Frontotemporal Dementia: Implications for Understanding...

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Frontotemporal Dementia: Implications forUnderstanding Alzheimer Disease

Michel Goedert1, Bernardino Ghetti2, and Maria Grazia Spillantini3

1MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 0QH, United Kingdom2Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indianapolis,Indiana 46202

3Centre for Brain Repair, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, CambridgeCB2 0PY, United Kingdom


Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) comprises a group of behavioral, language, and movementdisorders. On the basis of the nature of the characteristic protein inclusions, frontotemporallobar degeneration (FTLD) can be subdivided into the common FTLD-tau and FTLD-TDPaswell as the less common FTLD-FUS and FTLD-UPS. Approximately 10% of cases of FTD areinherited in an autosomal-dominant manner. Mutations in seven genes cause FTD, withthose in tau (MAPT), chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 (C9ORF72), and progranulin(GRN) being the most common. Mutations in MAPT give rise to FTLD-tau and mutationsin C9ORF72 and GRN to FTLD-TDP. The other four genes are transactive response–DNAbinding protein-43 (TARDBP ), fused in sarcoma (FUS ), valosin-containing protein (VCP ),and charged multivesicular body protein 2B (CHMP2B). Mutations in TARDBP and VCPgive rise to FTLD-TDP, mutations in FUS to FTLD-FUS, and mutations in CHMP2B toFTLD-UPS. The discovery that mutations in MAPT cause neurodegeneration and dementiahas important implications for understanding Alzheimer disease.


Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) results fromdegeneration of the cortex of the frontal and

temporal lobes, often in conjunction with thedegeneration of subcortical brain regions. Thisgives rise to a spectrum of behavioral, language,and movement disorders. A link exists betweenFTD and forms of motor neuron disease(MND). Work on FTD stretches back to theend of the 19th century.

Arnold Pick was Professor of Neuropsy-chiatry at the German University in Praguefrom 1886 to 1921. In 1892, he described a 71-year-old man with behavioral disturbances,aphasia, and dementia (Pick 1892). At autopsy,marked atrophy of the left temporal lobe ratherthan the diffuse atrophy characteristic of se-nile dementia was present. Although Pick wasdoubtful of the primacy of these observations,his paper is considered to be the first descriptionof lobar cortical atrophy. At the time, therewas much interest in language abnormalities,

Editors: Dennis J. Selkoe, Eckhard Mandelkow, and David M. Holtzman

Additional Perspectives on The Biology of Alzheimer Disease available at

Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006254

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following the description of motor and sensoryaphasias (Broca 1861; Wernicke 1874; see alsoFreud 1891). A few years later, Dejerine and Ser-ieux (1897) described a case of sensory aphasiawith bilateral temporal atrophy. Pick went on toreport four additional cases with temporal lobeatrophy and language disturbances (Pick 1901,1904). In 1906, he described a patient with dis-inhibition and mixed apraxia who had severebilateral frontal and left-sided parietal atrophy,with a more moderate atrophy of the left tempo-ral lobe (Pick 1906). Pick was mainly interestedin comparing the clinical picture with the mac-roscopic appearance of the brain. He made nosystematic attempt at identifying histopatho-logical abnormalities. Alzheimer discoveredthe association of argyrophilic intracytoplasmicinclusions and ballooned neurons with lobarcortical atrophy, in the absence of the plaquesand tangles he had described four years earlier(Alzheimer 1907, 1911). This revealed the exis-tence of a second type of intraneuronal inclu-sion and established that different inclusionscan characterize distinct clinical entities.

Richter proposed that lobar cortical atro-phies are hereditary diseases (Richter 1918)and Gans, a pupil of Pick, linked his mentor’sname to cases of lobar cortical atrophy (Gans1923). Additional examples of frontal and/ortemporal cortical atrophy with or withoutargyrophilic inclusions were subsequently re-ported and the clinical condition was called“Pick’s disease” (Onari and Spatz 1926; Stertz1926). Unlike Pick, who believed to havedescribed atypical forms of senile dementia,Onari and Spatz considered Pick’s disease tobe a distinct entity. One of their patients(Therese Muhlich) had already been describedby Alzheimer. Carl Schneider proposed athree-stage model for the clinical course ofPick’s disease (Schneider 1927, 1929). In mostindividuals, the first stage is characterized bydisinhibition and impaired judgement, al-though Schneider recognized that amnesticaphasia is the presenting symptom of temporallobe atrophy. The second stage is dominated byprogressive dementia and focal symptoms, suchas apathy in frontal lobe atrophy and sensoryaphasia in temporal lobe atrophy. Stereotyped

perseverations of speech, movement, and facialexpression also appear. The third stage is char-acterized by dementia and severe languageproblems, resulting in a vegetative state withflexion contractures. Schneider concluded thatthe argyrophilic inclusions and ballooned cellsdescribed by Alzheimer were diagnostic of Pick’sdisease. Similar cases were described in the1930s, when it became clear that lobar corticalatrophy has a high degree of heritability, irre-spective of the presence of argyrophilic inclu-sions (Grunthal 1930; Verhaart 1930; VonBraunmuhl and Leonhard 1934). The linkbetween frontal lobe dementia and MND wasalso recognized (Meyer 1929; Von Braunmuhl1932). The early work was summarized and dis-cussed by Van Mansvelt (1954) and Luers andSpatz (1957).

Interest in the focal dementias waned afterWorld War II, before it was rekindled in the1970s and 1980s. Cases of Pick’s disease withargyrophilic inclusions and ballooned neurons(type A) were now distinguished from thosewith ballooned neurons lacking argyrophilicinclusions (type B) and those lacking bothballooned neurons and argyrophilic inclusions(type C) (Constantinidis 1974). Work byBrun, Gustafson, and Neary showed that someindividuals with frontal lobe atrophy lacked adistinctive histopathology (Brun 1987; Gustaf-son 1987; Neary et al. 1988). Clinically, thesepatients suffered from a severe personalitydisorder, which is now known as behavioral-variant FTD (bvFTD). Mesulam describedprimary progressive aphasia (PPA), with anisolated language deficit as the most prominentpresenting feature, in the absence of strokes ortumors (Mesulam 1982, 1987, 2001). PPA hasbeen divided into three syndromes (Gorno-Tempini et al. 2011): (1) Semantic dementia(SD), also known as semantic variant PPA, a flu-ent aphasia with loss of word meaning (Snow-den et al. 1989); (2) progressive nonfluentaphasia (PNFA), also known as nonfluent/agrammatic variant PPA, a disorder character-ized by effortful, nonfluent speech (Grossmanet al. 1996); and (3) logopenic progressiveaphasia (LPA), also known as logopenic variantPPA, a nonfluent aphasia with deficits in word

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retrieval and sentence repetition (Gorno-Tem-pini et al. 2004b).

