Flashbacks Please write the DATE. Write out the question and the answer each day. 1. What is your...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.What is your favorite subject in school?

2.What is the Scientific Method?

Saving Fred1. We are working

in groups of 2.2. You will need a

piece of paper and a writing instrument.

3. Write out your ‘Proposed Procedures’ first before attempting the lab.

Save Me!

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.How did you use the Scientific Method in the ‘Saving Fred’ activity?

2.What is your definition of Science?


What is Science?

Science is people, fun, observations, explanations, exploration, properties, inferences, questions, technology, and everywhere.

Science is knowledge about the natural world that is received by observations and experiments.

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.What is your favorite subject in school?2.What is your definition of BIOLOGY?

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.What class supplies are you supposed to bring to this class with you?2.What topic will we be covering first in this class?

Flashbacks-GeneralPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.What task must you do first when you walk in Ms. Love’s room?

2.What are the expected behaviors during flashbacks?

Flashbacks-Advanced1. Dr. Johnson performs an experiment testing the effectiveness

of different cough syrups. Identify the independent variable in the experiment.

2. Which question would BETTER for scientific experimentation?

a. How does a baby bird learn to recognize what type of food to eat.

b. What is the relationship between beak size and the number of offspring a bird produces?

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.How did we use the Scientific Method in the “Saving Fred” activity from Thursday? Give at least 3 specific examples.

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.Write out the steps of the scientific method in order.

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.A factor in an experiment that can be changed is a(n)a. Conclusion b. Variable c. Control2. A prediction or statement that can be tested is a(n)a. Conclusion b. Observation c. Control d. Hypothesis

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1. Which of the following steps to solve a problem is completed last?

a.Analyzing data b. Asking a questionc. Drawing conclusions d. Testing a hypothesis

2. Which of the following is an observation only?

•The piece of metal is red, so it must be hot

•The street is wet, so it must have rained

•The table looks like it is made of wood.

•The child’s block is orange.

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1. When you decide whether or not the data from your experiment supports the original hypothesis, you are

a. making an inference b. making an observation

c. drawing conclusions d. posing a question

2. The variable that you measure during an experiment is the

a.data b. independent variable

c. dependent variable d. control

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

1.The variable that you manipulate (change during an experiment is the

a. independent b. dependent d. control

2. Which of the following is true:

a. Data and Results are two names for the same thing

b. Data are the facts you collect from your experiment, while Results are your interpretation of what data means

c. Results are the facts you collect from your experiment, while Data are your interpretation of what results mean.

1. Heather set up two identical bowls: both contained sugar water. One was placed in the dark and one was placed in the light. What is the Independent Variable?

a. two identical bowls b. the sugar water

c.where each bowl was placed

2. A gardener notices bugs on all of her plants but one. She wonders if the plant is poisonous to the bugs. What step is this?

a. Making a conclusion c. asking a question

b. Stating a hypothesis d. designing an experiment


Science is an organized body of knowledge explaining the natural world by making

observations and experimenting. Once a

scientist has made observation, they have to

make decisions about what they saw.

The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions. Scientists use the scientific method to search for cause and effect relationships in nature. In other words, they design an experiment so that changes to one item cause something else to change in a predictable way.

The Scientific Method


Being a good scientists involves making great observations and then asking questions. Several people can observe the same event but have different explanations.

Describe what you observe in this picture. DO NOT discuss it with your neighbors.

Observations vs. Inferences

An INFERENCE is an assumption or conclusion based on an observation. It is a logical interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge.

An OBSERVATION is something we do with our eyes; when we see something, we observe it. However, all five of our senses can be used to make observations: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.

Name 2 observations and 2 inferences

Name 2 observations and 2 inferences

THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD:– a step by step way scientists solve problems.

STEP 1: Ask a question– always written in question formThe scientist then raises a question about what (s)he sees going on!!!

•Question: Where do the flies at the butcher shop really come from? Does rotting meat turn into or produce the flies? •Question: Is there indeed a “life force” present in air (or oxygen) that can cause bacteria to develop by spontaneous generation? Is there a means of allowing air to enter a container, thus any life force, if such does exist, but not the bacteria that are present in that air?

Step 2: Hypothesis – a possible answer to the problem statement.

Always written as an IF > THEN statement.


Step 3: Procedure – a numbered step set of directions that explains the experimental setup. Includes materials list.

Variable – what is being tested, what is different in the experiment Independent Variable – The independent variable is the variable that you change on purpose. What you are testing!•Dependent variable – variable you measure-changed by the independent variable.

•Control – all the things you keep the same


What is the Dependent and Independent Variable?

Step 4: Collect Data – explanation of what happened in the experiment. All data collected should be displayed on a data table or on a graph.

DATA:factual information gathered in the experiment.(information or numbers from experiment)

What is some data you could collect from these pics?

Data and Analysis

Step 5: Analyze Data

•Put the data (numbers) in a graph.

There is two types of data researchers can collect:

1. Qualitative data: factual description that do not use numbers. For example, describing the behavior of animals, color of eyes, how mothers react to their young, etc.

2. Quantitative data: factual information that uses number. For example, counting the number of young, measure how tall something grow, etc.

Qualitative or Quantitative?

Qualitative or Quantitative?

Step 6: Conclusion – the answer to the problem statement based on the data you collected. Was the hypothesis correct or not and identify any errors that might have occurred in the experiment.

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE. Write out the question and the answer each day.

Dan wondered which football grip would cause the ball to travel a greater distance through the air. He designed an experiment where he threw the same football using three different grips and recorded the distance of each throw. He concluded that grip #1 would cause the ball to go the farthest.

1. On constant that Dan used to make this experiment valid was:

a. Different throws c. Same football

b. Different grips d. Same distance traveled

2. The dependent variable in the experiment would be:

a. Throwing the football c. The grip Dan used

b. The football game won d. The distance the ball traveled

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE.Write out the question and the answer each day.

•Use the paragraph below for questions 14-18.

•A scientist plants 2 rows of corn for experimentation. She puts fertilizer on row 1 but does not on row 2. Both rows receive the same amount of water and light. She checks the growth of the corn over the course of 5 months.

1. What is the independent variable?

a. Height of plants c. Fertilizer

b. Water d. Light

2. What is the dependent variable?

a. Height of plants c. Fertilizer

b. Water d. Light

FlashbacksPlease write the DATE. Write out the question and the answer each day.

Dan wondered which football grip would cause the ball to travel a greater distance through the air. He designed an experiment where he threw the same football using three different grips and recorded the distance of each throw. He concluded that grip #1 would cause the ball to go the farthest.

1. One constant (control) that Dan used to make this experiment valid was:

a. Different throws c. Same football

b. Different grips d. Same distance traveled

2. The dependent variable in the experiment would be:

a. Throwing the football c. The grip Dan used

b. The football game won d. The distance the ball traveled