Forms and Media

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Forms and Media. Part 1: Two-Dimensional Artwork. Art Forms: A technique or method that is used to create an artwork. Craft: Works of art, either decorative or useful, that are skillfully made by hand. Ceramics: The art of making objects of fired clay. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Forms and MediaPart 1: Two-Dimensional Artwork

Week 3 Vocabulary

Art Forms: A technique or method that is used to create an artwork.

Craft: Works of art, either decorative or useful, that are skillfully made by hand.

Ceramics: The art of making objects of fired clay.

Two Dimensional: Artwork that is flat and is measured in only two ways: height and width.

Three Dimensional: Artwork that can be measured three ways: height, width, and depth.

Week 4 Vocabulary

Art Media: The materials we use to create art with.

Fresco: A tempera painting created on a wet plaster.

Montage: A collage made from photographs.Mobile: A hanging sculpture that has moving

parts.Mosaic: A design made of tiny pieces of

colored glass, stone, or other materials.

Other Words To Know:

2D Media: Drawing, Painting, Collage, Printmaking, Graphic Design, Photography, Film, Computer Art

3D Media: Architecture, Environmental Design, Sculpture, Crafts, Industrial Design

Forms and Media

Read p. 18-19 and answer the following in your sketchbook:1. What is an art form?2. What is art media?

Forms and Media

What idea does this sculpture express?

Robert Anderson,Pablo Ruiz with Itch

Forms and Media

The medium of this two dimensional art is oil pastel. What is the art form if this work?

Two-Dimensional Artworks

Read p. 20-21 and answer the questions as we go along:


What are the most common media for drawing?


What are the most common media for drawing?◦Pencil, pen and ink, crayon, charcoal, chalk,

pastel, and computer software programs

In your sketch book:1. What is your favorite drawing medium?2. What is one drawing medium you would

like to try?


What are the most common media from painting?


What are the most common media for painting?◦Oils, tempera, watercolor, acrylics

What are the most common surfaces to paint on?


What are the most common media for painting?◦Oils, tempera, watercolor, acrylics

What are the most common surfaces to paint on?◦Paper, cardboard, wood, canvas, tile, plaster


In your sketch book:1. What is your favorite painting medium?2. What is one painting medium you would

like to try?


What are some typical things you may find in a collage?


What are some typical things you may find in a collage?◦Flat materials such as fabric, paper, etc. ◦Drawing materials◦Painting materials◦Cellophane◦Foil◦Photographs


What is the main process or idea for printmaking?


What is the purpose of printmaking?◦Transferring an inked design from one surface

to another.


What are the most common printmaking processes?


What are the most common printmaking processes?◦Gadget, stencil, relief, monoprint, lithography,

etching, and silkscreen.


What makes monoprinting different than other types of printmaking?◦In other printmaking processes, an art can print

a single image many times. ◦In monoprinting, the image can only be printed

once.◦Mono = one

2D Media

Read p. 22-23 and answer the questions as we go along:

Graphic Design

What are sine examples of graphic design that you can find in the classroom?

Think About It

How does a rainbow zebra express “to be good is not enough”?

Marvin Mattelson, Subway Poster for School of Visual Arts

Think About It

What do you believe this digital design is used for?

Think About It

Eric Kemp Graphic Designer

Photography, Film, and Computer Art

Dorothea Lange was an influential American documentary photographer and photojournalist, best known for her Depression-era work.

What theme do you think Lange is trying to portray here?

Photography, Film,and Computer Art

Sketchbook Homework:◦Tape or glue in a photograph that means

something to you. Explain in 2-3 sentences why it means something.

Three-Dimensional Artworks

Read p. 24-25 and answer the questions as we go along:

Architecture and Environmental Design

What do we call someone who designs buildings?

What does this type of person do?

Architecture and Environmental Design

What do we call someone who designs buildings?◦Architect

What does this type of person do?◦Designs how the building will look and function.


The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is located in Cleveland, Ohio.

How does the design of this building suggest its use?

Architecture and Environmental Design

What do we call someone who designs parks, landscapes, and other outdoor space?

Architecture and Environmental Design

What do we call someone who designs parks, landscapes, and other outdoor space?◦Environmental Design


What are some different examples of sculpture?


What are some different examples of sculpture?◦Statues, mobiles,

relief sculpture

What are some of the traditional media used to create sculptures?


What are some different examples of sculpture?◦ Statues, mobiles, relief


What are some of the traditional media used to create sculptures?◦ Wood, clay, metals,

stone, glass, plastic, wire, and found objects.

Crafts & Industrial Design

Read p. 26-27 and answer the questions as we go along:


What does the term crafts refer to?


What does the term crafts refer to?◦Artworks made by hand that are both pratical

and beautiful.


What are some examples of crafts?


What are some examples of crafts?◦Ceramics, fiber arts, mosaics, and jewelry



Ceramics are objects that have been made from clay, then fired in a kiln.

Fiber Arts

Fiber Arts are objects that have been woven, stitched, or knotted from materials such as wool, silk, cotton, and nylon.


A mosaic is a design made of tiny pieces of colored glass, stone, and other materials.


What examples of jewelry do we see in our classroom on our classmates?

Think About It

How do you think this was made?Which part of this was made first (the bird or

the background)?

Byzantine Fragment with Bird

ThinkAbout It

Why was this car designed with this shape?What factors should industrial designers think

about as they design cars?

Industrial Design

What is an industrial designer?

Industrial Design

What is an industrial designer?◦Artist who design

3D products for mass production.

◦They design everything from spoons to chairs to bicycles to cruise ships.

Think About It

Look around our room. What examples of industrial design do you see?


In your sketchbook:◦For 5-10 minutes, sketch an object designed by

an industrial designer in our room. ◦Write down:

What materials were used to create the object? What is the function of the object? If you were to design a similar object, how would

you change it?