Symptoms correlate better with specific pat-terns of brain atrophy than with the underlyingneuropathology. Prediction of the neuropathol-ogy based on clinical picture remains challeng-ing. FTD is the third most common cause ofearly-onset dementia (disease onset ,65 years),after Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia(Rossor et al. 2010). Approximately 40% ofpatients with FTD have a family history, butonly 10% of cases are inherited in a dominantmanner. Links exist with the corticobasal syn-drome (CBS), progressive supranuclear palsy(PSP), parkinsonism, and MND.


Behavioral-Variant FrontotemporalDementia (bvFTD)

bvFTD comprises more than half of the cases ofFTD and is the most heritable form. Presentingfeatures are insidious and include progressivechanges in the patient’s personality, interperson-al conduct, and emotional modulation (Gus-tafson 1987; Neary et al. 1988; Piguet et al.2011a). A variable degree of language impair-ment is also present. Apathy manifesting as pas-sivity, inertia, reduced motivation, and socialwithdrawal, associated with a lack of insight, iscommon. Disinhibition often coexists alongsideapathy and manifests itself by impulsivity. Emo-tional blunting characterized bya lackof empathyis common. Abnormal eating behavior can beextensive, resulting in marked weight gain. Ster-eotypic and ritualistic behavior is common, asexpressed by motor stereotyping, includinghumming, lip smacking, hand ruffling, and foottapping. Neglect of self-care and impairment ofother activities of daily living are common.Most patients are unable to manage their finan-cial affairs. Memory is relatively spared in theearly stages of bvFTD. By neuroimaging, foursubtypes have been identified based on relativegrey matter loss: frontal-dominant, frontotem-poral, temporofrontoparietal, and temporal-dominant (Whitwell et al. 2009a). Combined

frontotemporal and basal ganglion atrophy canalso be present, as can atrophy of a number ofother subcortical regions. bvFTD and Alzheimerdisease lead to divergent network activity pat-terns, with atrophy in an anterior salience net-work in bvFTD and a posterior default modenetwork in Alzheimer disease (Zhou et al. 2010).

Semantic Dementia (SD)

SD is a progressive fluent aphasia, which is char-acterized by the loss of word meaning (Snow-den et al. 1989; Hodges and Patterson 2007).Patients have difficulty in finding words, withanomia being a defining feature. They alsocomplain of memory loss, but this does not ingeneral reflect true amnesia. Although languagedeficits predominate, behavioral alterations alsooccur. SD is the least heritable FTD syndrome. Adeficit in naming and word comprehensionpredominates, with the patient’s vocabularybeing depleted of all but the most commonwords. However, speech is fluent and the syntaxcorrect. This is often coupled with deficits inperson recognition, especially when the righttemporal lobe is affected. Although patientsare insightful and can be distressed by their con-dition, lack of empathy and mental inflexibilityare common. Restriction of food preferences ispresent without the overeating characteristicof bvFTD. Compulsive behavior is prominentand centers on visual objects (left temporallobe predominance) or on letters, words, andsymbols (right temporal lobe predominance).By neuroimaging of grey matter, bilateral, oftenasymmetric, anterior temporal lobe atrophy ismost prominent. The hippocampus can alsobe affected (Mummery et al. 1999). White mat-ter changes are found in the ventral languagepathways and the temporal components ofthe dorsal language pathways (Galantucci et al.2011).

Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia (PNFA)

PNFA is a disorder of expressive language.Patients lose the ability to speak fluently, withrelative preservation of word comprehensionand nonlinguistic cognition (Grossman et al.

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1996). Several speech changes characterize PNFA.At an early stage, patients speak less than nor-mal and in shorter sentences. They show speechapraxia, with effortful speech and phonologicalerrors. Word finding difficulty is commonlyobserved, often resulting in muteness. Behav-ioral features similar to those of bvFTD mayoccur, but they are usually mild, with apathybeing most common. As the disease progresses,extrapyramidal features become widespreadand can lead to a change in diagnosis (Gorno-Tempini et al. 2004a). Heritability of PNFA isintermediate between that of bvFTD and SD.Neuroimaging shows a widening of the Sylvianfissure, with atrophy of left posterior frontal andinsular regions (Neary et al. 2003; Nestor et al.2003). In white matter, the most prominentchanges are found in the dorsal language path-ways (Galantucci et al. 2011).

Logopenic Progressive Aphasia (LPA)

LPA is a progressive nonfluent aphasia, which ischaracterized by a slow speech rate and wordretrieval difficulties (Gorno-Tempini et al.2004b, 2008). Repetition of phrases is alsomarkedly impaired, in part as a result of limitedauditory-verbal short-term memory. Single-word comprehension and semantic associationare largely preserved. It differs from the fastoutput typical of patients with SD and theagrammatism and articulation deficits charac-teristic of PNFA. However, a language variantof Alzheimer disease overlaps with LPA (Galtonet al. 2000; Alladi et al. 2007). It has been sug-gested that LPA and posterior cortical atrophyare clinical presentations of sporadic, early-onset Alzheimer disease (Migliaccio et al.2009). This nonmemory phenotype character-izes about one quarter of patients (Van der Flieret al. 2011). Inheritance of the APOE 14 alleleappears not to be a risk factor for LPA andposterior cortical atrophy, distinguishing themfrom the more common amnestic forms ofAlzheimer disease (Strittmatter and Roses1995). Neuroimaging of LPA shows atrophy orhypoperfusion of the left posterior superiorand middle temporal regions, and of theinferior parietal region (Gorno-Tempini et al.

