(Genesis 1: 1 · discussion of A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. The novel is the story of...

Post on 19-Jul-2020

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(Genesis 1: 1-

On August 20, Interfaith communities and justice advocates gathered all over the country to remember the 400

th anniversary

of slavery in the United States. In August of 1619, about 50 enslaved Africans from Angola arrived in Jamestown, Virginia – the first enslaved Africans in what is now the U. S. Over the years that slavery was a legal institution, some 600,000 Africans were shipped here (just 5% of the 12 mil-lion people taken from Africa and enslaved all over the world). Four hundred years lat-er, African Americans still struggle with the remnants of that horrible legacy. Africans and people of African descent experience higher percentages of hunger and poverty and lower levels of wealth to pass on to their children. Continued on page 2

Page 1 & 2

From Pastor Jenn

Page 3


Page 4

Children’s Ministry

Page 5 & 6

Youth Ministry

Page 7 & 8

Adult Ministries

Page 9

Our Nonagenarian

Page 10


Page 11

Staff & Council Information

Pastoral Thought Continued …

In some ways, Methodism has a had a remarkable anti-slavery commitment. John Wesley referred to slavery as “that execrable villainy, which is the scandal of reli-gion, of England and of human nature,” in a 1791 letter to William Wilberforce, a member of British Parliament. But, in other ways, our faith has not done nearly enough to counter our human propensity toward racism and abuse of those with less social power. As I look at our country today, I am struck by how imperative it is that we stop this “scandal of human nature.” I think we can begin with empathy. Often we fail to re-ally listen to the stories and experiences of those who are different than us. We don’t fully acknowledge their hurt because it is different than our own. From our own viewpoint, we imagine their story cannot be “true” and we impose our version of events upon them. Empathy requires setting aside our perspective long enough to hear the perspective of another, so that we can find some commonality and com-passion. Empathy isn’t the whole answer, but it is the foundation for creating a world with more unity and equity. It’s been 400 years since the first slaves arrived, but we have yet completed the journey toward healing and reconciliation. So, lets spend some time this month in prayer, pondering the ways we can be healing balm for the world.

An engraving from 1830 depicts the slave trade in the United States. The U.S. Capitol

is visible in the background. Engraving from the Library of Congress.


Whoever you are, you are welcome in worship.


Traditional Worship 11AM

Contemporary Worship

Childcare and morning Sunday School

available both services.

If you miss any sermons, they are available to listen online: https://lgumc.sermon.net.

All Are Welcome LGUMC is a reconciling church, which welcomes all persons as Christ did regardless of age, race, gen-der, sexual orientation, cultural background, physi-cal or mental health, family status or financial cir-cumstances. We believe that all people are recipi-ents of God’s grace, that discrimination has no place in the church, and that followers of Jesus Christ must move beyond judgment to love. We welcome all into full participation in the life of our congrega-tion and invite anyone wishing to celebrate their marriage in the Spirit of Christ’s love, to do so in our church facility.


September 1

Communion Sunday

What do you mean when you say,

“I’ll pray for you?”

1 Timothy 2: 1-4

September 8

Choir Returns

September 15

My Name is Clay, Just Clay

Jeremiah 18: 1-6

September 22

What does it mean to have a

relationship with God?

September 29


Reconciling Anniversary

10 AM One Worship Service

11 AM Lunch

& LGBTQ Youth Outreach Project

Children’s Ministry

Shelley Ahn-Wong Director of Children’s Ministry

kids@lgumc.org 408.354.4730 x225

Child Care Needed We are looking for a person who has a heart for kids, to provide childcare during both services, 9:00 – 12:30 each Sunday. If you are interested in this paid posi-tion, please contact Shelley at kids@lgumc.org for more information. Sunday School Teachers are needed. We are looking for more teachers to teach once a month at 9:15 and 11AM services. Please contact Shelley at kids@lgumc.org for further information.

A new kind of non-traditional church for families

A family-friendly service for all ages - with crafts, games, songs and fun!

Sunday(s), 11AM-1PM

September 22 October 27

Student Center

Please RSVP @ kids@lgumc.org




Welcome Back, Prime Timers! We will visit the Computer History Museum in Mountain View on Thursday, September 12. This museum holds a 100,000-piece collection, the largest in the world, covering the history of computing and its impact on society. Ob-jects in the collection include digital computers, calculating machines, peripheral devices, software, historical docu-ments, technical drawings, photographs, and videos, dating from the 19th century to the present. Just to mention a few among the most notables, are parts of the ENIAC computer (1946), an Enigma ciphering ma-chine (1935) and Shakey the Robot (1969), and more. Total charge per person is $16 (which includes senior entrance fee and tour) In order to reserve the date and the time, we must pay in advance. Please contact Adrienne for reservations and payment arrangements. We will arrive at 11:15AM for a 11:30AM, one-hour tour, and stay another 1/2 hour to explore other areas, then to lunch at a nearby restaurant. We will meet in the public parking lot behind Chase Bank parking lot at 10AM and carpool to the museum.


