Focus Groups: Understanding Culture Through Storyboards Troy Tungate Lean Manager, Mint Division...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Focus Groups:

Understanding Culture Through Storyboards

Troy Tungate

Lean Manager, Mint Division

WILD Flavors, Inc.



What is Culture?

The collective values, beliefs, attitudes, and patterns that

shape an organization’s behavior

What is your organization’s culture?



• Introduction to Focus Group Storyboards

• Current State

• Future State

• Change Requirements

• Facilitator Guide

• Leadership Presentation and Recommendations

• Questions and Discussion

Why Focus Groups?


• Provides an opportunity for participants to share their thoughts, feelings

• Generates transformative ideas

• Engages participants in the company

• Future

• Colleagues

• Provides current state “picture” of organizational culture that can be

engaged by leadership

Introduction to Focus Group Storyboards


1. Current State Storyboard 2. Future State Storyboard

3. Change


Current State Storyboard


• Using pictures that represent different thoughts, feelings, ideas,

attitudes, etc. the participants will create storyboards

• Facilitator questions to ask:

• When you drive into work, what are your thoughts, feelings, ideas?

• Its Monday morning and you are getting ready for work, what are

your feelings, ideas, thoughts about work?

• Try to get to the baseline, deep, real current state culture

Current State Storyboard Examples


Current State Exercise


• In teams of 5, look through the pictures and pick 3 that indicate your

feelings, thoughts, ideas about the MLC conference.

• Using the glue sticks and scissors, cut these out and attach to the

storyboards on the table

• Be Creative

• Present to the group

• Time: 20 minutes

Future State Storyboard


• Using pictures that represent different thoughts, feelings, ideas,

attitudes, etc. the participants will create storyboards

• Facilitator questions to ask:

• How should your organization look, feel in 2-5 years?

• What should your organization look and feel like in 2-5 years?

• Try to get to participants to imagine the future state culture

• Ideal state

Future State Storyboard Examples


Future State Exercise


• In teams of 5, look through the pictures and pick 3 that indicate your

feelings, thoughts, ideas about what the MLC conference should look

like in 2-5 years.

• Using the glue sticks and scissors, cut these out and attach to the

storyboards on the table

• Be creative

• Present to the group

• Time: 20 minutes

Change Storyboard


• Determine required actions to get from current state to the future state

• Questions to Ask

• You’re the CEO/President/Governor/Director/Secretary/Manager,

what changes would you make to get to the future state?

• If you were in charge, what would you do?

• Try to get to participants to identify specific items that they believe will

get them to the future state

Change Exercise


• In teams of 5, look through the storyboards and identify the 3 most

important actions the MLC should do to reach the future state.

• Write these on a sheet of paper

• Present to the group

• Time: 10 minutes

Facilitator Ground Rules


• Open, Honest, and Transparent

• Tell participants exactly what happens with this information and how

it will be used

• Anonymous

• Integrity, trust

• No Judgment

• No Good/Bad

• No Right/Wrong

Facilitator Guide


• The role of the facilitator is critical to obtaining real results

• Goal is to understand what the participants are communicating

• Ask questions and check for understanding

• Make sure teams are mixed

• Circle most important item on each storyboard

• Summarize key thoughts

• You will represent the participants to


Facilitator Duties


• Do not get personally involved

• Keep the participants on schedule

• Estimate is 90 minutes for 2 groups

• Add 30 minutes for each additional group

• Prepare before the session

• Meeting room, materials and supplies

• Mental

• Empathize with participants

• Make it fun!

Leadership Presentation


• Take pictures of each storyboard and change requirements

• Look for themes, important ideas- analysis, pareto

• Prepare presentation with pictures and summary

• Prepare a slide with themes, important ideas

Leadership Presentation Recommendations


• Using your knowledge, learning, and impression of the focus groups:

• Determine what is real and important

• Determine what is ranting, smoke, agenda, complaint of the day

• Beware of your own bias!

• Develop recommendations

• Targeted, specific, incremental

Presenting to Leadership


• Represent the focus groups as best as you can

• Allow the leadership to review, evaluate, and own the results

• Answer questions but don’t lead or push

• Keep it anonymous

Presenting to Leadership Exercise


• In your teams, look through the current state, future state, and change

requirements and identify:

• What is most important? One item from each

• Present to the group

• Time: 5 minutes

Thank you!