2004b). Brain atrophy is located more posteri-orly than in SD and PNFA. White matterchanges are most marked in the temporoparie-tal component of the dorsal language pathway(Galantucci et al. 2011).

Frontotemporal Dementia and CorticobasalSyndrome (CBS)

CBS and PSP are atypical parkinsonian disor-ders. CBS is characterized by extrapyramidalsymptoms consisting of progressive asymmetricrigidity and dystonia, and by signs of corticaldysfunction in the form of PNFA, apraxia, cort-ical sensory loss, alien limb syndrome, myo-clonus, and hemineglect. For many years, theemphasis was on the extrapyramidal compo-nent, even though similarities with Pick’s dis-ease were noticed early on (Rebeiz et al. 1968).More recent work has shown that patientswith CBS can have aphasia or a behavioraldisorder characteristic of bvFTD (Lippa et al.1991; Kertesz et al. 1994). Pathologically, CBSis heterogenous, but its most common form iscorticobasal degeneration (CBD). Some casesof CBS are dominantly inherited. Neuroimag-ing shows variable frontoparietal and basalganglion atrophy (Whitwell et al. 2010).

Frontotemporal Dementia and ProgressiveSupranuclear Palsy (PSP)

The clinical presentation of PSP includes verti-cal supranuclear ophtalmoplegia with difficultylooking up, bradykinesia, axial dystonia andrigidity, pseudobulbar palsy and postural insta-bility with backward falls (Steele et al. 1964;Litvan et al. 1996). More than half of thepatients develop cognitive impairment. Apathyand emotional blunting, accompanied bymental slowness and reduced verbal fluency,are common. A small percentage of cases ofPSP is inherited. By neuroimaging, atrophy inpremotor and supplemental motor areas isobserved, with sparing of the inferior frontallobe (Whitwell et al. 2010). Some patientsshow PNFA with early apraxia of speech(Josephs et al. 2006). Three subtypes of PSPhave been described: Richardson’s syndrome,

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PSP-parkinsonism, and PSP-pure akinesia withgait freezing (Williams and Lees 2009). Cogni-tive impairment and cortical atrophy are mostprominent in Richardson’s syndrome, whichcorresponds to classical PSP.

Frontotemporal Dementia andParkinsonism Linked to Chromosome 17(FTDP-17)

In the 1980s and 1990s, dominantly inheritedforms of FTD were identified (Ghetti et al.2011). Extrapyramidal signs resembling CBSand PSP also featured prominently. Amyotrophywas present in some cases. These forms of inher-ited FTD were given different names accordingto their predominant clinical and pathologicalfeatures, including familial Pick’s disease, disin-hibition-dementia-parkinsonism-amyotrophycomplex, familial progressive subcortical glio-sis, familial presenile dementia with tangles,autosomal-dominant parkinsonism, dementiawith pallido-ponto-nigral degeneration, andmultiple system tauopathy with preseniledementia. Despite this heterogeneity, diseasewas linked to the long arm of chromosome17 (Wilhelmsen et al. 1994). The syndromereceived its name at a consensus conference dur-ing which 13 families were presented (Fosteret al. 1997). FTDP-17 is divided into a demen-tia-dominant and a parkinsonism-dominanttype. Neuroimaging shows variable frontotem-poroparietal and basal ganglion atrophy (Whit-well et al. 2009b).

Frontotemporal Dementia with MotorNeuron Disease (MND)

MND can be associated with cognitive dysfunc-tion (Morita et al. 1987). Mild frontal lobeinvolvement is found in 30% of cases and in�3% of cases FTD is present (Shaw 2010). Apsychotic phase consisting of vivid delusionsis an early sign. Behavioral and cognitivechanges tend to predate MND. Bulbar signsare common and electromyography is as inMND. Inherited cases of FTD-MND havebeen linked to chromosome 9p21 (Vance et al.2006). Neuroimaging shows posterior frontal

lobe atrophy (Whitwell et al. 2006). Based onthe presence of isolated upper MND in somecases, further subclassification of FTD-MNDhas been proposed (Josephs and Dickson 2007).



In 1986, the argyrophilic inclusions of Pick’sdisease were shown to be immunoreactive forhyperphosphorylated tau (Pollock et al. 1986),a normally soluble microtubule-associated pro-tein that stabilizes microtubules and promotesmicrotubule assembly. It followed the findingthat the intracellular inclusions of Alzheimerdisease stain for hyperphosphorylated tau(Brion et al. 1985; Grundke-Iqbal et al. 1986).In adult human brain, six tau isoforms areexpressed from a single MAPT gene throughalternative mRNA splicing (Fig. 1A) (Goedertet al. 1989a,b). Three isoforms have three re-peats each and three isoforms have four repeatseach. By 1992, the paired helical filament ofAlzheimer disease had been shown to be madeof the six tau isoforms, each full-length andhyperphosphorylated (Goedert et al. 1988,1992; Wischik et al. 1988; Lee et al. 1991). Fila-mentous tau inclusions were subsequentlyshown to be characteristic of many cases ofFTDP-17 (Spillantini et al. 1996, 1998a).

Around 40% of patients with FTD show tauinclusions (Fig. 2). They include most cases ofPNFA, �45% of cases of bvFTD and some casesof SD (Piguet et al. 2011a). Most cases of LPAare characterized by focal Alzheimer diseasepathology (Ab plaques and tau tangles), as aresome cases of SD and PNFA (Mesulam et al.2008; Rabinovici et al. 2008). Focal Alzheimerdisease pathology accounts for �25% of autop-sy cases of PPA. A frontal variant of Alzheimerdisease has also been described (Johnson et al.1999). Tau inclusions are characteristic of Pick’sdisease, PSP, and CBD, which belongs to theCBS spectrum (Goedert and Spillantini 2006).They are not typical of FTD-MND, even thoughMND can occur in conjunction with FTD andtauopathy (Fu et al. 2010).

