Folly Current - September 30, 2011

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  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    Folly Beachs NewspaperVol. 3 Issue 25 September 30, 2011 w FREE










    E SaltMarSh DiarieSpage 5 the Skinnyon FinSpage 7CounCil eleCtionpage 2

    K now Your


    FrenziedF l o t i l l a

    On a relatively briskSeptember aternoon,the ot-missed Folly

    Beach Float Frenzy traditionreturned, hosted by MikeKirages and the crew at SunsetCay Yacht Club. Te FollyRiver lled with revelers aboardsea-worthy crats o all sorts,ambling rom the boat ramp

    to Sunset Cay, where Louis D andGraham Whorley entertained themupon arrival. Te grand prize (a working leg lamp) went to BrianHawkins (o the Crab Shack) or his

    ully stocked and staed foating tikibar. Most zaniest/outrageous foat went to Paul and Debbie Hume, who constructed an 8-oot replicao the leg lamp. Berts Market tookmost seaworthy, with their foat thatsat three eet above the water line.

    Photos by bonne Isenhour

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    2 September 30, 2011

    C IV I C

    Lewis DoDson

    512 east Cooperave.

    How long have you lived on Folly?On and o or six and a hal years.Uninterrupted or 3 years.

    What is your profession?Restaurant Owner and Manager

    What is a favorite memory of yours onFolly Beach?One o my many avorite Folly memoriesis my riends' wedding in the FollyRiver Park. Te weather and atmosphere were wonderul and it just had thatperect Folly eel. Dangermun playedand people danced into the night.

    Is the overall challenge on Folly to make

    changes to improve lie here, or workingto prevent changes, in order to keep liehere like it is now (or possibly like it wasin the past)?

    Lie is about improvements. Folly Beachis one o the most perect places on earth,however we must fnd ways to continueto improve our surroundings. Te worldchanges and people change; Folly Beachand its government must be ready tobe a part o that while maintaining ourunique character. I am ready to be aRepresentative o the people o FollyBeach to make those changes or not as thepeople see ft.

    What motivated you to run for

    council?Over the past ew years I have been

    approached by several groups o Follycitizens asking me to take part in localgovernment. I have been interested inpolitics and public service my whole lie.I believe everyone should do their part tohelp. I have traveled all over the countryand world and ound my home on FollyBeach. It's time or me to do my part.

    Why are you the best candidate?I am a blank slate. Like all people, I havemy opinions, some stronger then others,but I am always willing to put an opinonaside to represent the citizens o FollyBeach, to do what the people want andneed. It is our community.

    Whats your favorite menu item at aFolly Beach restaurant?Big Apple Roll, Sushi By Lisa. I would liketo shameless sel promote the Drop Inhas great ood but I eat Te Big AppleRoll several times a week.

    What is your favorite month on FollyBeach, and why?October is the best month o Folly. Teweather is great the water is still warm andthe bugs are gone.

    Bio: Ater graduating rom the University oMississippi with a BA in psychology, I savedup money working over our jobs, paid o college, and traveled across Australia andNew Zealand. When I returned to the StatesI moved to Folly Beach and have never truly

    let. My frst summer here I worked in thekitchen and bar at the Crab Shack. It wasone o the greatest summers o my lie.

    On August 29 2005 Hurricane Katrinadevastated Louisiana and my home state oMississippi. I elt it was my obligation to helpthe people o the Gul Coast. I let my islandparadise and moved to New Orleans, whereI worked with a amily business rebuildingand started my own business in demolition. Ater six months, I used the knowledge Igained in New Orleans to help the people oMississippi. I worked with the PresbyterianChurch on the Mississippi Gul Coast oranother six months rebuilding homes orpeople with little or no insurance.

    One year was too long to be away and I

    moved back to Folly Beach. I began workingwith Charleston singer songwriter Owen

    Beverly as his tour manager. Unortunately.ater several months the job required me tomove to Jackson, MS. When not on tour Iworked or a fne dining restaurant in Jacksonand later, Vail, CO. While working orthese businesses I learned how to operate andmanage a successul restaurant. I returnedto Folly Beach in the all o 2008.

    In the spring o 2009 a ew riends andI, heartbroken over the close o Te DolphinDeli, saw an opportunity to fll a need in the

    Center Street skyline and opened the DropIn Deli & Bar. We have been open or alittle over two and a hal years and, thoughtimes can be hard, I would not trade mylie in this wonderul beach community oranything. Folly Beach is where I live. FollyBeach is where I work. I can be reachedat


    710 east erie ave.

    How long have you lived on Folly?Born and raised. Fity o my 55 years.

    What is your profession?

    Radiation Terapist at MUSC.

    What is a favorite memory of yours onFolly Beach?Te Amusement Park during the summerso the 60s.

    Is the overall challenge on Folly tomake changes to improve life here, or

    working to prevent changes, in order tokeep life here like it is now (or possiblylike it was in the past)?I will go with prevent changes to keep liehere like it is with all its Quirkiness. Lieis good on Folly.

    What motivated you to run forcouncil?I want to be a part o the decisions being

    made or my Home.

    Why are you the best ca ndidate?I like the direction Folly is taking andwant to help keep it on a steady path.

    Whats your favorite menu item at aFolly Beach restaurant?Te una at Crab Shack.

    What is your favorite month on FollyBeach, and why?October. Fall is in the air and our clean airseems cleaner and crispier, people are over

    the heat and ready or cooler weather.

    Bio: My name is Sandy Hickman, and I wasborn and raised on East Erie, where Icurrently reside with my husband, Ken.Both my parents, Marcia and Angus Smith,were involved in the Folly community. Myather was a Volunteer Fireman and CivicClub member. My mother many know as the"Bread Lady" or the Sandbar Restaurant.My daughter, Veronica Bolus, was also born

    and raised here on Folly and is active in thesurfng community. For over 20 years I haveworked at MUSC as a Radiation Terapist.I am a Board Member o the Folly ExchangeClub where my, brother, Angus, is alsocurrently the President.

    I am running or Council because, overthe years, I have seen many changes take place here on Folly Beach. Presently, Follyis headed in a good direction and I wantto make sure it SAYS the COURSE andcontinues on the right path. However, someo the issues that need to be addressed are thedensity o people or such a small island andtrust in our government. Folly Beach hasalways been a laid back town and I believeit should remain that way or the years to

    come. In order or this to occur, we all mustbe respectul and considerate o each otherin our community as well as visitors. Testress o the day melts away as I approachFolly. "Tere's no place like HOME"! I amavailable and wish to speak to any and all omy ellow Folly Beachers. I can be reachedat 437-0340.

    aLan kLeinfeLD

    2226 foLLyroaD

    How long have you lived on Folly?Almost two years.

    What is your profession?Real estate and Association management.

    What is a favorite memory of yours onFolly Beach?Sitting on the beach, in the all, aterdusk, enjoying the evening and listeningto the waves.

    Is the overall challenge on Folly tomake changes to improve life here, or

    working to prevent changes, in order tokeep life here like it is now (or possiblylike it was in the past)?Im not able to pick one or the other. Ithink each issue needs to be addressed

    Candidates continued on page 3

    Ge t t i n g t o K n o w

    t h e Co u n c i l Ca n d i d a t e sElEction for opEn SEat Will BE nov 8


    ver the next three issues, well pose questions to each o the fve

    candidates or the City Council seat vacated by Laura Beck. Somequestions are meant to be un and to help readers get to know thecandidates as people. Others deal more directly with the issues acing ourcommunity.

    Remember that to vote in the City Council special election on uesday,November 8, you need to register to vote (or update your registration) byOctober 8. Te Department o Justices approval o the voter ID bill has beendelayed, so a photo ID will probably not be required or this election.

    To register to vote or change your address, visit

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    September 30, 2011 3

    Lucky Dog Publishing, LLC

    Publishers ofThe Folly Current, TheIslandEye News and theIsland Connection .

