017-18

Judy Harrison, President

Carol Ann Yeaple, Past President

Pat Stover, President-Elect,

Eryn Montgomery, Treasurer

James Carbone, Clerk


Susan Daly

Twinks Hastings

Jim Hild

Bill Roberts


Hello from your newly called minister, Jessica Clay.

I am so excited to be here and to jump into ministry together. This first year I look forward to getting to know as many of you as possible, and to learning what you love about First Parish Brewster. When I was candidating, I heard that you are hungry for a settled minister-and one who doesn’t change things too quickly . With new ministry always comes some level of change, but I plan to work with all of you to build trust and ensure that the changes that are happening are for the greater good of First Parish Brewster.

The Worship Associates program will be starting again and will use monthly themes from the UU organization, Soul Matters. This organization provides themes and resources for worship, religious education, and small group ministry. Each monthly theme gives us an opportunity to look at how it pertains to our personal and spiritual lives.

The theme for September is Welcome- which is so fitting for this new beginning before us.

October is Courage-which delves into what it means to be courageous people of faith, and how courage guides us as we weather transitions.

November is Abundance- as we transition to fall and head into the holidays, we will explore what abundance means, and how we can cultivate it within our lives to encourage creativity, depth, and meaning.

Feel free to reach out to me and set up a meeting- I would love to hear your stories of how welcome, courage, and abundance have appeared in your life. Additionally, I want to know your hopes and dreams for this community- working together we can create a shared ministry focused on opening hearts, growing souls, and turning love into justice.



Helping Hands

Helping Hands provides friendly support to members of FPBUU in times of special need. This might include soup, rides to appointments, meals, respite care, or information on available resources. Please call your town coordinators for assistance:

Orleans Sue Scammell 508-255-2102

Harwich/Chatham Suzanne Sullivan 508-385-2485

Brewster Liz Gordon 508-896-6225

Dennis Tavia Ossola 508-896-6225

Hyannis/Yarmouth Suzanne Sullivan 508-385-2485

Please consider joining the Helping Hands team this Fall. Your participation in this important part of our caring FPBUU community will be much appreciated.

Coming…this October Covenant Groups,

A Program of Small Group Ministry

New This Year: 6th Group Added! Learn how Covenant Groups help us grow spiritually

while deepening our connections to others.

Look for our registration table in the Parish Room

after Sunday services in September.

Interested in becoming

more connected?

Join a Covenant Group.

For advance information, contact: Skip Bell 203-273-6938


In Harmony


I look forward to my fifth year at FPBUU with all of you. I love our singing congregation and Sunday morning magic – when words and music and spirit all come together in worship and community. I am making my annual pitch for more members of the choir, instrumental ensemble, OMG, and a new choir!

Choir - We welcome members on all voice parts, SATB. Ages 14 -90 welcome. We rehearse on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm. We sometimes rehearse a bit longer, depending on the season. We sing approximately two Sundays a month. We sing a huge variety from Mendelssohn to Sweet Honey in the Rock to Broadway. You do not have to be able to read music. You can learn that. It is helpful to be able to carry a tune in a bucket.

Instrumental ensemble - We currently have three clarinets, two flutes/one oboe, and one viola. We could really use strings – violin, viola, cello, bass, and also low brass – trombone or other. However, we welcome any band/orchestra instrument (even more clarinets and flutes!) Feeling like you can’t join the ensemble because your instrument has sat in the closet for 20 years? Worry not! Middle-school level of playing is fine! We also welcome higher levels. Fortunately, we have an amazing arranger who can write you a part that will work for you, from middle-school to professional level. We rehearse on some Sundays after church and play in 5-6 services in the year.

NEW THIS YEAR! A multi-generational choir! Ages 4-90 welcome. We will aim to sing for three to four services. We will practice on a few Sundays after church. This may become a Children’s Choir, or a couple of age groupings choirs. It’s hard to know without having done this at FPB. But the aim now is to involve some young people, ages 4-18 and their parents, or friends, or siblings. Let’s make some music together and get some kids singing in services! More details will emerge in September.

For singing or playing or both, contact Danica at

For info on OMG, contact Rich Elliott-Grunes at Singers and instrumentalists welcome! OMG will be providing music for six Sundays this year.

