Gamification - Food for fun

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Helping Foodbanks get more donations

Michiel Andreae (@MichielAndreae)

Foodbanks aren’t getting enough food.

They can not service all those in need

Let’s help

People aren’t helping because:

- Lack of money

- Don’t care

About 0 – why would it be fun to donate?

Let people die starving

Get enough people to care about the problem

Share stories of people who have donated

Share stories of people who have received food

Website: Food for Fun

People register a player profile

Per kgs of food donated you get XP/Food miles

Food miles can be changed to discounts to entertainment (cinema, theater, Disney)

Start! Free cinema ticket

Donate 3 kgs more to get next Fun item


Measure at foodbank how much food people donate

Give XP after weighing

Leaderboard with most generous donors

Participating companies who give discounts get special recognition

Points Rewards Actions Leaderboards Challenges (Give X amount this week) Being the hero Recognition Gifting Fame/attention (for top players and for

participating companies)

Socializers – show on your Facebook how much you’ve donated and get your friends involved

Achievers – get the most food donated and receive rewards (discounts/free tickets)

Explorers – find new ways to get more people to donate food

App: FoodVille Player is responsible for a food bank Per level X in-game people have to be fed by the player – this number increases slowly Players have to do (in-game) quests to get more food/funding for their foodbank Quests: campaign at in-game mall, donate to actual food bank to get more in-game coins, interview someone related to foodbank and post video on Youtube

In-game micro-transactions to get more coins

Gains from micro-transactions go to actual food banks to buy food for those in need

In game coins get you:

- More food to give out

- Increased storage for supplies

Game mechanics used:


Being the hero (feeding people in game and in real life)


Organizing (being the manager of the foodbank)

Socializers – Show global number of in-game people helped so that people work together to help the largest number possible

Achievers – Keep reaching level after level