from BAR Bygge & Anlæg May 2006- Changing of earth leakage circuit breaker . . . . . . . . . ......

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L-AUS NOTEBOOKInstructions for work on electrical installations

Other instructions from BAR Bygge & Anlæg

May 2006

Lighting and power supply at the building site . . . . . 13 20 46

Security and health plan of the building site . . . . . . . 13 20 16

10 little craftsmen (electric instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . 13 20 50

Excavation works close to existing wire system . . . . 13 20 09

Guide for the safety committee of Bygge & Anlæg . .13 20 12

The instructions are available at your union or can be bought at:ArbejdsmiljøbutikkenVidenscenter for ArbejdsmiljøLersø Parkallé 1052100 Copenhagen ØTel .: + 45 39 16 52 30Fax: + 45 39 16 52 01E-mail: ekspedition@ami .dkwww .arbejdsmiljobutikken .dk

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for Bygge & Anlæg

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2400 Copenhagen NV

Telephone +45 36 14 14 00

Telefax +45 36 14 14 09


Art. No..: 13 20 88ISBN: 978-87-7952-114-8Cover: Henrik BangLay-out: Zenario







L-AUS notebookInstructions for work on electrical installations

4 Preface


The first edition of the L-AUS notebook was issued in May

1985 and proved to be a great success. Since the first edition

a lot of changes have been made in the High Voltage Current

Regulations, sections 5 and 6 relating to live work on low vol-

tage installations L-AUS.

A new "electrical fitter law", has also been made and finally

there has been quite an important development of various

standards for tools and equipment. This is why we have

made a new edition of the notebook.

The new notebook describes the rules that are valid in rela-

tion to works on installations, panels and works on supply

systems and the requirements to be met. A series of practical

examples links the rules and the execution of the tasks to

make them easier to understand.

The present L-AUS notebook only deals with instructions as

to the safe execution of jobs on electrical installations and in

compliance with the requirements of the High Voltage

Current Regulation.

Consequently, the directions of the Notebook are based only

on the danger in connection with the execution of work on

electrical installations and they are therefore not exhaustive in

relation to other risks on building sites and other work- pla-

ces and to the law on working environment in general.

Consequently, reference is made to BAR's home page, where you can get more information about

the general requirements as to working environment in the

trade - both for the contractor/project supervisor and the fit-


The notebook has been presented to the Danish Labour

Inspectorate and the remarks received from that authority are

incorporated in the present edition, which was published in

the spring of 2006.

The Danish Labour Inspectorate has examined the notebook

and finds the content to comply with the Danish Law on

Working Environment.

The Danish Labour Inspectorate has only assessed the instruc-

tions as presented and has not taken a position as to whether

they cover all pertinent subjects within the field in question.

The L-AUS notebook was made by a working party including

representatives from TEKNIQ, Installatørernes Organisation

(the Fitters' Union) and Dansk El-Forbund (the Danish Union

of Electricians) and has been published as a guide within

Branchearbejdsmiljørådet for Bygge og Anlæg (the Trade

Environmental Council of Building and Construction).

Preface 5

6 Table of contents

Table of contents

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Assessment of work-place conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Examples of assignments:


- Changing of earth leakage circuit breaker . . . . . . . . .

- Mounting of new group switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

- Fitting in empty panel section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


- Changing of unipolar switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

- Connection to lamp tapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

- Connection to stove tapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Supply networks

- Changing of branch conductor fuse in overhead

system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

- Connection of branch wire in cable box . . . . . . . . .

Measures in case of accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Demand for first aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


















8 General


For works on electrical systems there are 2 sets of rules

depending on whether you work on electricity supply or on

an installation.

Section 5 of the Electricity Supply Regulations deals with

power supply systems.

Section 6 of the Electricity Supply Regulations deals with

electrical installations.

Previously, the L-AUS rules dealt only with work on panels,

but section 6 includes both panels and installation. It shall be

noticed that both previous and present L-AUS rules are valid

also for work on machines and machineries.

Even though the rules are not quite identical, the basic prin-

ciples are almost the same for the 2 areas.

Before you start working it is important to get an overview of

the task and to decide how it is to be made. It can be done

in 3 ways.

1. Dead

2. Close to live parts

3. Work on live parts, L-AUS


The safest method, both for people and material, is to carry

out the work without tension, if ever possible.

The assignment will be done faster if you can work without

using safety equipment. Consequently, the first thing to consider

is whether it is possible "to perform the work without tension".

If the answer is "YES" it shall be safely ascertained that all parts

in the working area are dead and it shall be made sure that

switching on cannot be done by others. At places, where a

padlock, e.g. in switch handles or on panel lids, that is the safest

solution. If this is not possible, other methods must be used:

removal of fuses, demounting of wires or open splices. Places,

where separation has been made, shall be clearly marked with

a sign saying that work is being performed on the installation.

The sign must be removed only by the person in charge of the

work. It is important to remove the sign once the job is done

in order to keep the respect for the sign.

A lot of accidents happen because the installation is energized

from an unexpected source. Such source could be: standby

generator installations, windmills, installation parts that are

automatically switched on by means of sensors or pilot voltage.

Consequently, it is important to make sure that this cannot

happen. Even though you think that the installation or the

system is dead, it is a must to control dead position prior to

starting the work and in connection with any interruption of

the work. The control of dead position can e.g. be made by

means of a bipolar voltage indicator or a voltmeter.

