Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 · 2020. 9. 5. · Foreign banks are required to provide...

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Foreign Banksin JapanSurvey 2019

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

About KPMGKPMG Global Financial Services

KPMG's global, multi-disciplinary team of more than 34,000 professionals understand what it takes to deliver successful outcomes in the financial services industry. KPMG firms are continuously evolving and growing to ensure we always have the capabilities, strategies and networks to deliver the insight-driven and technology-enabled services that drive the sustainable value creation organizations require.

The deep industry knowledge of our professionals lead to seamless collaboration and practical execution across all sectors including: asset and wealth management, banking and capital markets, insurance and private equity.

Financial Services in Japan

KPMG Financial Services in Japan has a long history of assisting both Japanese and foreign financial institutions to achieve their business objectives, in the Japanese market and beyond.

KPMG in Japan leverages the scope and strength of KPMG International’s Global Financial Services practice, offering a variety of professional services to a number of major organizations in the financial services industry. We are also able to assist with issues such as capital and liquidity management, risk management, various types of transaction assistance, as well as dealing with a changing regulatory landscape across multiple time zones and several languages.

We believe our commitment to the industry and our passion in serving our clients to the very best of our abilities help make us stand out. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss how KPMG can help you achieve your business objectives.

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Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 1

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.


About KPMG

Foreign Banks:

About this Survey

Items of Note

Summary of Banks

Summary of Financial Highlights

Financial Highlights by Bank

Ranking by Total Assets

Ranking by Ordinary Earnings (Losses)

Ranking by Expense/ Income Ratio

KPMG Japan – Our Services











Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 20192

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Foreign BanksAbout this SurveyKPMG is delighted to release our annual survey of the published financial statements of foreign banks operating in Japan.

The financial information included in this survey represents the English translation of the condensed balance sheets of fifty-seven foreign banks registered in Japan and their condensed income statements as of and for the period/year ended September 30, 2018, October 31, 2018, December 31, 2018 and March 31, 2019. Among the fifty-seven foreign banks, Shinhan Bank Japan is incorporated locally, while the other foreign banks operate as branches in Japan.

The condensed financial statements are prepared and published in accordance with the Banking Act of Japan requirements. Similar to previous surveys, all financial information is extracted principally from publicly available information, specifically The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Fuji Sankei Business i., and the respective banks’ webpage, with the exception of certain information voluntarily provided by banking survey participants. We wish to thank the survey participants for their valuable contribution. Please note there may be revisions to the published financial information subsequent to the banks’ fiscal period/year end.

The banks are listed in alphabetical order and include rankings by total assets, by ordinary earnings (losses), and by expense/income ratio.

In accordance with the Banking Act of Japan, the foreign banks’ financial statements are presented in millions of yen.

This survey is part of a comprehensive series of publications issued globally by KPMG’s Financial Services practice.

Items of NoteChanges in foreign banks during the year

During the year ended March 31, 2019, the number of foreign banks in Japan remained the same.

NoteThe Banking Act of Japan, was partially revised on June 1, 2018, and it is permitted for foreign bank branches to adopt the same fiscal year end as their head offices, if the fiscal year end is other than March 31. As a result, certain bank branches have elected to change their fiscal year end from March 31 to September 30, October 31 or December 31 respectively during the year ended March 31, 2019. Accordingly, the fiscal periods of these bank branches represent six months from April 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018, seven months from April 1, 2018 to October 31, 2018, or nine months from April 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

Bank branch for which fiscal period is from April 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018• Australia and New Zealand Banking

Group Limited

Bank branch for which fiscal period is from April 1, 2018 to October 31, 2018• Royal Bank of Canada

Bank branches for which fiscal period is from April 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018• Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria• BANCO DO BRASIL S.A.• Bank of America, N.A.• Bank of Communications

• Bank of New York Mellon, The• Bank of Taiwan• Barclays Bank PLC• COMMERZBANK

AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT• Crédit Agricole Corporate and

Investment Bank• CREDIT SUISSE AG• Euroclear Bank SA/NV• First Commercial Bank• JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.• Kookmin Bank• Korea Development Bank, The• Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company• PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK• Société Générale• Standard Chartered Bank• Taishin International Bank Co., Ltd.• UBS AG

The fiscal year of the remaining bank branches, except as described below, is from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.

Similar to other bank branches, KEB Hana Bank has elected to change its fiscal year end from March 31 to December 31 during the year ended March 31, 2019. The fiscal year of KEB Hana Bank presented in this survey is from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018, whereas the fiscal year presented in the previous survey was from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018.


Foreign banks are required to provide information about non-performing loans in the notes to their financial statements. Certain banks did not present this information, indicating that there were no non-performing loans to be reported. For comparison purposes, the non-performing loans’ section is left blank for those banks that did not present such information.

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 3

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDAustralia and New Zealand Banking Group LimitedBanco Bilbao Vizcaya ArgentariaBANCO DO BRASIL S.A.Bangkok Bank Public Company LimitedBank of America, N.A.BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDBank of CommunicationsBank of IndiaBank of New York Mellon, TheBank of TaiwanBarclays Bank PLCBNP PARIBASChang Hwa Commercial BankChina Construction BankCitibank, N.A.COMMERZBANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFTCommonwealth Bank of AustraliaCrédit Agricole Corporate and Investment BankCREDIT SUISSE AGCTBC Bank Co., Ltd.DBS BANK LTD.Deutsche Bank AGE. SUN Commercial Bank, Ltd.Euroclear Bank SA/NVFirst Commercial BankHongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, TheINDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDIndustrial Bank of KoreaING Bank N.V.Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.Itaú Unibanco S.A.JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.KEB Hana BankKookmin BankKorea Development Bank, TheMega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.Metropolitan Bank and Trust CompanyNational Australia Bank LimitedNational Bank of PakistanOversea-Chinese Banking Corporation LimitedPHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANKPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TbkRoyal Bank of CanadaShinhan Bank JapanSociété GénéraleStandard Chartered BankState Bank of IndiaState Street Bank and Trust CompanyTaishin International Bank Co., Ltd.Taiwan Business BankUBS AGUniCredit Bank AGUnion de Banques Arabes et FrançaisesUnited Overseas Bank LimitedWells Fargo Bank, National AssociationWOORI BANK