    Lnn Pierotti


    Stratton Lawrence


    Blake Bunchassociate editor

    Swan Richards

    senior graphic designer

    Lori Dalton

    sales manager

    Chris Wilkerson



    Richard Brendel




    Melissa Caloca

    graphic design intern


    Jacob Flannick

    Justin Morris

    Bonne Isenhour

    Joel Flores

    Anton Dumars

    Jud Bushkar

    Heather Johnson

    Fa A.

    Megan Caroll

    Smok Weiner

    David CrawfordRobert Bohrn

    Published b

    Luck Dog Publishing

    of South Carolina, LLC

    P.O. Box 837

    Sullivans Island, SC 29482


    October 14 Paper Deadline is

    October 5 for Submissions

    The Foll Current, a wholl owned sub-sidiar of Luck Dog Publishing of South

    Carolina LLC, is a free, independent news-paper published ever two weeks and is forand about Foll Beach. Copies are mailedfree of charge to ever active mailbox in

    our coverage area and are also available atarea businesses and b subscription to non-

    islanders. Subscriptions are $39 per ear fornon-residents and are available b sendinga check to Luck Dog Publishing, LLC, P.O.Box 837, Sullivans Island, SC 29482. Oureditorial content is primaril dedicated to

    the area of distribution; ad space is open toall businesses who want to reach the Foll

    Beach market. Complete ad creation is$50, however, changes of up to 30% of theoriginal ad are included at no extra cost. All

    advertising rates are listed

    under advertising.

    c iv i c

    A (Qu ic k ) Money Ques t i on

    City CounCil notes


    Because there was not a quorumor the planned September 13City Council meeting, it was

    rescheduled or 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdayo the ollowing week.

    All members were present except EddieEllis.

    Mayor im Goodwin pointed out thaton September 23, Folly Beach celebratedits 38th anniversary as a City.

    NEW BUSINESSResolution No. R42-11. (AmendsFY11-12 Budget by transerring $24,350rom various public saety accounts orthe purchase o record managementsotware.

    Council member Pennell Clamp

    motioned to deer the resolution untilater it could be discussed in a worksession.

    "Tis is just moving money around thathas already been approved, rom point

    A to point B," said Goodwin.

    "I do realize the short term need to getthis done, but we talked way in thebeginning that we werent putting stuon the agenda that we hadn't discussedahead o time. Tis is that. Rush,rush, rush," said council member PaulHume.

    Goodwin explained that this resolution

    had been on the Sep. 13 agenda, andadded that since council had voted tomove the 911 dispatch center back toFolly Beach, "we've got to get moving."Council member Charlie McCarty

    voiced his opinion that with a discussion,the issue would be resolved.

    "I we spend it, we need to talk aboutit," added Clamp.Council voted unanimously to suspend theresolution and discuss it at a 4 pm worksession on September 27.

    Council then went into Executive


    When they returned, they took upResolution No. R44-11, approvinga proposal or services rom the JamesIsland Public Service District (JIPSD).

    Small amendments were made in wording, and the resolution wasapproved unanimously.Te meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

    West Cooper Playground UpdateIn the last issue o the Current, wereported that a vehicle had struck anddestroyed the ence at the West Cooper

    Ave. playground. According to PublicSaety, the incident occurred at about2 a.m. on September 10, and RoyTaddeus Stuckey was apprehended andcharged the ollowing day with leavingthe scene o an accident.

    independently. Is there actually a way tostop change? Im not so sure. Who was itthat said, nothing endures but change?Having said that, I dont eel that we needto have change or changes sake.

    What motivated you to run forcouncil?

    Actually, to eel more a part o Folly and

    to get to know the community better. Iwant to keep Folly a great place to live.

    Why are you the best ca ndidate?I dont know the others very well yet soits tough or me to compare. However,I like to think I bring a new perspectiveand point o view. I enjoy being a problemsolver, shaping my environment andevaluating situations. I like to contribute,looking at issues and asking the toughquestions to get to the best solutions orthe most people. I think people who knowme would say Im competent, honest,determined, responsible and that I have agreat sense o humor.

    Whats your favorite menu item at aFolly Beach restaurant?I cant pick just one. Had a great clubsandwich at Blu the other day, a tastychicken salad sandwich at Drop In and a

    wonderul rigger Burke burger at Grillon the Edge. oo many to choose rom!

    What is your favorite month on FollyBeach, and why?Is there a bad month?!?

    Vernon Knox

    216 West CooperAVenue

    How long have you lived on Folly?27 years.

    What is your profession?Realtor with Carolina One Real Estate.

    What is a favorite memory of yours onFolly Beach?

    July 4th, 1988, the frst date I had withmy uture wie, o 23 years, who I met onFolly Beach.

    Is the overall challenge on Folly tomake changes to improve life here, or

    working to prevent changes, in order tokeep life here like it is now (or possibly

    like it was in the past)? During my time on Folly I have seen many

    changes, most or the better. As examples;we have a vibrant business district and afscally sound government. O course,there is always room or improvement.Te past is behind us and I do not see how

    we could return to the Folly I ound in1983.

    What motivated you to run forcouncil?Simply out o gratitude. I cannot think

    o a better way, than to serve the peopleo Folly, to show my thanks to those thathave supported me during the past ninemonths.

    Why are you the best ca ndidate?I am the only candidate with anyexperience in Folly Beach government.

    Whats your favorite menu item at aFolly Beach restaurant?

    Joeys omelets at Follywood (weekendsonly).

    What is your favorite month on FollyBeach, and why?September. We get our island back!!!

    Bio:For those who are new and dont know meI am 58 years old, and have lived on FollyBeach or 27 years. I own my home at 216W. Cooper. I have two married children andthree grandchildren. I work or Carolina OneReal Estate.I also have an extensive background incity government. I served on the PlanningCommission rom 1994-1996, City Council

    rom 1996-1998, and two terms as Mayorrom 1998-2006. My desire is to bring myskills and knowledge to the current council.

    During my time on Council and as Mayorwe held the line on property taxes. Trough

    growth, grants and fscal responsibilitywe passed budgets without tax increasesand reduced the percentage o the budgetdependent on property taxes.

    Due to space constraints I cannot list allo our accomplishments through the years.Here are a ew: $12.5 million dollar beachrenourishment, the river ront park (insteado a strip mall) at the entrance to our City,introduced the Hospitality tax that bringsin over $423,000 per year, started the fre

    Candidates cont. on page 4

    Candidates cont. from page 2

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    4 September 30, 2011

    program to help protect Folly homes, theEast Erie Ave. playground, and hundreds ofthousands of dollars worth of grants for thepark, the river pier, walkover maintenance,and other projects.

    I do believe that experience matters and Ithank you for your support during previouscampaigns. You deserve good Governmentand I will do my best to see that you receive

    good Government. Most folks are familiarwith the items mentioned above. If youwould like to know more about me or haveany questions please feel free to contact me at442-3319 Stuckey

    11 ReD SunSet lane

    How long have you lived on Folly?Since 2004. We bought our property in2000.

    What is your profession?Former school teacher and retired chiecounsel ater more than 25 years or the

    South Carolina Department o Educationand the State Board o Education.

    What is a favorite memory of yours onFolly Beach?Watching dolphins in the creeks at sunsetwith my husband, Roy, and Bentley (whomight have been a dolphin beore he wasa dog).

    Is the overall challenge on Folly tomake changes to improve lifehere, or working to prevent changes, in

    order to keep life here like it is now (orpossibly like it was in the past)?I love Folly the way it is now. Most peopledo. However, as Public Saety ChieBrown was quoted in the Current, once we stop moving orward. Tats when we start moving backwards. Memberso City Council are constantly presented with requests to make changes, andthey have to decide which changes willmake Folly better. I have the experience,maturity, and good judgment to make the

    right call.