Here’s to another year in harmony! Danica


Deadline Reminder

FPBUU Quarterly Angle

Winter Issue (December-February)

Submissions Due - November 1st

FPBUU Weekly Angle

Due Wednesday by 12 noon

Submissions for a Facebook Page can be sent to

Updates for the FPBUU website can be sent to

Endowment Fund Distribution Requests

Each year the Endowment Board may distribute up to 5% of the Fund’s value as of December 31st during the following fiscal year. In recent years, this has been approximately $20,000 annually. Over the past fifteen years, distributions have totaled $153,530.

Disbursements may be used to support:

• Program Enrichment

• Enhancement of Buildings and Grounds

• Community Outreach

• Developing the wider mission of the UUA

If your committee, group or team would like to request Endowment Funds for a project, please submit a proposal to the Endowment Board by January 15, 2018 for disbursement during the next fiscal year (July 2018-June 2019).

Request forms are available in the office or can be emailed by calling the office at 508-896-5577. Questions? Need help formulating a request?

Please contact Susan Flaws, Endowment Chair at

Need help requesting a room for an event or meeting? Need to request a

sexton? Need an answer to a question about how to use our online

member directory?

The FPB Communications Office Volunteer Etc. or COVE Volunteers

are here to support the administrative work of the church. Call or stop by and let us know how we can help!

The office is open Monday – Friday

9 am - 12 pm. 508-896-5577



Notes from your FPBUU Council

Based on the results of elections at the June Annual meeting, the Council welcomed four new members: Rikki Bates, Madhavi Venkatasen, Pat Skinger, and Bob Marcus. We look forward to their being part of the Council team for 2017-18 and we thank departing members Pat Amos, Joan Barnard, and Marilee Crocker for their faithful service during 2016-17.

The annual Spring Auction at the end of May, coordinated by the Council with major assists from Karena Stroh (Administrative and Finance Director), COVE, Linda Delorey, Mary Hammerman, and Sharon Marotti, raised $8,600 – 23% greater than budget expectations. Thanks to all who participated for making this such a successful event!

The Council has continued to work closely with Karena on the project of updating major signage at FPBUU. We expect to receive a response from the Chalice Lighters program soon regarding our request for funding. Karena and Topper Roth, Council Chair, have submitted materials to the Town of Brewster and have attended hearings in August.

The Council is seeking a consensus on an appropriate way to recognize the service and contributions of Interim and Developmental Ministers, who by precedent have not been included on the brass plaques on the walls of the Meetinghouse.

The Council looks forward to coordinating the annual Committee Fair that will take place on September 24th in the Parish Room after the service. This is an opportunity for the many Committees of FPBUU to inform members of the congregation about their varied activities and to encourage members to become more involved.

FPBUU Council for 2017-18: Topper Roth (Chair), Gail Webb (Chair-elect), Rikki Bates, Monica Gouboud, Bob Marcus, Pat Skinger, Madhavi Venkatasen, Karen Witting

Winter’s coming! But don’t worry. Between now and then comes the greatest fair in town. Time to start baking pies, making jam, candy, crafts and knitting.

The fair is on Saturday, October 7th 9-3 and we have been promised that the weather will be good. This year we are looking for creative and innovative new ideas. So grab your friends and committee members and come up with a fun, unique, fabulous stall. There will be a cash prize awarded for the best idea.

We also need parkers, solicitors and set up and clean up crews.

Please contact Linda Delorey (508-360-7994) to see how you can help and mark the date on your calendars.

Sea Captains’ Fair 2017


Beneath the Surface From Your Affiliate Community Minister

We lost a month this past summer to a roofing and dormer project! Don’t get me wrong – I am extremely grateful to have a roof of any kind over my head, but one absent of leaks seemed prudent. We moved everything from the second floor rooms on the back of the house forward toward the front, removed the pictures, curtains and blinds hung only last fall from the walls and windows, packed up the memorabilia and covered everything that was left in plastic tarps! We tried to make an adventure of it – camping out in the guest room, we said. About four weeks later we reversed the process.

I felt like a young mom again as Chuck and I discussed each day who would drop Emma off and pick her up from doggie day care; working out the logistics of which one of us was working what schedule and could be there after 8 a.m. and before 5 p.m. I developed a newfound empathy for my coworker whose young sons require similar planning and coordination. Suffice it to say, the rhythm of our days and weeks was disrupted for what felt like forever, even though the project was actually done a few days ahead of time.

