Friction stir welding and processing

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Development of strain and stress based forming limit diagram of automotive grade sheet metals

Mechanical properties of friction stir processed AA5754 sheet metal at different elevated temperature and strain ratesPresented by Saurabh SumanRoll No. 11ME31019

Under the guidance of

Dr. S. K. Panda Department of Mechanical EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, IndiaProf. S. K. PalDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India

Department of Mechanical EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, IndiaJune, 2016


ContentsIntroductionReview of literatureObjectivesMethodologyResults and discussionConclusionsReferences

26/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur 2

Our main aim of this topic was to increase the formability of AA5754 alloy. The use of this alloy is restricted due to low formability. 2nd aim was to know mechanical properties at different elevated temp and strain rate to ease the formabilty operation for this we developed Johnson Cook model.6/27/2016

IntroductionImportance of aluminium as automotive grade sheet metal


Fig: Application of aluminium alloy in passenger cars [2]

Fig: Inner door panels of automobiles made of AA5754 [4]

Fig: Aluminum body and structural component growth with year [1]

DesignationMajor alloying elements1xxxPure Al2xxx Cu3xxx Mn4xxx Si5xxx Mg6xxx Mg, Si7xxx Zn8xxxothers

Table: Designation and major alloying elements of wrought aluminium alloys[3] Non Heat treatable Heat treatable6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Eveeybody wants cars with less price and good milage. It is estimated a 10% reduction in vehicle weight improves the fuel efficieny by 5.5%. 3rd most abundant element on earth crust. 2.7g/cm3-Al 7.9g/cm3- steel. It is non magnetic with super strength, recyclable more malleable and elastic than steel. From nasa to apple to bmw aluminium has been vey much important.6/27/2016

Introduction (contd.)

4Friction Stir Welding (FSW)Rotational speed of the tool (rpm), transverse speed (mm/min), plunge depth and tool geometry are the Important FSW parameters. No shielding gas used and no gas emission from the process therefore it is eco-friendly process but material wastage takes place as hole is left at last. FSW is widely used process for joining in automotive, Marine, Aerospace and Railway industry

Figure 3: Friction stir welding process taking place [5]

Figure 5 : Various microstructural regions in the transverse cross section of a friction stir welded material [6]6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Thanks to the welding institute who has developed FSW in 1991 which made joining of Al alloy easily. It consist of a shoulder and a pin which pierce the surface and rotates as well as travels. A typical microstructure region is shown in the figure. Stir zone is having very fine equiaxed grains. TMAZ is having similar grains as base but grain orientation is altered. At the HAZ variable grain size, break up of inter- metallic particles and over aging reduces hardness. Most failure takes place in this region.6/27/2016

Introduction (contd.)Friction stir processing (FSP)

5Friction stir processing(FSP) is a method of changing the properties of ametalthrough intense, localizedplastic deformation

Figure 6: Schematic of friction stir processing [7]

Figure : An illustration of the evolution of microstructural features and its linkage to various emerging friction stir processing technologies [8]6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

FSP is a tool for microstructural modification addressed by Rajeev Mishra. The processed metal is subjected to high strain that modifies its dendrite(grain)6/26/2016

Introduction (contd.)Friction stir processing (FSP) Applications


FSP(Application)Fig: FSP for casting modification(19)

Fig: FSP for surface composite(12)Fig: FSP for superplasticity(19

Fig: FSP for superplasticity (9)

Fig: FSP for chanelling (10)

Fig: FSP for power processing(5)

Fig: FSP for casting modification(9)

Fig: FSP for microforming (11)6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


Review of literature


AuthorYearInferencesR. Mishra et al.[12]2001The microhardness of the surface composite reinforced with 27vol.%SiC of 0.7 m average particle size was 173 HV, almost double of the 5083Al alloy substrate (85 HV)

Y. J Kwon et al.[13]2009At 1000 rpm maximum tensile Strength and elongation was Achieved.(5052 Al alloy)

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Review of literature (contd.)

8AuthorYearInferencesF. C. Liu et al.[14]2008AlMgSc alloy. Maximum elongation of 2150% at 450C and a high strain rate of 1101s1 was achieved. Super-plascity withfine grains was achieved.F. Chai et al. [15]2013SFSP(submerged FSP) has fine grains And more % elongation.

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


Review of literature (contd.)


AuthorYearInferencesHong- Ying et al.[16]2013The result showed that the flow stress predicted by the proposed model agrees with the experimental results.(T-24) Dynamic recrystallization at lower strain rate and high temp

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


Design and fabrication of FSP tool to successfully fabricate friction stir processed sheet of AA5754 alloy using suitable process parameter.

Characterization of uniaxial tensile properties of both FSPed and base metal sheets in terms of yield stress, ultimate stress and % elongation at different elevated temperature and strain rate.