    What motivated you to run forcouncil?Friends who care about Folly Beachencouraged me to run, and my interactionwith City Council while I was organizingthe Folly Island Dog Owners Club (FIDO)helped me understand how important it isto have people on Council who care aboutdoing the right things or Folly Beach.

    Why are you the best ca ndidate?I dont know much about the othercandidates, and my ego is not big enoughto claim to be the best candidate. I dohave a history o being honest, workinghard, trying to do the right thing, andgetting things done. I like to ocus onsolving problems and helping people reacha consensus.

    Whats your favorite menu item at aFolly Beach restaurant?I do not have a avorite menu item or aavorite restaurant. I did eat most otenthis summer at the Sur Bar where my

    son, Scott, who is in his last semester atthe College o Charleston, was cooking onthe wood-fred grill.

    What is your favorite month on FollyBeach, and why?October, because the water is still warmenough to enjoy, the sky is oten clear,the temperature is pleasant, the marsh isgreen, and the sunsets are beautiul.

    Bio:I moved from Rhode Island to South Carolinain 1972. Tirty-three years ago I married myhusband, Roy, who was born and raised inSumter, SC. We have two sons, Tad (29)and Scott (26), one andone-half dogs (ones a foster) and two cats.

    My B.A. degree is from Albertus MagnusCollege in New Haven, Connecticut, andmy J.D. degree is from the Universityof South Carolina School of Law inColumbia. Before I attended law school, Itaught in Massachusetts and South Carolina public schools. I practicedlaw for morethan 25 years as chief counsel for the SouthCarolina Department of Education and theState Board of Education.

    We built our house on Folly in 2004 andI retired here in 2008. Untilrecently, I have really tried to be retired,volunteering at Pet Helpers and FollyBeach Animal Services, reading, walkingon the beach, boating, and traveling. I amcurrently the President of the Folly IslandDog Owners Club (FIDO).

    Candidates cont. from page 3

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    September 30, 2011 5

    Letters to the Editor...

    Dear Editor,

    KUDOS O HE LIER PAROL Tanks to those responsibleor the roadside sweep as the season slowed down or our beachvisitors. It was such a pleasure to see the thorough clean up and thebags neatly placed or pick-up and retrieval shortly thereater. Tisis not the only time during the year that we smile as we see that ourroadside is regularly cleared ater the weekends.

    I suspect that the surers are responsible as they have been sodiligent; however, in any case, we are grateul to those who take thetime to perorm this service.

    Sincerely,Dave BishopLittle Oak Island, Folly Beach


    Dear Editor,

    I enjoyed Nicolas Lempesis article about rigger Burke. I ownthe house where rigger Burke stayed when he was arrested in 1955.I knew this when I bought it. I lived there or 15 years, and it is nowa rental.

    My wie was the librarian at the time and we have all the ino andnewspaper pictures, etc

    I like all the interesting acts about Folly Beach we can share withothers. Its history. Te current address i s known as 119 W. Erie.

    Speaking o history, (more recent) the current lighthouse by thedriveway, is a 14-oot tall scale model replica o the Morris IslandLighthouse. I constructed this back in 1995 or the Float Frenzy. We

    called our entry Sea De-light and it was enjoyed by many. It is nowa nice yard light. I enjoyed seeing my Lighthouse pictured in one othose coee table books published not too long ago o pictures oFolly.

    Jim & Kathy Nicklaus1014 Seacre st Lane________________________________________________Te Folly Current received an anonymous letter in the mail thisweek regarding the West Cooper Playground. Te envelope andletter were ripped, making it partially illegible. For the record, weare not able to publish anonymous letters.

    Driving across the James Island connector romdowntown, still smarting rom my secondparking ticket in less than a week, I realize my

    current parking plan needs updating. Headlightsstab the darkness, lighting up two lanes channeledbetween parallel concrete barriers. My presentthoughts dont wander ar beyond a hot dinner anda cold beer waiting or me on Folly. Car windowsdown on a welcoming cool night, I smell the pungent,sulury scent o a multi-species ecosystem thrivingjust beyond visibility.

    Recently, on a tour, a dolphin broke the suraceand took a breath just in ront o the bow, startlinga young Indian couple. He came rom New Delhiand she rom Kolkata. First becoming acquainted asneighbors and PhD students attending UNC-ChapelHill, they now shared a romantic get-a-way to Folly.Neither had met the others parents. Fity miles southo Kolkata, the Brahma Putra and the Ganges Riversmeet the Bay o Bengal, orming the Sundarbans,a.k.a. the tide country. Here, Bengal tigers patrolthe islands, while large crocodiles snatch unwaryshermen rom boats.

    She leaned over the side, searching the surace tosight her rst wild dolphin. Fortunately or her, our

    salt marshes and hammocks harmlessly invite thecurious in or a closer look.

    Te U.S. east coast, like most shorelines,experiences two tidal cycles per day. Tis is known asa semi-diurnal tidal regime. From dead low to deadhigh tide, Folly Beachs sea level rises vertically justless than 6 eet (on average) in 6 hours 13 minutes,moving the tidal cycle ahead approximately 51minutes each day. Te moon and, to a lesser degree,the sun, literally pull an ellipsoid-shaped bulge oocean around the earth, fooding and draining our

    marshes twice daily through an endless capillary-likenetwork o tidal creeks.

    idal variation produces distinct vertical ecologicalzones. An extreme low tide exposes red beard spongesand sea whip corals. Bivalves, such as oysters andclams, occupy creek banks between average low andhigh water, while Spartina alternifora (marsh grass)

    dominates mean high tide elevation. Constantlychanging water levels orce marsh animals to changeeeding tactics with the tides. As tidal waters foodover the top o them, oysters open up and resumelter eeding. Chicken-like oystercatchers takeadvantage and move in or their namesake meal. Athigh tide, shrimp and sh nd reuge among foodedmarsh grass. Flooded marshes also invite red drum toswim onto tidal fats in search o blue crabs.

    At low tide, with the marsh grass drained and hidingplaces eliminated, prey becomes more vulnerable.Also at low tide, dolphins engage in strand eeding,coordinating to school mullet right out o the wateronto mud banks. With my hydrophone, I recorded adolphin giving the charge signal just beore a smallpod simultaneously stormed the sandbar at MorrisIsland. Tis to me was the marine equivalent ocapturing Big Foot on lm.

    Arriving home just ater 9 pm, dogs and wiegreet me. Food and cold beer consumed, I relax intomy comort zone on Folly Beach, realizing Im theluckiest man alive. For with tomorrow, the adventurecontinues.

    Captain Anton DuMars, a coastal geologist and 30-year Folly Beach resident, owns and operatesTideline Tours, LLC. To fnd Anton, please call or text813-2497 or visit

    Fr o m Fo l l y t o t h e Ba y o f Be n g a lBy Anton DuMArs, CAptAin, tiDeline tours

    S a lt m a r S h d i a r i e S

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    6 September 30, 2011


    Solutiononpage11Level: Hard

    Editors Note:Ater six weeks to refect,Robert Bohrn penned this piece about theunveiling o Folly Beachs historical marker

    or the 55th

    Massachusetts Volunteer Inantry. Although the event occurred on July 15 othis year, the marker, in Folly River Park,should be a permanent source o pride orFolly residents. Although this piece recountsan event in July, we eel it carries continuedrelevance.

    The sound o thunder was not the

    way I expected to wake up, onthis o all mornings. Ater our

    hours o sleep, and ater leaving the bluegrass o Kentucky or the sea oats o FollyBeach, the rains ominous beating on thebedroom window was not the way I hadenvisioned this day beginning. But ater24 years o blood, sweat, and tears, a littleLow Country rainstorm was not enoughto dampen my spirits on this day o days.I did, however, say a silent prayer to those19 soldiers. I asked that they put a wordin to the Big Man upstairs about that rainthat was alling on the Folly River Park.Please, I asked, hold up the rain or theunveiling, and let that matter in theirhands.