Summary of Banks

Bank Page

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 20194

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

( millions of yen )

Financial statements Total of the

fifty-seven banks as of and for the current


Average of the fifty-seven banks as of

and for the current year/period*3

Total of thefifty-seven banks as ofand for the year/period

ended 3/31/18

Average as ofand for the

year/period ended3/31/18

Summary of Financial Highlights

Balance SheetAssets

Cash on hand and due from banksCall loansSecurities purchased under agreements to resellCash collateral paid for security borrowingMonetary claims purchasedSpecific transaction accounts assetsMoney in trustsSecuritiesLoans and discountsForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsProperty, plant and equipmentIntangible assetsPrepaid pension expenseDeferred tax assetsCustomers' liability under guarantees and acceptancesReserve for loan lossesAllowance for losses on investmentHead office and branches interoffice receivables Total assets

Liabilities and Net assetsDepositsNegotiable certificates of deposit soldCall moneySecurities sold under agreements to repurchaseCash collateral received for security lendingCommercial paperSpecific transaction accounts liabilitiesBorrowed moneyForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsBonus allowanceRetirement benefit obligationReserves under special lawDeferred tax liabilitiesBank's liability under guarantees and acceptancesHead office and branches interoffice payables Sub-total

Capital stockCapital surplus/reserveBrought-in capitalRetained earnings (deficit)Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securitiesDeferred hedge gains (losses) Total liabilities and Net assets

Income statementOrdinary income: Income on operated funds Including: [Interest on loans] [Interest and dividends on securities] Commission income Specific transaction accounts income Other operating income Other ordinary income Total ordinary income

Ordinary expenses: Funding cost Including: [Interest on deposits] Commission expenses Specific transaction accounts losses Other operating expenses General and administrative expenses Other ordinary expenses Total ordinary expenses Ordinary earnings (losses)

Extraordinary profitsExtraordinary losses Earnings (losses) before income taxesIncome taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferred Net earnings (losses)

31,620,235 479,833

1,446,621 2,057,653

135,472 453,943

1,901 1,705,126 8,469,765

801,829 1,865,555

31,621 9,563

680 24,895

1,081,795 (34,978)



12,270,983 542,555

2,368,278 401,936

- 658,640 451,619

3,096,173 844,235

2,603,430 7,376 8,396

7 929

1,081,795 32,044,183 56,380,678

17,500 17,500

157,332 252,958

733 1,856


455,247 [201,808]

[23,529]77,710 18,488

108,305 8,227


361,804 [67,124]22,941

530 34,225

116,039 8,718

544,344 123,681

709 231

124,159 42,280 (1,409)83,269

554,741 8,418

25,379 36,099

2,377 7,964

33 29,914

148,592 14,067 32,729

555 168

12 437

18,979 (614)

-117,138 996,993

215,280 9,519

41,549 7,052


7,923 54,319 14,811 45,674

129 147

0 16

18,979 562,179 989,135

17,500 17,500

2,810 4,438

13 33


8,997 [3,845]


327 2,377

156 13,425

7,220 [1,312]

482 12

778 2,343

160 10,996


12 4

2,437 836 (30)








23,295,209 1,962,126 1,168,527 1,521,733

119,142 622,494

1,639 1,875,612 9,398,204 1,259,641 2,324,905

31,116 9,621

661 23,689

1,199,119 (40,111)



11,150,225 729,218

2,297,738 246,084

16,668 689,598 613,283

3,027,814 543,808

2,836,627 4,559 8,321


1,199,119 27,770,463 51,134,739

15,000 15,000

156,823 202,298

822 1,650


389,402 [176,028]

[17,214]71,164 12,379 94,442

9,097 576,546

275,334 [42,900]14,305

432 23,798

134,186 9,564

457,695 118,835

1,235 286

119,783 42,048


408,688 34,423 20,500 26,697

2,090 10,921

29 32,905

164,881 22,099 40,788

546 169

12 416

21,037 (704)

(0)118,471 903,971

195,618 12,793 40,311

4,317 292

12,098 10,759 53,120

9,540 49,765

80 146

- 19

21,037 487,201 897,101

15,000 15,000

2,800 3,549

14 29


6,832 [3,088]


217 1,657

160 10,115

4,830 [753]251

8 418

2,354 168

8,030 2,085

22 5

2,101 738 (24)


Note (*1) : Shinhan Bank Japan - which is incorporated in JapanNote (*2) : Average of fifty-six banksNote (*3) : The average of the income statement accounts is calculated based on the banks’ income statement amounts equivalent to 12 months, i.e. for banks with fiscal period of less than 12 months, their income statement amounts are prorated to 12 months for the purpose of this calculation.

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 5

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

( millions of yen )



Australia and New Zealand Banking

Group Limited

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya




Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited Bank of America, N.A. BANK OF CHINA


Communications Bank of India Bank of New York Mellon, The Bank of Taiwan Barclays Bank PLC

Financial Highlights by Bank (1/5 )

Balance SheetAssets

Cash on hand and due from banksCall loansSecurities purchased under agreements to resellCash collateral paid for security borrowingMonetary claims purchasedSpecific transaction accounts assetsMoney in trustsSecuritiesLoans and discountsForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsProperty, plant and equipmentIntangible assetsPrepaid pension expenseDeferred tax assetsCustomers' liability under guarantees and acceptancesReserve for loan lossesAllowance for losses on investmentHead office and branches interoffice receivables Total assets

Liabilities and Net assetsDepositsNegotiable certificates of deposit soldCall moneySecurities sold under agreements to repurchaseCash collateral received for security lendingCommercial paperSpecific transaction accounts liabilitiesBorrowed moneyForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsBonus allowanceRetirement benefit obligationReserves under special lawDeferred tax liabilitiesBank's liability under guarantees and acceptancesHead office and branches interoffice payables Sub-totalCapital stockCapital surplus/reserveBrought-in capitalRetained earnings (deficit)Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securitiesDeferred hedge gains (losses) Total liabilities and Net assets