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, R5L

E1 E9 E11 E12 E13





B +3 +11+12 +13+14 +16








































5S, G








6N, N



1L, P


, P30



5I, S


, S30



1 2 3 4 4a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14














R1 R2 R3 R4

R1 R2 R3 R4

R1 R2 R3 R4

R1 R3 R4

R1 R3 R4

R1 R3 R4

Figure 1. MAPT and the six tau isoforms expressed in adult human brain and mutations in MAPT in fronto-temporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17. (A) MAPT consists of 16 exons (E). AlternativemRNA splicing of E2 (red), E3 (green), and E10 (yellow) gives rise to six tau isoforms (352-441 amino acids).The constitutively spliced exons (E1, E4, E5, E7, E9, E11, E12, E13) are indicated in blue. E0, which is part of thepromoter, and E14 are noncoding (white). E6 and E8 (violet) are not transcribed in human brain. E4a (orange)is only expressed in the peripheral nervous system. The repeats of tau (R1–R4) are shown, with three isoformshaving four repeats each (4R) and three isoforms having three repeats each (3R). Each repeat is 31 or 32 aminoacids in length. (B) Shown are 39 coding region mutations in E1, E9, E10, E11, E12, and E13 as well as sevenintronic mutations flanking E10.

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The anatomical distribution of pathologyrather than its molecular identity determinesthe nature of the clinical syndromes. In mostcases of Alzheimer disease, the locus coeruleus,entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus are theinitial targets of neurofibrillary pathology,with the neocortex becoming affected later(Braak and Del Tredici 2011). In Pick’s disease,tau inclusions predominate in the cerebral cor-tex, resulting in FTD (Piguet et al. 2011b). InPSP, patients with Richardson’s syndrome havea higher tau burden and a different distribution

of inclusions than patients with PSP-parkinson-ism (Williams et al. 2007). The subthalamicnucleus, substantia nigra, and globus pallidusare the most affected brain regions. In CBD,apraxia, rigidity, dystonia, and frontal lobe signsreflect the presence of neuronal and glial taudeposits in brainstem, basal ganglia, and cere-bral cortex (Feany and Dickson 1995).

The repeats of tau form the core of thefilaments whose isoform composition variesbetween diseases. The assembly of four-repeattau into filaments is characteristic of PSP,



3R Tau

Pick’sdisease PSP




FTLD withGGls


FTLD withGRN mutations



FTLD withC9ORF72mutations

FTLD with VCP mutations

FTLD with FUS mutations

FTLD withMAPT mutations

FTLD withMAPT mutations

FTLD withMAPT mutations



FTLD withCHMP2Bmutations

4R Tau 3/4R TauSporadic




Figure 2. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) molecular classification. Four subtypes (FTLD-Tau,FTLD-TDP, FTLD-FUS, and FTLD-UPS) can be distinguished, based on what is known about the major com-ponents that make up the pathological deposits (Tau protein, TDP-43, FUS and unknown protein). FTLD-Tauand FTLD-TDP are more common than FTLD-FUS and FTLD-UPS. Tau deposits are made of eitherthree-repeat (3R), four-repeat (4R) or all six (3/4R) brain isoforms of tau. Together, FTLD-TDP, FTLD-FUS,and FTLD-UPS make up FTLD-U, which is characterized by the presence of tau-negative, ubiquitin-positiveinclusions. In some cases of FTLD-U, the ubiquitinated protein is unknown; they are classified as FTLD-UPS,to indicate that the inclusions can currently only be identified by markers of the ubiquitin-proteasome system.Abbreviations: PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; CBD, corticobasal degeneration; MSTD, multiple systemtauopathy with presenile dementia; AGD, argyrophilic grain disease; GGI, globular glial inclusion; NIFID,neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease; BIBD, basophilic inclusion body disease; UPS, ubiquitin-proteasome system.

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CBD, and many cases of FTDP-17 (Fig. 3). It isalso typical of argyrophilic grain disease andwhite matter tauopathy with globular glialinclusions, which belong to the FTD spectrum.A combination of neuronal and glial tau pathol-ogy is in evidence, with the glial pathologypredominating in white matter tauopathy withglobular glial inclusions (Kovacs et al. 2008).

In contrast, in Pick’s disease and some cases ofFTDP-17, three-repeat tau predominates inthe neuronal inclusions (Fig. 3), whereas in Alz-heimer disease, other diseases with extracellulardeposits, Guam Parkinsonism-dementia com-plex, tangle-only dementia, and some casesof FTDP-17, both three- and four-repeat tauisoforms make up the neurofibrillary lesions.

Figure 3. FTLD-Tau. Inclusions in progressive supranuclear palsy (A,B), corticobasal degeneration (C), whitematter tauopathy with globular glial inclusions (D), argyrophilic grain disease (E), and Pick’s disease (F). Pro-gressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, white matter tauopathy with globular glial inclusionsand argyrophilic grain disease are four-repeat tauopathies with abundant neuronal and glial tau filaments. Pick’sdisease is a three-repeat tauopathy with abundant neuronal tau filaments. Scale bar, 50 mm.

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Distinct sets of tau isoforms in different neuro-degenerative diseases and the presence of mor-phologically distinct filaments have led to thesuggestion that self-propagating conformers oftau may exist (Goedert et al. 2010), akin to theprion strains accounting for the conformationalvariability of PrPSc (Colby and Prusiner 2011).In support, experimental evidence for the inter-cellular transfer of tau aggregates has beenadduced (Clavaguera et al. 2009; Frost et al.2009).


By 2006, most cases of FTLD were knownto exhibit either tau-positive or tau-negativeinclusions (FTLD-U) (Fig. 2). The latter werefirst described in patients with MND (Okamotoet al. 1991). Four histological subtypes (A–D)

of FTLD-U can be distinguished (Fig. 4) (Mack-enzie et al. 2006, 2011; Sampathu et al. 2006).Type A is associated with bvFTD and PFNA,type B with bvFTD and FTD-MND, type Cwith SD, and type D with familial inclusionbody myopathy with Paget’s disease of thebone and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD).