I began to think about these rhythms; how very tied to them we are; how even when it is a planned and welcome alteration, we are thrown off balance; caught off guard. We are, indeed, creatures of our daily cycles. We rise with the sun, eat our meals on a regular rotation, follow a pattern somewhat of our own making, but aligned with the rhythms that surround us. Our living becomes habitual, ritualized in a sense, and to some degree this is comforting, although it can also make it feel mundane. The attitude we bring to each moment sways the direction our sensing will take.

I am reminded daily at WE CAN of the situations in which women on Cape Cod find themselves, suddenly thrust from homes that landlords now can claim a higher price for or developers see as prime locations for tourist trade. There is a feeling of helplessness, to be sure, as what was often a long sought rhythm is once again disrupted. Imagine if you can becoming suddenly aware of an impending homelessness, nowhere to even put your possessions, no pillow to rest your head save a shelter bed or friendly couch. My lost month is a tiny inconvenience in comparison.

We feel a bit of it also in our work as program staff at WE CAN because we know there are no easy answers. Housing is in short supply and what exists is often not affordable for the average year round resident. All the organizations that are dedicated to this purpose know the unfortunate truth that there is simply not enough. We have begun to think out of the box; to brainstorm about house sharing; to encourage women to advocate for themselves with town officials; to introduce our participants to one another in the hope that combined incomes might yield the price of rent.

In the coming months as you are faced with changing rhythms that upset the balance of your days, I encourage you to do some comparing for yourselves; to consider the true level of inconvenience; and, ultimately, to count your blessings if the equation works out in your favor. And I encourage you also to begin to think outside the box as well for the good of those whose rhythms are affected and can’t be easily put back in place. Open your hearts and turn that love you find at the center into justice in our community and beyond.

Blessed be. Rev. Tracy


Habitat For Humanity of Cape Cod on Paul Hush Way, Brewster

During the October 22 Sunday Service First Parish Brewster will launch a major All-Church Social Justice Project. Habitat For Humanity of Cape Cod (HHCC) plans to build 14 houses on Paul Hush Way off Tubman Road in Brewster. The first phase of 6 houses began in August. The second phase, 8 houses will be completed in 2019. The completed project will consist of four 2-bedroom homes, nine 3-bedroom homes, and one 4-bedroom home.

First Parish Brewster's Social Justice Committee with the support of The Board of Trustees and The Council responded affirmatively to Habitat's request that the church be a sponsor in the second phase of the Brewster Build. The Social Justice Committee will lead the effort to raise $55,000 over three years. This commitment came from our long historical connection with Habitat For Humanity of Cape Cod and our desire to step up and honor a beloved member of our church community, Paul Hush.

We will also be encouraging everyone in the congregation who is able to engage in on-site volunteer work.

A historical perspective - First Parish Brewster played the leading role in bringing a chapter of Habitat for Humanity to Cape Cod in 1987 and has remained connected over these many years. First Parish member Mary Jane MacDonald was the first fundraising chair of the Lower Cape chapter. Vicki Goldsmith, another longtime FPB member, has served as Executive Director of Habitat (HHCC) since 1993. Since that time FPB has been involved in a number of "Builds" in several different Cape towns over the years. We'll keep you posted. Stay tuned!

UUA Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund - Donate NOW at

On Friday night, August 25, Hurricane Harvey made landfall as a Category 4 Storm and brought with it deadly winds and rain to an area of the United States millions call home. Much of the Texas Gulf Coast has been impacted and communities in Louisiana and across the state of Texas are still coping with more days of rain. We’re holding all of those affected in our hearts and prayers and we are in touch with local Unitarian Universalists so we can meet the needs as they arise. To do this, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has joined with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) on a recovery and relief fund.

Please give as generously as you are able. Half of all funds raised will go to at-risk populations served by UUSC partners and the other half of the funds will support Unitarian Universalist congregations and members of those congregations most affected by the storm. Those funds will be administered by a group of leaders in the UUA’s Southern Region, which includes the states across the southeast from Texas to South Carolina, and from most of Virginia to Florida.

Using their eye-to-eye partnership model, UUSC will work with and support local grassroots community partners on the ground in Texas serving at-risk populations. UUSC and their partners will work to bolster locally led relief efforts that are serving immigrant families, in particular young mothers and their children.

