Food Safety Health, Safety and Nutrition Early Childhood Education Miss Ford Georgia CTAE Resource...

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Food Safety

Health, Safety and NutritionEarly Childhood Education

Miss FordGeorgia CTAE Resource Network

Instructional Resources OfficeWritten By: Megan Ford

July 2009

Essential Question

Why is it important for Day Care providers to know and demonstrate knowledge of proper sanitation, food preparation and storage techniques?

Standards and Elements

EDU-HSN 3 – students will provide a safe environment for children.

h. Describe the procedure for safe food preparation and storage to prevent food-borne illness

Food Safety Vocabulary

BacteriaOne celled micro-organisms found

everywhere in the environment

Food-borne IllnessCaused by contaminated food

Cross-ContaminationTransfer of bacteria from one host to


Common Food-borne Illnesses

E. Coli


Norwalk Virus

Clostridium Botulinum


Symptoms of Food-borne Illness

NauseaVomitingDiarrheaFeverCan be fatal

The Core Four Practices

Clean: Wash hands and surfaces often

Separate: Don't cross-contaminate!  

Cook: Cook to proper temperature  Chill: Refrigerate promptly

Wash Hands

Wash hand thoroughly with hot soapy water

Wash for 20 seconds(sing Happy

Birthday twice)RinseDry with paper


Clean Surface Areas

Clean surface area before cookingClean with warm waterWhen using a cleaner – be sure to

following instructions to ensure the effectiveness of the product

Handle/Store/Cook Foods Properly

Store raw meats on lower shelves of refrigerator to avoid leakage on produce

Avoid cross-contaminationUse a thermometer to make sure foods

are cooked to the proper temperature

Avoid the Danger Zone

Be sure foods avoid falling into the danger


Cold foods should be kept below 40 degrees and hot foods should be kept above 140 degrees.


Food-borne Illness Research ActivityResearch your assigned illnessCreate a power pointFollow instruction and rubric sheetPresentations begin on _____________

All info and handouts will be posted to “teacherweb”.