    Te unveiling ceremony or the rst

    S.C. Historical Marker honoring 19 Unionsoldiers rom the 55th MassachusettsVolunteer Inantry was not going to behampered or halted because o a littlerain. Te 24 year wait was almost over,and the years o hard work, pitalls, andbureaucracy was about to culminate in anevent that had never beore been attemptedby a group o rel ic-hunters and supportersrom across our great country. oday, anhistorical marker was to be draped withboth South Carolina and Massachusettsstate ags, and it would be unveiled orthe rst time.

    I remember talking to Te reasureDepot magazine editor, Richard Walker,or the rst o many times on the phonealmost three years ago. He asked i I

    would write a story or the magazine aboutmy discovery o the 19 Union Arican

    American soldiers that I had ound onFolly Beach back in 1987. In the middleo that conversation, I asked about thepossibility o using the Depot magazineas a venue to raise unds or the makingo a historical marker or those soldiers we

    were talking about. He thought the ideawas a great one, and well, the rest reallyis history. And announcement was puton the website, and a plea or donations

    was made. Immediately, responses were overwhelming. Relic-hunters wereoering money and services aster thanRichard and I had expected. One Depotmember, author im Bradshaw, evenoered to donate a book he authored,Battery Wagner, to the rst ve people

    who donated over $100.

    In record time (this was told to me bythe head o the S.C. Historical Marker

    department) the $1898 was raised, andother donations o money were actuallyreturned to the donors. I then wrote nearly

    ve versions o text or the marker, eachone being scrutinized by the HistoricalMarker department. But, ater much

    work, and lobbying, I wrote one that I elt would make everyone happy. My mainconcern was that the term relic huntersbe included in the text, and I was notgoing to bend on this, period. Tis parto the text was approved, and the marker

    was ordered.

    Te marker was manuactured atSeewah Studios in Ohio. It was madeand delivered to the city o Folly Beachin March o 2010, and there it sat in theCity Hall or more than a year. Proposeddates or the unveiling ceremony cameand went. Ten, in April o this year, thenewly elected Mayor o Folly Beach, im

    Goodwin, literally stumbled on the still-crated marker in one o the storage closetso Folly City Hall.

    His ofce contacted me this past Apriland we began the process or planning

    what would become one o the mostimportant dates ever in the history o theCity o Folly Beach. My old riend imRooks contacted me, whose wie, oni,is the city administrator o Folly Beach.

    Reenactors pose at the July 15 dedication of the historical marker in the Folly River Park

    History continued on page 10


    A Re l i c Hun t e r Remem ber s

    Reflecting on the jouRney to folly Beachs fiRst histoRical maRkeR

    By RoBeRt BohRn

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    September 30, 2011 7

    OnlyOn FOllyPol i ce B lo t t e r By Blake Bunch

    Keep it in Your Pants

    On September 15, an ocer was on patrol on West Ashley Avenue when heobserved a white male urinating on the side o Loggerheads. Driving towardsthe subject, the ocer noted that the man zipped up and waited or myarrival. Te subject stated that he was peeing on the side o the building whilehis girlriend was walking their dog. Although the ocer inormed the subject

    that Loggerheads has bathrooms he could have used, the subject said that hecould not wait. Furthermore, the ocer noted that the subject was grosslyintoxicated, and had slurred speech. Te couple was allowed to wait or a cab,but the man received a ticket or disorderly conduct in the amount o $1,097.

    Ive got these cheeseburgers, man

    On September 9, an ocer was sitting on Center Street when a man approachedhim. Te man wanted to le a police report in regards to a stolen moped. Tisvictim elaborated that he was using his riends moped and parked it in an areanear the water tower. He urther stated that when he came back to get themoped, it was gone. Te ocer contacted 911 to see i anyone had receivedthe moped, to no avail. Ater the ocer contacted the rightul owner o themoped, the owner stated that he in act did let his riend borrow the moped,but that his riend had most likely traded i or drugs. However, he couldprovide no proo that this was the case. In conclusion, the ocer inormed theowner that i he did come across any evidence that his riend traded the mopedor drugs, that he would assist him in issuing an arrest warrant. Nothingspells riendship like alse accusations in regards to thet and drug abuse.

    I Said Sauce on the Side!

    On September 16, the reporting ocer was dispatched to ides Hotel, regardingan assault that took place in the lobby. Te complainant advised the ocer that

    while he was working in the kitchen, a ormer employee came in through the rearentrance. Tis disgruntled ex-employee began to move quickly at the complainant,raising a closed st and stating this is or what you have done, and proceeded topunch the victim. Te victim picked up a cooking vessel, using it as a orm odeense against the onslaught o blows. Ater the altercation was broken up, thevictims ace was slightly bruised. Te ocer interviewed the general manager andthe victim. Neither wished to press charges against the ex-employee, but wantedto proceed with a no trespass order. Scimitars usually make great deense tools.

    Tose Fire rucks Have a Wideurning Radius

    Also on September 16, an ocer was notied o an incident that happenedthe prior night at 201 West Arctic Avenue. Tis was ater the Folly Beach Fire

    Department cleared a medical call. Te ocer learned that ater the clearing, thereman driving the Engine 1 Pumper ruck attempted to pull out o the parkinglot and struck a yellow barricade. A scene light was damaged, photos were takeno the damage, and no injuries occurred.

    Which Way Was the Reception?

    On September 17, an ocer was on patrol on East Ashley Avenue near the deadend, when he observed a vehicle approaching at a high rate o speed. Te ocerutilized his radar, achieving a reading o 48mph in a 30mph zone. Tis vehiclerapidly climbed to 51mph, ater which the ocer initiated a trac stop. Oncethe driver stopped, just short o the gate, the driver turned and headed towardsEast Arctic. Ater the ocer had the car pulled over, he noted that the maledriver had a strong odor o alcohol and maintained an intoxicated demeanor. Tecouple stated that they were leaving a wedding on the island and were lost. Teyalso orgot about the open beer can in between the drivers legs on the oorboard,

    which was in plain view. Ater exiting the vehicle and ailing several sobrietytests, the man was arrested or DUI. During the booking process, he submitted

    to a breathalyzer test, and achieved a BAC o 0.09. Te arresting ocer did aurther criminal background check, noting that this would be the mans thirdcharge or DUI.

    Te Defnition o Grace and Poise

    On September 19, an ocer noticed a grey oyota sedan travelling north onCenter Street with no headlights on (at night). Te ocer activated his blue lightsand initiated a trac stop, in which the vehicle stopped partially in the traclane. Tis emale driver also reeked o booze, so the ocer had her perorm severalsobriety tests. She perormed awul ly on each test, was swaying as she stood,could not ollow direction, and kept giggling, giving every indication that she

    was grossly intoxicated. She was then arrested or DUI and placed in the back othe patrol car. Te ocers video camera in his cruiser remained on or the entireprocess, as the subject ranted and cursed, trying to escape rom the car. Atertwenty excruciating minutes o listening to the subject curse and demean theocer, she submitted to a breatha lyzer test, with a BAC o 0.19. But wait, theresmore: while they were going through the booking process she became violent and

    got into a physical altercation with the jail staf. Handle your booze, people.

    Nowadays, English teachers cringe when their ex-students begin sentences the way I justdid. More importantly, surboards with one, two, three, and our ns are being ridden onevery beach in the Lowcountry. How did all this come to pass?

    In the beginning, surboards were just that a board upon which a rider would lie orstand. It had no ns and the back end o the board would slide out o control on nearlyevery bottom turn. Single-n surboards marked a huge leap in technology. Surers woulduse these boards almost exclusively rom the beginning o the Western rediscovery o surnguntil the late 1960s.

    Ten came the decade o the Beach Boys, Woodstock, Merle Haggard and the shsurboard. Tis shape had a pair o ns and tons o speed to spare. win-nned sh markedthe pinnacle o perormance in surboard technology or several years, and their ability togenerate speed down the line is their best attribute. Teir worst quality is a tendency to getsquirrely or loose and out o control when pushed a bit too ar by the rider.