In 2006, transactive response-DNA bind-ing protein-43 (TDP-43) was identified as themajor component of the inclusions in mostcases of FTLD-U (Figs. 2 and 4), MND, andFTLD-MND (Arai et al. 2006; Neumann et al.2006). Around 50% of patients with FTD haveTDP-43 inclusions. They include most cases ofSD, �45% of cases of bvFTD, as well as somecases of PNFA, LPA, FTDP-17, CBS, and PSP(Piguet et al. 2011a). Most cases of FTD-MND belong to the TDP-43 proteinopathygroup. In Alzheimer disease, TDP-43 deposits

Figure 4. FTLD-TDP: Histological subtypes (A–D). Type A is characterized by abundant TDP-43-immunoreac-tive compact neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions and short dystrophic neurites, often with neuronal intranuclearinclusions (A); type B by abundant compact and granular cytoplasmic inclusions (B); type C by abundant longdystrophic neurites (C); and type D by abundant lentiform neuronal intranuclear inclusions and many shortdystrophic neurites (D). Scale bar, 50 mm.

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are found in a minority of cases in conjunc-tion with the characteristic plaques and tangles(Amador-Ortiz et al. 2007).

TDP-43 is a ubiquitously expressed 414amino acid RNA-binding protein of the hetero-genous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP)family with two RNA recognition motifs, nu-clear localization and export signals, and acarboxy-terminal glycine-rich region. The gly-cine-rich region is predicted to show a priondomain, based on an algorithm that identifiesyeast prion domains (Cushman et al. 2010).TDP-43 binds to noncoding RNAs, introns,and the 30-untranslated regions of mRNAs,indicating a role in the integration of generegulation. It functions as a transcriptionalrepressor and splicing modulator. UV-cross-linking and immunoprecipitation analysis hasshown that TDP-43 has thousands of potentialtargets, with a preference for long clusters ofUG-rich intronic sequences (Polymenidouet al. 2011; Tollerey et al. 2011). It binds to�30% of the mouse transcriptome. TDP-43negatively regulates its own mRNA and proteinthrough binding to a long UG-rich region in its30-untranslated region (Ayala et al. 2011). It ispredominantly nuclear, even though it nor-mally shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm.In FTD, TDP-43 it is found mainly in the cyto-plasm in a hyperphosphorylated, ubiquitinated,and truncated form (Hasegawa et al. 2008).


Most cases of FTLD-U show TDP-43 inclusions.In 2009, inclusions made of fused in sarcoma(FUS) were shown to account for the bulk ofTDP-43-negative FTLD-U (Fig. 2) (Neumannet al. 2009a), following the discovery that mu-tations in FUS cause familial forms of ALS(Kwiatkowski et al. 2009; Vance et al. 2009).Less than 10% of cases of FTLD have FUS inclu-sions. They include atypical cases of FTLD-U,basophilic inclusion body disease, and neuronalintermediate filament inclusion body disease(Munoz et al. 2009; Neumann et al. 2009a,b).Neuroimaging of FTLD-FUS shows atrophy offrontoinsular and cingulate cortex, and of thehead of the caudate nucleus (Josephs et al. 2010;

Seelaar et al. 2010). FTD-FUS should be sus-pected when disease onset is before 40 years ofage, in the absence of a family history of FTD,and the presence of caudate atrophy. This is rem-iniscent of a case from the early literature (Bonfi-glio 1938). The existence of cases of PPA withFUS inclusions remains to be demonstrated.

FUS is a widely expressed 526 amino acidprotein with an amino-terminal region rich inQGSY residues, a glycine-rich region, an RNArecognition motif, two RGG domains, and azinc finger motif. Like TDP-43, it is a DNA/RNA-binding protein that is involved in tran-scriptional and translational regulation, as wellas in mRNA splicing and transport. The pre-dicted prion domain of FUS resides in theamino-terminal region (Cushman et al. 2010).In normal brain, FUS is concentrated in thenucleus, with smaller amounts in the cyto-plasm. In FTD, the ability of FUS to shuttle tothe nucleus is impaired, resulting in its cyto-plasmic accumulation. FUS inclusions containthe full-length protein (Neumann et al. 2009a).Staining for TDP-43 and FUS appears to bemutually exclusive, suggestive of distinct sub-types of FTLD-U.


FTLD-TDP and FTLD-FUS account for themajority of cases of FTLD-U. Additional formsremain to be discovered, because inclusions thatare negative for TDP-43 and FUS, but positivefor components of the ubiquitin-proteasomesystem (UPS), have been described (Fig. 2)(Holm et al. 2009).


Dominantly inherited FTD is caused by muta-tions in seven genes. Mutations in MAPT (Hut-ton et al. 1998; Poorkaj et al. 1998; Spillantiniet al. 1998b), chromosome 9 open reading frame72 (C9ORF72) (DeJesus-Hernandez et al. 2011;Renton et al. 2011), and progranulin (GRN)(Baker et al. 2006; Cruts et al. 2006) are the mostcommon. The other four genes are TARDBP(Benajiba et al. 2009; Kovacs et al. 2009), FUS

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(Ticozzi et al. 2009), valosin-containing protein(VCP) (Watts et al. 2004), and charged multive-sicular body protein 2B (CHMP2B) (Skibinskiet al. 2005).

Mutations in MAPT

Mutations in MAPT account for �5% of casesof FTD and are believed to cause diseasethrough a gain of toxic function mechanism.Most mutations are located in exons 9–12(which encode the repeats) and the adjacentintrons (Fig. 1B). It remains to be determinedwhether the amino acid changes in codon 5 ofexon 1 are pathogenic. Mutations fall into twolargely nonoverlapping groups: those with aprimary effect at the protein level and thoseinfluencing the alternative splicing of tau pre-mRNA. Mutations acting at the protein levelchange or delete single amino acids in tau.This reduces the ability of tau to interact withmicrotubules, suggesting that this interactionis crucial for preventing the self-assembly oftau (Hasegawa et al. 1998). Some mutationsalso promote the assembly of tau into filaments(Goedert et al. 1999; Nacharaju et al. 1999).Mutations having their primary effect at theRNA level are intronic or exonic and increasethe alternative mRNA splicing of exon 10.This changes the ratio of 3- to 4-repeat iso-forms, resulting in the relative overproductionof 4-repeat tau and the formation of filamen-tous inclusions made of 4-repeat tau.

