From the Apex Group. We were set an assignment to produce a sixth form magazine for our sixth form....

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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From the Apex Group

We were set an assignment to produce a sixth form magazine for our sixth form. We were put into two groups of five students, our group consisted of Hussein, Rodhat, Steven, Mark and Nabeela. We created individual pages that we contributed towards the Current Page Magazine. In addition we blogged every meeting that had taken place.

We researched different sixth form magazine from different sixth forms. E.G. Epping forest, Woodbridge sixth form.We produced 70 questionnaires featuring 7 questions regarding questions about what sixth form students would like to see in the magazine/ format/ house style etc. we also interviewed students from our sixth form.

The target audience for this specific magazine is aimed towards those aged 16-18 aimed at both males and females, sixth form sector. Substantial articles will alter in the magazine especially those which are seen as most relevant, for example the main news, people’s interests: fashion, sport, art, humour, gaming, movies, etc. As a group we will make decisions based on the questionnaire results, this notifies what sixth form students want and expect in a sixth form magazine. The idea of using the questionnaire results/ statistics helps produce a successful sixth form magazine; it appears as if the answers have been provided to us, the only section to complete is to produce the magazine with all the elements inserted into the magazine. 

The front page features an enlarged image of the current

page logo.

The main headings feature on the main front page to engage the readers, it’s a bit

like a taster.

The Heron in the image is used to

represent the school.

The Image shows the team

behind the magazine.

The photographs show who is doing which page in the

magazine and what it is about. This

builds up a possible relationship with

the reader.

The cartoon images show the reader a hint of what the page is about.

Header, indicates what the page is about, seems to look more organized/ professional.

Logo was created on paint net. This specific page is to keep

the readers up to date with the latest News as well as

Rumours. The current Rumours appears

on the left hand side column. A Redbridge book award advert

features on the bottom left hand corner.

The background features a picture of Wanstead high

school, Nabeela formatted the image and changed the colour to black and white. The reason

for this was that the information that appears on the page will appear more visible.

Created for entertainment as well as humour.

Based on school grounds. Comics are drawn and self

created. At the bottom of the page it

features a preview on the next issue that continues from the previous comic.

Nabeela plan to keep every character and introduce

more through out the series, the reason for this is that the readers will create

a bond between the characters and would want

to read more. The future comics will also

be drawn and created as well as the story lines by


My idea is to create a four pages of fashion for male and female for the sixth to give them advice as well as the new year fashions.

The fact is most of teenager in this sixth are in to fashion, most of them are girls. That's why I chose do this pages.

I have seven section on my four page. I tried to give them advice for what they can wear. One of the section that I have produced is about skin care.*



This is a slip where people can cut out and hand in to a member of the group or teacher e.g.

Want to write an articleWhat they want to see in the edition

The group logo at the top of the page as a reminder of whose magazine they are reading.

The interviewing section Q&A in which 2 students (new, not new) are asked 3 question.

1. Is the common room a relaxing place?

2. Do you find the sixth form as an aggressive place?

3. Would like to continue your education in Wanstead next year?

Created for entertainment as well as humour.

Based on school grounds. Comics are drawn and self

created. At the bottom of the page it

features a preview on the next issue that continues from the previous comic.

I plan to keep every character and introduce

more through out the series, the reason for this is that the readers will create

a bond between the characters and would want

to read more. The future comics will also

be drawn and created as well as the story lines by



My idea is to create a four pages of fashion for male and female for the sixth to give them advice as well as the new year fashions.

The fact is most of teenager in this sixth are in to fashion, most of them are girls. That's why I chose do this pages.

I have seven section on my four page. I tried to give them advice for what they can wear. One of the section that I have produced is about skin care.*


Our unique part to the ‘Current Sports Page’ being the Team Of The Month section which is

dedicated in surveying the sixth form and asking them to name the best 11 players in the sixth

(Year A-Levels, AS) in every footballing position e.g. Goal keeper.

‘The Current Fixtures’ column will tell you the weekly fixtures to come.Matches will be previewed.

The Gossip in the professional sporting world e.g. who’s leaving,

who’s arriving.

The page colour is green why?...1.Originality2.Football pitch3.Distinct

The Group Logo at the top of the page represents

the team symbol.

The colours were agreed by the group, we

used this colour because it

represents the schools uniform.

The puzzles are to

entertain the reader and get

their minds active.

The riddles are to get the

brain thinking and working which sets

everyone up for a hard day

at school.