Your donation to this fund is much appreciated. Thank you.

First Parish Brewster will be accepting donation throughout September for this fund, and checks can be sent to the office, 1 Harwich Rd, Brewster, Ma 02631, made out to First Parish Brewster.


Racial Justice Programs

The Racial Justice Committee sponsors programs throughout the year. Below are our fall offerings. Spring offerings will be in the Winter Quarterly. If you have questions or want to sign up for either book group or class, please register with Tia at or at 508-385-3114 (no caller ID, so be sure to leave your phone #/email)

Fall Book Group led by Tia Cross

Tuesdays, Oct. 3 - Nov. 7, 2017, 7 - 8:30pm, in Winslow House

Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America, by Michael Eric Dyson.

"Elegantly written, Tears We Cannot Stop is powerful in several areas: moving personal recollections; profound cultural analysis; and guidance for moral redemption. A work to relish." ---Toni Morrison

"Here's a sermon that's as fierce as it is lucid. It shook me up, but in a good way. This is how it works if you're black in America…” ---Stephen King.

Fall Racial Justice Class

Tuesdays, November 14, 21, and 28, 2017, 7 - 8:30 pm in Winslow House

These classes oriented for those who are new (or pretty new) at exploring racism and white privilege. Taught by Tia Cross, who has been teaching about dealing with racism and white privilege since the 1970's. She has taught at a number of colleges, done trainings for teachers, businesses and police, and worked with many nonprofits, community, and religious groups. Tia teaches about the importance of honesty and integrity, empathy and compassion when dealing with tough situations. You will be asked to place your inner critical Judge on the windowsill for the duration of each class - to be picked up on the way out! Tia does not lecture. She guides each person through an exploration of their own life experience of these issues. We will meet as a whole group; in pairs or trios so you have more time to talk/listen; share insights and questions with the group and watch a short film or two.

There will be some readings and you will want to keep a journal (for yourself, no one else). Feel free to bring food to eat and a beverage. Since we will start and end on time, please arrive a bit early so that we can begin right at 7pm.

On Being White in a Multi-Racial World Workshops

Saturday, Dec. 2, 2017, 9 am - 12:30 pm, in the Parish Hall

What has your experience of life been as a white person? How do you deal with current events, such as white supremacists, free speech, the police shootings of black people? Do you feel guilty, afraid, angry or numb? Do you wish that you had friends of color to talk with about these things, but you're not sure how to develop those friendships? Do you feel a need to explore what white privilege really is? Do you want to meet other people concerned about these issues?

These are some of the topics we can discuss together. We will start and end on time, so please arrive a bit early. Feel free to bring munchies and a beverage. Please do bring your journal or writing materials with you.

If your response is yes or maybe to the above, please call or email Tia by Nov. 29th to sign up for this workshop at 508-385-3114 or


GENEROSITY - First Parish Brewster Partners with UUSC

Each Sunday that you buy our UUSC / Equal Exchange products you are helping small farmers and their communities. For every pound of Equal Exchange delicious fairly traded coffee, chocolate and other products bought, they donate 20 cents to UUSC’s Small Farmer Fund. In addition to supporting the farmer co-ops that supply Equal Exchange’s products, UUSC uses the Small Farmer Fund to build sustainable livelihoods and advance human rights of other cooperative groups, particularly the rights of women, youth, and indigenous people. Also, your team here adds a little profit to each item and we are proud to say we were able to send an additional $971.66 to UUSC for their good work helping around the world as well as here in the United States. Thank you for your interest and your many purchases this year. We look forward to seeing you at our table in the coming 2017-2018 church year.

Your local team of helpers here includes: Joan Kapp, Dianne Ashley, Sue Bowser, Jane Higgins, Rosanne Shapiro, Dwight Woodson, Sandra Woodson and Mary Wallace. Special thanks to Sandra and Dwight, who order the supplies and stock the shelves.

For more information contact Mary Wallace at

First Thursday Social Justice Films

From October through May, the Racial Justice and

One Earth, One People Committee sponsors a film

series in the Parish Room on the first Thursday of

each month. Films starts at 6:30 with a discussion

following. Popcorn and cider is offered. We hope you

will join us - the films are excellent!

For more info, contact Tia Cross

(508) 385-3114 or or

Sue Trask 508-945-9597



Here are the first three programs of the Women’s Circle Alliance. Everyone is welcome at our monthly events. Membership is encouraged but is not necessary to attend meetings.