Risks 9

10 Risks

Before that, the function of the measuring instrument is to be

checked, e.g. by measuring at a live point. It is furthermore

recommended to check by using a no-touch pole finder.

Close to live parts.

It is often possible to de-energize the components to be worked

on, e.g. a panel, where the entire panel cannot be dead. It

must be ensured that neither the body of the person working

on the system, nor the tool, get close to the live parts. This

can be made by: barring, cladding or shielding.

On low-voltage installations a close-to-zone of 0.5 metres

from bare, live parts, is defined.

If you work within this zone protection against electric danger

shall be established by mans of barring, cladding or insulating

shielding. If no protection has been established against electric

danger, the work has to be considered as being under tension

and be performed as L-AUS. When working on the dead part

of the panel, it is also important to check the dead status and

take precautions against switching on as is the case with

dead work.

Work on live parts, the L-AUS

The rules for work on low-voltage installations, also called

"L-AUS" is extended to comprise the complete installation,

where it previously was valid only for work on panels.

However, the rules as to when work may be performed under

tension have been eased.

So, the old rules saying that it was permitted only in connec-

tion with vital functions and deterioration of costly production

are no longer valid. Consequently, there will be more L-AUS

work, for which reason it is extremely important to observe

the rules.

There can be two kinds of accidents:

1. Short-circuit or grounding creating an arc and burning.

2. Touching of live parts causing electro-chock and perhaps


Since both components and panels have become smaller in

size, which causes an increased risk of an accident, it takes

strong arguments for doing the work under tension. If an eva-

luation shows that it is OK, the working procedure shall be

thoroughly examined, step by step, to the smallest detail. A

profound and preferably a written planning will prevent unfo-

reseen situations in the process of work and the risk will be


It is important to do the planning in such a way that more live

parts of mutual potential difference are not exposed at the

same time during the work. "Only one voltage level/potential

tension exposed at a time."

Risks 11

12 Risks

The person to do the work shall be a skilled person. A skilled

person shall have deep knowledge about the construction

and the functioning of the installation including possibilities of

switching-off in a possible emergency situation. If there is an

extra person present to take action if an emergency situation

occurs, said person shall be instructed as to the way to act in

each individual case in order to minimize the accident as

much as possible.

It has to be made sure that the working area is of such nature

that the fitter has both hands free for the work.

The fitter must not carry metallic objects such as a watch or

jewelleries if such object may cause dangerous situations.

Depending on the job one or more of the following protecti-

ve equipments shall be used.

- Personal protective equipment, e.g. gloves, protective glas-

ses, face shield, insulating safety helmet etc.

- Insulating tools and equipment, e.g. screwdriver, socket

spanner, pliers, torch, clamps, measuring instruments etc.

- Insulating shielding e.g. cable shielding, zip cloths, shielding

cloths, mounted shielding etc.

Work-place assessment, APV

The company shall work out a work-place assessment. This

means that each assignment shall be assessed on the basis of

the following criteria: Risk of accident, physical conditions,

ergonomics, psychical stress and substances and materials.

If risks are ascertained, the risks and the conditions causing

them shall be described. Subsequently, solutions to the pro-

blems shall be described, and the person in charge of the

implementation of the solutions found shall be defined.

From BAR's web page you can download a

fact sheet as to how to implement a work-place assessment

concerning fitters' work.

Companies having an electrical authorization must have a

safety-quality-control system (a so-called SKS-system). The

SKS-system can include procedures about guide-wires and

the employees' qualifications shall be described in the SKS-

system and this can advantageously be used in relation to the

company's work-place assessment.

The descriptions shall among other include the need for

upgrading and possible courses.

Assessment of work-place conditions 13

14 Qualifications


Training and experience

Prior to any job the electrical risk is to be evaluated. Before

starting up the job and during the work, the person in charge

shall make sure that all rules, prescriptions and instructions

are observed.

The person in charge of the work shall instruct everybody

involved in the work about the dangers that may not be evi-

dent to them.

The person to perform the job shall have the necessary

instruction about the installation, the structure of the panel

and the nature of the work in order to be able to evaluate

the actual risk and take part in the implementation of the

necessary safety precautions. The work is always to be carried

out by a "skilled person", that means "a person having the

relevant education and experience making the person capable

of noticing risks and avoiding dangers that electricity can cause".

At least once a year the skilled person shall be instructed in the

L-AUS conditions.

Dead work

The training and the instruction relating to dead work are pri-

marily about the safety precautions to be implemented in

order to de-energize the installation, the supply unit or the

panel. It also relates to switching-on, when the work has been


The elements are the following:

- Separation

- Protection against switching

- Control of dead status

- Cancellation of safety precautions by the termination of

the work

This shall be done by a "skilled person" or "instructed person".

Instructed means "a person having been sufficiently informed

or supervised by a skilled fitter, so that the person in question

is capable of noticing risks and avoiding dangers that can be

caused by electricity". In cases, where separation is obtained

by demounting of wires or opening of splices, this shall always

be done by a skilled person.

Work close to live parts

If there is a 100% certainty that the installation, the supply

unit or the panel cannot be live, and if at the same time it is

certain that a person cannot inadvertently get in contact with

live parts, training and instruction shall comply with the pres-

criptions relating to dead work.