Development of Johnson Cook model to predict the flow stress incorporating the effect of temperature, strain rate, strain hardening and plastic strain.

Fractography of FSPed (friction stir processed) specimens to understand the failure mechanism.

106/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


11Selection of sheet material and Tool materialAdvantage of AA5754-H22 aluminum alloy Advantage of Stainless steel316 as tool material High strength to weight ratioExcellent corrosion resistanceExcellent corrosion resistance Good oxidation resistance up-to 900CHigh creep strength at elevated temperaturesGood heat resistanceHigh hardness and strength.

PropertyValueHardness79 BHNUTS580 MpaYTS290 MPa% Elongation50%Modulus of elasticity193 GPaSpecific heat capacity0.5J/g-CMelting Point1400C

Table: Engg Mechanical properties of Stainless steel 316 [17]6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Methodology (contd.)

12Tool design and process parameters6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur Tool Dia. (mm) [18]Pin Dia. (mm)Pin length (mm)Plunge depth(mm)Tilt angleTool rpm [19][20]Travel Vel. (mm/min)1551.10.11900125

Fig: Friction stir processing machine

Fig: FSPed sample without defects

Fig: FSPed sample at wrong parametersFig: Schematic of FSP in isometric view


Methodology (contd.)

13Macrostructure study and tool design6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur Fig: Diamond polishing machine

Fig: Diamond polishing machine

Fig: Stir zone depth and width is clearly visible

Fig: Stainless steel 316 tool

Fig: Tool schematic

Fig: Tool dimension in mm

Fig: Finally polished and etched FSPed sample

Methodology (contd.)

14Tensile testing at different elevated temperature and strain rate A total of 24 experiments were conducted each for base and FSPed material at three different cross head velocity of 1mm/min, 100mm/min and 200mm/min and four different temperature room temperature, 200C, 300C and 400C.6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Fig: Dimension of tensile specimen(in mm)

Fig: Engg stress vs strain _room temp _CHV200mm/minCHV= cross head velocity

Fig: UT-04-0050 ELECTRA 50 Hot forming machine

Fig: Tensile sample before and after tensile test at 400C and CHV of 1mm/min for base AA5754

The die for cutting tensile specimen


Methodology (contd.)

15Formulation using Johnson Cook (JC) model6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Methodology (contd.)

16Formulation using Johnson Cook (JC) model6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


Results and discussion

Effect of temperature on Engg stress strain response for base material:

17Fig: Effect of temperature on engineering stress-strain response at 1mm/min cross head velocity rate for base material

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of temperature on Engg stress strain response for FSPed material:

18Figure 31: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response at 1mm/min crosshead velocity rate for FSPed (friction stir processed) material6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of temperature on Engg stress strain response for base material:

19Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response at 200mm/min crosshead velocity rate for base material

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response on FSPed material:

20Figure 33: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response rate at 100mm/min crosshead velocity rate for FSPed material6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of temperature and strain rate on mechanical properties:


(a) (b)Figure 34: A figurative comparison of (a) Base sample at temperature 400C before and after tensile failure (b) FSP sample at temperature 400C before and after tensile failure6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of temperature and strain rate on mechanical properties:


(b)Fig : A figurative comparison of (a) Base sample at room temperature before and after tensile failure (b) FSP sample at room temperature before and after tensile failure6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Table: Effect of temperature and strain rate on mechanical properties:

23Sample Specification Temp(C)Cross head velocity(mm/min)% Elongation Yield Strength(MPa) Ultimate strength (MPa)1. Base020110.72185.40246.6112. Base12010013.14211.59239.453. Base22020012.25223.45256.474. FSP020115.86148.34210.245. FSP12010021.27160.28208.506. FSP22020021.69161.28211.047. Base5200112.9220.82230.808. Base32001008.32211.86228.129. Base62002008.84209.53222.1410. FSP3200134.7153.29184.8611. FSP520010019.45159.65206.1912. FSP620020021.27157.98199.85

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Table: Effect of temperature and strain rate on mechanical properties:

24Sample Specification Temp(C)Cross head velocity (mm/min)% Elongation Yield Strength(MPa) Ultimate strength (MPa)13. Base7300160.12147.50149.4114. Base1230010015.16187.30193.7715. Base1330020015.79182.88187.9916. FSP6300159.97131.62139.4317. FSP730010036.67148.46167.7818. FSP830020032.4145.45166.5319. Base15400114439.7245.4920. Base144001008293.4595.5221. Base1340020075.4293.4296.4722. FSP15400191.4547.1247.7523. FSP1040010061.45101.81104.2824. FSP1140020065.12104.21106.93

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate and temperature on true stress and true strain response :