Contact Adrienne Zimmerman, dancers2@aol.com, 408.356.5334

Ursula Young, ursulayoung@gmail.com, 408.354.7739 Anne-Marie Wiggers, mom@thewiggers, 408.255.9739

Please note: Tour of Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center, origi-nally scheduled for October, and listed in hard copies of “Spire,” has been postponed until further notice.

Kindred Spirits All are welcome to join us when we meet Sep-tember 11 at 7:30PM in the Art Gallery for our discussion of A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. The novel is the story of John Wheeling and his best friend, Owen Meany, growing up to-gether in a small New Hampshire town during the 1950s and 1960s. Owen is small but his faith is huge. He doesn’t believe in accidents and be-lieves he is God’s instrument, even though at age 11, during a Little League game, he hit a foul ball which struck and killed his best friend’s mother. “Never confuse faith or belief of any kind with something even remotely intellectual” ~ John Irving A Prayer for Owen Meany

For ratings & reviews: http://www.jrholman.com/

The featured movies for discussion at the Movie Group's meeting on Saturday, September 14, 3PM in the Fireside Room are: - Blinded by the Light - The Art of Racing in the Rain - Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Monday, September 2


Mindfulness for Stress Reduction Join instructor Anne Roley PT, CHC, for an afternoon workshop on Mindfulness for Stress Reduction. Train your attention and cultivate awareness of your breath, physi-

cal sensations, hearing, movements, thoughts, emotions, and your surroundings. This class is based on Jon Kabat Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. The practice will consist of a short introduction and check-in followed by a body scan, mindful movement, and sitting meditation. All levels welcome. Contact Anne Roley, 408-

410-5781, if you have questions.

Sundays, September 15 & 22



Chapel & Fireside Room


RECONCILING CONGREGATION! A number of special events will help us celebrate our 24th anniversary on Sunday, September 29. Anthony Fatta, who was ordained while serving as our associate pastor several years ago, will preach, and members of both LGUMC and Grace UMC will describe how each church became rec-onciling years before they merged into one church. In addition, there will be a brief presentation by Caryn Cranston of the Change Maker Project, about her work with homeless LGBTQ persons. After church, we will continue our celebration with a potluck and a short work session packing usa-ble items in outreach bags for the homeless LGBTQ people. John Wesley would be proud of us--singing hymns, celebrating social justice, doing good works, and having potlucks. More details will be published in future Sunday bulletins and the weekly blast.

First Day of Autumn September 23


our nonagenarian by Nancy Ruhle

Charley Ann (Meacham) Cobb was born on September 27, 1929, in the small town of Clinton, Oklahoma. She was the only child of Edna and A.H. Meacham, who was an attorney. When Charley Ann was nine years old, her parents divorced. Divorce was a rarity in those days, but it helped that Charley Ann had a special friend whose par-ents also divorced.

Her growing-up years occurred during the Depression and World War II. In those days, Saturday meant “movie day,” and Charley Ann watched them all. During high school, she was a member of the Pep Club, cheering on the football team that went un-defeated for four years.

Charley Ann remembers her mother as a strong woman. After the divorce, Edna re-turned to school, receiving a degree in library science from the University of Oklahoma (OU), and she and Charley Ann moved to Norman, OK. Where Edna became the librari-an for the largest newspaper in Oklahoma.

Following in her mother’s footsteps, Charley Ann attended OU, graduating in 1952 as a math major with a minor in astronomy. Years before, she had met Ray Cobb on a blind date. They were married on October 18, 1952. Ray was in the Navy at the time, about to be deployed to Guam and Charley Ann agreed to accompany him. This was the first of two assignments to Guam; the second occurring after Ray completed OCS and became an officer.

It was on Guam that they met Bo and Jean Raisch, who became lifelong friends. Ray designed the Raisch home in Los Gatos, resulting in the Cobbs moving to this town.

Ray and Rex Morton established the architectural firm of Cobb and Morton. Not only did they design many homes and other buildings in Los Gatos and surrounding areas, but they also quietly supported numerous community projects. Ray was the architect of our current LGUMC campus. Charley Ann served as bookkeeper for Cobb and Morton for many years.

Charley Ann and Ray had two sons: Randy, who has an engineering degree and an MBA, was born in 1955 in Oklahoma City; Brad, a professor, was born in 1958 and lives in London with his wife and two sons.

Randy recalls how supportive a mother Charley Ann was. She never missed one of the boys’ tennis matches or football games, nor any other important event in their lives. As Randy puts it, she was there for them every step of the way. Because Charley Ann was an avid reader, she inspired her sons to read and also to be passionate about art, science, and classical music.

