Free Webinar - Disaster Prep and Recovery for Nonprofits and Libraries - 2017-04-04

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Disaster Prep and Recovery For Nonprofits or Libraries: Using Technology

April 4, 2017

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Becky WiegandWebinar Program Manager


Lars Eric HolmDisaster Preparedness

CoordinatorEden I&R, Inc

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1. Learn about 2-1-1 and other already-existing tech resources to support your community in an emergency or disaster

2. Consider whether your organization has backup, power, and communications strategies planned AHEAD of any disaster

3. Discover types of mobile apps available to provide support and response during an emergency

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Disaster Prep and Recovery For Nonprofits or Libraries: Using Technology

Lars Eric HolmDisaster Preparedness Coordinator

Eden I&R, Inc. (@EIR_211Alameda | @211AlamedaCounty)

A fast bit about Lars Eric Holm

Childhood in Alaska; learned the Yupik phrase “Upterrlainarluta” which translates as “always getting ready”.

I am told that being ever prepared, Upterrlainarluta, is a common caution from Yup’ik elders to young people, whether they are preparing for fishing or a trip to the city. Implicit is the understanding that one must be wise in knowing what to prepare for and equally wise in being prepared for the unknowable.

Always Getting Ready - UpterrlainarlutaYup’ik Eskimo Subsistence in Southwest Alaska

James H. Barker

Relevant Background

• Backup software from Dantz Development – support for seven years!

• Continuing to offer CARD‘s innovative curriculum as Eden I&R‘s Disaster Preparedness Coordinator.

• CARD – Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters for eight years, helping nonprofits “Prepare to Prosper!”

Preparedness Geek


I am a bit of a nerd about this topic!

About Eden I&R

• Eden I & R has been successfully "linking people and resources” for 40 years!

• The only centralized source for health, housing, and human services information in Alameda County.

• Critical information bridge between individuals in need and human service agencies with aid.

• Our main (but not only) program is 2-1-1 Alameda County.

Why call 2-1-1?

• 2-1-1 is a free, 24/7/365, multi-lingual, confidential, easy to remember telephone number that enables anyone to access vital community services before, during, and after disaster.

• 2-1-1 resources are verified annually and updated throughout the year.

What is Information & Referral, I&R?

• Helps people access health and human services including family support, disability services, legal referrals, consumer assistance, and counseling

• Provides in-depth assessment of needs to best link people to one or more service providers

• Offers trained Resource Specialists to assist callers in a confidential and safe environment

Finding Answers

Eden I&R is that librarian: for health, housing, and human resources

What is Information & Referral AFTER disaster?

• Referrals to service providers that address immediate needs:

food, shelter, utilities, and financial assistance

• News and updates: road closures, health advisories,

evacuation information

• Crisis support: referrals to legal aid, counseling, linkages to


For life-threatening emergencies, call 911! For everything else, call 2-1-1!

Why call 2-1-1 after a disaster?

• After disaster, 2-1-1 works with county government and community partners to push verified disaster information out to the public in a timely manner.

• 2-1-1 becomes THE Public Community Information phone number after disaster – No need to remember new confusing 1-800 numbers.

2-1-1 and disaster preparedness

• 2-1-1 participates in EOC drills and continually prepares to respond to natural disasters (including wildfires, mud slides, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis; as well as terrorist attacks).

• The statewide 2-1-1 network, with its back-up systems, is part of the state’s crisis preparedness and response.

• 2-1-1 is available immediately during times of crisis, to direct callers to changing services most appropriate for their needs.

• 2-1-1 maintains an ongoing 24/7 presence in the community; so people are able to find the help they need whether their needs arise a week or several years after the crisis event.

Who we serve

• Critical resource for thousands of at-risk individuals:– youth– non-English speakers– the economically disadvantaged– people living with HIV/AIDS– domestic violence survivors– the elderly– disabled– the homeless– human service agencies seeking services or housing for their


Labeled People – Slide 1:• Seniors, older residents, frail elderly • Extremely low income, poor, significantly below

the poverty level, and without financial resources• Blind, visually impaired, low vision• Single parents, lone guardians with no support

systems• Deaf, hearing impaired, hard-of-hearing (HoH)• Limited English Proficiency (LEP), monolingual• Emergent special needs (new needs due to

disaster)• Children, infants, unattended minors, runaways,

latchkey kids• Homeless or shelter dependent - including

domestic violence shelters• Chemically dependent – includes legal and illegal

drug dependence issues• Medically compromised, low immune system,

medically fragile, contagious

Labeled People – Slide 2:• Criminals, registered offenders and other clients of

the criminal justice system• People fearful of (or refusing services from)

government, Red Cross or any unfamiliar organization

• Physically disabled - from minor issues to complete dependence on life support

• Mentally/Cognitively/Developmentally disabled - from minor issues to complete dependence on support systems

• Transient needs (tourists, people needing replacement hearing aids or glasses, etc.)

• Owners and guardians of pets/animals, people who make life and death decisions based on animal concerns

• Culturally isolated, with little interaction outside of their chosen community, or with most actions preferred inside their chosen community -- religion, sobriety/recovery, carless, LGBT), geography caused isolation, etc.


• Very fast ‘yes/no’ poll (or handraise)– are ANY of the folks listed on these immediately prior slides served by your agency?


• A poll about job titles/roles that includes “many hats” as one of the answers.


Often “Other Duty as Assigned” and thus Hard to Prioritize.

Thus, the importance of leveraging the technology you already use every day.

“Linking people and resources” for 40 years. Call 211, or on-line use our resource finder.’s shiny new disaster planning and recovery guide.

More links about downloadable resources will be at the end of this presentation.



The CARD approach eliminates the negative, fear-based conversation typically attached to traditional “Disaster Preparedness.”

Preparedness can be about:• protecting people we care about• leadership• securing preparedness funding• safeguarding things that matter to us• using every piece of the process as a learning opportunity• learning how to make good decisions under stress• having fun; learning about each other’s strengths and skills• building a strong, empowered team.

Getting started: Keep the preparedness conversation focused on what you CAN DO and how it will help your people achieve their goals!

is present when you have preparedness as a way of being – it’s

how you operate, think, and act.

Once something is deeply embedded as part of your culture, it can survive

and prosper even as people and circumstances change.

A culture of preparedness

Technology – especially mobile technology – has fundamentally

changed how we communicate and function.

Our pre-existing culture of technology can be embraced to make

us a more prepared and resilient society.

A culture of technology

Preparedness + Technology

Everything has changed:•The Internet•Social Media•Technology•Public adoption of tools•Expectations

Use Technology To:

• Build community• Communicate• Increase preparedness• Facilitate emergency response• Support your partners• Alert and warn• Raise money• Build Support• Walk the world BEING more

prepared and confident!

Where Are You?Related to TRULY embracing technology for

empowering community outreach and resilience?

C.A.V.E. DwellersConsistentlyAgainstVirtuallyEverything


• Where are you on the curve?– Innovator– Early Adopter– Early Majority– Late Majority– Laggards– Vocal Resistance


To Go Forward, You Must Back Up!

- Motto for Dantz Development's Backup Software “Retrospect”


What makes for good backups?

• Automated – the backups run frequently without requiring human intervention

• Monitored – someone is regularly inspecting backup logs, documenting media rotation, etc.

• Redundant – multiple copies, and multiple types of backups

• Rotated – multiple devices, multiple locations


The Holy Trinity of BackupsThree different types of backups:• Versioned Backups - copies of your files as they appeared at

many points in time

• Bootable Backups - an exact copy of your startup disk on an external drive

• Offsite Backups - an extra backup stored far away from your regular backups


• Copies of your files at many points in time.

• Protects against file corruption, software bugs, user error

• Can recover that earlier revision of your Novel

• Use an external hard drive (not an internal drive or CD/DVD)

• Set your software to update once a day minimum, preferably much more often.


• Also known as a “clone”.

• Exact copy of your startup disk, on external drive.

• Can boot from duplicate right away, even from a different machine.

• Must use backup/duplication software.

• Schedule at least once a week. Daily is better.

• Update duplicate(s) before major upgrades.

• Multiple drives, rotating off-site, for especially critical machines.


• Stored far away: at the very least in a different building.

• Protects from local catastrophes, (fire, flood, earthquake, tornado, etc.)

• Easiest way: cloud backup service.

• Alternatively, rotate two or three drives (versioned or clone)

• Keep away from extreme heat or cold

• Keep in secure location (not car or garage).

• Consider encryption.


International “Verify your Backups Day”

Friday the 13th.

Every Friday the 13th, observe “International Verify Your Backups Day”:

Restoring a few files to confirm that your backups are working.Test booting from your bootable duplicate.


Backup can be a topic with lots of questions…

…does anyone have any questions?


Information is giving out; communication is getting through.

- Sydney J. Harris, American Journalist


“Potty Poster”

Program Your Cell Phone

This will soon be available at Eden I&R’s “Disaster Resources” web page – in the mean time, contact me.

Program Your Cell Phone to Be Your Greatest Safety Tool!

• ICE Your Phone: Add "ICE" (In Case of Emergency)• Friends, Family, Neighbors: Program all important contacts• Non-emergency numbers for Police and Fire Departments.• Doctors / Hospital / Clinic• Medication and medical conditions and allergies• Location of emergency rally points• Daycare providers for kids / seniors


To Do: From the list below, please do at least one action.