    Te twin n was the smal l wave perormance leader and the single n remained the big wavejuggernaut, until an Australian named Simon Anderson developed a three-nned shortboardthat was dubbed the thruster. In the hands o a skilled rider, this board could develop morespeed and rip turns that let single-n and twin-ns in the dust. As Anderson won the1981 Pipeline Masters competition in Hawaii, the three-nned surboard explodedonto the scene. Tis n placement remains the avorite o proessional shortboard

    riders around the world to this day.Surng has long been an industry riddled with sel-expression and haunted by individuals.One man can try to do whatever he wants on a wave and triumph or ail. o that end, theour-nned surboard or quad has resuraced. Tis board attempts to merge the speed o atwin-n and the drive o a thruster. In most peoples opinion, a good quad is ast and loose.On Folly Beach, many surers are choosing to ride short, stubby boards known as sh.Te large volume and short length o these boards make it easy to catch small waves, glidethrough at sections, and coast along without the rider pumping up and down the wave.Tey combine maneuverability, speed, and user-riendliness in a two, three, or our-nnedpackage.

    A surboard with more ns will have smaller ns in most cases. For example, both nso a twin are large ns o more than ve inches. A thruster setup will have three equal ns

    with an approximate height o our and a hal inches. Likewise, quad setups will be similarto thruster side ns and about three and a hal inches high on the two trailer ns. Once youhave the basics, you should eel ree to experiment with various n designs and setups. Usinglarger ns should give you more control and stability. On the other hand, smaller ns willloosen up your ride and give you more maneuverability. At this point, two more dimensions

    warrant mention. A taller n will hold in larger waves and a n with more rake will keepmore speed and have a longer turning radius. Te angle o the n rom the back o its baseto its tip is called the rake. Fins that sweep ar rom their base have a large amount o rakeand boast more speed to go along with a larger turning radius.

    Finding the correct n or your surboards and your riding style might be the mostimportant thing that you do this decade. I recently chose a larger set o quad ns designedby Simon Anderson. I had beenusing large side ns and uprightrear ns. Tis setup had a shortturning radius that inevitablylost speed. As you can guess,losing speed made my sponsorsat Mountain Dew unhappy andI was obliged to latch onto somelarger ns. With newoundspeed due to the larger base and

    rake o these ns, I was againincredible in my watery home,yet overwhelmingly modest.

    Most surboards today havedetachable n systems. radens with your riends or swingby the local sur shop and aski they part icipate in a n demoprogram. Maybe you canborrow some larger or smallerns and get your ride dialed into your exact needs. Until then,know your own limitations andprotest vehemently i anyoneelse mentions them.

    Fi n s t o t h e L e f t ,Fi n s t o t h e R i g h t . ..

    By Jud Bushkar


    photo on the cover by Justin Morris,


  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    September 30 - October 14

    Friday, September 30

    Movies at the BeachHoot (Rated PG, 90 minutes). Enjoy popcornand a movie at the library! 4 pm.

    Saturday, OctOber 1

    Shag Club Fishing TourneyTe Islanders Shag Club & the GreaterCharleston Ski Club will be holding their annualInshore Fishing ournament on SaturdayOctober 1st. $300 cash prizes wil l be awardedor trout, sheepshead, bass and ounder. Tetournament begins at midnight and continuesuntil weigh-in between 3 and 5 pm, at theFolly Beach boat landing. Registration is $30and includes a t-shirt. All proceeds will benetthe Ronald McDonald House. Applicationsare available online at For more inormationcall Debbie Disher at 588-6010 or Julie illmanat 588-0123.

    Introduction to Climbing - Climbing 101Tis class is designed to introduce you to the world o climbing. We will teach you gear,basic knots, technique, and how to belay. Uponcompletion, participants will be prepared to takea belay test upon their next visit to the ClimbingWall. Pre-registration required. Meets at JamesIsland County Park, 9 am 12:30 pm. $24. Visit or ull listings o the manyclimbing classes ofered weekly at the park.

    mOnday, OctOber 3

    Family Storytime with Miss DonnaAt the library. 10:30 am.

    WedneSday, OctOber 5

    Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Classes:Intro to SUPSUP is a go-anywhere watercrat suitable orlakes, marshes, lazy rivers, ocean coasts, andthe dynamic sur zone. Get started right withinstruction in saety and proper technique thatwill allow you to progress comortably at yourown pace. Pre-registration required. Meets atJames Island County Park. $18. 5:30 7 pm.

    Visit or ull listings o themany SUP and kayaking courses ofered weeklyat the park.

    thurSday, OctOber 6

    McLeod Plantation Master PlanOpen HouseTe Public is invited to an open house onthe uture o McLeod Plantation that will beheld or the public at James Island CharterHigh School. Te open house will be heldon Oct. 6 rom 4:30-7:30 p.m. in the schoolscaeteria, located at 1000 Fort Johnson Road. A ormal presentation will be given at 6:00p.m. Charleston County Park and RecreationCommission (CCPRC) is currently working with a team o consultants and a steeringcommittee to create a master plan or theMcLeod Plantation property. Te public isinvited to join the consultant team and C CPRCrepresentatives to learn about the project and

    discuss uture plans. McLeod Plantation is a 37-acre property located on James Island. CCPRCacquired it rom the Historic CharlestonFoundation in February 2011. Te CharlestonCounty Park and Recreation Commission alsoinvites the public to ofer their input on how theMcLeod property will be utilized through anonline survey. Te McLeod Plantation MasterPlan Public Survey is open at rom now through Oct. 15. Inaddition to attending the open house on Oct. 6,CCPRC encourages any interested party to takethe survey, where people can weigh in on issueslike programming, acility usage, and more.

    Friday, OctOber 7

    Movies at the BeachCasper (Rated PG, 96 min). Enjoy popcornand a movie at the library! 4 pm.

    Saturday, OctOber 8

    Jack-O-Lantern CountdownCome carve pumpkins at the library orHalloween. 10 am 2 pm.

    Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Trips -James Island SUPer Marsh TourStop on by James Island County Park a nd launchsome SUPs rom the crabbing dock. Wellexplore this little travelled section o the parkand enjoy hiking through the salt marsh. Foryour comort and enjoyment, we recommendthis trip to those who already have the basicso SUPing or have a moderate to high level oathleticism beore signing up or a 3-hour tour.Pre-registration required. 1:30 4:30 pm. Ages16 and up. $36.

    Sunday, OctOber 9

    Beneft at Bowens For Salty KidzSalty Kids helps inncer city children gainaccess to the waterways around Charleston,

    while instilling an appreciation or ouraquatic ecosystems. From 4 to 10 pm, thisevent will eature Elise estone and theFreeloaders and Deep Water Soul Society

    on the dock at Bowens Island. Admissionis ree, but donations are appreciated at thedoor. $15 all you can eat oysters, and BBQ,beer, wine, and margaritas will be available.NFL games aired on the big screen.

    Kayak to Captain Sams SpitFriends o the Kiawah River invite the public topaddle to protect Captain Sams Spit. Kayaks will depart at 11:00 a.m. rom Mingo Point.Paddlers will be accompanied by naturalistsrom the Kiawah Island Nature Center. Returnto Mingo Point at about 1:30 pm, where SidiLimehouse will have a delicious lunch waiting.Tere is no set charge, but donations (suggested$40) are appreciated to assist with legal ees tosave the Spit. Book a place in advance by and clicking on the bluebutton on the home page. And aterwards, agreat bonus!! On the Freshelds Village Greenthe 6th annual American Music Celebrationrom 2-7 pm. Its on your way home, its alwaysgreat Blues music, and best o all, its FREE!

    mOnday, OctOber 10

    Family Storytime with Miss DonnaAt the library. 10:30 am.