Income statementOrdinary income: Income on operated funds Including: [Interest on loans] [Interest and dividends on securities] Commission income Specific transaction accounts income Other operating income Other ordinary income Total ordinary incomeOrdinary expenses: Funding cost Including: [Interest on deposits] Commission expenses Specific transaction accounts losses Other operating expenses General and administrative expenses Other ordinary expenses Total ordinary expenses Ordinary earnings (losses)Extraordinary profitsExtraordinary losses Earnings (losses) before income taxesIncome taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferred Net earnings (losses)Information on non-performing loans: Bankrupt loans Non-accrual loans Past due loans (3 months or more) Restructured loans Total non-performing loans

108,335 31,046


86,252 531,700

3,367 6,473

125 0 -

149 298


88,607 856,144

19,883 -

26,000 --

76,178 -

555,802 -

4,106 69 ---

298 165,130 847,468


2,000 6,820 (143)


23,566 [7,090][2,186]

121 --

198 23,885

20,356 [59]54 -

882 1,001


1,590 -0

1,590 631

61 897


1,475,918 30,000


4,269 -

300 94,775

125,623 6,632

81,080 163 155


24,114 (413)



924,676 -

204,566 ------

70,142 439

77 --

24,114 1,113,914 2,337,932


2,000 5,308



4,657 [2,318]



11 17,678

13,502 [3,609]

30 --

2,385 64

15,983 1,694


1,694 1,060


-13 --


2,062 -------

7,248 6

28 26

0 ---


45 9,413


116 14

7 ---

8,422 8,560


2,000 (1,146)



99 [96]

[-]72 --

16 187

44 [-]

20 -3

139 5

212 (25)


(25) 0 -



56,474 ------

12,009 104,580

363 2,838

245 41 -

192 84 --

104,572 281,404

82,819 ------

148,805 4,407 2,876

92 459


84 25,340

264,885 --

2,621 13,899



6,142 [2,957]



86 8,921

4,711 [560]664


1,959 60

7,408 1,512


1,512 402



22,879 18,868


50,928 1,049

299 2,755


298 (630)



58,277 -------

112 465

26 181


298 33,329 92,691


6,503 (2,681)



1,777 [1,401]


-176 162


721 [44]

9 --

1,013 106

1,851 457


457 47



273 273

1,565,262 -

134,324 -----

261,261 9,386

83,410 133

6 -

594 2,152


127,353 2,183,886

354,417 --

130,740 ----

17,255 79,563

186 202


2,152 1,595,763 2,180,282


2,000 1,604



5,331 [4,010]




4,369 [419]

1,618 0 0

3,791 -

9,779 3,034


3,034 833 (203)



569,298 24,146


8,486 840,935

73,401 6,301

16,012 2 -

2,014 48,294 (4,481)



383,371 35,828

210,021 --

94,168 -

348,111 126,495

50,297 680 235


48,294 329,053

1,626,559 --

16,000 17,222

22 -


32,482 [20,545]



49 34,894

20,459 [847]193

-1,582 2,477 1,301

26,015 8,878

0 6

8,872 3,413



47 262 309

344,879 25,755


243,837 485,501

96,586 7,327

826 1 -

662 13,085 (1,774)



53,226 98,943

838,074 ----

173,769 28,064

7,753 225 139


13,085 228,737

1,442,021 --

2,000 18,223



26,780 [7,768][4,804]3,231


6 30,104

23,289 [1,629]

79 -

19 1,608

336 25,333

4,770 -0

4,770 1,544



118,326 ------

1,125 119,903

1,564 1,677

17 85 -

3,273 28,467 (9,045)



229,519 -------

128 1,612

11 281


28,467 14,530

274,590 --

2,071 9,990

86 -


7,019 [3,758]




5,462 [4,727]

10 -5

579 2,048 8,106 (737)


(737) 11


3,132 3,916 4,194

673 11,917

970,951 -

749,734 242,561


28 3,807

541 481

-265 530


13,337 1,982,006

9,389 -------

152,017 1,403

71 437


530 1,804,153 1,968,003


2,048 11,954



21,036 [-][-]

127 -

1,825 -


17,113 [-]9 --

1,965 45

19,133 3,855

0 -

3,855 1,372



2,073 18,080


37,920 58,797

925 1,012

11 0 --7



10,938 -

33,663 ------

683 -

24 --7

67,874 113,192


3,000 2,022 (259)


2,610 [1,260][1,064]

19 -

224 102


1,601 [3]7 -

248 161 197

2,216 739


739 --


-79 -

125 204

1,032,266 --

628,506 -

131,187 -

198 115,182

703 132,578


105 789




59,476 -----

131,187 6,700


185 289


2,554,543 2,912,695


2,000 3,867



4,811 [421][847]

2,428 409

1,551 63



1,349 --

3,218 -

3,804 5,458


5,458 1,564 (243)



Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 20196

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 7

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

( millions of yen )

BNP PARIBAS Chang Hwa Commercial Bank

China Construction Bank Citibank, N.A. COMMERZBANK


Crédit Agricole Corporate and

Investment Bank

Commonwealth Bank of Australia CREDIT SUISSE AG CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. DBS BANK LTD. Deutsche Bank AG E. SUN Commercial

Bank, Ltd.