If this is not certain or if work is performed in the close-by-zone

of 0,5 metres from bare, live parts and if no necessary pre-

cautions have been established to prevent electrical danger,

e.g. by means of barring, claddings or insulating shielding, the

rules of L-AUS work are to be followed.

Establishment of shielding shall also be made as L-AUS work.

Qualifications 15

16 Qualifications

Work on live parts. L-AUS

The formal requirements for the L-AUS training vary a little

depending on whether we talk about L-AUS work on supply

plants or on installations and panels.


In relation to supply plants training shall be given according

to a written plan comprising both a theoretical and a practical

part, and it shall be conducted by a skilled person.

Work on live parts and close-to-work shall always be performed

by a skilled person. In order to become a skilled person of L-

AUS work, the following shall be fulfilled:

1. The person must be familiar with the work.

This is achieved through a good basic electro-technical

education. In connection with this education a skilled per-

son shall also take the following courses or have the follo-

wing instruction:

a) First aid in case of electrical accidents

b) Practical training in life-saving first aid

c) Precautions in case of fire

d) Treatment of burns and scalds

e) Working on masts, mounting and servicing emergency

short-circuit devices and the use of lowering apparatus.

2. The person shall have sufficient theoretical and practical

training in L-AUS.

The theoretical training is achieved by participating in L-AUS

basic training. The practical training is achieved partly by

the L-AUS basic training and partly by performing L-AUS

work, supervised by a skilled person.

3. The person shall have the necessary routine. The necessary

routine is obtained by performing L-AUS work on a regular


Furthermore, persons performing L-AUS work shall be instruc-

ted as to the L-AUS regulations at least once a year in order

to be skilled.


Corresponding detailed requirements to the training are not

available for installations and panels, but the technical schools

have developed L-AUS courses that do now, as to the contents,

have become the standard of what should be learnt. As is the

case for supply plants you have to be skilled in order to work

on installations, and it is a requirement that you are confident

with the work and have the necessary routine.

The training does not necessarily have to take place at a techni-

cal school; it can also take place in the company. This requires,

however, the presence of a teacher having the technical and

the pedagogic qualifications and that the necessary equipment

is available in order that practical exercises can be made. It is

also a requirement that the teaching resources are of the same

standard as what is being used at technical schools.

Consequently, most companies chose to use the courses

offered by the technical schools in order to make sure that

the quality is OK.

Qualifications 17

18 Qualifications


Apart from the basic training, persons working on panel

systems shall have reinstruction in the L-AUS rules at least

once a year. As a minimum such reinstruction shall comprise

the following:

- Repetition of the Electricity Supply Regulations

- Review of tools and equipment

- Review of the actual working situations of the participants

- Discussion about experiences from L-AUS accidents

- Questions relating to the every-day work of the participants

If an electrical fitter has been given the responsibility of

supply work such as changing of mast fuses and other work,

the rules applying to supply plants shall be followed.

Reinstruction can be performed by a skilled person in the

company or by a third party e.g. from El- og VVS Branche BST.

As an alternative you can participate in an L-AUS follow-up

course outside the company, e.g. at a technical school.

Tools and equipment

In order to avoid accidents it is important that tools as well as

equipment are suitable for the actual job.

Consequently, the Electricity Supply Regulations, sections 5

and 6, require that tools and equipment are suitable and

checked on a regular basis.

Control of tools and equipment

The periodical control of tools and equipment shall be adapted

to the extent of the use of the tools and the equipment.

However, the control shall be made at least once a year, cf. SB

section 6.

The control shall be carried out by a skilled person.

Maintenance routines shall appear from the company's SKS-


Tools, personal and common protection equipment

In order to make sure that tools as well as safety equipment

are suitable for the job, the user shall, before use, check if there

are any defects and possible wear that might affect the safety.

The tools shall be suitable for the actual job.

Tools and safety equipment shall also comply with the safety

regulations defined in the Electricity Supply Regulations as to

compliance with current norms and standards.

These requirements can be met by using the following tools

and equipment:

Insulating hand tools

Insulating hand tools in accordance with EN 60900.

Note: Insulating hand tools in accordance with previously

accepted standards such as IEC60900, SEN 21 50 02 and

VDE 0680 can still be used.

Equipment 19

20 Equipment

Insulating gloves

Insulating gloves in accordance with EN 60903.

Note: Insulating gloves in accordance with previously accepted

standards such as IEC 903, SEN 21 50 01, VDE 0680 and BS

697 can still be used.

Insulating sleeves

Insulating sleeves in accordance with EN 60984.

Protective gloves

If extra gloves are used for protection of insulating gloves,

such protective gloves shall be designed in such a way that

they do not damage the insulating gloves when in use. The

cuffs of the protective gloves shall be shorter that the cuffs of

the insulating gloves.

Safety helmet

Insulating safety helmets.

Face shield

Face shields in accordance with VDE 0680.


- Insulating shielding cloths having an insulating thickness of

at least 0.5 mm.

- Insulating tubular shielding or moulded shielding having

an insulating thickness of at least 1.0 mm.

- Insulating protective mats having an insulating thickness of

at least 2.5 mm. The mats should not be smaller than 1 x 1

metres and should have a non-skid surfacing on both sides.

Measuring instruments

Measuring instruments in accordance with IEC 61010-1 and

the former IEC 1010-1.

