GD NT 15: MeckMom LDS Gospel Doctrine New Testament Lesson 15 PDF

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“I Am the Light of the World”

Gospel Doctrine: New Testament Lesson 15John 7, 8:1-36

IntroductionGarden lights

The small solar panels harness the light and use the power but they didn’t create it.

They only shine brightly with repeated exposure.

ATOT: Going to women’s conference gives me a stockpile of light but I need to study and do to keep my light bright.


Feast of the Tabernacles

Annual Jewish 8-day feast held 6 months after Passover (October)

Harvest feast, most joyous

Two big ceremonies (see next slide)

The pouring out of water by the altar

The lighting of the great lights in the temple

Both are used as teaching tools by the Savior

If any man will do…

Jesus puts doesn’t travel to the feast with his brethren. He goes later. Why?

John 7:14-17

What is the challenge he is offering? Experiment upon the word.

Alma teaching the poor Zoramites: Alma 32:26-27, 41

ATOT: Praying about the Book of Mormon. Moroni 10:3-5 followed by Moroni 7:16

How is truth earned?

Bruce R. McConkie

"In the final analysis the truth of doctrine can only be known by revelation gained as a result of obedience.”

Brigham Young

"More testimonies are obtained on the feet than on the knees.”

The inverse is also trueElder Neal A. Maxwell

“Since knowing is tied to doing, and doing to knowing, there is an awful cycle in all of this. Jesus said we can know of the divinity of his doctrines by keeping his commandments and by doing the will of the Father. Therefore, a slackening of behavioral standards brings more doubt. (John 7:16-17.) Such doubters will not want to be reminded of the strong, true doctrines pertaining to human behavior. Standards will grow even more slack, and true teachings will dwindle even further." (Things As They Really Are, p48-49)

If any man thirst…Feast of Tabernacles

Daily ceremony called “Libation of Water”

Water is drawn in a golden pitcher from the pool of Siloam.

The people follow the priests through the city

It is poured on the altar of the temple. On the 7th day, they circle 7 times (Jericho, number for perfection)

John 7:37-38, Why is he the ‘living water’?

The Woman Taken in Adultery

John 8:1

Why was he a threat?

John 8:2-5

What was the set up? Roman law against capital punishment vs. Law of Moses

Marvin J. Ashton

“The scribes and Pharisees brought before the Savior a woman taken in adultery. Their purpose was not to show love for either the woman or the Savior, but to embarrass and trick Jesus. … Jesus did not condone adultery; there is no doubt about His attitude toward proper moral conduct. [But] He chose to teach with love—to show the scribes and Pharisees the need of serving the individual for her best good and to show the destructive forces of trickery and embarrassment” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1981, 31–32; or Ensign, May 1981, 24).

Watch Bible Video (next slide)

Jewish law on adulteryBoth parties would be stoned (where was the man?)

If there were 2 witnesses and the judge ruled in their favor they would earn the right to cast the stones.

After the witnesses, the elders could cast stones, followed by the general public.

Where are thine accusers?

John 8:6-8

He is asking the ‘witnesses’. If they caught her ‘in the very act’ one of them was the adulterous man. -Camille Fronk Olsen

John 8:9-11

To condemn is to sentence to death. He isn’t forgiving everything, he is opening a gateway to repentance.

JST 8:11c

She became a disciple

I am the light of the world…

Feast of the Tabernacles

Ceremony called “Illumination of the Temple”

4 gold oil-fed lamps in the court of the women (75 ft high). They illuminated the entire city

John 8:12

I AM: The Jews knew these phrases (Exodus 3:13-14). He was proclaiming his divinity.

What is the light of life? How can we ‘have’ it? D&C 88:6-13

What do the sun, moon and stars offer the earth?

Life, navigation, tides, food, warmth…etc.

The truth shall make you free

John 8:31-36

What does truth (and obedience to the truth) free us from?

ATOT: Jack’s struggle with others tattling

John 7:40-41

The truth can only set you free if you seek it. They witnessed his divinity but couldn’t believe because of one small point (which was wrong).

How many have left the church because they were hung up on bits of false doctrine? Find truth! Doubt your doubt.

How do we know if it’s truth? John 7:17 - do his will and know!