Wednesday, September 13th

Women’s Circle Alliance begins a new year of meetings with the traditional picnic lunch in a lovely water view setting at the home of Nancy Berbrick in Brewster. After the summer hiatus, this gathering is a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends, meet new people, and look forward together to new experiences as you read over the 2017-2018 WCA Program Booklet.

Wednesday, October 11th

An invitation to meet and hear from engaging Sandwich resident Fozia Ahmed, poet, artist, and teacher who will tell of her life as a modern Muslim wife, mother, and career worker. A question and answer period will follow her presentation. (Contact: Sue Bowser)

Wednesday, November 8th

Valerie Arroyo of the Brewster Book Store first spoke to WCA in 2009 and is happily welcomed back today. She will give an update on what’s new and popular in the book world and will offer title suggestions for readers of all ages and tastes. This is a great opportunity to begin your holiday gift shopping list. (Contact: Anne Southworth )


November 11, 2017

All day workshop.

First Parish Brewster Sanctuary

SOUNDS of UNITY: Building Racial and Cultural Bridges through SONG.

Singing in the African American tradition with the fantabulous Dr. Kathy Bullock of Berea, KY.


An “Open Mic” is for popular music only, right?


“Open Mic Classical” evolved from a discussion in late 2014 between Monika Woods, prize-winning clarinetist, and Bob Marcus, amateur violist and member of FPBUU. Monika was interested in finding an opportunity for classical musicians on the Cape of all ages and all levels of musical expertise to gain experience in performing in public in a “low-pressure” and friendly environment. Bob wanted to bring more classical music to the Mid-Cape area on a regular basis for the enjoyment of all local and even more distant Cape communities.

The mission of Open Mic Classical (OMC) is first, to help our community’s musicians of all levels and all ages - children and adults - gain experience in performing within a friendly, supportive and appreciative environment, and meet other musicians and second, to provide live musical entertainment on a monthly basis in mid-Cape (Brewster), satisfying the needs of classical music-loving communities and amateur musicians from Provincetown to Falmouth.

OMC meets monthly on the 3rd Sunday at 3:00 at the Meeting House of FPBUU. Each event includes a featured performance by professional players. There is no admission charge, but donations are accepted.

Plans for the coming year include the continuation of short (5 minutes) mini-talks on items of classical musical interest as we have done the past few months, which included a review of John Hersey’s book “Antonietta”, a forerunner of the film “The Red Violin. A planned mini-talk for November is a short bio of minimalist composer Terry Riley together with an ad hoc performance of Riley’s “in C” by the amateur and professional musicians present at the November OMC.

A pianist is available for those needing an accompanist. We only ask that those people needing an accompanist contact Monika or Bob by phone (see below) or by email at

The first OMC after the 2017 summer pause will be at 3:00 on Sunday September 17.

For more information please contact Monika Woods at 774-353-0244, or Bob Marcus at 508-945-0832,


Children and Youth Ministries

Goodbyes 2017

We can live any way we want. The thing is to stalk your calling in a certain skilled and supple way, to locate the most tender and live spot and plug into that pulse. - Annie Dillard

8 years of wonderful! That’s how I sum up my time with you all at FPBUU.

My heart is so full from serving this faith community. I am full of memories of you all- full of- the faces of children, labyrinths, and holiday pageants, May Poles, making art and collaborative murals, stories, pot lucks, facing hard truths, letting go of so many along the way. Full of hugs and smiles and tears, of holiday happiness’s, justice making projects, learning, unlearning, fire circles, friendships, connections, Sunday morning beauty in the sanctuary…

First Parish Brewster UU is the land of abundance! There is so much here- among us, in the space between us, There is so much to celebrate!

At the very center of what I want to say…at the threshold here of my leaving…is of course, only, ‘THANK YOU’.

Thank you to each and every one of you who co-created this beloved community. Thanks especially to all the children and youth who showed up to share who they are, teach what they know and receive what we had to offer. Thanks to the CYM Committee Chairs- thanks for standing at the center of CYM and co-creating a powerful ministry with young people and families. Thanks to the Committee members and every program leader, youth advisor, and all the people who said ‘YES’ to spending time with our young people. Thanks to each and every one of you who support this ministry with your love, financial contributions, time and caring.