Examples of marking

Tools complying with the European standard EN 60900 are

marked as follows:

1000 V 99

(The number following the indication of voltage is the production

year of the equipment)

Tools complying with the Swedish SEN 215002 are marked

as follows:

SEN 215002 (1000 V)

Tools complying with the German standard are marked as


Equipment 21

22 Equipment

Insulating hand tools

The following examples of assignments include an indication

of the type of tool to be used for the performance of the job.

Depending on the type of the assignment and the possible

risk the examples define the kind of insulation that the hand

tool shall fulfil.

Insulating hand tools are divided into three types of insulation.

The three types of insulation are called:

a) Isolated (isolated tools)

b) Insulated tools

c) Handle insulated tools

a) Isolated (isolating tools) are made completely of insulating

material, possibly with cast metallic parts, see examples on

pages 28-29.

b) Insulated tools have an insulating surface, where only the

part that seizes the component, can be bare, see examples

on pages 30-33.

c) Handle insulated tools only have an insulating surface on

the handle; see the example on page 34.

Protective equipment

Protective equipment is divided into two types.

The two types are called:

a) Personal protective equipment.

b) Common protective equipment.

a) Examples of personal protective equipment:

- Insulating gloves

- Protective gloves

- Insulating safety helmet

- Face shield

- Safety glasses

See examples on pages 35-36.

b) Examples of common protective equipment:

- Conductor shielding

- Insulating conductive end caps

- Insulating shielding cloth

- Operating handle for changing of fuse

- Emergency short-circuit device

- Prohibitive sign

See examples on pages 37-38.

Equipment 23

24 Equipment

Common tools

Examples of common tools/equipment:

- Cable cutter

- Vacuum-cleaning equipment

- Ladders

- Hoists

- Pressing tools

- Measuring instruments

See examples on pages 39-40.

Measuring instruments

Which measuring instruments are to be used where?

Measuring instruments shall be suitable and safe for measu-

ring at places, where they are used in the installation.

Prior to measuring, a risk assessment shall always be made,

including a risk assessment of the probes used.

According to IEC 61010-1 the use of measuring instruments,

and the category of the measuring instrument, determine

where in an installation they can be used.

The standard specifies so-called over-voltage categories

(installation categories) that are based on the power source

and the attenuation of the supply circuit.

Equipment 25

26 Equipment

Four categories have been defined on this basis.

- Category I / CAT I

Material with protective measures for limiting transient

over-voltage. For example electronic equipment (appliances

and equipment with internal fuses and transient protection).

- Category II / CAT II

E.g. household appliances, transportable tools etc.

(Apparatus connected to socket).

- Category III / CAT III

Material forming a part of the fixed installation, such as

panels, supply wires, fixed installations.

- Category IV / CAT IV

Material used in or close to the power point of the instal-

lation (in front of the main panel).

Where are the different categories of measuring instruments

to be used typically?

Source: Fluke

Equipment 27

28 Equipment

Flat pliers, entirely of insulating material.

Used for adaptation of wires, manoeuvring of discs, nuts, loose

wires and other loose parts in panels and wiring closets.

Clamps for fixing of shielding cloths, entirely of plastic


Equipment 29

30 Equipment

Screwdriver, usage insulated.

This group also comprises:

- screwdriver with screw retainer

- cross-head screwdriver

- hexagon screwdriver with handle

Non-adjustable wrench (fork wrench), insulated.

This group also comprises:

- closed end wrench with handle

- closed end wrench with angular handle

- spider wrench

- set of box wrenches

- hexagon wrench, angle

- ring spanner (fixed spanner)

Equipment 31

32 Equipment

Insulated test prods with fuses.

Bipolar voltage indicator, insulated.

Equipment 33

34 Equipment

Universal pliers, handle insulated.

This group also comprises:

- cutting pliers

- flat pliers

- round pliers

- pointed pliers

- pointed pliers, 45 degrees

- wire stripper

Insulating gloves.

This group further comprises:

- protective gloves

- inner gloves

Equipment 35

36 Equipment

Person with personal protective equipment.

Work clothing

Insulating gloves

Long-sleeved clothing

Insulating safety helmet

Insulating shielding cloth for shielding of live parts.

This group also comprises:

- zip up shielding cloth, approx. 90 x 100 cm

- zip up shielding cloth, approx. 30 x 60 cm

- fixed insulating shielding cloths

Insulating mat to be placed on the floor.

Equipment 37

38 Equipment

Example of a prohibitive sign as per regulation No. 518 of 17th

June 1994 of the Danish Working Environment Authority.

Prohibitive signs are white with a red frame and a black picto-


Do not operateWork is being performed onthe systemOnly to be removed by:

Example of L-AUS tool box

Equipment 39

40 Equipment

Equipment for L-AUS-vacuum-cleaning of e.g. wiring closets

and panel systems.

Replacement of residual current device installation in plate

encapsulated panel with pre-fuse > 63 A.


The Electrical Supply Regulations, section 6, Electrical installa-

tions, chapter 63.

Risk assessment

The person in charge of the work assesses the electric risk to

form the basis of the choice of working method and planning

of the working procedure.

Live work (L-AUS) is chosen as working method.


The person in charge of the work evaluates every step of the

task and makes a decision as to:

- The type of shielding to be used and how it should be


- The tools to be used

- The personal protective equipment required


The person in charge of the work instructs the persons to

perform the job about the procedure, the use of correct tools

and protective equipment and the possible dangers that are

not immediately evident to them.

