Food Dehydration or How to Shrink the Garden

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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The following presentation was given to the public on April 27, 2013 at the Seneca County Ohio Extension Agency building located in Tiffin, Ohio. The presentation was provided as part of the Ohio State Master Gardeners education series of which I am a member. I provided the latest food safety information, differences between dehydrators, drying times, preparation methods and hands on demonstrations along with tasting various snacks, crackers and a two soup prepared entirely using dehydrated ingredients. Recipes were provided to all attendees. We also discussed how to process raw food varieties for our vegan followers using the dehydrator. As part of my Permaculture background, I showed them how to take what would normally be useless scraps of food, re-purposing them into other useful items for themselves and wildlife around the urban areas. We also discussed how to make their own green powders, saving themselves hundreds of dollars over the store bought varieties and the added benefit of using local plants which are readily available to them.


Vince Kirchner – Great Lakes Permaculture April 2013

Honey I Shrunk the Garden!

Why do I dehydrate?

•Something is always in season

•I hate to waste food

•Ease of preparation – soups, stews

•Seasonings – herbs, rubs, powders

•I get Cindy to eat foods she does not like

•Make my own greens instead of buying them

•It’s compact storage, takes very little space

•Storage is stable for a very long time.

Today’s Topics

•History•Understand how drying process preserves foods

•Review what equipment is needed•Learn how to choose best methods of treating

fruits before drying•Understand how to blanch vegetables before

drying•Learn how to safely store dried foods


There is evidence as early as 12,000 BC in areas of the Middle East as well as Asia that shows fire pits with exhaust vents at the top. Fruits, vegetables and animal products were dried when heated air rose upward creating the essential low humidity needed to dehydrate.

In 1800, Napoleon offered 12,000 francs to anyone who could devise a way to preserve food for his mobile army. Nicolas Appert won the award by applying heat to glass jars containing food thus killing off harmful bacteria before sealing.

Native American

CherokeePlains Indian

Yup'ik People of Southwest Alaska drying whale

Asian Culture

“Golden Needles”

How Does Drying Foods Work?

Removes moisture from food so that bacteria, yeasts, and molds cannot grow

Drying also slows the action of enzymes, but does not kill them

What equipment do I need?Very little depending…

•Sun or Solar Drying

•Vine Drying

•Oven Drying–Great to use if trying out the process–Challenging because of daily use

•Hazard for small children–Slower than dehydrators – no air movement

•Food is darker, less flavorful–Uses more energy

•Cost more

Methods of Drying

•Microwave–Fast way to dry herbs when in small quantities–Follow MW directions–Do not use for other food items- moisture doesn’t evaporate

•Electric Dehydrator–Double wall construction-metal or plastic–Enclosed heating elements–Enclosed thermostat with dial control

•From 85 to 160 degrees•Timer•Fan or blower•4-10 open mesh trays-easy wash plastic•UL seal of approval

What dehydrator do I use?

•My go to guy – Excalibur •Additional units for overflow

Preparation of Food

•Select high quality produce•Wash and core•Leave whole, half, or slice in equal pieces

–Smaller is better•Select appropriate pretreatment•Place in single layer on drying trays•Pieces should not touch or overlap•Follow directions for your method


The goal is to keep fruit from turning dark when

they are exposed to air

For many years sulfuring was the only method


For some people with allergies or asthma, the

sulfites found in the food have been found to cause

asthmatic reactions

Thus there are other choices


Ascorbic Acid: otherwise known as vitamin C mixed

with water is a safe way to prevent browning, this is

not as effective long term as sulfuring.

Can be purchased in tablet form to dissolve in water

for soaking, then drain before placing on dryer trays

Ascorbic Acid mixtures are available, but are not as

effective as using pure ascorbic acid and they are

more expensive


Fruit Juice Dip: is using a fruit juice that is high in

vitamin C like orange, lemon, pineapple, grape and

cranberry through not as effective as the pure

ascorbic acid, each juice adds its own color and

flavor to the fruit

Fruit is soaked in the juice and then drained


Honey Dip: while effective against darkening,

realize that you are adding calories

Mix ½ cup sugar with 1½ cups boiling water. Cool to

lukewarm and add ½ cup honey Place fruit in dip

and soak 3 to 5 minutes. Remove fruit, drain well

and place on dryer trays.


Syrup blanching: the resulting product is similar to

candied fruit

Best used with apples, apricots, figs, nectarines,

peaches, pears, plums and prunes

Use your preferred sweetener and water and bring to

a boil- let simmer 10 minutes and let stand for 30

minutes before draining and placing on dryer trays

Steam Blanching: changes the flavor and texture of

the fruits


•Vegetables:–Blanching – Water or Steam?

•Hot water, colander, ice water, drain


The risk of foodborne illness from home-dried jerky can be decreased by allowing the internal temperature of the meat to reach 160o F, but in such a way as to prevent case hardening.

Two methods can be used: heating meat strips in marinade before drying or heating the dried jerky strips in an oven after the drying process is completed. When the strips are heated in a marinade before drying, drying times will be reduced. Color and texture will differ from traditional jerky.


To heat, bring the strips and marinade to a boil and boil 5 minutes before draining and drying. If strips are more than ¼ inch thick, the length of time may need to be increased. If possible, check the temperature of several strips with a metal stem-type thermometer to determine that 160oF has been reached.

Unusual Things

Just kidding

Not kidding

Packaging and Storing

• Cool 30-60 minutes

• Pack loosely in plastic or glass jars

• Seal containers tightly

• Store in cool, dark place

• Dried fruit needs conditioning-

• Pack loosely in plastic or glass jars

• Shake daily


Vacuum seal mason jar with

dehydrated contents

Vacuum seal Mylar bag with dehydrated

contents – suggested to us an oxygen


No power options


Cautions� Too high heat too fast dries the outside and traps

moisture inside. Place cool contents in a jar for 1-2

days to equalize moisture, then put back into

dehydrator until completely dry.

� High starch vegetables can turn brown or black if

not blanched – corn and potatoes are subject to this.

Throw any discolored food away, do not eat this.

�Yellow, orange, and red vegetables are usually light

sensitive. Storing the dehydrated vegetables in a

dark environment will maintain their appearance and

nutritional content.


• Use up to date information and recipes

• Collect and inspect needed equipment

• Use fresh produce

• Make sure equipment and kitchen are sanitary

• Follow instructions carefully

• Enjoy

Special Thanks to:

• Cindy Kirchner and Dolly Kirchner for typing and dehydrating samples

• for meal recipes

• for jar recipes