25Figure 36: Effect of temperature and strain rate on FSPAA5754 and base AA5754 (Room Temperature): true stress-strain response6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate and temperature on true stress and true strain response :

26Figure 36: Effect of temperature and strain rate on FSPAA5754 and base AA5754 (Room Temperature): true stress-strain response6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate and temperature on true stress and true strain response :

27Fig: Effect of temperature and strain rate on FSPAA5754 and base AA5754 (300C): engineering stress-strain response

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

30Evaluation of material constants of Johnson Cook model


Table: Johnson Cook model parameter value for base material

Table 8: Johnson Cook model parameter value for FSPed materialParameterA(MPa)B(MPa)ncmValue1102250.4051-0.00682.487

Table: Johnson Cook model parameter value for FSPed material286/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

Experimental vs predicted Stress for FSPed materialFig: Comparison between experimental flow stress and predicted flow stress using Johnson Cook model in temperature domain 293 K673K of FSP for cross head velocity of 200mm/min296/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

33Experimental vs predicted Stress for FSPed materialFig: Comparison between experimental flow stress and predicted flow stress using Johnson Cook model in temperature domain 293 K673K of FSP for cross head velocity of 100mm/min306/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

Experimental vs predicted Stress for FSPed materialFig: Comparison between experimental flow stress and predicted flow stress using Johnson Cook model in temperature domain 293 K673K of FSP for cross head velocity of 1mm/min

2316/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

Experimental vs predicted Stress for FSPed materialFig: Experimental stress vs Predicted stress for FSPed AA5754

2326/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

33Experimental vs predicted Stress for base materialFig: Comparison between experimental flow stress and predicted flow stress using Johnson Cook model in temperature domain 293 K673K of base for cross head velocity of 200mm/min336/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

33Experimental vs predicted Stress for base materialFig: Comparison between experimental flow stress and predicted flow stress using Johnson Cook model in temperature domain 293 K673K of base for cross head velocity of 100mm/min346/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

33Experimental vs predicted Stress for base materialFig: Comparison between experimental flow stress and predicted flow stress using Johnson Cook model in temperature domain 293 K673K of base for cross head velocity of 1mm/min356/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


Results and discussion (contd.)

Prediction of Johnson Cook model :

36Experimental vs predicted Stress for base materialFig: Experimental stress vs Predicted stress for base AA5754

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

What 6/26/2016

Results and discussion (contd.)


376/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Fractography of parent material at cross head velocity of 100mm/min and at room temp

Fig: Fractography of parent material at crosshead velocity of 100mm/min and at 400 CAs shown in figure by SEM analysis cup like depression known as dimple is shown which confirm ductile failure. This type of failure is known as dimple rupture.

Results and discussion (contd.)


386/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Fig: Fractography of FSPed material at 100 cross head velocity and room temp

Fig: Fractography of FSPed material at 100 crosshead velocity and 400 CIn FSPed sample also cup like depression known as dimples are exhibited by SEM analysis which confirm ductile failure. This type of situation arises due to severe stirring action causing intense plastic deformation. As the temperature is more size of dimple is more.

ConclusionsFriction stir processing has been successfully used to modify mechanical properties of AA5754. From this experimental study following conclusions can be made. A cylindrical tool of 15mm shoulder diameter and 5mm pin diameter with 1.1mm pin-length was designed. Friction stir processed samples were successfully fabricated using 900rpm and 125mm/min travel speed.It was found that the %elongation increased from 15% to 92% for FSPed (friction stir processed) when temperature was increased from room temperature to 400 C at a constant cross head velocity of 1 mm/min and there was 77.28% decrease in ultimate tensile strength. Similar observation was found in base material.The FSPed sample was found to be insensitive to strain rate when cross head velocity (CHV) was changed from 1mm/min to 200mm/min at room temperature. However, significant strain rate effect was observed for both parent and FSPed sample at 300 C and 400 C.

396/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Conclusions (contd.)The Johnson Cook model was successfully developed after evaluating all the material parameter for predicting flow strength of FSPed and base material at different elevated temperature and strain rate. The predicted results were found to be reasonable match with experimental data with regression coefficient (R-value) of 0.919 and 0.9171 for FSP and base material respectively. All the base metal and FSPed sample failed after localized necking, and the fractograph studies confirm ductile rupture of the samples.