Examples of assignments 41

42 Examples of assignments


Number: 2 persons, as there are live parts in the working area,

protected by an over-voltage protective equipment of a rated

current exceeding 63 A.


The person to do the job shall be a skilled person having

knowledge about and experience in the working operations

to be performed. Furthermore, within the last year, the person

shall have received re-instructions as to the L-AUS rules. By

way of assignment the person may be the one in charge of

the work.

The other person does not have to be a skilled person, but

he shall be close to the work-place and have been instructed

in how to best intervene if need occurs.

That person might be the owner of the installation, one of his

employees or an L-AUS trainee.

Tools and equipment

Personal L-AUS tools

- Screwdriver (insulated)

- Pointed pliers (isolated)

- Bipolar voltage indicator

Personal protective equipment

- Insulating gloves

- Long-sleeved clothing (or insulating sleeves)

- Protective glasses

Common protective equipment

- Shielding cloth

- Shielding tape

- Insulating caps for wire ends

- Clamps for shielding cloth


1. Demount the panel lid.

2. De-energize earth leakage circuit breaker.

3. Demount the covering plate.

4. Control of dead status at the discharge side of the earth

leakage circuit breaker.

5. Establish shielding of all live and conductive parts that

during the job might cause short-circuit or be touched.

The panel components shown below as well as the rest

of the panel field are shielded and protected against falling

tools, wire parts and the like.

6. The shielding at the input side of the earth leakage circuit

breaker is then established in such a way that the input

wire L1 is exposed, whereas a tight shielding is established

against L2, L3 and N by means of shielding tape.

7. Demount input wire L1 and equip it with an insulating cap.

Examples of assignments 43

44 Examples of assignments

8. Change the shielding of the input side of the earth leakage

circuit breaker and demount the input wires L2, L3 and N

as described under bullets 6 and 7. The shielding is to be

changed regularly in order that not more than one input

wire is exposed at a time.

9. Demount the wires on the output side of the earth leakage

circuit breaker.

10. Remove the earth leakage circuit breaker and mount the

new one.

11. Remount the output wires.

12. Remount the input wires during the establishing of shielding

as described above.

13. Remove the shielding cloth.

14. Mount the shielding plate.

15. Energize the earth leakage circuit breaker.

16. Mount and close the panel lid.

Mounting of new multi-cell switch (extension) in totally

insulated panel with pre-fuse < 63 A.


The Electrical Supply Regulations, section 6, Electrical installa-

tions, chapter 63.

Risk assessment

The person in charge of the work assesses the electric risk to

form the basis of the choice of working method and planning

of the working procedure.

Live work (L-AUS) is chosen as working method.


The person in charge of the work evaluates every step of the

task and makes a decision as to:

- The shielding to be used and how it is to be placed

- The tools to be used

- The personal safety equipment required


The person in charge of the work instructs the persons to

perform the job about the procedure, the use of correct tools

and protective equipment and about the possible dangers

that are not immediately evident to them.

Examples of assignments 45

46 Examples of assignments


Number: 1 person, as there are no live parts protected by

means of an over-current protective equipment having a

rated current exceeding 63 A.


The person to do the job shall be a skilled person having

knowledge about and experience in the working operations

to be performed. Furthermore, within the last year, the person

shall have received re-instructions as to the L-AUS rules. By

way of assignment the person may be the one in charge of

the work.

Tools and equipment

Personal L-AUS tools

- Screwdriver (insulated)

- Pointed pliers (isolated)

Personal protective equipment

- Insulating gloves

- Long-sleeved clothing (or insulating sleeves)

- Protective glasses

Common protective equipment

- Shielding cloth

- Shielding tape

- Clamps for shielding cloth


1. Demount the cover of the panel.

2. Establish shielding of all live and conductive parts that

might give cause to short-circuit or be touched during the

execution of the job.

Any panel components placed beneath are to be shielded

and precautions shall be made as to dropping tools, wire

parts or the like.

Establish shielding on the group switch from which looping

to the new one is to be made, of the input wires one by

one by means of shielding tape.

3. Clip the new group switch to the DIN-bar.

4. Make loop wires and mount them in the input clamps on

the new group switch.

5. Disconnect the group switch, from which the loop is to

be made, in order to avoid spark formation and possible

injure to the connected consumer equipment.

6. Mount the loop wires one by one starting with the clamp

closest to the new group switch.

Remove the shielding tape only from the clamp in question

and put it back on again before mounting in the next clamp.

If an existing conductor tends to fall out of the clamp when

loosened, appropriate precautions shall be taken to prevent

this, e.g. by fixing the other conductors by means of strips.

7. Re-energize the group switch, from which the looping

was made.

8. Mount wires on the exit side of the new group switch.

9. Remove shielding cloth and shielding tape.

10. Mount the cover of the panel.

Examples of assignments 47

48 Examples of assignments

Installation of three DIN-bars with protective and coupling

equipment in empty field in enclosed panel with

pre-fuse > 63 A.


The Electrical Supply Regulations, section 6, Electrical installa-

tions, chapter 63.

Risk assessment

The person in charge of the work evaluates the electrical risk

to form the basis of the choice of working method and plan-

ning the execution.

Work under tension (L-AUS) is chosen as working method.