    Night Climbing - October Full MoonClimbEnjoy an evening under the moon at Te Climbing Wall! ry your avorite route rom a diferentperspective. Equipment not included in climbingee; bring your headlamp/ashlight. Registrationis not necessary. 7 10 pm. Meets at James IslandCounty Park. Ages 16 and up. $12.

    thurSday, OctOber 13

    Yappy Hour at James Island County ParkJoin us ater work at the James Island CountyPark dog park or drinks and live music by olkperormers Ryan Bonner and Corey Jarrett.Mingle with riends old and new while your dogruns around with his avorite pals. Beveragesavailable or purchase. Tis event is ree withregular park admission. Outside alcohol andcoolers are prohibited. 4 pm until sunset.

    Friday, OctOber 14

    Movies at the ParkJoin us at James Island County Park or moviesunder the stars! Event is ree with regular gateadmission. Call (843) 795-4386 or movie titles,or visit No pre-registrationrequired! 8 10 pm. Free.

    Folly Beach Bird Walks - Lighthouse InletHeritage Preserve Bird WalkTis walk ocuses on the northern shorelineand maritime orest o Folly Beach. We hope tosee migrating warblers, thrushes, tanagers, andbuntings, as well as large ocks o migratingseabirds and shorebirds! Pre-registration isrequired, however the program is ree. Pre-registration required. A registered chaperoneis required or participants ages 15 and under.8:30 10:30 am. Meets at Lighthouse InletHeritage Preserve. Free.

    Movies at the BeachTe Haunted Mansion (Rated PG, 99 min).Enjoy popcorn and a movie at the library! 4 pm.

    Folly Current Calendar

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    10 September 30, 2011

    Thanks to PetSmart Charities, we areable to oer almost 800 more reesurgeries. Pets owned by residents o

    29403, 29407, and 29412 who receive anyorm o government assistance are eligible(proo must be supplied at time o surgery).

    Appointments are available Monday toTursday at our oce at 1447 Folly Road.Call 302-0556 to make an appointment.

    It is our duty as responsible pet ownersand animal lovers to consider ALL theanimals that are aected when a pet islet unxed. As a result o a large numbero unxed and subsequently unwantedanimals, 11,839 homeless pets enteredshelters in Charleston County just last year.5407 o those animals were put down.

    I the thought o innocent animalsbeing put to sleep isnt enough to convinceyou to spay/neuter your pet, consider thecost eectiveness o the surgery, especiallya FREE one! A litter o puppies and/orkittens can be extremely costly and timeconsuming to care or in the long or evenshort term, and there is a likelihood thatseveral o the kittens or puppies wont even

    live beyond a ew days.

    Consider these benefts:

    Neutered cats are less likely to spay ormark territory.Spaying a emale dog or cat eliminatesthe heat cycle, which prevents hassle,mess, and curbs nervous behavior.Spayed and neutered pets are lesslikely to have unprovoked aggressive

    behaviors.Spay/Neuter eliminates the possibilityo certain types o cancer.Neutered males are less l ikely to roamaway rom home in search o a mate.

    Dont receive government assistance?Dont worry! Call to make an appointmentor your pet beore the end o Septemberand youll pay just $50 as part o our Fixit or ty promotion!

    For more information please contactLauren Lipsey at 795.1110 ext. 16 or visitour website at www.PetHelpers.orgAlso,dont forget to like us on Facebook to stay upto date on this and other discount specialsavailable at the Greer Spay/Neuter Clinic.

    Free Spa y/N ut Su g i sPROVIDED BY PET HELPERS

    D a t i n g F o l l i e s

    Who Dosn t L i k Sl ds?BY FaY a.

    Iconsider mysel a smart girl. I may notnd mysel giving lectures to Ivy leaguestudents any time in the near uture,

    but I can kick most peoples ass in trivia.I can gure out the tip, I understand BillMahers sardonic political comedy, and

    I can pass the test to become a membero Mensa. Like most women, I wouldlike to nd a man that can challenge mybrain, keep me sharp and on my toes.Its simple biology that women look orthe best o the bunch when it comes tosettling down; evolution has deemed itso. Recently, however, I read an articlethat stated that as womens intelligencegoes up, their prospects o marriage godown. Just the notion o this being truegot me so red up that now, here I am,ully marinating on this absurd idea andready or a rant

    It has always been pretty obvious thatthere are some characteristics that we likein the opposite sex. Statistically speaking,

    women like men who are taller, older,and more intelligent. Men, in perect

    symmetry, enjoy women thatare shorter, younger,and (sadly) dumber.Recently there weretwo studies conductedin Great Britain and

    the United

    States which ound a direct correlationbetween IQ and marriage prospects.Tey ound that or every 16 point jumpin IQ or a woman, her marriage prospectsdecreased 40 percent. In contrast, orevery 16 point jump in IQ or men,

    their marriage prospects increased by 35percent. It is perectly realistic or me tobelieve that intelligent women may be abit more intimidating to some men, butthese numbers are dicult or me to wrapmy brain around.

    What does this ultimately mean?Sorry to all o the brilliant beautiul girlsout there; you might as well pack it innow. Its going to be a long lonely winter,because boys are scared o your brainsTis may be one o the most ridiculousthings I have ever heard. Having a vastexpanse o knowledge has never been adownall or any o the smart girls that Iknow. Quite the opposite, actually. Notonly is it a ton o un to know more than

    the boys, but in my experience, nine timesout o ten, the guys seem to really like ittoo. I think they get o on the challenge,the excitement, and the strength o brainychicks. Tis is not to say that smart girlsdont nd themselves occasionally playingthe role o the damsel in distress or thepoor conused little girl every so oten topad the egos o our men. Yet, in the grand

    scheme o things, it is absolutely asinineto believe that you cannot be intelligentand still nd Mr. Right.

    I am so sick o people dispensingpearls o wisdom that encourage peopleto be anything other than what they are.rying to be something that you are notNEVER works. Eventually things like,oh yeah Im a Rhodes Scholar, a lthyslob, or whichever morsel o closetedreakdom you are trying to hide will comeout. You might as well get it all out inthe open now. Tat being said, allowingyoursel to grow and be molded by a newrelationship is not a bad thing, but dontpretend to be something you are not. Iyou do not already know at least ve headcoaches and their teams in the NFL, dontpretend to be a ootball an. Instead, beyoursel; simply a girl who supports herguys team and drinks warm drat beerout o pitchers on Sundays because itmakes her man happy.

    Find a way to be exactly who you are without apologies, accept it, all in lovewith it, and then open yoursel up to thecomplete belie that someone else outthere is going to love, understand, andappreciate every little piece equally asmuch as you do. So to all o the smartgirls out there, do not dream o giving upyour loves o learning, reading, or creating.Embrace them. I you happen to stumbleupon a guy who is, lets say, threatened byyour intellect, your talents, your charms,it is much better to know now. When youdo nd the right ella, you will know. Itdoes not mean it has to be instant; oten

    times the more intelligent relationshipsrequire a bit more work. But no needto be discouraged; remember that whatmakes a good story is the act that it is notlike all o the other stories. Allow lie thereedom to be original, and know that all

    will happen as it should.

    In the land o relationships, love isultimately in control, and it can strikeat any moment. You could all in love

    with a glance in the produce section. Youcan all in love whilst your paramour isthousands o miles away. You could all

    in love with your arch-enemy tomorrowbecause o a technicality. Te kicker isthis i you are not you, eventuallythey know. ime has a way o revealingtruths, albeit three months or three yearsrom now. Just get it all out in the open maybe you work it out and move to thenext phase together. Maybe it ends atera quick fing. So what? Who cant useanother steamy, satiable, story to ondlylook back on? But I digress Moral othe story: Smart chicks rule, and boys

    who cant understand that, well they dontget to have dirty librarian time sucksor them.