Financial Highlights by Bank (2/5 )

4,362,660 6,531

-252,535 115,781


285,156 18,244

165,885 175

9 -

1,314 179,290


580,256 5,967,459

1,628,980 291,500 212,190


45,650 3,474

229,892 235

1,500 --

179,290 3,331,631 5,924,344


9,996 32,888



13,229 [8,417]

[ (3)]4,240


80 47,975

29,963 [4,452]

510 -

152 6,376

0 37,003 10,972


10,972 3,266

121 7,584




8,059 -------

42,268 672 347

20 0 --

110 (432)



7,334 -

11,000 -----

40 481

-42 --

110 29,524 48,535


2,000 513



959 [951]

[-]59 -3 8


169 [5]4 --

281 48

503 526


526 151 (20)396


1,125,556 22,611


294,092 285,287 143,489

16,533 129

25 -

145 854


422,659 2,310,924

147,597 84,083 40,000


347,310 -

1,189,077 60

17,754 159 107


854 456,917

2,283,922 --

2,421 24,339

178 61


59,076 [17,557]


-140 868


49,083 [483]156


1,487 -

50,726 9,643


9,643 3,376

185 6,081


1,723,845 -

342,965 -

7,351 11,551


313,421 30,756

146,672 11 91 --

142,854 (513)



1,436,762 -

7,744 2,766


8,001 6

37,545 155,421

210 --

37 142,854

1,080,322 2,871,675


2,000 7,292

389 -


22,817 [3,301]


140 7,660 2,272


14,614 [7,284]2,910

15 1

17,607 931

36,081 10,543


10,543 3,548 (218)





2,083,696 ------

5,094 168,391

12,359 19,034

178 5,258


12,722 --

63,513 2,370,422

8,528 --------

13,593 35

417 --

12,722 2,331,641 2,366,937


2,000 1,480

62 (57)


4,865 [3,106]



1 6,085

2,040 [0]

852 -

899 1,171

0 4,963 1,121


1,121 330

24 766


445,753 5,216


84,690 99,171

188 9,400

60 37 ---


17 644,453

20,908 -

386 ------

1,768 71 63 -8 -

609,793 632,999


9,697 1,737

18 -


17,702 [4,623]

[180]43 -

1,357 241


15,287 [26]13 -

99 526

0 15,927

3,417 --

3,417 776


-12 --


3,392,022 145



1,601 222,418 375,601

16,159 39,084

135 5 -

1,948 259,039


689,181 5,147,803

1,795,112 -

6,892 ---

145,545 134,674

956 17,479

588 179


259,039 2,767,830 5,128,298


2,897 16,479

125 3


18,631 [8,346]

[ (77)]6,231


3 25,037

8,989 [2,720]1,226

23 21

3,885 227

14,374 10,663


10,663 3,745 (403)



-6,193 6,377

289,293 8,967


18 -

60,009 253,098

969 3,572

2 1,818


656,434 1,274,184

523,378 -

293,750 ---

28 -0

200,438 24 --

603 -

243,591 1,261,815


2,000 9,506



9,566 [1,329]

[ (79)]621


0 10,329

6,318 [1,788]

8 492

90 1,942

0 8,851 1,478


1,468 511 (10)967


3,765 -------

134,548 11,039

799 192 102

-228 789


30 151,308

82,947 -

2,000 ----

2,000 42

1,444 34

191 --

789 55,993

145,444 --

2,000 3,863



3,565 [3,216]



207 4,141

1,523 [64]

9 --

919 -

2,451 1,689


1,689 599 (93)



58 58

2,848 ------

100 234,089

2,461 686

78 44 -

96 -


5,821 246,014

3,928 --------

1,129 4

50 ---

234,140 239,251


2,000 4,763



5,903 [5,880]



441 6,630

4,305 [-]

473 --

306 -

5,084 1,546


1,546 561 148 837


427,575 --

53 -

68,921 -

20,530 188,272

31,108 84,666

-9 -

1,767 54,674 (1,204)



252,247 -----

68,921 15,000 40,612

344,529 26

530 --

54,674 551,231

1,327,772 --

2,000 2,269



9,465 [7,704]


0 2,351

7 14,691

3,015 [36]

1,954 -

227 6,051

113 11,362

3,328 --

3,328 1,248 (188)


919 184



5,633 ------

11,771 28,221

451 258 131


62 ---

91 46,623

287 -

6,000 ------

112 0 ----

38,408 44,808


2,000 (154)



789 [555][232]

6 -0 0


528 [0]4 --

322 -

856 (59)


(59)14 (9)


Balance SheetAssets

Cash on hand and due from banksCall loansSecurities purchased under agreements to resellCash collateral paid for security borrowingMonetary claims purchasedSpecific transaction accounts assetsMoney in trustsSecuritiesLoans and discountsForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsProperty, plant and equipmentIntangible assetsPrepaid pension expenseDeferred tax assetsCustomers' liability under guarantees and acceptancesReserve for loan lossesAllowance for losses on investmentHead office and branches interoffice receivables Total assets

Liabilities and Net assetsDepositsNegotiable certificates of deposit soldCall moneySecurities sold under agreements to repurchaseCash collateral received for security lendingCommercial paperSpecific transaction accounts liabilitiesBorrowed moneyForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsBonus allowanceRetirement benefit obligationReserves under special lawDeferred tax liabilitiesBank's liability under guarantees and acceptancesHead office and branches interoffice payables Sub-totalCapital stockCapital surplus/reserveBrought-in capitalRetained earnings (deficit)Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securitiesDeferred hedge gains (losses) Total liabilities and Net assets

Income statementOrdinary income: Income on operated funds Including: [Interest on loans] [Interest and dividends on securities] Commission income Specific transaction accounts income Other operating income Other ordinary income Total ordinary incomeOrdinary expenses: Funding cost Including: [Interest on deposits] Commission expenses Specific transaction accounts losses Other operating expenses General and administrative expenses Other ordinary expenses Total ordinary expenses Ordinary earnings (losses)Extraordinary profitsExtraordinary losses Earnings (losses) before income taxesIncome taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferred Net earnings (losses)Information on non-performing loans: Bankrupt loans Non-accrual loans Past due loans (3 months or more) Restructured loans Total non-performing loans

Financial statements

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 20198

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 9

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

( millions of yen )

Euroclear Bank SA/NV

First Commercial Bank

Hongkong and ShanghaiBanking Corporation

Limited, The


Industrial Bank of Korea Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.ING Bank N.V. Itaú Unibanco S.A. JPMorgan Chase