The person in charge of the work evaluates every step of the

task and makes a decision as to:

- The shielding to be used and how it is to be placed

- The tools to be used

- The personal protective equipment required


The person in charge of the work instructs the persons to

perform the job about the procedure, the use of correct tools

and protective equipment and the possible dangers that are

not immediately evident to them.


Number: 2 persons, as there are live parts in the working

area, protected by an over-voltage protective equipment of a

rated current exceeding 63 A.


The person to do the job shall be a skilled person having

knowledge about and experience in the working operations

to be performed. Furthermore, within the last year, the person

shall have received re-instructions as to the L-AUS rules. By

way of assignment the person may be the one in charge of

the work.

The other person does not have to be a skilled person, but

he shall be close to the work-place and have been instructed

in how to best intervene if need occurs.

This person might be the owner of installation, one of his

employees or an L-AUS trainee.

Tools and equipment

Personal L-AUS tools

- Screwdriver (insulated)

- Screwdriver, torx (insulated)

- Socket wrench (insulated)

- Pointed pliers (isolated)

- Bipolar tension voltage indicator

Examples of assignments 49

50 Examples of assignments

Personal protective equipment

- Insulating gloves

- Protective gloves

- Long-sleeved clothing (or insulating sleeves)

- Insulating helmet

- Protective glasses or face shield

Common protective equipment

- Shielding cloth

- Shielding tape

- Insulating mat

- Insulating caps for wire ends

- Clamps for shielding cloth


1. Demount the panel lid.

2. Demount shielding plates.

3. Establish shielding against neighbouring fields.

4. Establish shielding against panel frame, also behind busbars

that are later on to be protected for mounting of branches.

5. Establish shielding of busbars. On the parts of the busbars,

where outputs are to be mounted, the shielding is to be

put in a vertical position and on each individual bar in

order to make it possible to shield one potential connection

at a time.

6. Prepare three sets of branch lines. Equip wire ends opposite

to cable sockets with insulating end caps.

7. Remove the shielding from the N-bar at a distance enabling

the mounting of three branch lines by means of

corresponding fittings by putting these appropriately in

relation to coming DIN-bars.

8. Shield the N-bar including socket shoes and fittings.

Free wire ends with insulating end caps can be positioned

on appropriate places by means of insulating tape.

9. Remove the shielding from the closest phase bar on a

distance enabling the mounting of three branch lines by

mans of corresponding fittings.

10. Shield the phase bar including socket shoes and fittings.

The free wire ends with insulating end caps can be fixed

at an appropriate place by means of insulating tape.

11. Proceed in the same way for the two last phase bars.

It is important to reinstall shielding during the entire wor-

king process in order to make sure that only the potential

connection, on which work is being performed, is available.

12. Re-organize the shielding in such a way that the panel

frame is accessible for mounting of DIN-bars.

Keep the shielding against neighbouring fields and above

busbars, but now arranged in such a way that it can be

removed upon mounting of the DIN-bars

13. Fix the pre-mounted DIN-bars (e.g. with a number of auto-

matic switches and an earth leakage circuit breaker) one

by one in the panel. Secure the three sets of wires from

the busbars by means of tape, strips, nylon wire or similar

in appropriate portions for subsequent mounting in the

input clamps of the three earth leakage circuit breakers.

Examples of assignments 51

52 Examples of assignments

14. Before mounting the three sets of wires in the input

clamps of the earth leakage circuit breaker all accessible

panel frame and other coupling equipment on the DIN-

bars are to be shielded in such a way that only the input

clamps of the earth leakage circuit breakers are free.

15. Mount the upper set of wires from the busbars in the

input clamps on the upper earth leakage circuit breaker in

the following way. Remove the insulating end caps from

the neutral conductor that is to be mounted in the N

clamps and shield it with shielding tape against short-circuit

at contact with subsequent phase conductors.

Mount the phase conductor closest to the N conductor

by removing the insulating end caps, fixing it in the clamp

and secure it with shielding tape. Proceed in the same

way for the two following phase conductors.

16. The same procedure is to be followed when mounting in

the input clamps, first in the middle and at last in the

lower earth leakage circuit breaker.

17. Remove all shielding material, but pay attention to the

fact that shielding is to be re-established when mounting

departing current circuits from the coupling equipment,

unless this is done with a dead panel.

18. Mount shielding plates.

19. Mount and close panel lids.

Changing of unipolar switch at door, pre-fuse 13 A.


The Electricity Supply Regulations, section 6, Electrical installa-

tions, chapter 63.

Risk assessment

It is assumed that the fitter by agreement of assignment is the

person in charge of the job.

The person in charge of the work evaluates the electrical risk

to form the basis of the choice of working method and plan-

ning the execution. The room is a normal, dry room with

wooden floor and the installation is fed by a HDFI-switch. A

lot of consumer equipment, comprising electronic watches, is


The fitter chooses to do the replacement as live work (L-AUS).


The fitter evaluates each individual step of the job and makes

a decision as to:

- The shielding to be used and how it is to be placed

- The tools to be used

- The personal protective equipment required


In this case the instructions are the fitter's risk assessment and


Examples of assignments 53

54 Examples of assignments


Number: 1 person.


The person to do the job shall be a skilled person having

knowledge about and experience in the working operations

to be performed. Furthermore, within the last year, the person

shall have received re-instructions as to the L-AUS rules. By

way of assignment the person may be the one in charge of

the work.

If the fitter works alone, he shall be capable of considering

and master all risk factors that may occur.