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    September 30, 2011 11

    Sudoku solution


    Date High Tide Low Tide

    Storms, hurricanes, etc., are NOT included in the predictions.Tidal current direction changes and tide time predictions canbe very different. Tide predictions are PREDICTIONS; they

    can be wrong so use common sense.

    Sep 30

    Oct 01

    Oct 02

    Oct 03

    Oct 04

    Oct 05

    Oct 06Oct 07

    Oct 08

    Oct 09

    Oct 10

    Oct 11

    Oct 12

    Oct 13

    Folly Beach Tide Char t


    Vince Perna is a Folly Beach real estate expert who also loves music. I you want to know iyou can live on Folly, you can fnd him at 31 Center Street or by calling 588-3800.

    FollyMusic scene



























    D F B.

    A : O C G B 1. - .

    A : C P.2.

    O F P.3.

    D 10:00 .. 6:00 .. M 1 S 30. D , x F I D O C (FIDO), C . M FIDO 10:00 AM O 1 M 1. FIDO , , , C - .

    S :

    N , 1., , .

    A .2.

    K .3.

    You can fnd out more about FIDO by looking on our website at

    Dogs on Fo l l y Beac hPROVIDED BY FIDO

    Brick House KitchenO M U OE T! 7:30 11 ..9/30 F R

    10/14 G W B

    Drop In DeliM H


    Folly Beach Brewing Company9/30 - C W10/7 - C R P10/14 - M J

    Folly Beach Crab ShackS T B SM O M / DG

    W - J HT I DF N C10/1 - S S10/8 - H D

    Folly River ParkT - F B BS

    LocklearsM - J H

    Loggerheads - B F & H CH

    W K

    9/30 - W S10/1 - B D10/5 - Y10/6 - H10/7 - D W S S L10/8 - L HD, G W, J,& D10/12 - Y10/13 - B D10/15 - B Sq

    Planet Follywood9/30 - K C10/1 - N C10/7 - K C10/22 - S M

    Sand Dollar9/30 & 10/1 - N

    Sur Bar9/30 - R B10/2 - D10/14 - J C10/16 D

    aco Boy10/1 - M S

    Stuff t h e Cu r r e nt !B , 10

    F B? F ,

    f zz, , , - ( ). F

    $200, 2000 !

    Call Christine at 469-8050 or for details

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    Local Man Returns To Folly FromYear Long Australian Adventure;

    Finds Nothings Changed

    FOLLY BEACH, SC--- An area manreturned rom a year long adventurethrough the islands o the South Pacic

    and ound his home island o Folly Beachto be the exact same.

    Yeah, I let to experience lie and liveadventure, as Id largely grown tired o theconstant drinking Id sunk into. But, atera year, I was ready or all the great thingsFolly has to ofer. Tank God absolutelynothing has changed. It was quite nice tond this place to be stuck in a little timecapsule, said the man, who wished toremain anonymous.

    Outside o me not working at my job,the new deck at Loggerheads, and a ewunwanted pregnancies Ive heard about,everything and everybody is right about

    where they were when I le t. You just cant

    nd that anymore. But whos this AlexHunter kid?

    Local Man Deemed UnftTo Donate Sperm

    FOLLY BEACH, SC--- Alex Hunter, anarea resident o Folly Beach, has oundhimsel in rough times lately ater blowinga small nest-egg o savings in his lame duckattempt to hunt down an already deceasedOsama Bin Laden.

    I mean, ater bowling a 300 on mycell phone and giving up abstinence orLent, I was riding highboth literally andguratively. I thought Id save the countryrom our biggest super villain and blew allmy money in the process, said Hunter,reerring to the $543 in cash ormerlystored under the mattress in his bedroom.

    Jobless and depressed, I saw an add inthe City Paper about making some extracash or a little spooge. I decided to getup of my ass or a change and do a little

    work, i you know what I mean, he said,chuckling while rocking his st in a backand orth motion.

    What happened next has becomesomewhat o a Folly urban legend over thepast week. Doctors at the clinic denied

    Alex the opportunity to donate his sperm.Dr. Paul Jansen elaborated on their

    reasoning behind the decision.Well, he lied on the application orstarters. He labeled himsel as Caucasian,

    when clearly he should be under Other asthere is no box or Simpleton. We had ameeting in the back about the matter, a voteo sorts, and unanimously decided wed bedoing society a disservice by ofering hissperm to an unknowing emale. I she

    wanted that outcome shed keep it in theamily, i you know what I mean.

    City Council Sets Aside Funding

    For Large Sign

    FOLLY BEACH, SC--- City Councilmember Paul Hume released a statement

    today inorming Folly citizens that the

    Council has set aside unding or a largesign similar to those youd see at a bank,to be erected on Center St. Te digitalsign, to be placed outside the gas station,

    will list all vital inormation a Folly citizenmay need. Included are time, temperature,date, and the times or high and low tide.Below this will be the ollowing question:Do you work today?.

    JFK Assassination Ruled A Suicide

    W A S H I N G O N , D C - - R e c e n t l y uncovered documents rom the WarrenCommission, a committee ormed decadesago to compile all inormation regardingthe assassination o President Kennedy,suggest that the assassination was in actnever that but rather a suicide. Although ithas been widely speculated in the past that

    JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald inthe Dallas book warehouse or a mysteriousgunman on the grassy knoll across the

    street, conspiracy theorists everywhereare now accepting the possibility thatthe President actually pulled of the mostelaborate suicide attempt o all time. Teles, released this past Monday, explainthat through the magic bullet theory,

    JFK actually red the gun himsel. Noelaboration on any reasons why he woulddo such a thing were included.

    Only 1 Out O 37 Hockey Players PassStringent Russian Toughness Test

    YUR ASLAVL, RUSSIA--- Russiahockey league recently held its annualoughness est, a week-long series ocompetitions and challenges designed to

    weed out the weak they eel shouldnt beplaying with the pros, as they say. Tetest, given to one team in the league priorto each season, ended in a disastrous planecrash or the ounding Lokomotiv team.

    Only one player, orward AlexsanderGalimov, passed the entire test, whichended with the plane crash.

    Te team apparently was under the alseimpression that the week-long test, whichincluded challenges ranging rom paper,rock, scissors to endurance tests like seeinghow long one can go without peeing, wasover when the pilot announced theyd allhave to survive the impending crash asthe surprise nal task. In a sad twist oate, only one player and one crew memberlived.

    Folly Current attempted to contactboth the team and the league, neither o

    which could be reached or comment.

    Fo l l y Fon i onBy DaviD CrawforD

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    September 30, 2011 13

    Tey are both dear riends o mine. imeven ociated at my wedding that washeld on Folly Beach in June o 2010. Hevolunteered to help in the organizing andplanning o the marker ceremony He wasinvaluable in all the hard work he did orthe 19, and i not or him, this eventwould never have happened.

    We contacted dozens o politicians

    rom both the State o South Carolinaand the Commonwealth o Massachusettsto be involved in the ceremony. But, sadly,none seemed very interested in honoringthose who gave the last ull measure o asoldier. Fortunately, S. C. State SenatorChip Campsen and S.C. Representativeim McCoy graciously accepted ouroer to speak at the ceremony. Tese twohonorable South Carolina Legislators will always have my utmost respect andgratitude.

    On that rainy morning o July 15,2011, im Rooks and his crew were busyworking to get the Folly Beach River Parkready or the aternoons ceremony. imhad earlier erected the markers post andhad a gravel walkway installed leading to

    the markers site. Tat morning, dozens oags were hung, landscaping was fnishedup, and chairs were put into place.