Together we have built (on what so many others before us started) a ministry WITH young people that encourages them to care, and gives them the strength, support and encouragement to go out into their worlds and act on that caring. Together we have listened to the wisdom of the young people and let it guide us.

I have found so many mentors here over the 8 years. Thank you for shaping me, teaching me. I have grown like a wild weed in your midst. I consider myself blessed!

I’ll be stepping back for a year or so to give the new Director time and space to share their gifts. While stepped back, I’ll be reflecting on my time with you all and sending love. I’ll keep you tucked into my heart pocket, trusting that you all will remain here- keeping the love alive and continuing to nurture the seeds we’ve planted together.

It is not an easy thing to say goodbye to such a beautiful thing! But there is such a thing as a calling and I am tuned into mine. It led me right to the heart of you, so I trust it now that it is leading me onwards.

You have all shown me that so much is possible! You have shown me what beloved community is all about. My time with you has been a great blessing in my life. Thank you!

With kindness, deer

Beannacht / Blessing by John O'Donohue

May the nourishment of the earth be yours, may the clarity of light be yours,

may the fluency of the ocean be yours, may the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow wind work these words

of love around you, an invisible cloak to mind your life.


From the Office

Fall, a time on Cape Cod for a deep breath and a warm cup of tea. A time to reflect, pause enjoy and breathe deeply. The church office is filled with joy and grief, as we welcome in a new Minister, say goodbye to a cherished Director of Children and Youth Ministries and eagerly await news of who will take her place. A time of transition. A time of excitement for what’s to come. May we have the courage to hold both the sadness and gladness present at this time. One does not discredit the other and they may exist together.

I believe that the excitement and grief felt by both individuals and the whole of FPB is evidence that we have shown up. When we are part of a community it can break us open. This takes courage. To love is to be willing to risk it all and grief is proof that we have opened up to life’s possibilities. Accepting something greater than ourselves.

In times of stress, both good and bad, it is good to nourish oneself. Fall is an opportunity to be grateful for our summer work. Those who maintain a garden, large

or small, can understand this. This summer I cleared out a new spot in my yard. It once was a large pile of rotting pine logs covered with brush. There was bittersweet stretching its limbs up a mighty Cedar tree. There were many other determined plants claiming this land for their own. For years I did nothing and left this area go, but for some reason I was called to make this space my own this summer. The work happened in an unplanned way and had a satisfaction to it that was restorative. Unlike most of the work I do in my yard, this space was not cleared to plant anything but myself. I have a small table with a couple of chairs that I moved onto a few patio stones I found buried among the pine logs and brush. I spread mulch from the Transfer Station. A gifted hammock fit perfectly between the Cedar and a Pine and there it was…my oasis.

Now as it turns to fall, I get to lie in this hammock and look up into the canopy of Cedar, Oak and Pine. To feel the breeze and listen to the sounds of animals and humans. To breathe deeply and experience what it feels to be alive in this moment. Not attached to any specific feeling or emotion that is present. I hold it all with curiosity and love like I would a good friend.

I hope you find your own place to rest, reflect and breathe deeply and maybe even a warm cup of tea.

With gratitude, Karena


Church Office (508) 896-5577

Staff Directory

Minister: Jessica Clay, MDiv (Ext. 308)

Administration and Finance Director: Karena Stroh (Ext. 304)

Bookkeeper: Ted Jalowick (Ext. 305)

Children and Youth Ministries:

Twinks Hastings, CYM Director (Ext. 303)

Liz Libby, Youth Ministry Coordinator

Music: Danica Buckley, Music Director (Ext. 307)

Lucy Banner, pianist

Rich Elliott-Grunes, OMG leader (Organic Music Group)

Sexton & Videographer: : Jennie Mignone (508) 776-6844

Thrift Store Manager and Fundraising Coordinator: Linda Delorey (508) 896-8744

Affiliate Community Minister: the Reverend Tracy Johnson, WE CAN Program Manger

FPB Publications

Weekly Angle Submissions:

Quarterly Angle & General Communications/PR:

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First Parish Brewster UU

1 Harwich Rd.

Brewster, MA 02631

First Parish Brewster an historic Unitarian Universalist community in the heart of Cape Cod

Office: (508) 896-5577

Fax: (508) 896-5996



opening hearts, growing souls, turning love into justice...