Tools and equipment

Personal L-AUS tools

- Screwdriver (insulated)

- Pointed pliers (insulated)

Personal protective equipment

- Insulating gloves

- Long-sleeved clothing (or insulating sleeves)

- Protective glasses

Common protective equipment

- Not used


1. Loosen the switch from the box and pull it out.

2. Demount the phase conductor and equip it with an insu-

lating cap or a straight-through joint.

3. Demount the interconnecting wire.

4. Mount the interconnecting circuit in a new switch.

5. Mount the phase conductor in a new switch.

6. Push the switch in place and screw tight.

Examples of assignments 55

56 Examples of assignments

Coupling of lead-in wire in lamp tapping.


The Electricity Supply Regulations, section 6, Electrical installa-

tions, chapter 63.

Risk assessment

It is assumed that the fitter by agreement of assignment is the

person in charge of the job.

The person in charge of the work evaluates the electrical risk

to form the basis of the choice of working method and plan-

ning the execution. The room is a normal, dry room with

wooden floor and the installation is fed by a HDFI-switch.

The fitter chooses to do the replacement as live work (L-AUS).


The fitter considers each individual step of the job and makes

a decision as to:

- The shielding to be used and how it is to be placed

- The tools to be used

- The personal protective equipment required


In this case the instructions are the fitter's risk assessment and



Number: 1 person.


The person to do the job shall be a skilled person having

knowledge about and experience in the working operations

to be performed. Furthermore, within the last year, the person

shall have received re-instructions as to the L-AUS rules. By

way of assignment the person may be the one in charge of

the work.

If the fitter works alone, he shall be capable of considering

and master all risk factors that may occur.

Tools and equipment

Personal L-AUS tools

- Screwdriver (insulated)

- Pointed pliers (insulated)

- Bipolar voltage indicator

Personal protective equipment

- Insulating gloves

- Protective glasses

Common protective equipment

- Shielding tape

Examples of assignments 57

58 Examples of assignments


1. Switch off the service switch on the fixed installation.

2. Remove the cover on the lamp tapping.

3. Make a voltage measurement between N and other


4. Shield the phase clamp and possible other conductive

clamps with shielding tape.

5. De-insulate the feeder and lead it through the hole in the

lose cover.

6. Fix the feeder under the de-loading rack.

7. Mount the conductors in the N-, M- (and possibly PE)


8. Remove the shielding tape.

9. Mount the cover on the lamp tapping.

Connecting feeder to stove tapping.


The Electricity Supply Regulations section 6, Electrical installa-

tions, chapter 63.

Risk assessment

It is assumed that the fitter by way of assignment is the person

in charge of the job.

The person in charge of the work evaluates the electrical risk

to form the basis of the choice of working method and plan-

ning the execution. The room is a private kitchen with in insu-

lating flooring and the installation is fed by a HDFI-switch.

The fitter chooses to make the connection as live work (L-AUS).


The person in charge of the work evaluates every step of the

task and makes a decision as to:

- The shielding to be used and how it is to be positioned

- The tools to be used

- The personal protective equipment that is required


In this case the instructions are the fitter's risk assessment and


Examples of assignments 59

60 Examples of assignments


Number: 1 person.


The person to do the job shall be a skilled person having

knowledge about and experience in the working operations

to be performed. Furthermore, within the last year, the person

shall have received re-instructions as to the L-AUS rules. By

way of assignment the person may be the one in charge of

the work.

If the fitter works alone, he shall be capable of considering

and master all risk factors that may occur.

Tools and equipment

Personal L-AUS tools

- Screwdriver (insulated)

- Pointed pliers (handle insulated)

- Bipolar voltage indicator

Personal protective equipment

- Insulating gloves

- Protective glasses

Common protective equipment

- Not used


1. Demount the cover above the stove tapping.

2. Make a voltage measurement for the control of the posi-

tioning of the PE-, N- and phase conductors.

3. De-insulate the feeder and fix it under the de-loading rack.

4. Mount the wires in the PE-, N- and phase clamps in the

said order.

5. Mount the cover above the stove tapping.

Examples of assignments 61

62 Examples of assignments

Changing of branch wire fuse in the overhead wire net.


The Electricity Supply Regulations section 5: Running of cur-

rent supply system, 5.2.8

Risk assessment

It shall be evaluated whether demounting and mounting are

to be made under circumstances, where it is not safe to have

the job done by only one person, such as weather conditions,

several wires in the mast, putrefaction etc.

If there are for example more wires in the mast than a

through-going supply wire and one branch wire, the job has

to be carried out by two persons.


The person doing the job evaluates every step of the job as

makes a decision as to:

- The texture of the mast.

- The method to be used in order to get access to the.

branch wire fuse (ladder, mast climbing shoes, cage cart).

- The tools to be used.

- The personal protective equipment required.


The person to do the job instructs the possible second person

to be present during the execution of the job, as to how to

react in case of an accident including how to bring the cage

of a cart safely down to the ground.


Number: Under normal circumstances, 1 person.

2 persons if circumstances prove that it is not safe to have

the job done by just one person. If e.g. there are more wires

in the mast than one through-going supply wire and one

branch wire, the job has to be done by two persons.


The person to do the job shall be a skilled person having

knowledge about and experience in the working operations

to be performed. Furthermore, within the last year, the person

shall have received re-instructions as to the L-AUS rules.