406/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


References[1] Miller, W. S., Zhuang, L., Bottema, J., Wittebrood, A., De Smet, P., Haszler, A., &Vieregge, A. (2000). Recent development in aluminum alloys for the automotive industry. Materials science and engineering: A, 280(1), 37-49. [2] Worldwide, D. (2005). Aluminum content for light non-commercial vehicles assembled in North America, Japan and the European Union in 2006. pdf. Available from the Automotive aluminum Inc. Website, http://www. autoaluminum.[3] Kalpakjian, S., & Schmid, S. (2009).Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology SI 6th Edition-Serope Kalpakjian and Stephen Schmid: Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology. Digital Designs.[4] Alumatter (last accessed 30-03-2016). [5] [5] Mishra, Rajiv S., and Z. Y. Ma. "Friction stir welding and processing."Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports50.1 (2005): 1-78.[6] [11] Pastor, A., and H. G. Svoboda. "Time-evolution of heat affected zone (HAZ) of friction stir welds of AA7075-T651."Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry1.4 (2013): 58-64[7][8] Mishra, Rajiv, et al. "Friction stir welding and processing."Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science41 (2001): 2507-2521[9] Mishra, Rajiv Sharan, Partha Sarathi De, and Nilesh Kumar.Friction stir processing. Springer International Publishing, 2014.[10] Balasubramanian, N., R. S. Mishra, and K. Krishnamurthy. "Friction stir channeling: Characterization of the channels."journal of materials processing technology209.8 (2009): 3696-3704. [11] Mohan, Saurav, and Rajiv S. Mishra. "Friction stir microforming of superplastic alloys."Microsystem technologies11.4-5 (2005): 226-229.

416/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

References[12] Mishra, Rajiv S., Z. Y. Ma, and Indrajit Charit. "Friction stir processing: a novel technique for fabrication of surface composite."Materials Science and Engineering: A341.1 (2003): 307-310.[13] Yong-Jai Kwon, Seong-Beom Shim, Dong-Hwan Park, Friction stir welding of 5052 aluminum alloy plates, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 19(2009) s23s27. [14] Liu, F. C., and Z. Y. Ma. "Achieving exceptionally high superplasticity at high strain rates in a micrograined AlMgSc alloy produced by friction stir processing."Scripta Materialia59.8 (2008): 882-885.[15] Chai, Fang, et al. "High strain rate superplasticity of a fine-grained AZ91 magnesium alloy prepared by submerged friction stir processing."Materials Science and Engineering: A568 (2013): 40-48.[16] Li, HongYing, et al. "A modified Johnson Cook model for elevated temperature flow behavior of T24 steel."Materials Science and Engineering: A577 (2013): 138-146.[17] AZO Materials (last accessed on 15-06-2016)[18] Rai, R., et al. "Review: friction stir welding tools."Science and Technology of welding and Joining16.4 (2011): 325-342.[19] Peel, M., et al. "Microstructure, mechanical properties and residual stresses as a function of welding speed in aluminium AA5083 friction stir welds."Acta materialia51.16 (2003): 4791-4801.[20] Ericsson, Mats, and Rolf Sandstrm. "Influence of welding speed on the fatigue of friction stir welds, and comparison with MIG and TIG."International Journal of Fatigue25.12 (2003): 1379-1387.

426/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

AcknowledgementDr. A. K. Nandy Mr. C. MondalDr. K. BandyopadhyayMr. S. BasakMr. S. S. PanickerMr. K. S. PrasadMr. N. ReynoldsMr. R. P. Mahto Miss. K. Kumari

436/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


THANK YOU6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Introduction (contd.)Application and challenges of AA5754 in AutomobileExtensively used in automotive body structure such as interior body panel in automobile.Poor formability at room temperature.Serrated stress-strain response at room temperature.

45 Interior car gate panel made up of AA5754[2]

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur


6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Review of literature (contd.)

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of temperature and strain rate on Engg stress strain response of base material:

47Fig: Effect of Temperature and strain rate on engineering stress-strain response at 100mm/min crosshead velocity rate.

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of temperature and strain rate on Engg stress strain response of FSP material:

48Fig: Effect of Temperature and strain rate on engineering stress-strain response at 100mm/min crosshead velocity rate

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of temperature and strain rate on True stress vs strain response

49Fig: Effect of Temperature and strain rate on engineering stress-strain response at 100mm/min crosshead velocity rate.

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussions (contd.)

50Microstructure study of stir zone 6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Fig: Microstructures of the SZ(Stir Zone) observed on AA5754 aluminum alloy sheets joined by FSP with tool rotation speed 900 rpm and tool travel speed 125 mm/min

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response of FSP material:

51Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response for FSP material at room temperature6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response of base material:

52Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response for base material at room temperature

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response of FSP material:

53Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response for FSP material at 200C

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response of base material:

54Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response for base material at 200 C

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response of FSP material:

55Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response for FSP material at 300C

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response of base material:

56Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response for base material at 300 C

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response of FSP material:

57Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response for FSP material at 400C

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Results and discussion (contd.)

Effect of strain rate on Engg stress strain response of base material:

58Fig: Effect of Temperature on engineering stress-strain response for base material at 400 C

6/26/2016Dept. of Mechanical Engg., IIT Kharagpur