Bank, N.A. KEB Hana Bank Kookmin Bank Korea Development Bank, The

Financial Highlights by Bank (3/5 )


2,164 ---------

32 26 --

22 ---

81 2,326


57 -

248 ----

306 --

2,000 20 --



364 ---



44 --

293 -

338 26 --

26 21


5,157 555


51,847 385 102

22 1 -

12 80


564 58,389

19,642 -

26,900 -----

50 251

-16 --

80 9,028

55,969 --

2,000 420



967 [772]

[-]34 -

10 37


193 [12]

3 --

186 28

412 637


637 207

23 406


-104 256

1,608,701 -

219,598 --

88,301 -

17,222 186,998

27,296 30,314

3,599 123


170,988 (217)



318,906 --

219,556 --

89,521 -

12,730 10,986

356 ---

170,988 1,521,736 2,344,783


2,000 9,450



13,235 [4,242]


17,939 145 252


23,027 [524]763


9,110 0

32,981 6,746

66 43

6,769 3,085 (790)


81 --

6,940 7,021

889,811 ------

50,550 629,494

17,010 12,023

469 3 -

597 3,337 (797)



1,195,361 2,000

50,000 --

26,994 -

72,940 69,077

199,679 -

191 --

3,337 562,498

2,182,081 --

2,000 15,490



37,439 [22,190]



213 45,010

35,806 [29,822]

224 --

2,187 -

38,219 6,790


6,790 2,055

206 4,528


27,045 ------

554 10,691 24,259

83 6

77 --

111 (129)



37,163 ------

500 -

275 -

20 --

111 22,461 60,532


2,000 167



1,959 [281]



86 2,436

826 [25]11 -8

206 31

1,084 1,352

19 0

1,371 440



70,060 ------

10,003 252,016

23 10,280

224 112


4,402 (668)



17,208 ----

27,999 --

50 8,471

2 375


4,402 272,544 331,055


2,568 13,413



11,041 [9,185]

[ (18)]2,211

-28 -


7,271 [ (8)]

969 -

180 1,816

107 10,344

2,936 --

2,936 865

39 2,031




14,276 -------

101,457 543 313

96 ---

2,016 (43)



1,732 -------

30 284

7 138


2,016 111,967 116,176


2,736 3,594



1,264 [1,206]


-11 -


468 [-]4 --

269 34

776 1,095

171 0

1,267 320



146,047 --------

143 3 -0 ------


34 --------

28 6

86 ---

144,037 144,193


5,475 (3,473)



(77)[-][-]2 ---


(276)[0]2 -0

195 -

(78)2 --2 1 -1

2,457,296 239,000


3 --

33,471 93,162

9,956 740,975

7 4

140 -

4,369 (251)



374,493 -------

160,877 790,962

1,153 --

219 4,369

2,391,518 3,723,594


2,000 (4,943)

497 -


6,396 [1,585]



1,360 47,151

4,280 [964]

6,996 -

28,703 8,777

-48,758 (1,606)

0 -

































6,187 -------

32,967 3,749

155 201

4 -

418 971


8,679 52,924

15,780 ------

9,220 0

192 -

29 7 -

971 23,591 49,792


2,002 1,129



685 [471]



88 923

425 [20]31 --

238 7

703 220

0 0

220 32



1,427 2,220


16,943 51,471 57,616

1,850 77 74 ---


3,888 135,058

4,708 22,201

3,220 --

5,999 -

58,000 -

1,602 -----

37,112 132,844


2,000 240 (27)


2,648 [1,208]



4 2,858

2,003 [74]19 -

92 326

68 2,511

347 --

347 297


Note (*) : Also includes JPY 152 million, which was separately disclosed as “De facto Bankrupt Loans” by the bank.

Balance SheetAssets

Cash on hand and due from banksCall loansSecurities purchased under agreements to resellCash collateral paid for security borrowingMonetary claims purchasedSpecific transaction accounts assetsMoney in trustsSecuritiesLoans and discountsForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsProperty, plant and equipmentIntangible assetsPrepaid pension expenseDeferred tax assetsCustomers' liability under guarantees and acceptancesReserve for loan lossesAllowance for losses on investmentHead office and branches interoffice receivables Total assets

Liabilities and Net assetsDepositsNegotiable certificates of deposit soldCall moneySecurities sold under agreements to repurchaseCash collateral received for security lendingCommercial paperSpecific transaction accounts liabilitiesBorrowed moneyForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsBonus allowanceRetirement benefit obligationReserves under special lawDeferred tax liabilitiesBank's liability under guarantees and acceptancesHead office and branches interoffice payables Sub-totalCapital stockCapital surplus/reserveBrought-in capitalRetained earnings (deficit)Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securitiesDeferred hedge gains (losses) Total liabilities and Net assets

Income statementOrdinary income: Income on operated funds Including: [Interest on loans] [Interest and dividends on securities] Commission income Specific transaction accounts income Other operating income Other ordinary income Total ordinary incomeOrdinary expenses: Funding cost Including: [Interest on deposits] Commission expenses Specific transaction accounts losses Other operating expenses General and administrative expenses Other ordinary expenses Total ordinary expenses Ordinary earnings (losses)Extraordinary profitsExtraordinary losses Earnings (losses) before income taxesIncome taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferred Net earnings (losses)Information on non-performing loans: Bankrupt loans Non-accrual loans Past due loans (3 months or more) Restructured loans Total non-performing loans

Financial statements

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 201910

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 11

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

( millions of yen )

Mega International Commercial Bank

Co., Ltd.