The other person shall have been instructed in the way to

best possibly intervene if need occurs and be so close to the

site that immediate action can be taken.

That person might be the owner of the installation, one of his

employees or an L-AUS trainee.

Tools and equipment

Personal L-AUS tools

- Open end wrench or socket wrench (insulated)

- Pointed pliers, if needed (isolating)

Examples of assignments 63

64 Examples of assignments

Personal protective equipment

- Insulating helmet

- Insulating gloves

- Long-sleeved clothing (or insulating sleeves)

- Protective glasses

Common protective equipment

- Conductor shielding or shielding cloth, if needed

- Clamps for shielding cloth, if needed


1. If the mast comprises several wires it may be necessary to

install conductor shielding or shielding cloth.

2. Before changing, the reason for the burning of the fuse

shall as far as possible be established and a possible

defect rectified before inserting a new fuse. If it is not pos-

sible to locate the reason for burning of the fuse, a new

fuse with the same specifications as the old one is to be

inserted. In case an immediate burning occurs again, the

cause has to be found and eliminated before a new fuse

is inserted.

3. It is recommended to turn off the charge before inserting

a new fuse in order to avoid arcs. If the first fuse brunt

because of short-circuit and the cause has not been esta-

blished, there is a risk of arc creation and burning of the

new fuse. Consequently a shield or protective glasses shall

be worn as well as fully insulated pointed pliers when

installing the fuse under the last clamp.

4. Remove possible conductor shielding or shielding cloth.

Coupling of branch wire in cable panel.


The Electricity Supply Regulations section 5: Running of

power supply systems, 6.3

Risk assessment

The skilled person evaluates the electrical risk forming the

basis of the choice of working method and the planning of

the execution.

Work under tension (L-AUS) is the necessary choice when

the supply net is operating.


The skilled person evaluates each step of the job and decides

as to:

- The shielding to be used and how it should be placed

- The personal protective equipment required


The skilled person instructs the person to be present during

the execution of the job as to how to intervene in case of an


Examples of assignments 65

66 Examples of assignments

PersonnelNumber: 2 persons.

QualificationsThe person to do the job shall be a skilled person havingknowledge about and experience in the working operationsto be performed. Furthermore, within the last year, the personshall have received re-instructions as to the L-AUS rules.The other person shall have been instructed in the way tobest possible intervene if need occurs and be so close to thesite that immediate action can be taken.The other person does not have to be a skilled person, buthe shall be close the work-place and have been instructed inhow to best intervene if need occurs.That person might be the owner of the installation, one of hisemployees or an L-AUS trainee.

Tools and equipmentPersonal L-AUS tools- Allen key (insulated)- Pointed pliers (isolated)- Bipolar voltage indicator

Personal protective equipment- Insulating gloves- Long-sleeved clothing (or insulating sleeves)- Protective glasses

Common protective equipment- Shielding cloth- Shielding tape- Clamps for shielding cloth


1. Demount the wire panel lid by means of a triangular key.

2. Remove the shielding plates

3. Arrange shielding cloth or shielding tape if necessary.

It may be necessary to shield if one or more conductors

have been de-insulated over a too long distance exposing

live conductors. This relates both to the inlet and outlet

cables of the supply net as well as to outgoing branch


4. Withdraw fuse retainers to the outlet in question.

5. Check dead status of the outlet in question.

6. Lead the branch wire cable from the bottom of the cable

panel and through the foam rubber sealing

7. De-bark the branch line cable immediately above the rub-

ber foam sealing.

8. Position the branch line wire.

9. Prepare, cut off, de-bark and mount the individual wires in

the clamps one by one in the following sequence: N, L3,

L2, L1.

10. Remove all shielding material.

11. Mount shielding plates.

12. If the opposite end of the branch line has been mounted,

you can put in fuses and fuse retainers.

13. Mount the lid of the cable panels.

Examples of assignments 67

68 Measures in case of accidents

Precautions in case of accidents

In case of electrical accidents, follow the same procedure as

for other types of accidents:

1. stop the accident

2. give life-saving first aid

3. call for help

4. give standard first aid

The most important thing to do right away is to stop the acci-

dent. This can be done In the following ways:

If the injured person is in contact with a live wire or an object:

Switch off or short-circuit.

If this cannot be done quickly:

Free the injured person.

This can be done either by removing the wire or object in

question by means of a device having a wooden handle, dry

wood, rubber gloves or other insulating material, or move the

injured by at the same time either insulating yourself from the

injured or from earth by standing on dry wood, dry clothing

or similar.

Be sure not to touch the skin of the injured or the wire with

your bare hands.

Requirement as to first aid.

If, in spite of all safety precautions, an accident occurs, it is

important to get help. Consequently, there is a requirement

that a sufficient number of persons working on or close to

installations shall be capable of giving first aid by electrical

shock and/or burns. The correct first aid can mean the diffe-

rence between life and death.

The Danish Labour Inspectorate recommends that the fitters

get first fitter instructions and further, that there is an instruction

either in the form of posters, pamphlets or safety documents

on the working site.

As to the supply, the requirements are more precise, stipula-

ting that it is up to the supervisor to make sure that all

employees working in practice on the running of the power

supply system to the extent necessary have taken a first aid

course. Furthermore, such employees shall be instructed as to

how to assist a person having encountered an electrical acci-

dent, without jeopardicing himself.

The first aid training should be repeated at least once a year.

Demand for first aid 69