Genie inside process landscape

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Unleash the Genie Inside

Personal Change Made

FREE, Fun, Fast & Easy

QG0 - Issue or Problem

• Think about one particular issue or challenge in your life at the moment – This may be in the area of career, relationships,

finances, self-esteem, health, fun ... in fact, absolutely ANY area of your life. Please pick just one issue and write it as simply as possible using no more than 25 words.

– Here is an example to get you thinking ... – "I feel as if my career has ground to a halt and I need to

do something about it before I get stuck and become demotivated."

QG1. What Form of Outcome…?

• What form of outcome or result are you seeking by the end of working through these questions? – Example: "I have a clear plan of action to find a new job

with great prospects."

QG2. Project Yourself Forward…

• Project yourself forward in time to when this issue is just as you want it to be. What is happening? – Example: "I look forward to going to work. It is an

exciting challenge and I can see where I can move to next. "

QR1. What Tells You…

• What tells you this is a concern for you right now that needs your attention?

QR2. Who Else Is Affected…?

• Who else is affected by this issue? (Name the names)

QR3. How Much Control…?

• How much control do you personally have over the outcome? – (Scale of 0 to 10 with 0 representing 'none' and 10

representing 'total')

QR4. What Specific Action…?

• What specific action steps have you taken so far to try to resolve this issue?

QR5. What Has Stopped You…?

• has stopped you so far from doing more?

QR6. List Any Obstacles…

• List any obstacles that may need to be overcome on the way to resolving this issue. – (Include bits about you that might get in the way.)

QR7. What Resources…?

• What resources do you already have to help you achieve your outcome?– (Skills, experience, qualifications, personal qualities,

talents, time, enthusiasm, money, support etc.)

QR8. What Other Resources…?

• What other resources will you need? Briefly, where will you get them?

QR9. What Is Really the Issue…?

• What is really the issue here that needs to be resolved - the heart of it, the nub, the kernel, the bottom-line?

Q01. What Different Ways…?

• What are all the different ways that you COULD begin to resolve this issue?

Q02. What Else Could You…?

• What else COULD you do if there were no possibility of failure?

Q03. What Could You Do…Control?

• What COULD you do if you had total control, more time or more money?

Q04. What Could You Do…Start?

• What COULD you do if you could start over with a clean sheet from the time when this wasn't an issue for you?

Q05. Think About What…Learnt?

• Think about what you have learnt from your previous experiences in this area. What does that suggest that you COULD do?

Q06. Which Option Do You…?

• Which option do you think would give you the FASTEST result?

Q07. Which Option Appeals…?

• Which option appeals to you MOST or FEELS BEST to you?

Q09. Which Option Would Give…?

• Which option would give you the MOST SATISFACTION?

QW1. Choose Three Options…

• Choose three options (from your answers in section QO) in your order of preference that will begin to resolve your issue.

QW2. To What Extent…?

• To what extent will these 3 options meet your outcome or goal? – (Scale of 0-10 where 0 is 'not at all' and 10 is 'totally')

QW3. For Each Option…?

• For each option, list all the little actions you need to take to put that option into practice. – List all the steps, no matter how small. Break 'big'

actions into smaller ones.• (6 Action Steps with Finish date for each option)

QW4. What Could Arise…?

• What could arise or hinder you in the plan at QW3?

QW5. What Personal Resistance…?

• What personal resistance do you have (if any) to taking the steps at QW3?

QW6. What Will You…Eliminate?

• What will you do to eliminate the factors at QW4 and QW5? – List your actions.

QW7. Who Else Needs…?

• Who else needs to know these plans?

QW8. What Support Do You…?

• What support do you need and from whom? (Name names)

QW9. What Will You…Gain?

• What will you do to gain that support? – (Be specific and state actions.)

QW10. How Great Commitment…?

• On a scale of 0 to 10, how great is your commitment to taking these actions to achieve your goal at QUESTION ONE?

QW11. What Prevents…10?

• If QW1 answer was less than 10, what prevents it from being a 10?

QW12. What Could You Do…Raise?

• What COULD you do to raise the answer at QW10 to a resounding 10?