Metropolitan Bankand Trust Company

National Australia Bank Limited

National Bank ofPakistan

Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation


PT. Bank NegaraIndonesia (Persero) Tbk

PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK Royal Bank of Canada Shinhan Bank Japan Société Générale Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of India

Financial Highlights by Bank (4/5 )

146,605 5,110


2,003 118,393

18 1,454

91 4 -

53 106


2,750 276,042

27,340 -------

23,118 845

48 124


106 222,119 273,700


2,000 342



3,477 [3,282]


-30 17


1,143 [68]10 -

12 767 111

2,043 1,613

18 0

1,631 611

7 1,013

38 81 14

0 133
























75,124 -------

27,022 119

6,974 20

0 --

4,107 (259)

-101,316 214,426

81,711 --------

7,083 57

157 --

4,107 119,051 212,168


2,000 257



2,240 [1,094]


-59 16


1,525 [250]

23 -

16 1,302

5 2,873 (310)


(311)1 -


483 ---


3,223 ------

1,376 789

1,866 79 17 55 -

25 60


7,501 14,972

8,758 -------

302 119

-31 --

60 2,941

12,211 --

2,169 600



265 [17][83]170

-31 -


95 [1]0 -0

288 -

383 83 --

83 37 -



18 -


4,608 ------

1,424 59,388


9 ---

27 (593)



681 -------

126 808

8 32 --

27 61,888 63,573


2,000 302



2,172 [2,145]


-4 1


1,262 [-]1 --

441 132

1,837 488


488 63

235 188

2,620 -------

28,831 -

87 12

0 -

22 -


24 31,572

360 --------

127 0

47 ---

28,905 29,439


2,000 133



1,201 [1,190]



7 1,485

1,113 [0]---

356 3

1,472 13 --

13 13

3 (3)


39 3


9,848 277


17,626 51,750

278 601 135

57 -

240 1,748 (321)



10,896 -

6,713 ----

2,213 7,915 1,321

9 76 --

1,748 52,119 83,010


2,159 81



2,938 [1,640]




2,199 [20]19 --

610 114

2,942 254

26 4

276 15 15



1,069,226 --------0

31,002 206

5 -----

128,047 1,228,488

3,056 --------

6,100 366 142


1,216,624 1,226,289


2,000 198



13,179 [-][-]0 -



11,836 [-]2 --

575 -

12,415 734


734 277
























-677 235











1,099,946 13,200


7,771 89,006

648 9,468 1,366

16 --

3,937 (681)



329,717 ------

28,577 0

7,314 163


24 3,937

883,074 1,252,808


2,013 1,179

24 -


3,518 [1,898]


-187 123


1,412 [37]377


2,392 3

4,263 1,717


1,717 572 (34)

























[ (33)]2,348











2,943 ------

30,088 175,371

64,484 2,045 1,146

18 -

1,572 4,147 (685)



33,101 -

18,000 ----

95,233 299

1,331 15

144 --

4,147 150,544 302,817


2,000 (341)



10,099 [6,642]



0 10,557

7,502 [578]

31 -

137 1,234

605 9,512 1,044

26 -

1,071 113 287 670




Balance SheetAssets

Cash on hand and due from banksCall loansSecurities purchased under agreements to resellCash collateral paid for security borrowingMonetary claims purchasedSpecific transaction accounts assetsMoney in trustsSecuritiesLoans and discountsForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsProperty, plant and equipmentIntangible assetsPrepaid pension expenseDeferred tax assetsCustomers' liability under guarantees and acceptancesReserve for loan lossesAllowance for losses on investmentHead office and branches interoffice receivables Total assets

Liabilities and Net assetsDepositsNegotiable certificates of deposit soldCall moneySecurities sold under agreements to repurchaseCash collateral received for security lendingCommercial paperSpecific transaction accounts liabilitiesBorrowed moneyForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsBonus allowanceRetirement benefit obligationReserves under special lawDeferred tax liabilitiesBank's liability under guarantees and acceptancesHead office and branches interoffice payables Sub-totalCapital stockCapital surplus/reserveBrought-in capitalRetained earnings (deficit)Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securitiesDeferred hedge gains (losses) Total liabilities and Net assets

Income statementOrdinary income: Income on operated funds Including: [Interest on loans] [Interest and dividends on securities] Commission income Specific transaction accounts income Other operating income Other ordinary income Total ordinary incomeOrdinary expenses: Funding cost Including: [Interest on deposits] Commission expenses Specific transaction accounts losses Other operating expenses General and administrative expenses Other ordinary expenses Total ordinary expenses Ordinary earnings (losses)Extraordinary profitsExtraordinary losses Earnings (losses) before income taxesIncome taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferred Net earnings (losses)Information on non-performing loans: Bankrupt loans Non-accrual loans Past due loans (3 months or more) Restructured loans Total non-performing loans

Financial statements

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 201912

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 13

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

( millions of yen )

State Street Bankand Trust Company

Taishin International Bank Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Business Bank UBS AG UniCredit Bank AG United Overseas Bank

LimitedUnion de Banques

Arabes et FrançaisesWells Fargo Bank,

National Association WOORI BANK

Financial Highlights by Bank (5/5 )

1,119,280 --------5

46,923 30

0 16 17 ---

15,857 1,182,130

0 -

33,000 ------

46,580 -----

1,101,167 1,180,748


2,000 (618)



583 [-][-]

259 -

629 -


75 [-]7 --

1,299 -

1,383 89 -

49 40 12 (2)30

2,544 ------

9,074 23,088

144 159 228

67 ---



354 -

500 ------

68 10

4 ---

32,548 33,486


2,000 (185)



361 [238][120]

1 --0


171 [1]3 -0

257 19

451 (88)


(88)0 -



2,405 -------

13,268 0

71 117

8 ---



97 -

1,000 ------1 -----

13,100 14,198


2,000 (459)



94 [94]

[-]30 -0 -


5 [0]3 --

276 117 402


(277)1 -


648,692 27,000



-194,098 356,330

1,139 111,806


2,953 ---

352,422 2,605,341

461,686 -

20,000 ---

8,416 20,500

6,854 110,297

1,128 140


1,976,889 2,605,913


2,855 (3,420)



5,679 [3,053][ (262)]

144 0

3,132 -


826 [2,439]