Cases with MAPT mutations show abun-dant filamentous inclusions made of hyper-phosphorylated tau in either nerve cells or inboth nerve cells and glial cells. Clinical and neu-ropathological phenotypes similar or identicalto those of Pick’s disease, PSP, CBD, and argy-rophilic grain disease have been described. Agiven mutation can lead to different clinicalsyndromes in an individual family. Thus, muta-tion P301S in exon 10 of MAPT caused bvFTDin a father and CBD in his son (Bugiani et al.1999), supporting the view that FTD and CBSare part of the same disease spectrum (Kerteszet al. 2000).

Haplotypes H1 and H2 characterize MAPTin populations of European descent. They result

from a 900 kb inversion/noninversion (H1/H2) polymorphism (Stefansson et al. 2005). In-heritance of the H1 haplotype is a risk factor forPSP and CBD (Williams and Lees 2009). Thiswas confirmed in a genome-wide associationstudy of PSP, which also implicated proteinsinvolved in vesicle traffic, the unfolded proteinresponse and the innate immune system (Hog-linger et al. 2011). Heterozygous microdeletionsin the chromosomal region, which defines theH1 and H2 haplotypes, give rise to a clinicalphenotype consisting of mental retardation,hypotonia, and a characteristic face (Koolenet al. 2006; Sharp et al. 2006; Shaw-Smith et al.2006). Besides MAPT, the deleted region com-prises five additional genes [corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1), intra-membrane protease 5 (IMP5), NP 689679.1,NP 787078.1, and KIAA1267]. Deletions occuron the H2 haplotype through low-copy repeat-mediated nonallelic homologous recombina-tion. An association has also been describedbetween the H1 haplotype and idiopathic Par-kinson’s disease (Pastor et al. 2000), a diseasewithout tau inclusions. The elevated risk ofPSP and CBD conferred by the H1 haplotypeappears to promote MAPT transcription andincorporation of exon 10, resulting in increasedlevels of four-repeat tau (Caffrey et al. 2006).

Mutations in C9ORF72

The cause of chromosome 9p21-linked FTD-MND has been identified as a hexanucleotide(GGGGCC) expansion in the noncoding regionof C9ORF72, a gene that encodes a protein ofunknown function (DeJesus-Hernandez et al.2011; Renton et al. 2011). The hexanucleotideexpansion leads to the loss of an alternativelyspliced transcript and the formation of nuclearRNA foci. The latter may be toxic. The repeatexpansion in C9ORF72 is also a common causeof isolated FTD and MND.

Mutations in GRN

Mutations in GRN account for �5% of cases ofFTD and cause disease by a loss of functionmechanism. Progranulin is a 593 amino acid

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glycoprotein consisting of 7.5 tandem repeats ofa 12-cysteine granulin motif. Although its func-tion is only incompletely understood, progra-nulin may be a physiological antagonist oftumor necrosis a signaling (Tang et al. 2011).It has been reported to act on nerve cells bybinding to sortilin following release from acti-vated microglial cells (Hu et al. 2010). Muta-tions in GRN include gene deletions, as well asnonsense, frameshift, and splice-site mutationsthat cause premature termination, creating nullalleles with the mutant RNAs being degraded bynonsense-mediated decay (Van Swieten andHeutink 2008). Known mutations result in hap-loinsufficiency, implying that progranulin iscritical for the survival of neurons in adultbrain. Reduced levels of plasma progranulinhave been used to identify mutation carriers(Ghidoni et al. 2008). Mutations in GRN causediseases belonging to the whole spectrum ofFTD, with a predominance of bvFTD andPNFA (Yu et al. 2010). Parietal deficits andCBS have been observed (Spina et al. 2007).This is reflected in frontotemporoparietal cor-tical atrophy. Cases with GRN mutations showtype A TDP-43 inclusions (Mackenzie et al.2006), showing that a reduction in progranulinlevels causes the accumulation of TDP-43.Unlike TARDBP mutations, mutations in GRNdo not appear to cause MND. In a genome-widestudy of FTLD-TDP, significant association wasdetected with three single nucleotide polymor-phisms in the transmembrane protein 106Blocus (TMEM106B) (Van Deerlin et al. 2010).It was most significant in patients with GRNmutations.

Mutations in TARDBP

Mutations in TARDBP are mostly associatedwith inherited forms of MND, consistent withthe presence of TDP-43 inclusions in upperand lower motor neurons in patients with thedisease (Gitcho et al. 2008; Sreedharan et al.2008; Yokoseki et al. 2008). TARDBP muta-tions have also been described in two patientswith bvFTD and SD who went on to developMND (Benajiba et al. 2009). Histopathologicalchanges were not documented. One patient

with a K263E change in TARDBP developedFTD, supranuclear palsy, and chorea, in theabsence of MND. Abundant neuronal and glialTDP-43 deposits were in evidence, especially inbrainstem and subcortical nuclei (Kovacs et al.2009). The mechanisms by which mutationsin TARDBP cause neurodegeneration are un-clear. Pathological assembly is associated witha marked reduction in nuclear TDP-43 staining(Neumann et al. 2006) and the cytoplasmicaccumulation of TDP-43 is believed to be anearly event (Giordana et al. 2010). A combina-tion of loss of function and gain of toxic func-tion mechanisms may be at play. Wild-typeTDP-43 is prone to aggregation and disease-causing mutations increase its aggregation andtoxicity (Johnson et al. 2009). Many disease-causing mutations are located in the carboxy-terminal domain of TDP-43.

Mutations in FUS

Mutations in FUS cause inherited forms ofMND (Kwiatkowski et al. 2009; Vance et al.2009). Patients have FUS inclusions in spinalcord and cerebral cortex. Cases of FTD and/orFTD-MND may also be caused by mutationsin FUS (Ticozzi et al. 2009), but larger clinico-pathological series must be awaited. Likemutant TDP-43, mutant FUS accumulates inthe cytoplasm, where it is found in stress gran-ules (Dormann et al. 2010; Nishimoto et al.2010). Wild-type FUS is prone to aggregation,but disease-causing mutations do not increaseits aggregation or toxicity (Sun et al. 2011).The mutations appear to cause cytoplasmicmislocalization instead. Although several dis-ease-causing mutations are present in its amino-terminal region, most mutations are located inthe carboxy-terminus of FUS.