Besides mothering, Charley Ann took leadership positions at Eastfield Ming Quong, PEO, Rotary Club, and UMW at LGUMC. At church she was involved in volunteering and supporting the key people who made the church what it is today. Those people raised the funds to build the new sanctuary and social hall. Charley Ann is one of the longest-term members of our church.

For recreation, the Cobbs traveled extensively to Europe and the South Seas. Char-ley Ann enjoyed learning about the different cultures, and she could practice her Spanish in Spanish-speaking countries.

Asked to give advice to the younger generations, Charley Ann said, “Do the best you can with what you’ve got.”


A protective coating has been applied to the steeple as well as to the cross. That is our own Larry Kroh up in the crane, risking life and limb to view the job up close.

Live Oak Senior Day Care Do you enjoy Bridge? Bridge player volunteers are sought!! For Thursday afternoons, 1-2PM at Live Oak Senior Day Care. If interested, please call Lisa, 408.354.4782


Attend and consider joining the CHANCEL CHOIR

Rehearsals: Thursdays

7:30PM-9PM Location: LGUMC Sanctuary

Requirements...a love of singing

beautiful music to the Glory of God!!!

All voices needed.

Please come.

Try it...you may like it… and we'd love to have YOU.


If you are a room user, please remember to do the following when exiting: Turn off all heat/air conditioning Close & lock windows Empty garbage into parking lot bin Lock all doors The above are very important to main-tain a safe and sanitary campus. Thank you!

Our Ministry & Office Staff

Pastor Jennifer Murdock X215, jennifer.murdock@lgumc.org Robbie Frederiksen, Youth Director X216, youth@lgumc.org Shelley Ahn-Wong, Children’s Ministry Director X225, kids@lgumc.org Marcelle Dougan, Director of Visitation 908.347.4687, marcelle.dougan@lgumc.org Mason Neipp, Director of Chancel Choir choir@lgumc.org Kevin McCullough, Contemporary Music Director kevin.mccullough@lgumc.org Joyce Rhodes, Organist joyce.rhodes@lgumc.org Mary Lou Abrahamson, Office Manager X210, marylou.abrahamson@lgumc.org Cindy Cook, Financial Secretary (A/R) X211, cindy.cook@lgumc.org Shannon Albert, Accountant (A/P) X212, shannon.albert@lgumc.org Kristy Currie, Director , Grace Preschool X226, 408.354.7163, kristy.currie@lgumc.org Kathy Mlinarich, Director, Live Oak Senior Nutrition 408.354.0707, kathy.mlinarich@lgumc.org Richard Garcia, Facilities Engineer 408.627.3345

Monday - Thursday, 9AM-4PM

Friday - 9AM-Noon

Church Council Members

Chair of the Church Board Jennifer Stagnaro, jennifer@stagnaro.com Chair of the Board of Trustees Larry Kroh, lkroh1@aol.com Chair of Staff Parish Relations Penny Herman, nt.advisor@comcast.net Chair of Finance Committee Doug Evans, eldoug1@msn.com Chair of Health Ministries Jo Ann Disbrow, disbrowjo@yahoo.com Linda Waldrop, twaldrop@sbcglobal.net Chair of Grace Preschool Board Rita Matthews, fourwinn156@hotmail.com Ann Reynolds, reynolds_reese@yahoo.com Chair of LOSNSC Board Trudy Burling, trudyburling@hotmail.com Team Rep. of Social Justice Team Jean Mundell, jmundell@earthlink.net Lay Member of Annual Conference Judy Petrokas, ogrism7210@mypacks.net Gail Hybarger, ca-unicorn@pacbell.net Chair of Endowment Matthew Geisick, mattgeisick@gmail.com Chair Outreach Team Ursula Young, ursulayoung@gmail.com Chair Congregational Care Ministry Lois & Elwin Stocking, l.e.stocking@comcast.net Chair United Methodist Women Christina Capps, kl_capps@yahoo.com Ruth Oveland, roveland@sbcglobal.net

In observance of the holiday, the Church Office will be closed Monday, September 2.


The Spire

Los Gatos United Methodist Church 111 Church Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 408.354.4730 - www.lgumc.org to be removed from mail or email list: marylou.abrahamson@lgumc.org Editor: Mary Lou Abrahamson

If you no longer wish to receive this mailing, please mail or email to the address shown at left. Thank You.

Find out more about our Ministries! Go to www.LGUMC.org

“Serving Christ in this Community since 1866”


Pastor Jennifer Murdock

Sunday Worship 9:15AM Traditional Worship Service

11AM Open House Contemporary Worship Service

Children’s Ministry 9:15AM & 11:15AM (Preschool—Grade 5)

Childcare 9:15AM and 11:15AM

Newborn—3 years

Youth Groups Sr. & Jr. High

Our Mission Growing as followers of Jesus Christ

who live God’s love in the world.

All Welcome! We are a Reconciling Congregation

No one will be excluded from participating in the body of the church because of age, race, ethnicity, culture, religious origins,

sexual orientation or challenging conditions.