Program Your Cell Phone to Be Your Greatest Safety Tool!

For Smart Phones :

• Pictures of self, home, pets, kids, key people, and property• Important documents: prescriptions, insurance, etc.• First Aid and CPR instructions• Apps: GPS, Alarms, Flashing Lights• Do not depend on your memory!


To Do: From the list below, please do at least one action.


You’ve got the Power!


Plethora of Products. See recent article: "30 of the juiciest portable battery chargers money can buy”


Powered CaseA phone case that is also a battery

Just flip the switch, and you are good to go!

Car AdaptorsA nearby source of power for manyPreparedness habit #1: Plug your phone in whenever you drivePreparedness habit #2: Give your friends car chargers as gifts.


Pocket / keychain batteries are inexpensive and make great stocking stuffers

Good for a single charge, and easily tucked into pocket, glove compartment, desk draw, bag, etc.


Solar Chargers: Check your local camping supplier.Costs have dropped to under $200, and in some cases, under $100.

Staying Connected via Social Media

Fast Social Media Overview - Twitter

• Elections in Iran• Attacks in Mumbai• H1N1, Whooping Cough• Haiti Earthquake• Oroville Dam

"Public Information Officers" (PIOs) find that Twitter is: - Fast: used before Facebook or Web Page updates- Many now embed a Twitter stream in their pages- Tailored (user picks sources)- Cell phone accessible- Easy; fewer skills required- Massive public acceptance

• Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill• Japan EQ/tsunami/nuclear• SuperStorm Sandy• Boston Marathon Bombings• Recent CA Storms and Floods

Twitter was instrumental as a planning & response tool for:

Fast Social Media Overview - Facebook

Facebook is marvelous for:• Engaging with government agencies • Engaging with elected officials• Engaging with health agencies

In an emergency, the benefits are:• A communication tool many are familiar with• Some agencies have a page to be used specifically for

emergencies• Others plan to post to their existing page• Can have an out-of-state contact be able to post on your behalf.

Fast Social Media Overview - LinkedIn

LinkedIn is about professional connections: • The largest online Business Networking platform in the world• Nearly half of all members are outside the U.S.

Benefits:• Establish and maintain connections to partners beforehand.• Status Updates (140 character messages) can be sent from

your cell phone.• Receive expert advice or suggestions from your network - very

useful in emergencies.• Can link other applications to your LinkedIn profile: Twitter,

WordPress, SlideShare, Polls, etc.

Real World Response for #OccupyOakland

Preparedness Apps

There’s an App for That!


These are examples of types of apps, rather than recommendations of specific apps.


511 Transit






First Aid & Care

Police Scanner

Recorder HD



Pocket CPR



Siren Machine

Jibbigo Translator

What Are You Going to Do???

Tools and Resources:

Eden I&R: “2-1-1 in Disasters/Emergencies”This is in the process of updating, so keep an eye!Coming Soon: Downloadable Resources, such as Potty Posters!

TechSoup: The Resilient Organization: A Guide to IT Disaster Planning and


Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac by Joe Kissell is the current advice and standard for Macintosh backups. While this is centered around Macintosh backups, it's not difficult to generalize this advice.

The Complete Guide to Backup Managementby Dorian J. Cougias and Tom Dell. this is an older book, it encapsulates much of the knowledge I gained at Dantz.


Transform everyday brilliance into disaster resilience!

Eden I&R offersDisaster preparedness trainings for all!

Prepare for the unexpected and participate in a full range of free disaster preparedness trainings, ranging from personal preparedness to agency response and long-term recovery.

interactive adaptableempowering


diverse easyand fun !

Trainings Offered

• Build a SKIP (Safety Kept in Place) kit with everyday household items

• Make a Disaster Preparedness Plan for staff, volunteers, and clients• Create an Agency Emergency Plan

Designed to meet the preparedness needs of staff, volunteers, and clients of nonprofits and community-based organizations, choose the trainings that are right for your group:

Trainings Offered (2)

• Learn about Incident Command System (ICS) and disaster response

• Incorporate social media and technology in plans and responses

• Empower parents and practitioners with preparedness tips for specific populations: children, seniors, caregivers, persons living with disabilities, etc.

Please Connect!

Contact Lars Eric HolmDisaster Preparedness Coordinator510-727-9516


Made possible from generous support by WALTER & ELISE HAAS FUND

Proudly presenting curriculum developed by CARD - Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters

Please connect to Eden I&R

Eden I&R can be found online at:


Please consider creating a recommendation on LinkedIn, giving us a shout-out on any social media platform, sending a note of thanks and appreciation to our funders.

We greatly appreciate your support! Thank you!


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