Mutations in VCP

Mutations in VCP cause IBMPFD through whatappears to be a gain of function (Watts et al.2004), possibly as the result of a dominant neg-ative effect. IBMPFD affects skeletal muscle,bone, and nervous system, with dementia devel-oping in �30% of patients. It is characterized

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by the presence of type D TDP-43 inclusions(Neumann et al. 2007). Some missense muta-tions in VCP cause inherited MND (Johnsonet al. 2010) and motor neuron abnormalitiesare present in many patients with IBMPFD. Fur-thermore, a missense mutation in vacuolar pro-tein sorting 54 (Vps54), the homolog of VCP,causes motor neuron degeneration in the wob-bler mouse, a model of MND (Schmitt-Johnet al. 2005). VCP belongs to the type II AAAþ

(ATPases associated with a variety of activities)family and takes part in multiple cellular pro-cesses, including protein quality control, nuclearfunctions, and the regulation of membranedynamics. It extracts ubiquitinated proteinsfrom complexes, so that they can be degradedby the proteasome. VCP promotes autophagicprotein degradation, with disease-causing mu-tations giving rise to defective autophagosomematuration (Ju and Weihl 2010). Transgenicmice expressing mutant VCP show many char-acteristics of IBMPFD, including involvementof skeletal muscle, bone and brain, and showincreased activation of NF-kB signaling (Custeret al. 2010). In the brain of these mice, TDP-43is redistributed from the nucleus to the cyto-plasm, in the absence of nuclear inclusions. Ina Drosophila model of IBMPFD, a geneticscreen has identified TBPH, the fly orthologof TDP-43, as one of three RNA-binding pro-teins that dominantly suppress degeneration(Ritson et al. 2010). In this model, VCP muta-tions lead to the redistribution of TDP-43 to thecytoplasm.

Mutations in CHMP2B

Mutations in CHMP2B appear to cause diseasethrough a gain of toxic function mechanism(Skibinski et al. 2005). The early signs are thoseof bvFTD, with extrapyramidal symptomsdeveloping later, resulting in a clinical pictureof CBS (Gydesen et al. 2002). In a Danish familywith a truncating CHMP2B mutation, theintracytoplasmic inclusions are ubiquitin-posi-tive, but negative for TDP-43 and FUS (Holmet al. 2009). CHMP2B is a component of theendosomal-sorting complex required for trans-port-III (ESCRT-III), which is involved in the

degradation of proteins in the endocytic andautophagic pathways. A disruption of theseprocesses results in the accumulation of auto-phagosomes, possibly leading to FTD (Leeet al. 2007).


For a long time, tau inclusions were believed bymany to be epiphenomena of little relevance.Reasons underlying this negative stance werethe absence of genetic evidence linking dysfunc-tion of tau to neurodegeneration and the pres-ence of tau pathology in diseases other thanAlzheimer disease. Things changed with theidentification of mutations in MAPT in casesof FTDP-17 with filamentous tau pathology,establishing that dysfunction of tau is suffi-cient to cause neurodegeneration and dementia(Hutton et al. 1998; Poorkaj et al. 1998; Spillan-tini et al. 1998b). Thus, a pathway leading fromsoluble to insoluble, filamentous tau is centralto the neurodegenerative process in the humantauopathies. It is therefore important to under-stand the mechanisms underlying tau aggrega-tion and its downstream consequences for cellfunction. With the benefit of hindsight, it isclear that Alzheimer’s description of silver-positive inclusions in cases with either preseniledementia or lobar cortical atrophy marked thebeginning of the tauopathy field.

The crucial importance of FTDP-17T is thatit proves that mutations in MAPT can leadto neurofibrillary assembly, neurodegenerationand dementia, in the absence of Ab amyloiddeposits. The morphologies of tau filamentsobserved in the various forms of FTDP-17Tvary (Crowther and Goedert 2000). Some mu-tations, such as V337M and R406W, produce fil-aments that appear identical to the pairedhelical and straight filaments of Alzheimer dis-ease (Spillantini et al. 1996; Reed et al. 1997;Hutton et al. 1998; Poorkaj et al. 1998). All sixtau isoforms are affected by the mutations andare incorporated into the filaments, which giverise to a pattern of tau bands on SDS-PAGEidentical to that seen in Alzheimer disease.Mutation G389R also affects all six tau isoforms

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and the majority of filaments resemble thestraight filaments of Alzheimer disease (Murrellet al. 1999), despite the presence of Pick-likebodies by light microscopy. In contrast, in thecase of mutations that increase the splicing ofexon 10, the filaments appear as irregularlytwisted ribbons, which are made of tau isoformswith four repeats (Spillantini et al. 1997). In thecase of mutation P301L in exon 10, whichaffects only four-repeat tau isoforms, the major-ity of filaments consists of narrow, irregular-ly twisted ribbons, with a smaller number ofstraight filaments (Spillantini et al. 1998c).

Unlike Alzheimer disease and several otherneurodegenerative diseases with tau inclusions,most cases of FTD lack extracellular deposits.However, focal Alzheimer disease pathology isdiagnostic of a significant proportion of casesof PPA. Crossing mice transgenic for humanmutant amyloid precursor protein with micetransgenic for human mutant tau results inincreased tau deposition in some brain regions(Lewis et al. 2001). Similarly, in mice transgenicfor the Danish mutant form of human BRI2and mutant tau, the extracellular depositionof Dan-amyloid promotes tau phosphorylationand aggregation (Coomaraswamy et al. 2010).Phosphorylation of tau by GSK3b and AMP-activated protein kinase is a potential mecha-nism. This is consistent with the coexistenceof extracellular amyloid deposits and intra-neuronal tau inclusions in Alzheimer disease,familial British and Danish dementias, and insome diseases caused by mutations in the prionprotein gene (Ghetti et al. 1994; Vidal et al.2004; Goedert and Spillantini 2006). It suggeststhat extracellular amyloid deposits with a cer-tain conformation trigger the intraneuronalassembly of tau into filaments.

