Generation Next Session #8

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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This week Glen looks at 1 Timothy 4:6-12. It's Session #8 of our series Generation Next on First Timothy


Hi! My name is Glen.

1 Tim 4:7 Refuse to have anything to do with

godless and foolish myths. Instead, train

yourself to become godly. 8 Physical training

is of some value but training in godliness is

profitable for everything in this life and the life

to come. 9 This is a trustworthy saying worthy

of full acceptance.

1 Tim 4:10 This is why we work hard and strive

to win because we have put our hope in the

living God who is the Saviour of all, especially

of those who believe. 11 Command and teach

these things.




Don’t be thinking this..

How’s your inner life?

1 Tim 4:7 Refuse to have anything to do with

godless and foolish myths. Instead, train

yourself to become godly.

Say No to Myths…

Burn spiritual energy wisely…

1 Tim 4:7 Refuse to have anything to do with

godless and foolish myths. Instead, train

yourself to become godly.

On Discipline & Consistency

Mindset of Spiritual Habit Formation

Train Yourself

1 Tim 4:10 This is why we work hard and strive

to win because we have put our hope in the

living God who is the Saviour of all, especially

of those who believe. 11 Command and teach

these things.

Beautiful God,

Beautiful Kingdom

Having a Training Plan