73 -1

6,367 -

7,270 1,686


1,686 199 194



575,893 --------

10 328

27 3 -----

145,682 721,945

2 ------

144,000 -

110 35

109 ---

575,000 719,259


2,645 40 --


2,248 [-][-]0 -5 0


2,238 [-]1 -0

376 0

2,616 (362)362

-0 8 -



8,523 --------

4,187 36

8 66 --

15,196 --

50 28,069

383 -------

430 168

-15 --

15,196 9,594

25,788 --

2,317 (37)



71 [-][-]

241 -0 0


26 [0]2 --

416 1

446 (131)





37,981 ---

8,068 --

8,749 53,279

123 323

17 --

114 2,115 (147)



4,241 -------

484 202

68 53 --

2,115 99,939

107,105 --

2,000 1,530



815 [567][155]212


38 1,236

16 [0]21 --

947 -

986 250

0 -

250 3

58 188


58,888 --------

6,054 254

36 ---

6,104 --

2,569 73,907


56,583 159



6,104 8,696

71,772 --

2,000 134



319 [-][-]

438 -

1,073 -


207 [-]

89 -

426 1,049


59 -0

58 55 -2

17,149 -------

46,912 32,897

211 45 61 --

3,515 (718)



34,388 -

6,659 -----

104 486

-21 --

3,515 56,309

101,485 --

2,000 90 --


1,383 [755]



66 2,097

893 [31]41 -

131 346 375

1,788 308

17 0

326 106



Balance SheetAssets

Cash on hand and due from banksCall loansSecurities purchased under agreements to resellCash collateral paid for security borrowingMonetary claims purchasedSpecific transaction accounts assetsMoney in trustsSecuritiesLoans and discountsForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsProperty, plant and equipmentIntangible assetsPrepaid pension expenseDeferred tax assetsCustomers' liability under guarantees and acceptancesReserve for loan lossesAllowance for losses on investmentHead office and branches interoffice receivables Total assets

Liabilities and Net assetsDepositsNegotiable certificates of deposit soldCall moneySecurities sold under agreements to repurchaseCash collateral received for security lendingCommercial paperSpecific transaction accounts liabilitiesBorrowed moneyForeign exchange accountsSundry accountsBonus allowanceRetirement benefit obligationReserves under special lawDeferred tax liabilitiesBank's liability under guarantees and acceptancesHead office and branches interoffice payables Sub-totalCapital stockCapital surplus/reserveBrought-in capitalRetained earnings (deficit)Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securitiesDeferred hedge gains (losses) Total liabilities and Net assets

Income statementOrdinary income: Income on operated funds Including: [Interest on loans] [Interest and dividends on securities] Commission income Specific transaction accounts income Other operating income Other ordinary income Total ordinary incomeOrdinary expenses: Funding cost Including: [Interest on deposits] Commission expenses Specific transaction accounts losses Other operating expenses General and administrative expenses Other ordinary expenses Total ordinary expenses Ordinary earnings (losses)Extraordinary profitsExtraordinary losses Earnings (losses) before income taxesIncome taxes-currentIncome taxes-deferred Net earnings (losses)Information on non-performing loans: Bankrupt loans Non-accrual loans Past due loans (3 months or more) Restructured loans Total non-performing loans

Financial statements

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 201914

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 15

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

BNP PARIBASCrédit Agricole Corporate and Investment BankJPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.Barclays Bank PLCCitibank, N.A.UBS AGCOMMERZBANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFTHongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, TheAustralia and New Zealand Banking Group LimitedChina Construction BankINDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDBank of America, N.A.Bank of New York Mellon, TheStandard Chartered BankBANK OF CHINA LIMITEDBank of CommunicationsDeutsche Bank AGCREDIT SUISSE AGSociété GénéraleRoyal Bank of CanadaState Street Bank and Trust CompanyAGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDShinhan Bank JapanUniCredit Bank AGCommonwealth Bank of AustraliaING Bank N.V.State Bank of IndiaBank of IndiaBANCO DO BRASIL S.A.Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.DBS BANK LTD.National Australia Bank LimitedCTBC Bank Co., Ltd.Itaú Unibanco S.A.KEB Hana BankKorea Development Bank, TheIntesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.Bank of TaiwanUnited Overseas Bank LimitedWOORI BANKBangkok Bank Public Company LimitedPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TbkWells Fargo Bank, National AssociationOversea-Chinese Banking Corporation LimitedIndustrial Bank of KoreaFirst Commercial BankKookmin BankChang Hwa Commercial BankE. SUN Commercial Bank, Ltd.Taishin International Bank Co., Ltd.PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANKUnion de Banques Arabes et FrançaisesTaiwan Business BankNational Bank of PakistanBanco Bilbao Vizcaya ArgentariaMetropolitan Bank and Trust CompanyEuroclear Bank SA/NV






4,735,346 3,689,579 4,479,005 3,334,552 2,739,818 2,516,764

769,786 2,218,228 2,255,977 2,209,999 2,054,693 1,591,252 1,581,808 1,569,912 1,722,629 1,607,168 1,521,523 1,467,993 1,474,715 1,055,787

812,219 829,133 656,064 627,278 604,664 390,648 417,939 230,236 282,803 231,201 227,427 168,633 143,479

48,255 147,611 142,333 109,056

96,987 119,275

48,518 88,737 72,381 21,566 52,625 74,005 64,121 42,207 44,565

9,570 16,031 33,894 25,251

3,826 28,082 11,162

5,746 2,286

5,967,459 5,147,803 3,721,148 2,918,563 2,881,357 2,605,341 2,370,422 2,356,233 2,345,240 2,310,924 2,199,786 2,183,886 1,982,006 1,744,419 1,659,804 1,462,244 1,332,627 1,274,184 1,256,026 1,228,488 1,182,130

856,144 755,355 721,945 644,453 347,037 304,398 286,739 281,404 276,042 246,014 214,426 151,308 146,195 140,076 135,058 122,507 117,956 110,636 103,577

96,513 85,202 73,907 65,875 62,700 58,389 52,924 51,048 46,623 35,258 31,572 28,069 15,739 14,972

9,413 6,695 2,326

Ranking by Total Assets



2019 (current year/period)

Total Assets

2018 Total AssetsBank

( millions of yen )

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 201916

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Ranking by Ordinary Earnings (Losses)

BNP PARIBASCrédit Agricole Corporate and Investment BankCitibank, N.A.China Construction BankBANK OF CHINA LIMITEDShinhan Bank JapanINDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDHongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, TheBarclays Bank PLCBank of CommunicationsBank of New York Mellon, TheCommonwealth Bank of AustraliaDeutsche Bank AGBank of America, N.A.ING Bank N.V.Standard Chartered BankSociété GénéraleAustralia and New Zealand Banking Group LimitedCTBC Bank Co., Ltd.UBS AGMega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDDBS BANK LTD.BANCO DO BRASIL S.A.CREDIT SUISSE AGIndustrial Bank of KoreaCOMMERZBANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFTKEB Hana BankIntesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.State Bank of IndiaBank of TaiwanRoyal Bank of CanadaFirst Commercial BankChang Hwa Commercial BankOversea-Chinese Banking Corporation LimitedBangkok Bank Public Company LimitedKorea Development Bank, TheWOORI BANKPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TbkUnited Overseas Bank LimitedKookmin BankMetropolitan Bank and Trust CompanyState Street Bank and Trust CompanyNational Bank of PakistanWells Fargo Bank, National AssociationEuroclear Bank SA/NVPHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANKItaú Unibanco S.A.Banco Bilbao Vizcaya ArgentariaE. SUN Commercial Bank, Ltd.Taishin International Bank Co., Ltd.Union de Banques Arabes et FrançaisesTaiwan Business BankNational Australia Bank LimitedUniCredit Bank AGBank of IndiaJPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.






9,864 11,334

4,957 5,791 7,369 8,741 8,225 6,145 6,505 5,710 4,234 3,314 1,686 2,290 1,687 2,169 2,009 5,136 1,102

710 1,684

919 1,506 1,659 1,995 1,145 2,624 1,366 1,263

(915)1,246 1,555 1,128

668 87

765 689

91 688 751 438

80 132 188 185

12 26


























10,972 10,663 10,543

9,643 8,878 8,705 6,790 6,746 5,458 4,770 3,855 3,417 3,328 3,034 2,936 1,945 1,717 1,694 1,689 1,686 1,613 1,590 1,546 1,512 1,478 1,352 1,121 1,106 1,095 1,044

739 734 637 526 488 457 347 308 254 250 220 118

89 83 59 26 13

2 (25)(59)(88)


(1,606)Note (*) : These amounts represent fiscal periods of less than 12 months. Please refer to page 3 “Changes in foreign banks during the year” for more details on the fiscal periods of these banks for year ended March 31, 2019.

( millions of yen )



2019 (current year/period)

Ordinary Earnings (Losses)

2018 Ordinary Earnings (Losses)Bank




Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 17

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

Ranking by Expense/ Income Ratio

First Commercial BankBarclays Bank PLCIntesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.Industrial Bank of KoreaChang Hwa Commercial BankShinhan Bank JapanMega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment BankCTBC Bank Co., Ltd.KEB Hana BankSociété GénéraleBANK OF CHINA LIMITEDBank of TaiwanKookmin BankBank of America, N.A.DBS BANK LTD.BNP PARIBASDeutsche Bank AGCitibank, N.A.ING Bank N.V.Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation LimitedUnited Overseas Bank LimitedBangkok Bank Public Company LimitedMetropolitan Bank and Trust CompanyUBS AGCOMMERZBANK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFTNational Bank of PakistanCommonwealth Bank of AustraliaHongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, TheBANCO DO BRASIL S.A.Bank of New York Mellon, TheStandard Chartered BankChina Construction BankBank of CommunicationsINDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDWOORI BANKCREDIT SUISSE AGKorea Development Bank, TheState Bank of IndiaAustralia and New Zealand Banking Group LimitedPT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TbkEuroclear Bank SA/NVAGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITEDState Street Bank and Trust CompanyRoyal Bank of CanadaWells Fargo Bank, National AssociationPHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANKJPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.Itaú Unibanco S.A.E. SUN Commercial Bank, Ltd.Bank of IndiaNational Australia Bank LimitedBanco Bilbao Vizcaya ArgentariaUniCredit Bank AGTaishin International Bank Co., Ltd.Union de Banques Arabes et FrançaisesTaiwan Business Bank






























































































































105.08- 438.46465.71


1,300.00Note (*1) : Both the ordinary income and the ordinary expenses are negative.Note (*2) : Because the ordinary income is negative, the expense/income ratio is also negative.



2019 (current year/period)

Expense/ Income Ratio

2018 Expense/ Income RatioBank

Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 201918

© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

KPMG Japan – Our ServicesOur dedicated financial services team brings together partners and professionals from Audit, Tax and Advisory practices and is linked closely to other member firms in the KPMG Japan and global network.

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• Audit under J-GAAP• IFRS audit• SEC audit• ISAE3402/SSAE16 attestation• Verification of GIPS compliance• Investigation of the value, etc. of specified assets• Verification of segregated management of customer assets

• Global GAAP conversion (IFRS/US GAAP)• Basel/Solvency regulations• Enterprise risk management support• IT risk management support• Regulatory compliance support• Anti-money laundering services• Forensic services• Business continuity plan assessment• Recovery and Resolution Plans support• Internal audit services• IT internal audit services• Pension services• Financial Technology (FinTech) support

• Business plan development support• Strategy, outsourcing strategy development support• Digital Labor Transformation• Project management support• Financial management support and

cash management support• Organizational restructuring, HR transformation• IT strategy development and implementation support,

IT system development support

• M&A advisory services• Corporate restructuring services• Sell-side services• Overseas expansion support

• Global tax strategy advice• FATCA related tax review and advice• Transfer pricing services• Derivative/Securitization transaction services• M&A transaction services




Deal Advisory



Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2019 19

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© 2019 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law an member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( “KPMG International” ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan. 19-1048

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