Tau is required for Ab toxicity in experi-mental models (Roberson et al. 2007). Theabsence of Ab toxicity in mice lacking MAPTmay result from a reduction in excitotoxicity,because of the decreased dendritic localizationof the tyrosine kinase Fyn, resulting in hypo-phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor and areduced interaction with postsynaptic densityprotein-95 (Ittner at al. 2010). Haploinsuffi-ciency of p73, a member of the p53 protein

family, has been found to be associated withthe formation of tau aggregates in nerve cellsand to potentiate Ab toxicity, possibly throughthe activation of stress-activated protein kinases(Wetzel et al. 2008).

The intraneuronal pathology of Alzheimerdisease may originate in a single cell and becomeself-sustaining, irrespective of upstream factors.Thus, injection of sonicated brain extract frommice with abundant tau inclusions into the cer-ebral cortex and hippocampus of transgenicmice lacking inclusions induces the assemblyof human wild-type tau into filaments and leadsto the spreading of pathology from the injectionsites to neighboring brain regions (Clavagueraet al. 2009). Injection of brain extract immuno-depleted of tau or divided into soluble andinsoluble fractions shows that insoluble tauinduces aggregation, in the absence of obvioussigns of neurodegeneration. Parallel work hasshown the transfer of aggregated tau betweentransfected cells (Frost et al. 2009). It thusappears that the tau species responsible fortransmission and toxicity are not identical. Anuncoupling of prion infective titre and neuro-toxicity has been described (Sandberg et al.2011).

Although tau inclusions form in many neu-rodegenerative diseases, their relevance for neu-rotoxicity remains a subject for debate. Studiesusing transgenic mice overexpressing humanmutant tau in a conditional manner havereported a dissociation between tangle forma-tion and nerve cell death (Santacruz et al.2005). It appears that soluble hyperphosphory-lated tau can contribute to nerve cell dysfunc-tion prior to assembly into filaments. This isreminiscent of Drosophila and Caenorhabditiselegans lines expressing human wild-type ormutant tau, in which nerve cell loss and areduced lifespan are observed, in the apparentabsence of tau filaments (Wittmann et al.2001; Kraemer et al. 2003). In genetic modifierscreens in Drosophila, an increase in kinaseactivity enhanced tau toxicity, whereas anincrease in phosphatase activity was beneficial(Feany et al. 2010). Activation of oxidativedefences was also beneficial. In C. elegans, lossof Sut-2 (suppressor of tau pathology-2),

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eliminated the toxic effects of human mutanttau, possibly via an increase in autophagic clear-ance (Guthrie et al. 2009).

The main goal behind work on tauopathiesis to transform the treatment of common neu-rodegenerative diseases through an understand-ing of the underlying molecular pathways.There is an unmet need for mechanism-basedtherapies of Alzheimer disease. Tau binds tomicrotubules and boosting this interaction maybe beneficial. This may be achieved through areduction of the hyperphosphorylation of tau(Le Corre et al. 2006). In Alzheimer disease,tau assembles into paired helical and straight fil-aments. The assembly pathway is being definedand inhibitors of aggregation are being devel-oped (Pickhardt et al. 2005; Taniguchi et al.2005). Immunotherapy has been shown to cleartau aggregates from transgenic mouse brain andto reduce functional impairment (Asuni et al.2007). Because aggregation is a concentration-dependent process, a reduction in productionand/or increased clearance of tau are also poten-tial targets (Morris et al. 2011).


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Frontotemporal Dementia: Implications for Understanding Alzheimer Disease

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November 22, 20112012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006254 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Med 

 Michel Goedert, Bernardino Ghetti and Maria Grazia Spillantini DiseaseFrontotemporal Dementia: Implications for Understanding Alzheimer

Subject Collection The Biology of Alzheimer Disease

Animal Models of Alzheimer DiseaseFrank M. LaFerla and Kim N. Green

Alzheimer Disease in 2020

Dennis J. SelkoeDavid M. Holtzman, Eckhard Mandelkow and

-Peptide Clearance in Alzheimer DiseaseβNeurovascular Dysfunction and Faulty Amyloid

ZlokovicAbhay P. Sagare, Robert D. Bell and Berislav V.

The Genetics of Alzheimer DiseaseRudolph E. Tanzi

-ProteinβTreatment Strategies Targeting Amyloid

PangalosDale Schenk, Guriqbal S. Basi and Menelas N.

Fluid Biomarkers in Alzheimer DiseaseKaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg and Anne M. Fagan

DiseaseLysosomal System in Alzheimer−Autophagic

Proteasome System and the−The Ubiquitin

Ralph NixonYasuo Ihara, Maho Morishima-Kawashima and

Epidemiology of Alzheimer DiseaseRichard Mayeux and Yaakov Stern

Network Dysfunction-Protein: Synaptic andβNeurotoxicity of Amyloid

Lennart Mucke and Dennis J. SelkoeNeurofibrillary DegenerationBiochemistry and Cell Biology of Tau Protein in

Eva-Maria Mandelkow and Eckhard Mandelkow-ProteinβProteolytic Degradation of Amyloid

Takaomi Saido and Malcolm A. Leissring Deposits in Alzheimer Disease-Protein and AmyloidβBiochemistry of Amyloid

Colin L. Masters and Dennis J. SelkoeBrain Imaging in Alzheimer Disease

al.Keith A. Johnson, Nick C. Fox, Reisa A. Sperling, et Disease

The Neuropsychological Profile of Alzheimer

SalmonSandra Weintraub, Alissa H. Wicklund and David P.

Pharmacologic Treatment for Alzheimer DiseaseSymptomatic and Nonamyloid/Tau Based

SchneiderPaul S. Aisen, Jeffrey Cummings and Lon S.

Normal Biology and Roles in Alzheimer DiseaseApolipoprotein E and Apolipoprotein E Receptors:

David M. Holtzman, Joachim Herz and Guojun Bu For additional articles in this collection, see

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Press on December 24, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory from