French Healthcare vs. American Healthcare By: Meghan Rocheleau a.k.a. Madeleine.

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Type of Healthcare Universal Coverage Everyone has it


French Healthcare vs. American Healthcare By: Meghan Rocheleau a.k.a. Madeleine Type of Healthcare Best Described as a Hybrid System A system which flows and jumps Has a continuous and a specific behavior No universal healthcare system Type of Healthcare Universal Coverage Everyone has it How Healthcare is Paid for? 21% of a persons income A persons employer picks up about half of that Who is Insured? In % of the population 48 million people without Who is Insured? EVERYONE under the national healthcare insurance Money Spent for Healthcare About $4,000 per person 11.6% of GDP spent on healthcare What the Cost of a Visit Depends on? Whether you are insured or not The Doctors Prices How much your insurance is willing to pay What is the deductible? Cost for Insured People? Primary Care Doctor $15 to $25 Specialty Doctor $30 to $50 Emergency Room Visit Around $100 Cost for Uninsured People? Primary Care Doctor On average $125 Specialty Doctor On average $100 to $300 Emergency Room Visit Over $1000 Cost General Doctor $24.47 Emergency Room Visit $32 for everyone Patient is reimbursed for what they paid for a doctors visit and pays less than half of what they paid originally What Reimbursement Depends on? Type of insurance one has The age of the patient The medical condition of the patient If your general doctor referred you to a specialty doctor then you are fully reimbursed Amount of Time Spent with the Doctor On average 10 minutes Amount of Time Spent with the Doctor On average 30 to 40 minutes Money Spent for Healthcare $8,508 per person $2.9 Trillion(2013) 17.7% of the GDP is spent on healthcare; Gross Domestic Product GDP-The total value of goods produced and services provided in one year Why Healthcare is Higher? Multidimensional Problem Insurance Companies Pharmaceutical Medical School, etc. How Insured people pay for Healthcare? Insurance Premium The amount of money paid to the insurance company by the person that is insured by them Employer Based Insurance Single= $1,081; Monthly=$90 Family=$4,823; Monthly=$402 Individual Based Insurance Single=$3,444; Monthly=$287 Family=$8,724; Monthly=$727 Insurance Companies These companies affect the amount of time a doctor spends with you because the more patients they see during a day the more they can make because the insurance companies are taking some to all of the money the doctor charges the insurance company for your visit Insurance companies also affect your co-pays Pharmaceutical Prescriptions Makes up 17% of spending per person Makes up 25% of out of pocket spending per person Brand Name Average Price= $268 Generic Name Average Price= $33 Most Prescriptions are Covered Somewhat by an Insurance Company In 2011 Per person $1,010 Pharmaceutical Prescriptions Reimbursement ranges from 15% to 100%; Depends on the medicine 75% of prescriptions are 65% reimbursed Reimbursement can be as low as 15% In 2011 Per person $655 Cost of School? On average $51,044 per year $51,044 x 4= $204,176 BUT. you have to add that onto 4 years of undergraduate About $300,000-$400,000 for 8 years of schooling Cost of School? On average 1st Cycle= 452 euros($481.72) 2nd Cycle= Euros($276.03) 3rd Cycle= Euros($418.95) Total= $1,176.70 Doctors Salary Intern(1 year) $35,000 Resident(3-5 years) $50,000-$60,000 General Doctor $156,000 Specialty Doctor $200,000-$300,000 Doctors Salary General Doctor $92,000 Specialty Doctor $150,000 You my be thinking wow thats a big difference in salaries, but keep in mind In France, doctors are coming out of medical school with little to no debt BUT In America, doctors are coming out of medical school with $300,000-$400,000 in debt Doctors salaries can also be associated with the amount of time doctors spend with you because they need to make money and the more patients they see will help them make more money, so this goes back to insurance companies and medical school debt Insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and medical school are just part of the reason for the higher costs for healthcare and for the multidimensional problem But without med school we would not have the professionals to pay for health reasons and with no paying for anyone we would not have insurance companies and with no professional help we would not have prescription drugs to buy They are all intertwined somehow Which Healthcare is Better? France is the answer to that question France has been voted one of the best healthcare systems in the world French medical school are cheaper which will help doctors Because the higher the debt out of college the more the person will work and try to make up for the amount of money they need to make to relieve some of that debt More work hours leads to stress and tiredness of doctors; which will lead to malpractice France has a better healthcare system because everyone has insurance and it does not matter who you are France also spends less of their GDP on healthcare France also spends less money per person on healthcare France spends less per person on pharmaceuticals France has longer visits with doctors The amount of money you pay for visits is less You will be reimbursed with some amount of money In France the population are happy with the healthcare system, but here in America a lot of the population dislike the healthcare system There are positives of America though Doctors get paid more here More people are insured than not insured Americans do not pay as much in taxes But Americans end up paying more for healthcare because of all the other costs Insurance More expensive cost for medicine, appointments, and hospital stays Work Cited make/to-select-undergraduate-premed-courseworkto-select-undergraduate-premed-courseworkrance.pdfrance.pdf for-health-in.aspxfor-health-in.aspx