    News crews began to arrive at about3:30, and then, my personal avorite parto the day happened. University o SouthCarolina anthropologist ed Rathbunand retired SLED orensic expert andsculpture Roy Paschal arrived with twoold riends o mine in hand. ed Rathbunwas the orensic anthropologist in chargeo the soldiers remains we ound on FollyBeach. He examined each soldier anddetermined that they where o Arican American descent. Roy Paschal, back in1989, and unbeknownst to me, was askedby ed to use orensic science to reproduce

    the aces rom the only two completeskulls rom the soldiers burials. On hisown time, Roy scientifcally sculpted thetwo skulls into aces that even the riendso the deceased would recognize. Tis pastmonth, at my insistence, Roy had moldsmade o the busts and made copies o theclay models.

    When I frst saw these sculptures, Imust admit I was mesmerized by howbeautiul they were. With those two pairso bronze eyes staring back into mine, Iwas at last seeing the ruits o my labors intheir fnely sculpted aces. Tere, the threeo us, in the twenty-frst century, were aceto ace. Te decades o searching or CivilWar artiacts had come to ruition or me.Te soldiers remains that I have been so

    honored to have ound now had aces toattach them to.

    Tat moment, o all the moments inmy search or history that I hold so dearto my heart, was the visual realization o adream that did come true.

    Te Ceremony began at 6 pm, and thelarger than expected crowd was a welcomedsite to see. Te United States Army ColorGuard was comprised o soldiers rom Fort Jacksons Drill Instructors School. Teyrepresented their allen comrades withhonor and dignity. Te Mayor o FollyBeach, im Goodwin, was the perecthost or the event, and was instrumentalin the placement o the marker in thebeautiul and serene Folly River Park.

    Te Reverend Alice Deal rom the

    Folly Beach United Methodist Churchgave a stirring and poignant invocation.Her humble and gracious words stillresonate in my heart. She is certainly anasset to the City o Folly Beach, and wasthe perect advocate or those who losttheir lives on Folly during the Civil War.

    I was asked to present an historicoverview o my fnding o the soldiersand what it personally meant to me.Words could never express how deeply Ihave been moved by this fnd. So, I tried

    to convey to the audience how lucky weare to have young men, black or white,that have lain, and still lay down theirlives so that we can enjoy the ruits thatthe Liberty ree still bear, but always at atremendous cost.

    S.C. State Senator Chip Campsen othe 23rd District and S.C. Representativeim McCoy both gave moving speechesthat the crowd in attendance thoroughlyenjoyed. I was honored that they tooktime out o their busy schedules toattend and to pay their respects to theallen soldiers. Teir words spoke o thesacrifces and deeds o those who paid theultimate price or our reedom. SenatorCampsens words o remembrance othe 19 soldiers was a moving speech onhow we shall all remember that their losswas not really a loss, but that the beautyand serenity o the City o Folly Beachwas their true memorial to us o the 21stcentury. Honorable words, or honorablemen, were a perect tribute to those lost onFolly back in 1863.

    Reenactors rom across the country were there to pay homage to those whoell on Folly Beach. Members o the 54thMassachusetts, rom all across the country,ell into ormation. Relic hunter andreenactor Rick Phillips brought his meno the 8th Georgia Inantry C.S.A. Teyell in besides the 54th. Rick was a hugehelp in the planning o this event, and Iam orever in his debt. His knowledge

    and generosity is well known in the relichunting community, and it is my honor tocall him my riend.

    Te ceremonys speeches were made,and the accolades o praise rained downon those 19 o Folly. I was then askedto join the mayor at the podium, whereI was presented the Key to Te City oFolly Beach. It was an honor that I cannotdescribe. Having grown up here andloving Folly as I do, this was an honor thatI had not expected, and that I surely donot deserve.

    Ten, my two daughters, Caroline,Emily, and mysel, unveiled the marker.Te applause, cheers, and whistle s o thosein attendance flled the park on the FollyRiver. Ten, as i on queue, the City oCharleston Police Departments BagpipeCorps began playing the tune AmazingGrace. My daughters began the oldingo the ags that had covered the marker,and presented them to me. As I stoodthere, at attention with my daughters, wetogether began to cry.

    Ten the Union and Conederatesoldiers at the command o fre unleashedtheir muskets with a brigade salute withperect military timing and bearing. Teechoes o the muskets fre spread acrossthe salt water marshes, just as it had beenheard beore on the island over 148 ago.Te musket fre was punctuated by theblast o a cannon, as its sound too roaredacross the sea island. But this time, the

    black powder expended was or those who

    had given the last ull measure o a soldier.Tis time, the musket and artillery frewas not fred during a time flled with warand death, but as a salute or the sacrifceso those men who gave their lives or ourcountry.

    aps just that word also brings atear to my eye. Wearing a Union Armyuniorm, Bugler Corporal Michael Wheles played aps so beautiully thatothers too in the crowd became tearyeyed. Te bugles notes wated through

    the palmetto ronds as they had dozens otimes on this beautiul sea island so many,many, decades ago. With the buglers tunecompleted, the United States Army ColorGuard snapped to and marched throughthe crowd. I have never witnessed sucha large group o spectators so silent, soreverent, and so intoxicated by the shearemotion o what we had all together justexperienced.

    As the crowd took their pictures andvideos o the newly erected marker, Icould not help but be overwhelmed by theceremony that had just taken place. I elta sense o accomplishment that we as agroup o relic hunters should all eel, eventoday. We save history, plain and simple.Every time we head out on our digs, wehold the chance o saving history, onesignal at a time. And, as we all know, thatone signal can change our lives, and thelives o others.

    For example, i on May 7, 1987, I hadstayed home and done anything but gorelic hunting, those 19 soldiers rom the55th Massachusetts would have beenbulldozed into oblivion. No books, nomovies, no interest in the Union Arican

    Americans role during the Civil War. Bygetting that one detector signal on thathot day in May o 1987, my lie, and thelives o all o those people touched by thesacrifces made by those 19 Union soldiers,were changed orever.

    As the ceremony ended and the crowdbegan to enjoy the marker, I noticedsomething no rain. Te 19 had comethrough or me. Above my head wereblue skies, and a lovely sea breeze rustledthrough the palmetto ronds. In all o the

    excitement, the beautiul weather wentunnoticed by me. Te prayer I had sentout to the 19 that morning did not gounanswered. Tey came through or me,as I hope that I have come through orthem.

    oday, that Historical Marker standsas a silent sentinel to those who camped,lived, ought, and died there. On the samedune line, along the same Folly Riverthat courses its way through the SouthCarolina Lowcountry. It will orever bea reminder to those who read its words,telling those o a gallant and brave groupo Americans who were there beore we.I hope that in some way, those 19 soulsknow that they did make a dierence.

    ake a look around you as you enjoyFolly Beachs beauty. Te sights that youbehold here on Folly are proo enough thattheir sacrifces were not in vain. And bethankul that we, as Americans, still havebrave men and women who still give theirall or those o us who enjoy the ruits otheir labors. Folly Beach, our oasis in theLowcountry, is their tribute to us.

    History continued from page 6

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


    14 September 30, 2011

    Brought to you by Woodys Pizza andMary Ohl.


    The Lucky Dog cLub

    issponsoreDby LosTDog cafe

    If you have a Lucky Dog please send their information and picture

    Do you recognize this image? It was taken somewhere on Folly Beach. If you

    know what it is, let us know at and you could win a free

    medium, one-topping pizza from Woodys! Congratulations to Brian Eichelman.

    It was the signs on the Surf Bar porch.


    Please report all Lost or Found pets

    on Folly Beach immediately. Call588-2433 and ask for Folly AnimalService or a police ofcer. All

    resident animals must be registeredwith the City of Folly Beach

    annually and tags must be attached

    to the pets collar. Tag cost $3 andmay be purchased at Folly Beach

    Public Safety, located at City Hall.

    Name: Rx

    Breed: Pn Ppp

    Likes: Rn n t , wn nt n, tzn b n t b n pn wt b

    Dislikes: Lnz, vnt b, tn bt, vtb nfw

    Why I am a luckydog: I pn n t n tn n't nw...

  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011


  • 8/4/2019 Folly Current - September 30, 2011
